When you think about it, you probably write in some fashion just about every day. You use it to communicate with others (and sometimes yourself) in variety of ways. To ensure clear communication, writing takes practice.
Writing is no different than these other skills. If you want to be successful, you have to practice the fundamentals, namely writing effective sentences and paragraphs. This makes perfect sense if you think about it; you can't write a good paragraph if you can't write solid, clear sentences. Likewise, you can't write an effective paper if you can't write paragraphs that convey a clear, unified message.
With this in mind, please answer the following questions as specifically and completely as possible (200 or so words) in a comment to this blog:
- How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
- What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
- How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?
I use writing everyday of my life. In my academic life i use writing to write essays, take notes or just by doing homework. In my personal life i use writing to text message, writing email and making list of thing i need to do.
ReplyDeleteThere are many ways i would like to improve my writing. When i write essays i tend to make paragaphys to short just to get it over with and in the paragraphys i forget many punctuation, thats one of my major problems. i would also like to learn how to organize my ideas better in order to write better papers.
One way i can practice writing techniques everyday is when iam text messaging or emailing friends i can read over what i wrote and find what is wrong and correct them and maybe sooner or later it will just come out right while iam writing without having to go back and fix anything.
I write everyday of my life. I write when I do homework, write in my planner, and take notes. In my personal life, I write when I respond to e-mails, or when I'm textng. I would like to learn when and where to use commas and appropriate punctuation. I would also lke to be able to write paragraphs better. I struggle when I have to write essay's, so it would be nice to be able to write paragraph's better.
ReplyDeleteI can practice proper writing techniques everyday when I am instant messaging or texting. I can write complete sentences and words when I'm texting and instant messaging. this will help me to improve my writing skills and learn to write properly all the time.
I write in a journal daily. I like to write about something that happened, feelings I can’t understand, newspaper clippings, memoirs basically. I also write a lot of lists. Bills to be paid, grocery, birthdays, ect. I write a pen pal every once in a while from Germany.
ReplyDeleteI think that learning how to make clear and concise sentences would make it easier for my pen pal to translate. I tend to have drawn out and unorganized sentences and paragraphs. I also have a problem with having multiple subjects in one paragraph and for anyone else, who reads what I write, will be thoroughly confused. Sometimes I will have an excellent paper the first few pages and then it will turn into a pile of dung. My papers tend to lack focus. Unfortunately writing formally doesn’t seem to be all that fascinating.
I could try writing the topic of the sentence or paragraph before I write either and try to stay on point throughout righting by referring to the subject matter. Re-writing essays, reading them out loud, and having someone else read them would help too. Examining other works such as; journals, books, newspapers, textbooks would help me to develop templates.
I pretty much use different styles of writing everyday of my life.If it's either texting,e-mails or just taking notes for my classes.
ReplyDeleteIn my personal life it would be writing letters,texting or sending e-mails to family.I would like to improve my writing skills where I'm not afraid of someone else reading my material.I would like to improve how to write a correct essay.Just like in todays class,I seem to put to much info into my writing just to make it look longer and better.
There are plenty of ways I can improve my writing ability's.Simply by re-reading what I wrote and making the proper changes.This should help me improve my writing skills over a period of time.
This is Lindsay Gray, PSnow.
ReplyDeleteTo sit down and write a letter to a few of my friends in prison, is about all of the writing I have done in fifteen years. I write paragraghs to my friends with a lot of enthuziasm to lift their spirits. This is about all i can do to help them out, because I have been there and enjoyed getting letters from my loved ones.
Daily tasks in my world of writing, is writing down measurments because I am in the contruction field of work, and also e-mailing my family, because they live in Canada.
I usually have many run-ons or fragments in my writing and sticking to the cental idea, thesis statement.
I have many reading assignments and papers that are due for my other classes and I hope to utilize my writing skills more freely with all my other assignments, and of course this class Mr.Snow.
I still write small plays and storys sometimes. I write about the concerts that I went to in my concert times.
ReplyDeleteI had people say that I write slow and I agree with everyone that said that to me. Im more as a typer than writing it out on a piece of paper. For example, I write what I say and it doesn't come out on the paper right because I didn't know back then where to put everything on paper.
I can practice on getting better on knowing where everything lays in a paper or in sentences.
This is Jason McDeid and i used writting everyday of my life because i am a hip-hop artist in a group called Couch Money. www.couchmoneymusic.com. Writting is a big aspect of my life because it is a way to express my emotions.
ReplyDeletePeople say i am a very fast thinker when it comes to writting but i have a hard time with topic sentences and its relating details but i know I will get the hang of it soon. Run on sentences also slow me down but im sure I will get it down soon.
Practice makes perfect so if i keep at it ill get better and better everytime and eventually feel comfortable with my writting technique
Hi this is Jonathan Luther. I use writing everyday because i love to play guitar and try to write songs(notice i said try). I would'nt consider it an everyday thing but most certainly very often. When it comes to improving my writing skills i think i would like to learn how to write a propper sentence. I am used to writing papers then getting them handed bank with red marks all over the place. So with that said it would be nice knowing how to write a good paper. I think i could practice this by writing practice essays to get a better feel for what i should be doing to write a good paper.
ReplyDeleteCurrently I am responding to a blog my instructor had advised that I do in order to pass his course. At other times I use writing to improve my professional standing at work by writing informative e-mails to those superior to me when necessary. In my private life I have used writing as a tool to socialize via the internet with others like myself on different forums.
ReplyDeleteBetter grammar and spelling would be two of my higher goals. Also comma usage and how to properly use a semi-colon. How to manipulate my language to make a more positive sounding argument rather than a negative and bad spirited one.
By keeping either a journal or a blog to document the days happenings, events, or feelings. Also by reading others works and figuring out how their technique is better than yours in a constructive manner (not too damaging to your ego.)
In my everyday and academic life I use writing all the time. Whether I’m writing down a list of things to do that I need to remember for later. Such as where I need to go and who I need to talk to. Or even class work that needs to get done for a more later date.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve on how to write down the ideas that I have in my head. I usually have a good idea, trying to get it written becomes harder then it should. I over think on how to write things down in a sentence. My paragraphs sometimes end up being distorted sizes too.
The honest truth is I don’t want to have to practice proper etiquette everyday. If I just go over my work after I write everything down ill fix my mistakes. Everything I miss will get corrected and then I try to learn from it.
This is Alison Slater. I use writing all the time. I write poetry for family and friends when they have loved ones that pass away or when they need a poem to help them get through whatever they’re going through. I’m a songwriter for the two person a cappella band I’m in. I always am writing emails and text messaging people to keep in touch with them.
ReplyDeleteI’d like to learn how to not put so much detail into my papers. I tend to drag on or repeat myself. Also I tend to put commas where they shouldn’t be or too many of them. I want to learn how to write better papers and be an effective writer. I know I’m a good writer; I just need assistance to get better!
I can start using what I learn in class for everyday writing. I can use it in my emails, poems, songs, plays, text messages and so much more. Someday I will be able to use it in my career as an Office Lady in a doctor’s office of some sort.
I hope to improve in my writing techniques. I will try hard to apply them in my everyday writing. I believe this English class is a good English class to take for everyone. I enjoy learning and can’t wait to become a better writer.
Writing has always been a large part of my life, both personal and professional. In my Air Force career, effective communication is consistently promoted as its importance can sometimes mean life or death. From annotations in aircraft forms to formal letters of reprimand, writing is a daily task for every Airman. On a personal level I can recall countless times where I have found more solace with the pen and paper than the counsel from most people. I discovered early that it can be a healthy way to vent and release whatever may be bothering me.
ReplyDeleteComing into this class has been somewhat bittersweet for me. In one aspect I am excited to see what I can improve upon in my writing technique. In another aspect I am taking something I thoroughly enjoy doing and dissecting each piece of it, making it feel more like work than enjoyment. I understand that good writing takes some work, but it almost seems that if I start criticizing my own writing technique, then half the pleasure is removed because it is no longer pure thought and passion. Perhaps that is what I need to work on most though…not always writing as if I am speaking on paper (if that makes any sense).
Practicing proper writing techniques can be very easy. We live in an ocean of written language that holds experience that is ripe for the picking. As long as you make yourself constantly aware of all this writing that surrounds us in the form of billboards, advertisements, instructions, emails, homework assignments, books, bumper stickers, ANYTHING with writing, you can practice criticism. Look at all these opportunities and ask yourself what you would change about them to make them better. Doing so can sharpen your own writing skills since you will already know what to look for when writing your own work. Finally, don’t practice really late at night/really early in the morning (unless that’s when you shine) or your brain will crash like mine just did.
Hey dudes, this is Aaron! I wish I could elaborate ways that I've used writing in my life. Between vigorous work hours, my diminishing social life and the sharpened serrated blade we know as College. Since dropping out of High school as a Freshman, there was a significant lack of intellectual integrity that drove me to write. Enrolling here at CCC will provide me the oppurtunity to unlock my writing potential, which was left in tatters anyway, from my poor decisions regarding myself as a former student.
ReplyDeleteThere are too many aspects of writing that I would love to expand, rehearse, and perfect. Most significant of these aspects would have to be my vocabulary and the process of crafting a paper properly. I think back, and I've always had such good response from English teachers, the problem was this; I never paid attention in my classes. When it came time to cite your work, make a rough draft, edit, and revise, I was left in the dark.
I firmly believe that if I put forth the effort, and properly execute the fundamentals of writing.
(ALL of which I have ignored until now)
I can set free the typhoon of ignorance, and cut free the ropes that bind my wrists together with the blade of education. Then I will be able to enhance and perfect my writing with the help of my new-found willingness to learn, and the help of my peers.
I realize the power of writing and use it everyday, weather it be just a simple text or writing a essay for history or English. Writing is a very powerful tool because if you can convey emotion right you can get persuade people.
ReplyDeleteSome aspect of writing i would like to improve would definitely be just having more confidence in my writing and having a better understand of the do's and don't of writing a professional college essay.
A great way to improve my writing would be exactly this. writing a few paragraphs on a blog everyday and challenging myself to improve my vocabulary and quit writing run-on sentences
My name is Samuel Barber. I have used writing when I am with friends, or when I was working at Denny's. Academicly, I have used it for tests, projects, and class work. The daily tasks that I do that require writing are signing your name when using a credit card, despositing money into bank accounts, and putting what you saw happen in a restaurant at night.
ReplyDeleteI think I have run-on sentences, missing punctuation, occasional spelling errors, and misplaced sentences. I have noticed that I usually am too short or to long on the subject I would like to improve on my organization of my thoughts on paper and learn to proofread my writing a little better. I would start improvement on my writing by taking it a little slower when it come to proofreading my writing, figuring out where the sentence goes best, and keeping an eye out for punctuation errors, spelling errors, and keeping track of how much detail I put in the subject I am writing about.
I use writing in my everyday life. Some of the ways I use it in my personal life is in the form of a list. I like to write lists to remind me what needs to be done,or things I need at the store.I use writing everyday in my academic life as well by simply doing my homework.Of course another way I utilize writing in my daily life is in the form of text messaging,I mean who doesn't right?
ReplyDeleteOne thing I would like to improve in my writing techniques is to stay on subject. I often drag the point out so far that its hard to pinpoint my original subject. As I am sure that I have already done that here.
one way I can improve my writing skills is with the help and teaching of Mr. snow. Another is to pay attention to how Im writing and to try to correct any mistakes as I see them. As for the mistakes I miss, well thats why I have a proffesor to go to.
I cannot say I use writing all the time, being an interior design student, I have to focus more on drawing plans than writing out my concepts (the drawings, according to our teachers, should be self explanatory). I don’t have to deal with essays most of the time but I do enjoy writing. I don’t text either my phone is calling tool only, but I often email or chat with my family (who lives in France). I tend to fully write my words rather than shortening them. I believe it is a good way of practicing my grammar whether it is in French or English.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what I need to do to improve my writing, not that it is perfect, but the differences between French and English sometimes cause my writing to be weak, or illogical according to the English language. I often make mistake between the two languages (errors of inattention, similar words but different spelling, etc...
In order to practice proper writing techniques more often, I would like to work on a movie review blog, where I will be able to discuss my points of view on scenarios, producers, screen-writers, actors, special effects or even the usage of music, etc...
I use and have used writing in a variety of ways. for example, i have taken many tests in the past that have required a great deal of writing such as essays. On a day to day basis I take notes, do homework and do a great deal of text messaging.
ReplyDeleteA couple of things come to mind when I think of things I want improve in my writing. my sentence structure is one of them. I want to learn to create more powerful and embracing sentences as well as make my points come across stronger. I also would like to improve my paragraph structures. I have a hard time with begining and ending paragraphs.
Im not entirely sure of definate ways to practice proper writing everyday. Maybe re-reading my notes and assignments would be a start as I have just done that a lot writing this blog and have found plenty of mistakes.
I have used writing in many different ways. Academically, I have used writing to write papers or notes for my classes. In my personal life I use writing to write notes to my friends. Mostly I use writing in my personal life by text messaging.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve correcting my grammar mistakes. I would also like to improve the way I come up with things to write about, I tend to have a hard time putting information on paper. The thing I would like to improve the most is my topic sentences and my conclusion sentences to paragraphs.
I could practice proper writing techniques in my everyday life by text messaging correctly. I could also practice by possibly blogging my daily activities as the day goes on.
I use writing skills in everyday life, when filling out various applications, I have to make sure that I am able to get my thought's across as clear as possible, so that an interested employer will know that I posess a skill that essential when dealing with the public.
ReplyDeleteAreas that I would like to improve, is getting the thought on to paper as quickly as it comes to mind. I tend to revise so much, to the point where I lose the main topic sentence that grabbed my attetion in the first place. This way I can improve in keeping unified paragraphs.
I can become to further my knowledge of writing concepts by writing letters to people, instead of calling. Properly answeing text messages with words instead of initials. In doing so, I should be able to work on getting my thoughts consistent enough were writing essays should be a breeze.
I use writing everyday of my life. Acdemically i use writing to do my home work, write in my planner, and to write essays. Unlike most students i enjoy writing essays, it allows me to express my creative side and i feel thats one of my stronger attributs as a student. In my personal life i do most of my writing when im texting friends or when im filling out paper work for work.
ReplyDeleteTwo things i would like to work on are getting better at are spelling and getting to the point faster in my sentances. I feel that writing is one of my better skills but my inabilty to always spell a word right inhibits my abilty as a writer. I tend to write run on sentences because I am unable to convay a thought in a quick and understandable way.
I can work on these problems by using correct grammer when texting my friends. Also instead of just jumping right into my writing I can write my ideas out and better organize them to bring out the full potential of my writing.
George Brauchle
ReplyDeleteI have a few ways that I use writing. One of these ways is in text messages and I try to make no grammatical error. The second way is notes not just in classes but also in my fire department. When I think of stuff that I would like to improve It would be grammar, the way I set up my sentences also comma. Commas would be one that I want to get better at the most. I think that the best way I can practice is just keep writing and look at it or get help. Last I could just make sure that my text messages have proper format.
Even though writing is something that I use everyday I find that I use it more in my profession. I use my writing skill’s daily as a nurse being require to document preciously on the patient’s care. I feel that I can use improvements in all area’s of writing to help me be a stronger writer throughout my career and because of the love I have for reading. I hope to be able to write half as good as a few of my favorite authors. Therefore, to be able to be a better writer I know that it’s going to take practice on my part. Meaning that I need to create a rough draft of all my ideas then begin to write a paragraph, then going back and checking to see if there is something more that needs to be done to improve my work.
ReplyDeleteI use writing everyday in my life by writing in my journal. Everynight before i go to sleep i write about my day and what happened that day.Daily tasks that require writing is office work.The mail i get im my mail box everyday also require writing. the thing i want to improve in my writing is i tend to over write. I usually get to the point right away but i tend to write extra information that isn's needed.I can practice proper writing techniques by writing paragraphs about a certain subject and instead of overwriting i need to just stick to the topic.
ReplyDeleteI usuall write my thought down in my personal journal. I normally communicate with my family by phone. I don't have a personal computer at home, so I can't always use the email method.
ReplyDeleteI use writing almost everyday. Along with being in school, I am also in the Army, and i write all the time. Wether it is filling out hand receipts, forms, or just writing a letter to my commander, writing is a major part of my life. Writing for me has always been a difficult task. I lack punctuation skills the most. I love to write. I have a great vocabulary when it comes to using big words. I know where and when to use them. I am not sure how to improve my punctuation skills. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteI have used writing in my academic life often for papers, test questions and various other assignments. In my personal life I have mostly written for quick notes, or writing down information on miscellaneous things. I want to improve my writing skills in several areas. I have had trouble with the components and structure of sentences and would like to improve so I can better communicate. Also I would like to improve on paragraph structure and clear communication. Prewriting I would also like to learn to utilize more than I have before, as I hardly used it. Being able to write better supporting details in a clear fashion in order for a better paper in general is another goal for me. For practicing proper writing techniques every day I could use the text book to look up solutions for my problem areas, then focus on improving in future those in papers. Also keeping up and studying class notes, blog and homework will help as well. On free time I could think up a topic to write about and write a paragraph or two and then correct it with the book as a guide. Also free time on the internet I could look up how well written college papers are done and compare that to my own.
ReplyDelete1: I use writing in my personal and professional life throughout the day in many different ways. I have to write for all of my classes this semester so, I write a lot. Also I text on my phone 24/7 so in reality I am always writing hahaha.
ReplyDelete2: What do I do t improve my writing, when it comes to sentences and paragraphs? Good qeustion, I don't do anything Besides T9 for my spelling.
3: I practice proper writing techniques everyday by practicing propper english. I feel if you talk with slag all the time you then begin to write how you speak. Than if you put it on paper it's the same as out your mouth.
1. I use writing in my personal life often. I write letters to family and emails, and I write for classes. I also participate in a few forums.
ReplyDelete2. When it comes to writing, I hope to improve on sentence structure and quality. I also would like to learn proper paragraph structure. I'd like to know and use the basic rules of grammar and punctuality.
3. I can practice writing techniques by applying what I learn to everything I write, formal or informal.
Yes i do use writing in the working place I am in now for a expamle I have to describe if a elerly person get hurt i have to write every little thing that happen such as who,what,when ect.
ReplyDeleteWhat i will like to improve in writing is coordinating conjunctions. The other target is sentences length variety. Also using homonyms words that sound alike but have different meanings to them such as wheather, there, their, they're ect.
What i can do to practice writing is to pre writing, revise and proof read over all my writing.
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ReplyDeleteWhen I read this question, I really had not thought about the importance of being able to properly write or what I was actually writing throughout each day. I look back and remember writing in my diary each day, my emotions, thoughts, wishes and secrets. I have used writing throughout my life from elementary to high school. I continue to write to keep in touch with my friends and family through email and text messaging. I take messages for family members, work on my homework and use this skill for my Avon business. I use the ever so popular internet that has been so helpful by enabling me to find old friends, email friends, or search for just about any information I need.
ReplyDeleteI feel that I have always struggled on how to properly put together a sentence, or a paragraph. In this class I hope that I will learn how to better structure a paragraph, write better sentences and be able to put my ideas together more constructively.
I think that setting a measurable goal would be the first step to practicing proper writing techniques. By committing myself to set aside time each day to write, by carrying a notebook wherever I go, writing daily in a journal and reading whatever comes my way. By having the willingness to learn and apply what I learn in class each day and practice.
I have used writing in my academic, professional, or personal life.
ReplyDeleteIn my academic life, I use writing to effectively achieve a goal which will allow me to progress and move forward in school. I generally attempt to do this by making lots of outlines, drafts and peer reviews as they help me immensely in producing my final work. When I write essay and papers in school, I make an effort to avoid using the same words over and over again. Also, I try to use bigger words that are not commonly used in everyday [speech] interactions so that I have some variations. In my professional life, I aim to sound skilled and proficient in my writing and trust me; this takes a lot of work! I want to give a good impression to whoever will be reading my work but at the same time, I don’t want to use too big and complicated of a word that they will get confused. In my personal life, I use writing a lot too. However, I don’t normally apply or use a lot of the English rules in my writing. I try my hardest to do so but sometimes there are some special circumstances that call for some shortcuts and improvising (text messaging, e-mail, AIM, chatting, and etc.).
I want to improve on my grammars when it comes to sentences and paragraphs. Also, I want to work on my run-ons and fragments too.
I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by making sure that I follow the protocols of English writing. And yes, I mean even while I’m texting.
-Anna B.
As for as long as I can remember I have always used writing in my life. I’ve used it in my classes at high school. In my profession, I’m always writing reports about residents and there issues. And in my personal life I am also a writer. I am always trying to write books about romance and mystery. Doing these things takes skills in writing. Being able to word things, and to put ideas together also helps. I also read a lot. When I read I see things that I would want to improve on. Like the way they put feelings on paper that are seen in a person. Or being able to show the reader, through the character, in the book how it views different things. I am always willing to work on my writing. And I practice a lot and look at other authors to see their different writing techniques. Because I believe that every person has one. I would like to work on supporting ideas in a paragraph. Since I write a lot, I try to be more effective in my writing by trying different things. I basically try to get a feel for my own type of writing.
ReplyDeleteI use writing on a daily basis. Either at school or at my job. Even something as small as writing a check to pay a bill is writing. My job requires me to write out repair orders several times a day.I would like to improve my writing skills in every way, not just one. To me, writing shows a sign of intellegence, like where to put a comma when to end a sentence, even to make a sentence complete. I want to be one of those people that write something and it is in the kings english. Applying what you learn through books and instructions is the only way to improve your writing skills. I write something everyday and now I will be able to use what I learn and improve my skills everday.
ReplyDelete1} Writing is done on an everyday basis. Academic, professional and personal life all require writing. I take my classes online other than my English class which means there is quite a bit of writing. It could be writing papers or even taking notes. Being a retail manager, I have to be able to leave messages to my staff. This will let them know of any tasks that need to be complete. Also, my boss sends emails all throughout the day which eventually will be sent to the corporate office. So these need to be legible. My daughter who is in kindergarten is learning how to write now and it's amazing how far she has come in less than a year's time.
ReplyDelete2. I would really like to be able to strengthen my use of run-on sentences. I know that that is my weakness when it comes to writing. I feel that sometimes I can get to excited about what I am writing and all my ideas seem to come out at one time. I hope by being able to get better at controlling my run-ons this will make my papers seem to go nice and smooth.
3. Proper everyday writing techniques can be practiced on a daily basis by many different ways such as leaving notes for family members, emailing, everyday work life and many more. I feel that the more writing that is done, the better and more clear the understanding of the material would be. Writing is very important to me and I have began looking at what I write after it has been completed just so I can find my own flaws.
Writing has been a very important part of my personal and professional life.
ReplyDeleteIn my job as a manager, effective writing skills are very important. Examples of my writings are performance reviews, memos and procedure documentation. It is important to be able to clearly communicate a topic in order to ensure the complete understanding of the reader.
In my personal life, I write emails and text messages on a daily basis. This is my main form of communication with family members and friends.
One area that I want to improve upon in my professional life is the clarity of my writing. I need to practice writing effective sentences that clearly convey a message to leave little room for misinterpretation. If I can accomplish this, I will be more successful in my endeavors in my professional life.
In my personal life, I find that it is easy to stray from effective writing techniques when writing an email or text message. It is easy to get into the habit of writing incomplete sentences and using abbreviations when performing these tasks. Practice in this area will also help me become a more effective writer.
I don't write correctly everyday of my personal life. I don't use proper English and grammar most of the time. I find it easier to use abbreviations and slang when texting, face-booking, or sending emails to my friends. In my professional life as a cash office specialist, I'm constantly writing emails and reports for my job. There is not a day that goes by at my job where I don't have to use effective and clear writing techniques, But, I do indeed write everyday.
ReplyDeleteI would love to improve my writing in every aspect of life being personal and professional. I need to improve my grammar, sentence structure and clarity to convey my thoughts and ideas to the reader.
There are many ways I can practice writing techniques everyday. First I can keep a journal with all my poetry and thoughts inside daily. I can cease using abbreviations and slang in my personal life and this will help me improve by practicing my everyday writing.
I find it hard when I write essays to gather my thoughts together in my head and get them down on a piece of paper. Pre-writing will help me to do this.
I dont use writing in my proffesional life. i find myself using writing more in my personal life then anything threw text messaging, emails, facebook etc. i dont use propper grammar i like to use slang words or abreveations such as lol or omg. In my acedemic life i try to write the least i can just things straight and to the point so i will understand the notes im taken.
ReplyDeleteI would really like it if i could improve my run-ons when i try writing papers for any class i always find myself trying to pack everything into one sentence.I would really like to work on my grammar as well because i do use alot of slang and i would like to break that habit.
a way that i could practice writng everday is threw texts or my note taking in classes.
I use writing more than I realize. I use sentances all the time on facebook and texting friends. Thats just in my personal life I also have to put together sentances and form paragraphs when it comes to school work. I would like to improve on my sentance structure and even more so forming better paragraphs. I could practice these things by using what i learn into my personal life, like when im texting or iming people.
ReplyDeleteI personally dont do a lot of writing in my daily life unless it involves school work, Such as essays,short stories,etc. However once I do get writing I find myself really involved with my writing. As far as making myself a better writer I have a problem with run-on sentences I like to put things all into one idea. I want to improve my writing by getting help on how to make get my point across in a short but powerful manner, so when people read my writing they dont get off track. While trying to make myself a better writer I can read other peoples work like essays, short stories, book, magazines, etc. I think most people help theirselves by reading others work.
ReplyDeleteI used writing in school for as long as I can remember, from taking notes to writing essays. It’s was one of the first things my past teachers engraved in our heads, and even ‘til this day I still have trouble grasping some sort of good idea. Personally, that’s something I couldn’t grasp either, there was a couple times when I was going through a rough patch that one I started writing, and a half hour later I have like 2 ½ pages completed. Some daily tasks that require writing would be a daily journal. One or two things I want to improve on is my sentence fragments, and usage of a semi colon. I just understand the whole jest of using a semi colon. You can keep writing everyday and show it to someone, and ask them for help with this tools you need to work one
ReplyDelete1. I use writing in many different ways in my everyday life. For example, I love to text. All day long I am constantly texting my friends. I also use in in school. I have to take a lot of notes in my classes which requires writing. I also have to write at my job. Whether it's filling out paper work or just filling out a simple vacation form, I am continuosly using some form of writing.
ReplyDelete2. One of the things I would like to improve on in my writing is the language that I use. I would like to expand my vocabulary. Most of the time I take it easy on the words that I choose to use because i'm not sure how to spell certain words or because I am afraid of usind a word wrong in a sentence and sounding like an idiot.
3.I think the best way to practice proper writing techniques is just by doing it. The more you write the better you will get. The best way for me I think would be to write out complete sentences when I am texting instead of abreviating everything.
Every day people write some dont consider it writing. As is the case with me, I know i write but i dont consider it writing due to the different style used. For instance, at work I write notes to make sure people will know what has happened, needs to happen or what has changed. While for school my writing is not short hand, its more structured. Reason for that is well its for a purpose aka grades. Usualy for essays, short answer assignmenst like this or for a presentation. Now personal life wise is a whole new bag of worms. I as with 90 percent of people 15-24, use what people call text talk which consists of abriviated words and very little use of periods and commas and the over use of question marks. Texting with phones, chat rooms, message boards and blogs like this are ways that i write in my personal life.
ReplyDeleteThings i want to improve on in my sentence and paragraph writing are proper usage of commas and losing my topic. Too many times when i write do i start to ramble on. In those rambling sentences i tend to place commas in places they probably dont belong.
I can practice writing sentences in my life by simply using what ive learned so far and proof reading. If i proof read i will atleast notice when i start to ramble and lose the topic. By using what i learn from class hopefully i will soon begin to understand more when and where to place.
In my every day life writing is everywhere. I take an online course, and i get graded not only by the stuff that i know, but also by how proper i write. My previous semester, i rarely had any mistakes in my essays. I improve daily by typing out every actual word. It helped me out a lot. Even when i text, i text propery. The only thing that i have to improve on is capitilizing my "I's" when i'm on the computer. I capitilize them in actual writing, but not texting and typing.
ReplyDeleteZerina Becirspahic
Everyday I’m required to engage in some form of writing. I vary from a more structured and formal writing to quick notes to remind myself to take out the garbage. I use a more structured or proper form of writing when I write papers and do homework. When texting or leaving myself reminders I tend to leave out the “window dressings” , I cut to the chase.
ReplyDeleteI HATE writing! I feel that writing is my weakness. I want to become a better writer all around and I know it will come with more practice. Sometimes I will catch myself using abbreviated words in essays like I would in texting. For example Obv for obviously, b/c instead of because. When I don’t catch myself I end up losing points. I now try to use the full form of the words while texting so the abbreviated words will not find their way into my essays and assignments.
Ashley Rowley
I use writing as an everday tool. I write by doing school assignments and texting every once in a while. When I write essays I like to read them over myself but not let other people. I don't like it when other people read my writing because I feel like it is not going to make sense or it be really horrible.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing I would like to improve would be correcting run-ons. Last semester I felt like that is all I did in English. Also coming up with topic sentences seems to be a little bit of a struggle sometimes and good supporting ideas. I can do it but I wonder if it is going to be good enough. I can practice proper writing techniques by reading over my work when I am finished to make sure it makes sense. Let other people read my writing without being afraid. Also make sure that my words are spelled correctly and not use the same words to many times. With taking this class I should be able to over my problems. I hope.
I use writing every day. In academics I use writing for essays, tests, homework, and taking notes. In my personal life I write on facebook and I also have two friends that live in Germany. We share e-mails a few times a day. I also write text messages to my friends and family throughout the day. When it comes to sentences and paragraphs I would like to improve on my fragmented sentences, and my run-ons, which has always been one of my major weaknesses. I also would like to improve my topic sentence strength, and learn how to support ideas in my paragraphs better, and learn to write more. I can improve my writing by practicing what I write whether it is text messages, e-mails, facebook, taking notes, and homework.
ReplyDelete-Bryan Shaw
The majority of my writing typically takes place in my professional life. As a Realtor, my job requires various forms of writing. Examples of this would include, writing emails, recording client information, completing purchase offers, and other forms of record keeping. Academically my writing has been limited to a few projects, and a small amount of papers. In my personal life, almost no writing occurs.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to sentences and paragraphs the area that I would like to improve most would be limiting my run-on sentences, and clearly supporting my ideas.
I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by using the tools that Professor Snow provides.
Hi Mr. Snow, this is Brandon Schmidt.
ReplyDelete1. I use writing practically every day in my life whether it's at work or texting or talking to friends on facebook. I even have a book that I have been writing since i was around 12 years old. Even with how many years of effort I've put into my book, I still cannot seem to ever come up with a proper ending, and/or I am constantly making changes to the storyline.
2. Some of my flaws in writing that relate back to sentences and paragraphs that i wish to improve on include, coming up with topic sentences, run-ons, punctuation etc. When it comes to topic sentences, I tend to make the idea too broad rather than being specific to that particular paragraph. With run-ons I want to work on shortening my sentences with the rules you've set out for proper sentence writing which are 1. one idea only! 2. Subject and Verb and 3. 12-15 words approximately. Along with those two examples, I want to work on my comma usage, semi-colon etc.
3. I can practice proper writing skills everyday by refering back to my notes from you're class lessions, along with the class text book. I can use these notes to write fake papers and go through the steps that you and the book have layed out on practicing previously stated writing skills.
ReplyDeletePlease don't deduct points from my blog response, because I have been having internet problems lately at my house and to be honest, I became a little confused and lost when i first visited this site. The reason for that is because I am responding to these blogs on a google account that I didn't even know I had up until earlier today. Therefore, when I attempted to make a new account, I was informed that a google account already existed under my current e-mail address, which I then had to go through the pain-staking process of recovering the google password, and resetting my account information :(. So yeah.....Not a fun night.
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ReplyDeleteI use my writing skills just about all the time in my life. I use them when I write other homework assignments for my courses. I also use them to write letters to my husband, friends, and to write my moods for facebook and myspace. I want to improve my writing skills in many areas. Some of these areas are my punctuation usage, neatly putting everything together as an essay or report (letting everything flow together) and using correct words that aren‘t used much correctly along with spelling since English is my second language. I can practice writing anything that comes into mind and letting someone or teach proof read my stuff in order to strengthen my writing techniques.
ReplyDeleteHi Mr. Snow
ReplyDeleteThis is Amy Yawney-Testa. I am in your Monday English 101 class.
I usually write at least one thing every day of the week. I am a legal secretary and I write many letters, emails and faxes. When I write a letter I have to make sure that it conveys what the attorney wants to say clearly. Essentially I am writing for the attorney. I usually proof read everything twice to make sure that the message is coming across the way it is intended to. It would be very embarassing to send a letter that was not well written to another law office,especially since it bears the attorneys signature.
I believe that I am good at conveying the intended message but there are things that I need to work on with my writing. One issue that I have is how to properly use commas and semi-colons. When I have my work proof read there are almost always places where I missed a comma. Yesterday I had my husband proof read a paper I wrote for American History and he added three commas and fixed a grammatical error. I referred to "they" in my paper but did not clearly convey who "they" were. I assumed that the reader would know who I was speaking about, but that was not the case.
I practice proper techniques of writing by repetition. I try to write my emails correctly even if it is just to friends and family. I don't like abbreviating or writing in incomplete sentences. I think that reading more is also a way to improve writing skills.
I am looking forward to your class. Hopefully I will be able to correct my writing and be more effective.
Hi Mr. Snow,
ReplyDeleteI also want to add that for some reason I thought the blog was due before class on Monday. When I just read the syllabus it said it was due Sunday by midnight. I am sorry that I was late on my blog and it was my oversight. Hopefully I can get credit for it.
Academically, I use writing everyday. Obviously, college involves writing many papers, and answers to questions. Professionally, I use writing everyday at my job. I am a service represenitive, and my job requires me to leave detailed "service tracks" that describe issues with customers. It is nessacary to be able to convey the intended point to anyone that may access this information, and that they're able to understand the issue can be resolved and a resolution can be reached. I would say I use commas a bit too much. And fragments are a common problem in my writing. A good way to practice proper writing daily is (as you suggested) in facebook messages, and even text messagese. Writing is a vital skill in life, and it is important for other people to understand your intended point.
ReplyDeleteThe ways that I have used writing in my academic life is , I have written numerous essays, papers, and reports. I have written many paragraphs, and sentences. In my personal life I have written many things including journal entries, and personal letters. I have written cover letters, and resumes in my professional life.
ReplyDeleteDaily tasks that require writing are homework assignments, letters to friends, letters to the editors, and reports for co-workers at your job.
I really dont like writing much, so I feel that I am not a very good writer. therefore, I feel that all of my writing habits need work. I could use work on my grammar, my sentence and paragraph structure, and how I work all of my ideas into a single thought.
I think the only way to practice for good writing skills, is exactly that, to just practice every day. practice makes perfect after all, doesn't it?
How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
ReplyDelete** I use writing to express my understanding of what I am learning. In my classes writing is the way I take down information of importance. Also, writing helps with my memorization skills.
What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
** I mostly definitely need to improve my grammar skills. But, punctuation is an issue too. It's difficult to really draw the reader in if you ideas don't come across the right way. Punctuation and grammatical errors can really change the tone of your piece.
How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?
** Drafting and proof-reading all of your work. Being sure to correct even the smallest errors.
i really don't like writing but i have some type of writing skills. i need to work on my punctuation, and to learn how to draw the reader atticitin.
ReplyDeleteI will love to improve in grammar, punctuation and how to write a good paragraph.
ReplyDeleteBy practice writing everyday it take a lot of writing to improve at it.
I tend to write a lot in my everyday life by texting as usual , writing in a journal or chatting with friends online. Some daily task that requires for me to write is homework or mail that is coming in from my family thats away. I can practice writing by proof reading all my papers and having my friends look over what i have wrote.
ReplyDeleteI do write alot in my everyday life. however it usually is by instant messaging, texting or facebook. Usually the only time i do any type of formal writing is for school. Some thing i feel i need to improve on are my run on sentances, and also my paragraph form. i also feel that my conclusions are a bit week. Im hoping to improve tis during this corse, other than that i guess i can try to use proper english when writing my friends online.
ReplyDeletei use a little writing in my every day life having to record informatin at work and sing off on things bbut iam really not the best writer and i would love to improve. all three of the papers that we competed this semeister was helpful for me the more writing i do the better things come out to be. being that i never write that much its hard to improve pus i didnt have anyone to help me form good work.i am going torite more and try to use prope words and writing.