Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 7: Reading

This week, you read about a number of strategies for more effective reading. In class, we focused on and practiced one such method--annotation.

We said in class that the key to effective annotation is to think of it like conversing with the author. Hence, you are responding to the text the way you would in a face-to-face discussion. This is especially helpful in research situations, as the author's ideas can help you answer your research question. 

A way to visualize this is to think of your sources as people discussing your topic over dinner. You ask each the same question (your research question), and they then respond with answers (the sources). Not all of the answers will be the same. Often, you will have to decide which answers make sense to you and which you find problematic. In doing so, you should be able to develop what you see as YOUR answer.

Your paper then becomes your response to these people. Annotation is the first step; it allows you to start forming your response to each source and, hence, how each source can be used in your paper.

With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:

  1. What reading method(s) have you used to comprehend and use complex texts (books, articles, essays, websites, etc.) in the past? Have they been effective? Why or why not?
  2. In your past experiences, what have you found challenging about incorporating research into your writing?
  3. How did using annotation in class make reading complex material easier for you? What did you difficult about using this method?


  1. A reading method i have used in the past to comprehend complex articles or books was underlining. This method was effective to an extent but also gave me problems understanding the whole idea of what i read. When underlining it helped me point out important information. When writing a report it made it much more difficult. When finding supporting details i noticed taking additional time going back to something i have already read.One thing i have found diffucult when incorporating reseach into my writing is not knowing where to start or how to do it. Many times i have had trouble figuring out how to word or cite it in a paper. Annotation made reading things much easier. I defined words that didn't make much sense to me. I marked author opinions, and arguments to help me find the main points of a reading.By doing this it has helped me not only understand what i read more clear, but allows me to be able to look back at a reading and be able to know whats going on without having to read it all over again.

  2. Some of the reading methods that I have used to comprehend and use complex textbooks in the past I used to write summaries or a word or two about the paragraph on the sides of each one. Also, I would underline or highlight quotes, dates, names, ect. It has been effective and I still sometimes do it because if you need to find out where in the paper to find something you can just skim the sides of the paragraphs what you had written, instead of reading it all over again, or skimming every paragraph. Some of the problems that I had discovered I was having dealt with the citations because it seemed like after every sentence I would have to cite it and give them credit every time. I also wasn’t sure of when you were supposed to give them credit. Using annotation in class made me read the material easier because I wouldn’t over highlight. Also, by using this method I would pay more attention to the whole idea and try to figure out the author’s thoughts more and if I could relate to it in some way. One of the things that I found difficult about using this method was trying to figure out where the author was coming from and what he was thinking.

  3. In the past I have used different methods to try to help comprehend certain reading material. In the past I have somewhat effectively used strewn-together self-concocted methods of analyzing literature, ranging from highlighting to asterisks.
    In past experiences I've found that incorporating research into my writing is a lot harder, and a lot more repetitive than it really needs to be. It seems as though I read an article over 100 times to find a specific piece of information that I'm looking for.
    I believe annotations really seem to clearly put emphasis on the important parts of a source, and then to put emphasis on why these parts are important in the first place

  4. In the past I have had a lot of trouble with reading You know when your mother gets mad at you and says "evrything I say goes one ear and out the other." Well that was waht was happening to me because every time i was reading I could not remember anything I read it was like I was just staring at the page. Now I have learned to take down notes and ANNOTATE when im doing reading. I also highlight the words I dont know the meaning to and thean I just go to the dictionary and look up the defenition to those words. I have noticed that my vocabulary has grown ever since I started using this method. I have also learned that reading in my bed is a bad idea because I always end up falling asleep. In a way I feel like i have learned to enjoy reading. Even though I hate reaserch I have learned to have fun with it by looking up words I dont know and trying to play like a flashcard game in order to remember them and in order to remembe the defenition. Using Annotation has helped me greatly because now I feel like im talking back to the person who wrote the article or book and it helps me get the gist of the article much better and faster. So thata is what I have learned about reading and in the future I will read more to become a better student.

  5. To start off the semester last fall, I was in ENGL 097. In that class, we worked vigorously with authors claim and support points. Im not sure about any other 097 class, but Ive gotten used to this method and also annotation. Toward the end of the semester last fall, I've gotten used to this method and have adapted to it very well. This is mainly because thats basically all we ever did in ENGL 097. When I read certain books or literary works, this method has been effective. This is mainly because if I look for the authors claim, I now know what to look for for support points. Also, this method is effective because I can stay on topic by keeping in mind, the authors claim.
    In the past, I would normally try to read just to get it done and over with. I would not pay any special attention or give any special effort in reading. Because of this I would not get what the true meaning of what the author was trying to say. When I started doing this method in 097, it became clearer as time went on. The challenging part I foresee is finding exactly what the author is trying to claim. In the past, I havn't quite gotten what aspects I need to look for for an authors claim.
    The annotation method, for me, is easier than what I have been doing. With the annotation method, I like that I can follow the steps to achieve what I need to. Finding an authors claim really helps me stay on task throughout the whole paper or literary work. The one thing I found most difficult and cumbersome was, again, trying to find the true meaning of the authors claim. I can't really point out what the author is trying to say as a whole.

  6. The readings methods I used to comprehend my reading assignments was underlining,looking up words I didn't know, refrasing the text in my own words, and writing notes to myself in the magins. This method was effective in a felt I could comprehend and retain the readings better. In the past I found when you try to incorpate reasearch with your writing can be overwhelming. I feel that I don't have enough evidence to support my topic,or I have to much evidence to support my topic. When I find I have to much evidence its hard to figure what to keep and what to disgard. Doing the annotating in class was a good exercise because it helped the reader figer out the main topics and opinions of the author in the articles. I did not find annotating difficult at all, in fact I found the method rather easy and helpful.

  7. In the past i've used the method known as passive reading, I would read without really thinkin about what i was reading. For the most part this method wasn't to effective because when i was done i would just have to read through it again, wasting time.
    Growing up I can't remember doing to many research papers. This was problly a good thing because with my passsive way of reading i might not have been getting all the possible information.
    Using annotations really didn't make reading any easier for me if anything it might've made it harder. I was harder because in order to find information you must find the author's main idea and the proof. But what it does help with is when i need to look back in the text to find some information. Annotations have made the work after reading easier.

  8. The reading methods I use the most have been books and articles. Articles have been very effective because they give an opinion that may be so different from what the reader thinks that it allows room for open-mindedness and more thought. Articles also can be used to state facts that can be elaborated on and taken into depth to be better understood. In the past, my challenges with research are that there are so can be so many ideas and thoughts on one topic that its hard to decipher fact from opinion. Annotation gave me a better understanding of the information I wanted out of an article.

  9. In the past I used highlighting as a reading tool. This worked alright for me because I would make notes next to the highlighted phrase and I also color coordinated them. I would use one color for the author's view, another for words I didn't understand and then another color for things I felt were important. In the past I have found it difficult to narrow down my topic while researching. I find a broad range of information but could never find specific pieces of researches that helped support my thesis. Annotation really helped me with complex readings because all my thoughts were right on the page next to the information it related to. It also helped me sort out what information I needed and what wasn't neccesary for my paper. Having the author's views in brackets with his reasoning underlined helped me see where he was coming from. Adding my views in the margins next to his was also helpful. There really was not anything I found difficult with this method. I will continue to use it for all my complex works that I read.

  10. In the past I have probably tried almost everything to comprehend complex texts. Highlighting is what I have used most frequently. So I end up with a hot pink paper, just as uninformed as I was before I started reading.I have found pretty much everything I try is unsuccessful. I do not particularly enjoy reading especially for research papers. So I have always struggled when it comes to using readings properly. When trying to incorporate research in my writing I have trouble with wording and when to quote or site things. The whole thing is usually just a frustrating mess. Practicing with annotation really helped me to understand the reading and retain the information, looking back at the paper after annotating it is much easier to make a clear thought and see just what I marked and why. Using this method for the first time it was a bit time consuming but in the end much more effective.

  11. I don't know that I've actually used any specific reading methods in the past. Usually I just take whatever I'm reading and break it into sections to read. Then I read and reread those sections until I understand what I'm looking at. This has been frustrating though since I've sometimes read things 20 times and still not understood them. But usually I find this to be effective, if time consuming.
    In the past I've had difficulties citing research material in my papers. I'm not really sure how to quote other sources in my papers.
    Annotation seemed to speed up the process some. Rather than reread something until I understood it or got frustrated and gave up this allowed me to write down questions about what I didn't understand. Later I went back and researched those questions. Annotating also helped keep my mind from straying.

  12. In the past I used underlining and highlighting to comprehend my reading. This is just what I was used to. it was effective though. I had to make sure I understood what I was reading, so i would make sure it worked. When writing a research paper my downfall was always making sure i didnt use to much of other peoples work. I would feel as if my paper was not my own. Another thing that would frustrate me when writing a research paper would be understanding what every article or source was saying. When using annotation it made me very easy for me to understand what it is I was reading. The only thing I would say is a little difficult is trying to come up with what the author is saying. But even this is not difficult. Annotation still sharpens my comprehension skills.

  13. In the past I have always highlighted to help me comprehend more complex text. I also have to read the text three or four times before I will understand it completely. Highlighting has worked for me most of the time. If I don’t over highlight then it works perfectly, when I over highlight I get confused when I reread. I have often found it challenging to incorporate research into my papers. I am always concerned that I am not citing things right, and I never know where in my paper to incorporate the research. I enjoyed the annotation it made it easier when I went back to reread the article. I also enjoy writing my thoughts in the margins and comparing them to the author’s thoughts. The only thing about annotating that I found difficult was getting started. Once I was started and I got the hang of it, it became much easier

  14. I love to read and I love to dig into many various subjects by researching. I have in the past, highlighted using an index for the various colors I use and what I use them for.
    That way when I go back, I know what kind of information each color of highlighter will contain. I also write my questions and opinions with little arrows telling me what I need to remember. I have been doing this for years, for my research on Astrology and corporate conspiracies, It works wonders. I have to use "annotation", when I read a script. It helps you to form your character and remember important details and directions. I've always kept a dictionary on hand to look up any unknown words I come across. The only problem I can think of when I "annotate" is that I tend to shorthand so much that sometimes I can't figure out what the hell I was writing about.
    I have never had to write a paper about my research, well not yet anyhow. I really don't know what problems I might have, guess we'll find out soon enough…
    Everything you talked about in class hit home, crystal clear. It was nice to find out the correct terminology for what I've been doing to absorb the info I read.

  15. The reading method that I have used in the past is underlining. I have found that I was over underlining and would often use highlighters. In the end everything was colorfully underlined and really did not have a connection. It was more distracting than anything. Being assigned to research a paper on a topic that is not interesting can be very discouraging. It is hard for me to research on a topic that is not very interesting! Using annotation helped me to keep the words and ideas separated from each other. By marking the thesis sentence and conclusion differently than the evidence has really helped me.

  16. In the past when reading books, essays, poems or any other sort of reading I was assigned, I never really had a specific way of reading it. I would usually just try to read it to get it done and over with. But when I did happen to come across something that had me not able to understand, I would reread it and then ask a friend or teacher to help me understand what it was the teacher wanted me to get from the reading or the author wanted to get across. When trying to put another persons work into my writing I tend to find it hard to figure out what would be best placed in my writing, and what would be to much or not enough to put in to have it make sence. I do not want to take all the authors work and I do not not want to take to little where it wouldnt make sence to have even used it. I find that annotions are more helpful once I actually start to use them. Then when I do not understand something I can always come back later and figure it out. This is hopefully going to help me remember the material better.

  17. A method I have used to comprehend complex texts in the past is additional readings. I would skim the text a few times, get the gist of the text, then read it to fully understand the writer's opinion, argument, etc. Then I would read it again. And again. Maybe a few more times. Also, I would read more complex sentences or paragraphs and restate them in my own words. I always try to understand it from word to sentence to paragraph. I don't know why, but I really don't ever remember incorporating research into my writing(before this class), or even writing a critique. Most of the time when I read, if I'm really into the book, article or essay, I really want to understand it. So, I try. If not, I'll move on. I like using annotation. I've found that I was talking to myself...wondering if writers do it too. Maybe I wasn't talking to myself, but to the author. One thing I found difficult about using annotation was wondering if I annotated too much. I reread my notes and found that I questioned shit that I really don't need to know to write a critique. I guess that was part of the process.

  18. In the past i havent really used any specific method for reading something complex. I think it is because when I read something unless I am really interested in it I will forget what I read almost immediately. This hasnt worked in my favor in the past but I have recently been highlighting and picking out inportant details as i read so i wont forget them.
    The biggest challenge when incorporating research in my writing is giving proper citation. I know how to cite but there are a lot of things i dont know whether they are neccessary to cite or not.
    Using annotation in class was helpful to me. I was able to concentrate better on the article and pick key details that contributed to the message the author was trying to send. i found this process useful and didnt find it difficult at all.

  19. Reading is not something I have done a lot of in the past. It has always been difficult to comprehend what I was reading so I tried to avoid it as much as possible. If I knew in the past how important it was to read and took the time to read more it would have made things a lot easier for me in my adult life. Looking back I really don’t know if I had any certain reading method that worked the best. I guess I tried various methods like highlighting, underlining and re-reading things multiple times to help things sink in. I don’t think any of the methods were very effective for me. I still struggle to comprehend what I read.
    Inserting research information into a paper has also been very difficult for me. I think the reason it is so hard is because research information is not your own thoughts and ideas. They are thoughts and ideas developed through someone else’s. I find it hard enough to organize my own thoughts and ideas into a paper let alone someone else’s
    Annotation was very helpful in dissecting information and helping me focus on the important parts within the documentation. I also think that it will help me decipher what I read and help retain the key points of a document. At this time I don’t completely understand annotation but I think it will be a good tool to use in the future.

  20. The only reading method I have used in the past was looking up any word I did not understand.
    What I found hard about incorporating research into my writing is finding the right information. I don't really know why but it takes me a while to find the right piece of information I need.
    The annotation method made finding information easier for me when I read because instade of reading bits of information and then trying to find it again when writing my story its right there in the margin and the information is marked some how.

  21. I do not do an awful lot of reading but in the past I have used such methods as underlining,highlighting and paraphrasing as ways to help myself in comprehending complex text. I also found myself re-reading things or reading something at a later time until I understood it. I think they have been pretty effective because such methods can focus on the key parts of a complex text and help you understand it better instead of reading it,not understanding and totally forgetting what you've read.
    What I found challengng in the past about incorporating research into a paper was that I just didn't know how. When doing research you have to incorporate cited work to avoid plagirism and I just found it very confusing and frustrating. I already have a difficult time organizing my own thoughts so trying to organize someone elses views into a paper was overwhelming for me.
    I really enjoyed learning how to annotate a paper in class because it broke it down step by step on how to accomplish understanding a complex text. First, you have defining any unknown words. In the past I would just read something just to be reading it. By defining unknown words actually helped me understand what the text was trying to tell me. Next, you mark the authors opinions, arguments, or claims and then underline any supporting evidence to back up his/her claim. Lastly, you respond in the margin with any questions or comments you may have on the text so that you may go in deapth to understanding what the message is that the author is trying to get across to you. I like this method because it highlights the important points of the text so that when you do return to it, its all right there, then your job is just piecing it all together.

  22. whenever i have read something that doesnt make sense. Ill re-read it and just try to reword it so it makes more sense. It has been effective... sometimes. But not always does it make sense when i put it in my own words. I have never really liked putting research into my writing because, when i write then add in research it makes it less interesting. It is also challenging because i find it hard how to word things, when its coming from a different source. It made it easier to pick out the facts about what i was trying to understand. Its difficult because I couldnt always pick out the facts from what the authors opinion was.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. In the past when reading to comprehend I never used any specific method. I used a mixture of highlighting, and underlining depending on what was in my hand at the time. This was something that was not taught at any school I have ever attended. These methods seemed to get me by on a highschool level. But never seemed to be very effective.
    I have always found it hard to determine if a source is creditable or not. After Wedensday's class I am aware of what to look to make that decision. Education level, Experience, date of publication, etc.
    Annotation helped me a lot. It gave me one set way to pick apart a peice of writing. Using the 4 steps: defining unknown words, mark authors opinion, mark supporting evidence, and respond in margins. Although I still struggle with finding the main key points or summary of larger articles. The more annotation is used with important reading the better you will become at using it. Like anything else practice is necessary.

  25. In the past to comprehend a text i used the highliting method and margin notes to help me understand why i underlined what i did. This method was very usefull to me because i had all the main ideas in front of me highlithed. When i used to write research papers it was challenging fo me to put all my reaserch into my own words to put in my paper. Using the annotation method in class helped me understand what the author is trying to say in the reading. I found authors opinions, argument, and claim wich made it easier for me to put what the author is saying in to my own words. the only difficulty with this method i found that it is time consuming but thats not a big deal. Kirill Voynov.

  26. underlining and writing side notes. The side notes are usually either important facts or a summary of what the paragraph was about. Sometimes their effective, it usually depends on the assignment.
    Sometimes I have trouble putting it into my own words cause of the way it's already worded. Also I tend to have issues in making the paper long enough to the required length.
    It helped a lot because it helps to use other peoples ideas that you would have never thought of. It was hard when the story doesn't fit what your trying to find. Sometimes it's hard to figure out the authors claims,opinion, or argument (step 2).

  27. In the past I rarely used any type of method when reading. Most of the time I would just read through the material assigned to me and not use any method at all to help me comprehend. This would leave me a bit confused when the teacher would have a class discussion the next day. Occasionally I would highlight if I was looking for specific information in a text that I was reading. If I was looking for specific answers to a homework assignment this method would help in that, but not help me to understand the text as a whole.
    When doing research papers I find it difficult blending the research I have found with my own ideas. In the past when trying to complete a research paper I have had instances where I wrote too much about my own opinion and ideas, with not enough research facts. Also I have written a paper that was all facts with not enough of my own ideas. I just have not mastered the middle ground yet that makes a good research paper.
    Annotation has helped me to understand what I am reading better. In the past I would never define unknown words. Obviously this is something that I should have been doing all along. I enjoy writing questions in the margins. This gets me thinking about what the author is saying and sparks ideas for my response or paper. Using annotation is a good way to read in detail and comprehend what I’m reading.

  28. 1) The method I have used most in the past has been underlining. Although it help me understand what I was reading better, it had it's major draw backs. If I was writing a paper I would get confused when I went back to the material.
    2) I found that with the underlining method made incorporating my research in a paper difficult. Formatting it in a way that had a steady flow for the reader to follow and understand has been the biggest draw back in the past.
    3) With the annotation reading the complex material has been somewhat easier. It helped me be able to better define the main information in the material. While also raising more questions for research to be done for possible papers.

  29. I have always favored websites while looking up sources for a paper because they are easily accessable. In the past I have always been told to highlight important facts or information. This method has been somewhat effective. That is until I would look back at the text to find something, and it would look like a bright yellow mess! It made it difficult to relay the information from my sources to a paper I was writing. Annotation is deffinately a better method to use when trying to comprehend something that your reading. I have started to write notes in the margins, as well as questions. I no longer highlight important info, I have begun to underline things instead. When I'm reading something, I usually try to have access to a computer so I can look any unknown words up (or a good old dictionary!).

  30. I have used articles and websites, mainly because there are very quick and easy to find when writing a paper.some has been effective and some have not, more for websites because most of the information you look up you have to check to see if it is a good creditable source.In my past experiences the things that i have found the most challenging for incorporating my research into my paper is finding a good source to use in my paper.Using annotation has help a lot more then what I was usually doing. I have started making research questions and looking up words i don't know.

  31. Well I am not going to lie about the past, I never use to care if I understood it or not, as long as I read it. But ive learned very quickly in college that this isn't high school and if you want to get by and do good you have to read and understand what you read. Some things I have done lately to understand things better, is underlining what I don't understand and sometimes rereading the whole story over again to catch what I might have missed. And I found that to be very helpful especially when it came to writing my paper on the short stories. I think what always use to get about researching something while im reading is it took my mind off what I was doing and it became a distraction so I just stopped looking things up to understand better. But I think now that I am older I have learned not to allow distractions when my mind is set to something. Using annotation has been different, and has come somewhat effective for me. But its only the beginning to know if it will truly work for me in the long run. I also think that if you bring background information into your work, it shows you didnt just bs the whole paper, and you actually took the time and effort to write it.

  32. 1. In the past I would just read a text and under line or highlight what I thought were key points. This method was not very successful unless I used the book to get information. But when it came to using the text to write a paper or answer a question I was frequently searching the text for answers after the reading.

    2. I have always found that incorporating the ideas from the writer into my paper without plagiarism has been difficult. I was never good at placing the page and author after my ideas and I would constantly go back through and fill in the citations I missed already.

    3. In class this method made a very simple way to retrieve information from the text. At home I had a harder time. I couldn't really feel like I was asking and answering questions because I wasn't asking anything. I knew what was meant by the author. There was one word I didn't understand and other than that I could have just found key ideas and worked through.

  33. In the past I have used higlighting as a way for reading and understanding importent points what I did read. But now that I have learned annotation it has becaome a better tool for me with my reading and writing assignment. It also has helped me to study more efficently othe college assingments. Now I am able to better understand what the authuor is writing about by looking up the words and understanding their meaning for what I read.

  34. My method for reading reading complex texts largely depends on what I'm reading. The main thing I do for any text though, is that I need to know what I looking for. I should have a goal in mind. For books I read the first chapter and the last chapter. For the middle chapters I read the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. The paragraphs in the middle I read first sentence and the last sentence and all dialogue. Almost anything else I read it with the question in mind and then just underline key ideas. I always remember to think about what was the authors point. I try to find weaknesses in their arguments so I can get a stronger answer when im doing research on something.
    In the past I found an overabundence of information (most of the time) on topics I chose and the difficult part was trying to filter out the not so important stuff. The anontation used in class wasnt that hard for me to use mainly because I already have been doing something close to that. It its a good method though because it makes your answers logical and clear, as well as giving you different peoples perspective on their ideas.

  35. In order to successfully understand and comprehend tough texts, I generally will scan over the majority of it, and then read it in depth. Scanning it gives me a brief idea of what I have to look forward to reading, and it helps my mind stay concentrated on it. I find this effective, because it lessens the amount of time allowed for my mind to travel off to think of other things. In my past experiences, I have found it challenging to incorporating research into my writing when I am not interested in the topic. This happens because while actually researching, I don’t gather much information because my mind is not completely focused. Annotation helped somewhat with my writing. Coming up with a question gives a goal, (to answer it) and it helped me gather information a lot easier, because I actually had a goal and a purpose for looking for things.

  36. In the past I’ve used a couple different reading methods. I’ve used passive and active reading. Passive reading never really helped with complex material though. Active reading has helped and does help me comprehend complex texts much easier. Passive is more about just sitting around and reading for fun whereas active reading takes more time and effort. When actively reading I focus more on reading to learn or complete a task. I try to find some way to connect to the reading in a meaningful way.
    My past experiences with research papers aren’t the greatest. I never knew how to incorporate quotes and examples very well. I actually never really put any in. I think that’s why I couldn’t make them very long or full of examples to support my thesis. I like using annotating because it helps me keep focused on looking for answers to my research question. When I find unknown words I define them which help me understand certain ideas sometimes. I like the feeling of “chatting with the author”. It helps me feel more connected to my paper and the meaning. What gives me a tough time is really narrowing down examples. Sometimes it’s hard to point out great examples from good ones. I always end up annotating too much.

  37. Reading methods I have used in the past was reading out loud to the class, listening to tapes and reading along, reading to yourself, etc. Most methods arent effective for me because i get bored easily and very sitracted but reading to myself something I am actually interested in has never been difficult for me.
    I haven't found anything hard about putting my research into a paper, because my teachers helped us step by step the whole way.
    Annotating in class made things i wasn't really understanding more clear or seeing other peoples way of thinking helped me vitalize my own thoughts on the material. The only difficult thing about this method is if you cant find anything your looking for in an answer.

  38. I have never really had to use any form of reading method to obtain information in the past. When i read an article or chapter in a book it stays in my head. I have had to read articles in the past for different school projects. I haven't really had trouble incorporating research into any of my papers since i have had to do this since grade school. I guess it was just expected for students to be able to know how to do this in my high school. The annotating was a helpful tool for being able to focus on the main ideas of the article although i kinda did this in my head already it helped cause i could see it on paper and in front of my eyes.This technique did help me on my research paper because it kept me focused on the main ideas of the articles i used.

  39. I have made a habit out of reading things more than one time, along with annotating them. This helps me because i have a tendency to read quickly and sometimes i don't get the full gist of what's being said in the text. I usually annotate on the first reading then go back for a second reading and read over my annotations as well, this helps me get a thorough dose of the information in the text and helps it settle into my brain a lot better. Incorporating research into my reading has always been hard because i get a certain idea in my own head about what i am reading and then after reading what other people think about it it's hard for me to accept the other points of view. I end u just disagreeing with everything i read about it on some level. Annotations make reading complex texts easier because it makes you slow down and actually read each sentence carefully when you have it in your mind that you're going to jot down a little note. This helps the information settle into your memory better and thus, you can analyze and understand it much more clearly.
