When you think about it, you probably write in some fashion just about every day. You use it to communicate with others (and sometimes yourself) in variety of ways. To ensure clear communication, writing takes practice.
Writing is no different than these other skills. If you want to be successful, you have to practice the fundamentals, namely writing effective sentences and paragraphs. This makes perfect sense if you think about it; you can't write a good paragraph if you can't write solid, clear sentences. Likewise, you can't write an effective paper if you can't write paragraphs that convey a clear, unified message.
With this in mind, please answer the following questions as specifically and completely as possible (200 or so words) in a comment to this blog:
- How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
- What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
- How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?
I keep a daily journal. I go back to it after class and edit my mistakes. I want to use clear and concise sentences. To improve on my sentence structure, I'll edit my daily journal.
ReplyDeleteI use writing everyday no matter what. I take notes in class. On the weekends I have to fill out reports at work so I am pretty much always writing. At home I have to write my homework and I often write letters to family members.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to get better punctuation skills beyond the use of a period, question mark, etc. I have never really known how to use a semi colon or a hyphen. my writing would be better if I knew how to use these. I also would like to improve on getting a paragraph put together. I have trouble putting my thoughts in a way that I can use to construct a paragraph.
To practice these I could write more letters and try to work on my punctuation and thought organization.
Fatimah Riddle
ReplyDeleteI used academic and my professional and personal
life everyday. I use academic in my professional life by taking notes in class and by writing papers for my professors. Academic is used in everyday way or form such as when you’re communicating with your peers or even writing a message to a friend on facebook, myspace or twitter.
In my writing I would like to improve on how to not write a run on sentence and how to brainstorm my thoughts into sentences. I would also like to improve on how to come up with a better topic sentence and how use to use punctuation skills.
I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by using proper sentences on facebook.
i think i write a lot, not even counting for school or anything manditory. for my own entertainment i write. when i was 14 i was lucky enough to find my best friend through a pen pal program. we share everything together and write eachother all the time. usually as soon as i get a letter from her (if i'm not too busy) i write back, commenting on what she wrote me, answering her questions, and telling her about my day. she lives in california so our only form of communication is texting, writing, e-mail. i visited her once but it was expensive so we just do what we can.
ReplyDeleteother then writing to cori i am also in creative writing. i write when i feel like it and i write about whatever comes my way.
my problems with writing though are i write how i talk which comes off weird. like seriously read that sentence and tell me it sounds professional with a straight face, or this sentence for that matter.
one thing i could do to improve some of my other many writing skill issues would be to maybe start using capitail letters like i am suppose to instead of being lazy and ignoring the shift key.
Tanya Dominguez
ReplyDeleteI use writing in my academic life when I have to summarize an article, or when I have to do papers for any classes that require me to do a research paper or a biography of someone important. I really use writing in my personal life when I text message my family and friends or when I write letters to my friends in Mexico. There are many types of tasks that require writing wether it is professional or personal, some of the ones I just mentioned and also homework that requires you to answer questions and when you get a job they will require you to make reports or an article. It all depends in the field you go into as a profession but they will all require to have you do some kind of writing assignment or just a short summary.
I would like to improve the way I have run-on sentences, improve the meaning of words that sound the same but are spelled differently, and also having my topic sentences have more evidence. I am pretty good in creating good ideas and making the paragraph as long as it has to be. I also have a better view of my work when I read it again and have someone proof read it for me so they can find mistakes that I missed.
I can practice proper writing techniques by writing a paragraph a day about the things that happened during a whole day. Have someone proof read it and comment on my writing skills. I can also pair up with a partner from class and work together on each other's writing techniques and comment about them. I can also be more careful when writing texts or writing letters and use proper punctuation and less sentence run-ons.
I use some type of wrting every single day in my life. Whether I am in class taking notes, writing down my homework, doing homework or even just writing something on my Facebook profie. I do not think i have had many days in my life where i havent written something down since I learned how to write.
ReplyDeleteI was in some form of reading or wrting lab in school from about 5th to basically 11th grade to try to get extra help. I have always had trouble writing but I have definitely made alot of improvement over the years. I still do have a lot of mistakes to over come thought. I have trouble with comma placement, grammar, and sometimes how to start and finish a paper. I hope I can make even bigger progress in my writing skills by the time this semester is over.
I am a huge sports fan and love to watch and play sports and I know from expeirence that pratice makes perfect. I have no doubt that by practicing my witing in everyday situations like taking notes, posting something on facebook, or even just sending a text message can and will improve my writing skills in professional and academic situations in the future.
Mike Osborne
ReplyDeleteFor me, writing has not been an important part of my daily life since high school. Short-hand text messages, note-taking, and jotting down measurements are mostly what my writing has consisted of since. I have probably written more in the past two weeks of college than I wrote in the five years since high school!
I want to improve my writing, especially in the areas of paragraph structure and thesis statements. I know it is important to have solid paragraph structure when writing. However, since learning some basic rules this week, I realize there is much for me to learn. Thesis statements or topic sentences seem easy to me, but I have trouble deciding one. If I can improve these concepts, I know my writing will improve.
On a daily basis I could write for fun, a journal or a short story maybe. I do not do this now, however it would probably improve my writing skills, so why not try?
1. Writing is used in many different ways. I use writing when i'm doing my grocery list, budgeting or even filling out important papers. Writing is very important for people in everyday life.
ReplyDelete2. I want to improve everything about my writing. I probably do just about everything wrong. I'm not really sure sometimes where to put a comma, or when i should end a sentence. So it's very hard for me to write papers sometimes.
3. I can practice everyday writing teqchinques by doing the same thing i do everyday. Everday i find myself either filling out papers and doing homework, so doing that to me everyday will give me great practice for future papers.
Writing is apart of my everyday life. I use writing when I’m taking notes, doing homework, and taking orders at work. Personal writing I do daily is text messaging and writing emails. I would like to improve my vocabulary in my writing. When it comes to sentences I would like to correct run-ons. I also would like to improve my comma usage. I can practice proper writing techniques by writing proper sentences when writing on Facebook. I can also use proper punctuations and grammar when texting
ReplyDeleteWriting has not played a large role in any part of my life since I have graduated high school. The only writing I have really done since then consists of jotting down notes, numbers, and text messaging. Not in any of those cases have I truly formed a complete sentence, let alone spell any of the words correctly. It has actually been a challenge to get back into the groove of writing properly again, and it has only been about six months.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve my sentence and paragraph writing skills in as many ways possible. I have some confidence when it comes to writing papers for school, but I tend to forget very simple rules when it comes to writing. I often forgot to put in words that are completely necessary for the sentence. Also, I often times write run on sentences, or repeat the same idea more than once. I struggle with remembering where to put commas too. I would like to improve in all these areas of writing.
I can practice proper writing techniques in my everyday life by doing a few simple things. I can start by actually forming sentences when I text message. I can study all the notes I take, and read them over to reassure I am writing properly. I can read more often, and study how professionals form their sentences and paragraphs. Also, I can focus more when I do write, instead of just whatever comes to mind first. I plan on improving my writing skills through practicing these simple tasks.
I use writing for everything to do with my academic life. Being a fulltime student, school takes up most of my time. So using it to take notes and to do my essays. In my personal life, basically writing texts, speding emails, being on aim, facebook, myspace, twiter and myyearbook. All at some point, I need to do writing in some type of way to talk to the people that have been writing to me. I mostly want to improve putting my ideas together bettter andto not do fragments, but you can fix fragments with word processor. If you would have asked me that in the fall, I would have told you everything I needed to improve. But, I learned all that in English 099. If you worked out what you wanted to write head of time, you can use the proper writing techniques. You can always go back and read what you wrote then fix your mistakes.
ReplyDelete- Samantha-Ann Lawrence
Different Goals I plan to Develop on writng techniques. I practice my writing in the same ways as everyday life practices,and my natural instints is to capitalize on my weaknesses,and the impact willbe a broader achievment within my skills manifested bracket. MY plan is to improve into typing and remembering the keyboard so I can increase my typing speed practicing will make perfect once mt natural becomes accustomed. The only way I have grown and learned was from participating. Anything thats new always feel like a change, beacuse its a different concept on life obsticles.But we as humans become adapted naturally with our Humanistic of traits.I practice everyday on new change until I become adapted, and keep adding on poostive equties. Everything thats being operated in todays time is by computer. School assignments, even rough drafts have to be typed. So the faster I learn how to type the more effiecient I will operate in todays ways of mobilization. As we have accustomed ways due to yr nature and I try to use that normal faculty for prgress usages. If im needing to put something in my life to better the situation I will force the new works until my natural accustomize the situation.
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ReplyDeleteI am required to use writing daily at O.C.C. I use it to keep proper and functional notebooks and to answer the myriad questions posed by teachers that have to be responded to and returned in written form. I also frequently write in my personal life so that I may leave notes to my children and notes to myself. Sometimes I am required to write letters, or fill out forms and such to people I am conducting business with. I also respond to emails on a fairly regular basis.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve my writing by writing more effective topic sentences. I am sure that I will discover many more areas in which my writing needs improvement. I tend to be overly wordy when expressing my ideas or making a point. My favorite author was and is still, the late James Michener. He tended to begin a story with a grain of sand and build on it until it eventually evolved into a present day state or island. Some readers do not care for his writing because it is very descriptive. I love it. Again being overly wordy I tend to do the same. Using many descriptive and powerful words in one sentence or paragraph worked beautifully and effectively for him. Unfortunately I am not of his caliber!
One way I can practice proper writing techniques is to pay more attention to sticking to the main subject of a sentence.
I use writing academically for school everyday. Weather its for taking notes, writing papers, homework or tests and quizzes. In my personal life I use writing by texting friends and family, chatting online and in games that require chat to communicate. Texting and chatting online are my main daily tasks. And there is the occasional homework and papers that I have to write.
ReplyDeleteThere are a few areas I would like to improve in my writing. Topic sentences and supporting details is where I need the most improvement. I have always struggled with writing and it's not a strong point.
I can practice proper writing techniques daily by using texting and chatting to help improve these techniques.
Hey Professor Snow, It’s Katlyn Wilkie.
ReplyDeleteI have used writing all throughout my life rather it was for academic or personal reasons. Some of the ways I have used writing is by creating cards with a greeting on it, type up research papers, send emails, and talk on websites or instant messenger along with texting. Some of the daily tasks that require writing are taking notes, jotting things down that you have to do s o you can remember to do them rather it’s on a sticky notes or in my agenda, doing homework, and writing letters. When it comes to sentences and paragraphs, what do I want to improve? I would like to improve my sentences by learning how to get to the point instead of having a bunch of explanations that are similar so, it does not sound like I am repeating myself. Also, I would like to learn how to think of topic sentences better so, it flows with what I’m talking about. Other, writing techniques that I would like to improve on are run on sentences along with the use of commas and colons. I can practice writing everyday by writing my thoughts down, writing out every word correctly while texting, and by writing someone a letter without typing it up.
Jennifer Pope
ReplyDeleteI use writing as a daily activity in my life. When I am at work, I need to write down different times for the food and take orders. In school, I write down notes so it helps me in the future; to better my knowledge so I wouldn’t forget anything important. Also with my personal life, I find myself texting a lot.
When it comes to improving writing, I would like to get a better handle on the usage of abbreviations and run on sentences. Texting is huge in today’s society so I would like to learn not to do it so much unless I was trying to get right to the point.
Techniques I can use to improve my writing, is to stop myself from using abbreviations when I text. I think texting has changed the way people write crucially. When I text, I re-read everything I write, making sure I spelled everything out and used commas.
I have a brother who is in prison I try to write him as much as possible. I need help on everything when it comes to writing. I have let slang and street talk take over for so long that it's my first language and english is my second. I can practice by writing my brother a ruff draft letter of what my day was like and at the end of the week write a final letter of my entire week.
ReplyDeleteAcademically I write all the time. I write in class when I take notes, write papers, or jot down my homework for all my classes. Professionally I write down time and temperature at work in what we call a red book. It's what keeps Dunkin running! Daily write and when I sign papers, do homework, and write out a daily to do list. I would like to improve on my sentence structure and also my bad habit of having run on sentences. I find that when I can think of a thing to talk about my papers end up with a few lines that are completely off topic. One thing that I have noticed is the fact that my grammar has declined. I used to be an amazing speller. now I'm just thankful for spell check. on average I must misspell about fifteen word a day. Common words at that. I would really like to work on my spelling. I think going back to the basics in one way to help me improve. a second way I could work on my spelling and writing in general by writing more. you would also think because of texting I would have trouble like most people do with proper English and text lingo. But actually I'm one of the lucky ones with a smart phone that corrects me. i do spell all my words out unless it's LOL or something like that. Ironically my mother will correct me on how I pronounce words but she spells something like SUM10 in a text message. And she used to be an English teacher, go figure.
ReplyDelete1. writing is used in many ways. It could be just writing a personal note or an essay. I use writing everyday, in class I write down notes and what my home work is. Doing essays and reports. I also use writing outside of school like at work, writing down information for a sale. Writing down my weekly schedule so i know what time i need to be in. Also writing down what i have done durring my shift so my coworkers know what else needs to be done.
ReplyDelete2. I think that I need to work on conclusion paragraphs. I always have trouble with comming up with good conclusions. They also always appear to be to short.
3. You can practice proper writing techniques daily by writing everything down in full instead of abbreviating words. You can also focus on one thing you need to improve on and work on it every day untill its perfect.
Writing plays a huge role in my everyday life. I use writing everyday in my academic life by taking notes in class and taking notes on what I have read for class. I also use writing when writing papers for my professors. I use writing in my personal life when I write emails, iming, and text messaging. I also use also use writing when I write notes for my kid’s school. When I write resumes it also requires me to use proper writing skills. I also use writing tremendously when doing things for are business. This does not require a lot of writing most of the time, but it is important that you use proper sentences when writing out for customers. When it comes to writing sentences I would like to in prove on not making so many run-on sentences. I would also like improve on better topic sentences along with supporting ideas. I also would like to not write paragraphs and not repeat myself over and over in different paragraphs. I can improve my writing by when I write text messages, im people, and write emails not to use short hand to start off. I can also start by using proper punctuation when doing these things. I am sure if I knew how to write better I would want to write more often.
ReplyDeleteThe way I have used writing in my academic lifestyle is writing essays for high school classes, short stories and journal entries. In high school the key of success to graduating was proper writing skill. Within my professional career writing has an immense impact with having good communication and success with the employees. Writing notes, messages and short f.y.i notes to managers about schedules or conflicts. In my personal life I use writing for emails, aim, facebook and text messages. Writing that is required in daily tasks use is morning notes, emails, and text messages.
ReplyDeleteI want to improve just getting to the point in my sentences. I have a bad habit of having run on sentences. I can collect all of my thoughts onto to the paper but not well organized. When writing an essay I try to put to many “fluffy” words into my essays to make them sound sophisticated and to the point.
To practice proper writing techniques in everyday life is not short word the text message. That is probably the one thing I can improve my writing techniques.
1. I write notes in class, type my homework, and text. I write messages to my girlfriend, who is currenty studying aboard in Morocco, many times a day.
ReplyDelete2. I would like to improve run-on sentences in my writing. I would also like to improve my writing skills all around because it always seems hard to write a paper.
3. I could start capitolizing my Is when I type or text. I use proper grammer and type out my words when I'm texting. I feel like I've to come far along in my english education to text "how R U."
I write all the time in my everyday life. I takes notes up at school, and on weekends. The things I most likely write on is, homework, papers, and even texting on my phone.
ReplyDeleteThe thing i need to practice most on this semester is just putting my ideas all together in a clear paper.
I can practice on my writing everyday by just checking over my homework for grammer issues, also check during texting.
Kevin Corbin
Jdayne Noel
ReplyDeleteMy experience with writing I have a lot I love to write when I was in High school I did a lot of essays such as persuasive essays .In these types of essays I stated reasons why people should use or buy a certain product .We also did assignments called a Quality of life report where we had to choose something in life that affects us today and write about some of its cause an effects in had in the community you life in and around the world .I also wrote debate essays to tell people why should go against a certain subject. I wrote a lot as a child because I entered into a book reading contest and after each book we ready we had to write a two page book report.
Writing is important to my life because I write to express my feelings and what I am going through at the moment .Also writing Is another way I can communicate . So without writing I don’t know where would I be because writing is a part of me. I think writing is excited and interesting at the same time because there are so many different ways to write thing s and they can all mean the same and that’s what I find interesting about English and writing it is so easy yet so complex and those are the things that make me want me to know more about English. I feel that even thought write can be easy at times there are always times when you get as the say “writers block “. There is always something new to learn and different rules about English
I will use writing in the future in my professional life either it be writing proposals for my company or writing reports for Med school about how certain organs function and what happens to the body after a time period when the organ is no longer functioning .In college life I will be use in writing for speeches for classes or presentations or research papers that I will have to do for this class and many more classes I will have to take in the future to further my education . I also want to articles high fashion magazine where I explain the rise and fall of hip hop and the changes of the whole industry in its self .I also enjoy writing poems which express my feeling and emotions on a day of work or just to express my love for something or write letter to my friend . Some of the things I need to work on in my writing are like punctuation and making complete sentences and not going of topic as I write essays. I also want to work on me being able to elaborate on my topic more. I can practice every day by writing correctly and using punctuation on my text messages .
writing is one of the most common ways of communicating and I think that it is a skill that always has room for improvement. people use writing for all kinds of reasons. expression of ones feelings, asking questions/question answering, even just jotting down jokes to humor yourself or someone else are all forms and reason of writing.
ReplyDeleteIn my academic life I have used writing to enter an exit classes, tests, assignments, and even down to introducing myself to those who don’t already know me. In my professional life I have used writing to create resume’, schedules, and to sign contracts. In my personal life I use writing to communicate with my mom who works in L.A., to write and sign checks, and to do homework.
A couple of my daily tasks that may include writing consists of e-mailing and text messaging.
When it comes to writing I can honestly say that my biggest problem is run on sentences, and it has always been. Another problem that I have in writing is abbreviation because it’s a habit that I use when I text an I text often.
I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by taking an advantage of the writing skills center here on campus and my spelling out the whole word each and every time I send a text message.
I have recently filled out many applications for the professional field. I used tools that i have learned to write sufficently. Also, i am on social networking sites a lot such as facebook and myspace to improve my writing skills. Improving my writing when it comes to sentences, i would like to be more clear and convey the point of each sentence then repeating what i said in many sentences. However, paragraphs i want my sentences to flow together so the reader will not feel as they are jumping around with information. I personally can practive proper writing techniques by writing full sentences on the social networking sites, using detail in essays instead of being broad and not getting to the point. Finally, i can start to use a diary or journal to substainly improve my writing.
ReplyDeleteI had been out of school for almost ten years until last semester. So, academically I have not written in a while and as for my personal life I am not into texting or emails. While serving in the Army I did have to conduct monthly counseling and write up awards for my soldiers. Some of the daily tasks of writing for my self would include some minimal texting and sometimes writing notes or reminders for my self.
ReplyDeleteThe area in which I need the most help in would have to be separating paragraphs. I also tend to have a lot of run-on sentences. Another area of weakness would have to be my vocabulary.
Several of my friends are currently deployed and the only way I can really keep in touch is by emails and facebook. My knowledge with the use of computers is very limited but, now I realize that if I write in the correct form each time I send a text or email that should help juristically. I also purchased a dictionary and plan to learn and use one new word a day.
Jasmine Johnson
ReplyDeleteI used to prewrite all the time in middle school but, by high school I just stopped prewriting. I still to this day just skip the prewriting and start typing my papers and add to them as I go along. I do 8 out of 10 times usually have an pretty good paper. This week in class has shown me that I do need to start prewriting again to have even bettter papers. I liked the bubble map we did in class. I think the main reason I stopped prewriting in high school was because they always wanted and outline and I hate them oh so much but I will start embracing the bubble map from now on!
Andrew Porter
ReplyDeleteIn life I've used writing to address many different things. For example I did when I wrote the DA in November after geting speeding ticket. I also did all though high school. In my writing I feel that need to prewrite and prepare my papers better. I usually also wait to the last minute on assignments. I feel like my paragraphs now are pretty strong but I think I'd like to improve them so I don't scrabble when it comes to long papers sometimes. You can practice your writing skills in everyday life by writing out or text messages or keeping a journal.
i should nt say this but i believe that iam not a good writer or reader i understand math and science so much better. mainly because i dont do enough of neither. i have writin papers in high school but cant remember how i did. poorly ibelieve because even if i have to a letter to the d a for a traffic ticket, i dont know where to start my words get mixed up and continue to repeat my self. i want to become a desent writer so if i need to i know how. i need aots of practice on 2-6 page paper academic and proffessional.my gramer suchs a whole lot. i do know that if practice enough and my mistakes are poited out to me i will get better
ReplyDeleteI use writing in my everyday life at my job, I take care of an elderly women and I write down all her needs/wants and make lists for her. I think I could work on my run on sentences. I could work on this by maybe praticing day by day.
ReplyDelete- Emily Swartwout
1. I'm always taking notes in my classes, and i'm constantly texting on my phone , it never fails.
ReplyDelete2. One thing i would like to improve on is writing my conclusions. I seem to just write anything down for them most of the time
3.I think everyday i practice my writing skills by my texting habits and writing essays for my classes
-Eryn Bell
1. I use writing in my everyday life because I write music on the daily. Writing music not only helps me express myself but it also keeps me practicing good writing skills.
ReplyDelete2. WHat I want to improve in my writing skills are using more college bound words, going into more detail when I write, and writing great thesis statements.
3. I think a person practice writing techniques on the daily whether they mean to or not. EVeryone everyday has to write something and you must look over what you write.
1) I do most of my writing in school, besides composing text messages and emails. Other daily tasks that require writing are making lists and writing letters.
ReplyDelete2) I would like to enhance my vocabulary in this class as well as improve on my comma usage.
3) I can practice proper writing technique by proof reading emails that are composed daily.
1.In my academic, i have used writing in many ways.Besides taking notes in class i do must of my writing on facebook chatting with friends. Also i used writing before going to store by writing down the things im going to buy.
ReplyDelete2.In my writing, i wants to improve everythings. i dont want to have any fragments on my papers when im writing.In addition, i would like improve my run on sentence and how to use comma properly.
3.For me to practice proper writing techniques everydays, i would contunue using pre writing method by doing free writing on my free times.