This is a trial run with this blog. It will provide a place for us to discuss writing issues, ask questions of your peers, practice writing skills/strategies, and brainstorm possible paper ideas.
You are required to respond to my post for each week by 11:59 PM Sunday night. You are also invited to create your own posts in order to ask questions of me or your classmates or to comment on issues you are compelled to discuss.
The goal of this blog is to create a less formal space for creating knowledge, experimenting with ideas, practicing writing skills and techniques, and collaborating with your peers in the pursuit of better, more efficient writing.
I hope you enjoy it!
DeAndra Pace:
ReplyDeleteThe are many ways that I have used writing in my academic,professional, and personal life. Things such as emails,text messaging and or instant messaging. These forms are different because the style and the language is different. When I am writing academically or professional I try and make sure that I am using proper English and writing formats.
The things that I would like to improve when it comes to writing sentences or paragraphs is having complete thoughts throughout the sentence, keeping the flow going.
I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by writing more things and challenging yourself to use different sentence structures.
Lisa George:
ReplyDeleteI use several different types and techniques within my writing in my academic, professional and personal life. Academically, I use a more serious approach, and tend to display more information then I would in my personal life. However, at work, when I write, I use more abbreviations, and stick to the style that is understood within our "discourse community". For example, if a Ladies 14 Karat White Right Hand Ring with one Round 4 mm Garnet needed to be sized up to a size seven, we would abbreviate it as, “LW Ring 1 Round Red, size up to 7”. Similarly, in my personal life, I find the quickest way to phrase words and sentences. I illustrate this through my text messages. One example is that "definitely", is abbreviated to "def.". Though this is only one example, it displays one of the several that I, and I'm sure many others, use daily.
One thing that I know I need to work on is staying focused. I tend to go into too much detail when I start writing. Also, I seem to get too “wordy”, and that makes for an awkward sentence. One way that I may be able to fix this is by having peers read through my writing. This allows for different suggestions, which will increase my writing.
To be honest I have not written much in years, unless you consider a resume and few short memos that I have distributed. In all effect I feel as if I need some definite structure to ensure that my audience will receive the point without me breaking off into several different tangents. In my mind I see ideas and words as groups, so an elaborate bunch of nothing might fall out of my mouth, yet the answer was a simple yes or no. Id like my writing to reflect my ideas, yet focus on its delivery of my opinion, or the facts, that I am trying to convey.
ReplyDeleteI use writing everyday. I talk back an forth on the computer through triages to Doctor's, patients and the other office staff. I find myself getting lazy and not using proper grammer. I have also had a bad habit of using text lingo. I would like to have a more bussiness and professional writing ability.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Smart
ReplyDeleteI find myself writing everyday whether it is through txt,at work,or in my school work. I must admit I do not do a whole lot of writing and English class was never one of my favorites. I would like to improve my writing skills for I will be continuing my education in the field I chose seven(7) years ago which is nursing. While @ work I try to be as professional as I can but the nursing field does have a language all of its own in which we tend to use a lot of abbreviations and short-hand. Another example of this is texting which I'm sure alot of you are familiar with. With texting I feel I am not using proper grammer and alot of street slang. During this weeks' discussion of how to analyze something,we learned how pick apart a magazine cover and group different ideas into categories. I think with the more practice I get with analyzing,the easier it will be. The main focus,in my opinion,with analyzing is that you have to put aside your opinions for the moment and understand what that particular thing you are analyzing is telling you, rather than passing judgement on it. With the help of Prof Snow, I hope to improve my writing skills to not only succeed in this class but to also succeed in the professional world as well.
Writing is fun when you have a great range of topics to pick from. I love writing when there is something good to actualy write about because I find my self so intuned with what Im doing that its pretty amazing. The worst thing about writing is the gramer especialy for someone whos speaks more than one language fluently. English has always been my strong side academicly because of writing. I say this because when I write that is the only time I find myself searching inside my head for answers and clues inorder to put together not only a well writen paper but an intersting paper as well, something that my teachers, my peers, and myself would find enyojment when reading it. I belive that in order to be a good writer you have to make those silly gramer mistakes but what is more important is that you have to use your imagination and your life expiriance when ever writing a paper. So that is what I belive about writing Im not a perfect writer myself but I can tell you im pretty dang good the best tip I can give my classmates about writing is relax and actualy think and enjoy when writing. When ever you write a paper try to think how it affects you and how it affects your surroundings. Use your imagination it will never give up on you.
ReplyDeleteIn total honesty, I haven't written anything for a class in longer then I'm willing to admit. The most writing I've done has been for work. That has mostly been just short notes.
ReplyDeleteI do know we are our own worst critic. I can always find a way to second guess myself. I pick things apart untill I'm ready to just scrap the whole thing and start over fresh.
Stefanina Liguigli:
ReplyDeleteplease excuse my aim, didn't have any other accounts
I am going to be very honest, I haven't really gotten into writing since middle school, maybe high school for sure. I love writing when it comes to something I feel strongly about, then I can go on forever. I've never been good at poems, but when it comes to putting ideas together and coming up with something short. I am great at it! I really hope I get back into the writing flare that everyone seems to think I have.
To be trueful, I have not wrote a proffessional paper for many years and when I did, I had to be corrected on many mistakes. So I am glad that I have returned to Onondaga community college, and I am able to take English courses. It has helped me to improve in my writing skills.
ReplyDeleteBetty S
ReplyDelete1) I've used prewriting in many ways. Mainly for drafting letters to check spelling and such. Another is for school essays and papers.
2) It helped brauden ways sof looking at prewriting. With the new mapping I should be more apt at writing topic paragraphs.
3) Though I have yet to try it, I beleive the mapping will be the most usefull to me. Enableing me to write stronger and more persuassive papers
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ReplyDeleteIn high school I used prewriting to draft papers. To be honest its been a long time since I attended high school. My memory of prewriting is rusty. I find that I second guessing myself when writing papers. I hated the whole process of drafting papers then and I still dislike the process of drafting papers now. To be honest everybody in this world dislikes to do certain tasks but in the end people have to suck it up and do it.
ReplyDeleteWriting has always had a big impact on my life because it has always been something I enjoy doing a lot. Although I have spent much of my time writing about books my favorite thing to do is write critical essays. I'm a very opinionated person and sometimes the only acceptable way to be as much of a jerk as i want to be is through my writing. Writing has been an outlet for a lot of my thoughts as well as a hobby to pass the time.