One of the most common mistakes I see students make is skipping prewriting. Students will often claim that prewriting "takes too long" or "wastes time" because they don't truly understand its purpose or its value.
Yet, when done properly, prewriting can provide a substantial amount of ideas for a paper, including the structure and content needed for an effective draft. Many times this great information can be generated in as little as 10-15 minutes.
Furthermore, because there are so many techniques for prewriting and because there are no right or wrong answers at this stage of the process, prewriting can be tailored to an individual's learning style and preferences.
Based on these points and our class discussions, please respond to the following questions by posting a comment:
- Have you used prewriting before? If so, in what ways? If not, why haven't you?
- How did this week's classes and readings add to your understanding of how prewriting can benefit a writing project? Be specific.
- What prewriting technique or techniques do you prefer? Why?
Jennifer Pope
ReplyDeleteYes, I have used pre-writing before but looking up what actual pre-writing is, I never noticed that I do it till now. I will normally use some sort of technique of pre-writing when I have an essay to do. I being able to pre-write, makes it easier to come up with some sort of construction of my paper. I always find myself asking questions about the topic to elaborate more on the topic. I also write down little thoughts that come to my head that relate to the topic. I prefer to use the techniques free writing and the journalistic technique. Journalistic technique seems to be really easy for me to do. I find it simplifying to ask who, what, where, when, why and how, when coming up with ideas in writing an essay. Free writing is even easier because you just have to think of subjects that relate to the topic. You get to basically dump everything that pops into your mind, onto your paper. Even if some of the things sound silly, it could help with your paper.
I have used perwriting in the past but not all the time. Like most students that dont use prewriting I've always used the excuse that its a waste of my time and that it takes to long. After seeing the amount of idea's i was able to come up with in just five minutes i think im going to start using prewriting before every paper.
ReplyDeleteThis weeks class really opened my eyes on the amount of topics I was missing out on subjects i had researched in the past. The prewriting allowed me to take a topic that before today's disscussion i would have wrote a paragraph on it and moved on and turn it into many creative ideas's with pages of information.
My personal favortie perwriting technique is clustering. Im more of a visual learner and being able to writing idea's down and expand off them for me to see is a great benefit to me. Clustering allows me to better understand a topic and turn one idea into many idea's.
(this is emily buss by the way)
ReplyDeletei was taught about prewriting in highschool and no i didn't really use it a lot. i found it was easier to just sit down infront of my computer with everything i needed and to just start writing, that would leave me doing draft after draft though.
i think i like that idea of prewriting because it seems simple enough and i would get a lot of ideas down in no time.
i liked the exercise we did in class where we had to all say ideas about "prom". we got a lot of things to write about on the board all from one word.
NO, I've never used prewriting before. I admit, I didn't understand the subject before. I've been so preoccupied with the death of my husband, that I can't think clearly. I do now understand the importance of prewriting. In my oppinion, it helps to eliminate sentences that are not needed. I really enjoy this class, I've learned so much, and the Professor is very easy to follow. I really enjoyed the exercise we did in class. I think once we answered the research question, everything just began to flow.
ReplyDeleteWhen in middle school I was told to prewrite when trying to write any kind of paper. Hitting highschool though I just ended up stopping all together.
ReplyDeleteThis weeks class I saw how to use prewriting to improve on a topics information. It was used so that you could have great detail or barley any at all on a subject.
Im unaware of what prewriting technique I like more only because I have yet to see more then a few.
Throughout my school years, never have I used prewriting. In elementary we would write our first draft, but is that really the same definition of prewriting? I believe I have never applied prewriting to my academics because one, I was never taught and two when assigned papers I try to accomplish them as soon as possible. Writing and then going back and writing again seems very time consuming. This weeks class completing changed my mind of the prewriting process. To my understanding prewriting is getting all your thoughts down on paper so you have somewhere to start. It is totally beneficial to our writing, its like the foundation for our paper. After prewriting you can go back and change things if you don't like them or add to your thoughts. There are many different techniques that can be used. I personally have never used prewriting before so I don't know what works best or not. I think that I need to experiment with the different technique first and find which I perfer.
ReplyDelete.... this is Taylor Kosick
Throughout my school years, never have I used prewriting. In elementary we would write our first draft, but is that really the same definition of prewriting? I believe I have never applied prewriting to my academics because one, I was never taught and two when assigned papers I try to accomplish them as soon as possible. Writing and then going back and writing again seems very time consuming. This weeks class completing changed my mind of the prewriting process. To my understanding prewriting is getting all your thoughts down on paper so you have somewhere to start. It is totally beneficial to our writing, its like the foundation for our paper. After prewriting you can go back and change things if you don't like them or add to your thoughts. There are many different techniques that can be used. I personally have never used prewriting before so I don't know what works best or not. I think that I need to experiment with the different technique first and find which I perfer.
ReplyDelete.... this is Taylor Kosick
By George Brauchle
ReplyDeleteWell in high school my teacher's always told me to pre write and at first I just thought why. Then that first time the paper was due I handed it in and got it back a few days later and it was a C. I had never got a C before and that’s why I started to pre write and the lowest after that was a B and I was ok with that. So to answer the question yes I use pre writing and some of the ways are. One free writing, I take a lot notes depending on what it is I have to write about those are just the ones I like to use. Some of the stuff in this week’s class I already knew because I had a teacher just like you and he says some of the same stuff. What helped in this week’s class was how you broke it down and how we spent more time on the little stuff instead of just jumping to the big stuff. Also the way you explain things in class I able to understand them a lot better than in high school. Some techniques I prefer are simple; I like to use free writing to start at which I look back and find important things that I may be able to use. The other one that I prefer is note taking because I am use to doing it so much I am able to go back and look at the stuff for possible ideas.
I have used prewriting before thanks to my mother who taught me a simple way to do it. School was all about the rough draft but never even mention prewriting. The method my mother passed on to me is called bubble diagram. Basically you start off one bubble generating your main idea, and connect other bubbles with elements related to the idea. The bubbles are organized in the order the essay should be written. Later on, I also found out that bubble diagrams are an essential step to designing a project.
ReplyDeleteBetween the reading and the lessons given in class, I was able to refresh my memory on prewriting and reminded me I should used it again. I also discovered other ways to prewrite, combining more than one method, which should help out a lot.
I really like using the bubble diagram method since it is used either in writing or in design, but by mixing free writing, asking questions and using bubble diagrams all together, it should definitely help me organize my thoughts and make my writing better.
No, i haven't, I usually brainstorm and outline first, never heard of prewriting.
ReplyDeleteFinding the research question was a great help,because i usually just ramble on, not knowing what i'm writing and losing thought fast. This will keep me on track.
I like the outlining because you have all your ideas in front of you, all i have to do is organize them.
I was introduced to pre-writing my senior year in high school. I really didn’t use it a lot because I thought it was a waste of time. This week’s class helped me realize pre- writing is a good source when it comes down to writing an essay. Putting your thoughts on paper first helps you, and it helps you stay on subject. In the past I have received a “C” on an essay but if I would have pre-written I might have received a “B”.
ReplyDeletePre-Writing techniques I prefer are free writing and the technique we used in class with the prom. I think when I write what’s on my mind first it’s easier for me to write them on paper.
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ReplyDeleteTanya Dominguez
ReplyDeleteI have heard about prewriting when I was in high school but I never saw the point in doing it and to be honest I never really got it neither. In a lot of my papers I always had good grades and I rarely had a paper where it needed some work or I did really bad on it. With that said, I have not used prewriting before because I actually never saw the point in doing it or I always forgot to do it. If i really knew the importance of prewriting, I mean really know how to use it, I can see how it might help me with writing papers.
In this week's class and the readings I have learned that prewriting can help me to write better papers, generating ideas into my paper, and use the variety of techniques to come up with ideas and later add or delete some.
The prewriting techniques that really grabs my attention is freewriting and clustering. I like to just put my ideas down in paper without worrying about neatness and trying to make my ideas look nice on paper. I always just freewrite and scratch out words that I think sound bad and add words that should really go into my paper.
I have used prewriting before, but it was back in elementary school, the very first time I learned to write a paper. Before we even learned how to begin a writing project, the teacher made us brainstorm all our ideas onto a piece of paper. She made us put our ideas in bubbles and branch all relating ideas off of them. This is when I first learned clustering, without me even realizing how handy it could be. Once I got the hang of writing papers, I stopped prewriting.
ReplyDeleteI never realized how useful prewriting can be until this week. I now understand that it is much easier to do a writing project, when all your ideas are right in front of you before you start. I have always just started a paper and wrote down whatever came to mind in the order in came to my mind. I usually come to a point where I run out of ideas. Also, I often times find myself filling a paper up with a bunch of useless information not relating to the research topic, nor supporting my thesis statement. I now understand that if I prewrite, I can chose all the topics to write about and have all the important information, before I even write my thesis statement.
I prefer using the clustering prewriting technique. It allows me to have all my ideas on paper, and have them in groups. Clustering uses lines to connect your grouped ideas, keeping everything somewhat organized and easy to see what relates to what. Also, it brings me back to my days as a young boy, where life was much easier.
I have never used prewriting for any paper effectively up until this point, because I never learned how to effectively use it. I had thought it was better just to jump right in to writing the paper to get it over with. The prom prewriting example showed how prewriting can give you a foothold on starting a paper. That showed me how to easily come up with topics and subtopics for a paper quickly. The prewriting technique I prefer the most is clustering/webbing. This technique is my favorite because it shows visually what the topics can be. Also this helps me see the big picture for the paper.
ReplyDeleteI have never used prewriting on my own before. Sometimes in high school we used class prewriting activities, however that is as far as I have used prewriting.
ReplyDeleteThis weeks classes have drastically improved my understanding of the importance of prewriting. Prior to this class, I was a "top-down" drafter. I have learned that the "inside-out" method is much more effective, assuming that proper prewriting techniques were used. I now know that good prewriting and "inside out" drafting can lead to an excellent paper.
I prefer the cluster method of prewriting. I am a visual learner and seeing the different categories with details linked to each helps me anticipate what my paper should include.
Mike Osborne
Jasmine Johnson
ReplyDeletefor some reason my post ended up on last weeks blog even though I clicked on week 3.... I can tell you one thing this website drives me crazy!! I used to prewrite all the time in middle school but, by high school I just stopped prewriting. I still to this day just skip the prewriting and start typing my papers and add to them as I go along. I do 8 out of 10 times usually have an pretty good paper. This week in class has shown me that I do need to start prewriting again to have even bettter papers. I liked the bubble map we did in class. I think the main reason I stopped prewriting in high school was because they always wanted and outline and I hate them oh so much but I will start embracing the bubble map from now on!
I have not used prewriting a lot. I only really used it if a teacher said to do it and they were going to check that I did it. the reasons I didn’t do it is because I thought it was a waste of time and for most of the papers I was writing I usually just thought about what I wanted to write about in my head and I felt it worked fine.
ReplyDeleteThis week in class really did show me how much of a help all techniques of prewriting can be. When we did the cluster example in class for a topic of "Prom" it really did show me how many different things you could think to write about in such a little amount of time. We came up with so about 5 or 6 sub topics and then broke those down into even more topics that you could possibly write about. All this took about 10 minutes. We also came up with a couple research questions very easily. While we were doing this I really thought about if I had to write a paper on something that I really loved like baseball. In my head I was breaking down topics I could write about and then breaking those down even more and realized how easy clustering or any other prewriting technique can probably make any paper to write.
Because of the exercise we did in class and realized how easy it is to use clustering is my favorite prewriting technique to use and I think I will start to use not just clustering but other prewriting techniques to help me out in the future
Yes but only in the outline form. My previous english teachers had always required we only use that method.
ReplyDeleteThe class discussion really helped me more. You went over multiple ways one can prewrite OUTSIDE of the usual outline. Free writing and just allowing your brain to think so you can branch out from topics allows for one to write a paper in small parts.
I prefer to free-write or list so I can just get my brain functioning. From there I can pick and choose what I want for my paper based on my thesis. Using the more liberal prewriting techniques breaks the paper down into somethink manageable.
Prewriting with me is used alot. Especially in school it is very helpful in being able to get information from my brain to a piece of paper easily. Some topics need more thought than others, however prewriting helps with all topics that are wrote about. My last years of high school, me and prewriting got to know each other well. With all the papers that are due at the end of the year.
ReplyDeleteThis week's class helped me to understand that there is no wrong or right method in prewriting. You use whatever method that works for you. The one that helps your ideas flow easier, is the method that anyone can use. Prewriting can benefit a piece of writing, by giving the writer a way to sort their arguments out that are intended for their work. It also keeps the flow of the work unified. Meaning that the writer keeps to the topic and gives supporting evidence with every argument brought up.
I prefer using clustering, I always have and probably always will. To me it helps me organize my thought's while being able to get my thought's on paper. Then when I do my first draft it goes a little easier, because I know pretty much what I want to include in my arguments for the piece I am trying to compose.
I have not used prewriting as a writing tool before although I was aware of the basic process. After our class discussions however I see that it can be very beneficial in constructing a good paper.
ReplyDeleteMy usual way of writing a paper would be to sit down and simply start writing using all the ideas stored in my head. What inevitably happens is that I end up with arrows pointing in all directions between the paragraphs where I need to insert ideas that I have forgotten to include or that have occurred to me while I was writing.
I believe the idea of grouping details together before putting pen to paper will help me organize my thoughts so that I have less reconstructing to do on my final draft.
Yes, I have used prewriting before when I didn't have any ideas, plus also used them in english 099. Just outline and brain storming, basically. It showed me that there were more then just one way to prewriting, and that at times different ones could be better used for papers. Prewwriting can help you so you can have a long peper by using more details. I like grouping one the bes, and also plan on using it for my next paper. That way I can know all my details, ideas and know where to put them into my paper.
ReplyDeleteYes I've used prewriting before. Used it in almost every English class back in high school. But since then I haven't really used it nearly as much.
ReplyDeleteThey added to me sense of prewriting by giving me more ways of viewing on how I should write my paper. I used to just start writing my papers with out even thinking about prewriting. After seeing the benefits of prewriting, its made me realize how much I've missed when it comes to thinking of details and topics.
I like the technique of grouping certain ideas and aspects together. This helps me by being able to connect a paragraph together easily.
I have used pre writing in the past in some sort of way shape or form. I do not use pre writing all the time. I used it more last semester in English then I have ever really used it. Until last semester I never really knew what prewriting was. It was still a blur to me as to what it really was. I now understand how to better use prewriting. When I pre write I like to just write things down in a list. The exercise that we did in class helped me to understand how important and helpful prewriting can be. Prewriting always seemed to be a waste of time to me, but it now makes more sense to me and how helpful it is. This week’s classes have made me realize how important prewriting is to writing a good paper and making it make sense. It has also helped me to understand how to make a better paper and a longer paper. I really am not sure what prewriting techniques I really like yet since I am used to just writing things down as they come to mind in a list. I think the prewriting techniques did in class about prom is going to be helpful to me. Not sure what other prewriting techniques I might use yet. I will have to experiment with different one to find out which is going to work best for me.
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ReplyDeletePrewriting is not a technique that I have used much in the past because I didn’t see the importance of using it. Rather than taking the time to properly use prewriting techniques I always seemed to be in too much of a hurry to just get the papers completed.
ReplyDeleteDuring class I learned how prewriting can help me get a good start on figuring out what to write. I now see how prewriting can help me to narrow topics, document the general ideas and figure out what to write. Writing has been very stressful for me, but by learning new ways to strengthen my writing skills I will be able to use this technique to greatly improve them.
For example, free writing is good because you can write everything down that comes to your mind. Listing is helpful because you can write it down in a clear list, crossing out an idea as you use it. This can also be used when outlining because you can cross out an idea you use as you go along. Listing is probably the most prewriting I have done throughout my life. Asking questions can be helpful to help me to choose to a subject. Clustering can be beneficial because it helps us to connect ideas together in a visual manner.
I prefer the clustering technique over the others. Clustering helps to organize ideas and see details clearly. By being able to write down words that are associated with the topic, I feel that it will help me to visualize what I need to write about better than the other techniques. I feel that it will help me to connect ideas, and create a pattern that will help me to get a running jump towards writing my paper.
1. I have used prewriting a few times in the past, but not too much. In high school I never thought it was of much use. I used outlines sometimes but never really liked them so I just skipped the prewritng step.
ReplyDelete2. This week's classes helped me to understand how prewriting can benifit in writing a more successful paper. It showed me the different ways i can i can prewrite. I alse learned how to come up with many ideas and facts so I don't have to bull shit.
3. I found that after this weeks classes, I prefer the clustering technique. It seems easy to come up with ideas that connect together. It also seems easier to come up with paragraphs and topic sentences and what goes into the paragraghs.
I have used pre-writing in the past during high school and a little in middle school, but I don't think that I ever really used it in the right ways. I would just write some ideas down and then not really look back on it during the rest of my writing process. I also never really used it to answer any key questions in any of my essays. The reading has definitely opened my eyes to some new methods for pre-writing. I think that the journalistic method would be most helpful for me as I continue on with my education. Answering the questions of who, what, where, how, and why before even beginning to write and then mapping out some ideas for the context of the paper seems like it would really be helpful. As well as make writing a lot less stressful and overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteI have always used prewriting, especially since i took all AP courses in high school. We mainly used the "outlining" technique to help us form paragraphs and categorize certain information together. Prewriting is important because you're able to catch your mistakes ahead of time, rather than just rushing away. Whenever i reread what i've prewrote, i come into a shock because some sentences sound awful without me even knowing.
ReplyDeleteSHARPII3X3 = Zerina Becirspahic
ReplyDeleteAll through out my high school years I never did any prewriting. Teachers told us before wrting papers to take notes and such but never emphasized the importance of prewriting. Before writing essays my prewriting only consisted of "listing" any details that may help me with my paper.
ReplyDeleteThis week's class really helped me learn the importance of prewriting. I learned if I just took the 10-15 minutes to do some prewriting then I can eventually save time when writing my actual paper.
My favorite prewriting technique to use is the bubble map. I think its the easiest to use. I also like to list.
1.Throughout my life I have never really used prewriting, or at least in the correct way, and it shows on some of my old papers that I've turned in before. The reason why I have never really used prewriting is because i honestly didn't know what it was until we talked about it in class.
ReplyDelete2.This weeks class time and reading have showed me exactly what prewriting is and how it can be the difference between passing and failing a paper. Specifically, our time in class was amazing for showing me examples of prewriting and some hands-on exercises that have taught me just how to use prewriting to help me build a paper from the ground up, one detail at a time.
3.There are two prewriting techniques that I prefer to use in particular that can help me generate an amazing paper no matter what the topic may be. These two techniques are listing and clustering that I tend to combine into a technique of it's own. For example, I will cluster a bunch of ideas all over my scrap paper as if I were free writing. The only difference is that i don't go left to right or top to bottom, I just find space for the idea to fit in. I then sort through every topic and idea that was branched off of it and i vertically list them to narrow everything down and allow me to make more sense of my thoughts. This process for me has been helping me generate multiple paper ideas, and has helped me to learn how to use these techniques later on assignments or papers for later life.
Andrew Porter
ReplyDeleteI have you only one form of prewriting in the past, but not always when I write. Before when I used a prewriting tool I used the traditional outline. This was really the only form that was ever taught to me. But this week in class I've learn alot more and plan on using atleast no of this skills everytime I write now. I was always too lazy to prewriting before and now I ve realized how much eaiser it makes writng. Because of this in a way I am sort of excited for our first writing assignment so I can test out these new skills. As of now my favorite prewriting techniques are to list ideas and the bubble map
I have never used any kind of prewriting technique before. The reason I have never used a prewriting technique before is because I attended High school many years ago. You stated in class; my teachers at the time never taught me how to prewrite.
ReplyDeleteI learned in class the importance of prewriting, as it pertains to the prom clustering technique. You showed me the simplicity of prewriting.
The prewriting technique that I probable most likely use is the clustering technique. The reason I like this technique is because, I could probably come up with many catagories, and sub-catagories on just about any subject. I also like this technique because, it shows me how easy it is to come up with all the ideas for a paper in a relatively short period of time.
i have used pre writing in the past such as ruff draft. but not so much as collecting ideas and orangizing my work.the reading and classes help me understand pre writing better becuase its needed to create a good paper. which i have a hard time with just knowing where to start. i perfer to brain storm,collect ideas and ruff draft until my paper is complete.
ReplyDeleteYes, i've used prewriting before but i have not used it all the time. However i now notice i write better on papers and essays when i do use prewrting techniques. I have used it in a way of using diagrams such as we used in class branching ideas off of main thoughts. When i have not used pre writing it was mostly because i was being lazy with my school work. Adding prewriting to my writing can help me benefit in many ways with understanding the task to writing sufficently. i like to be visual with learning, so i would prefer using the diagrams or webs to help me pre write my thoughts and ideas into my essays.
ReplyDeleteI use prewriting all the time because I always write backwards, meaning I end with my my topic and begin with my conclusion. It helps to get out my ideas in the right order like using the bubble I break off to the side of my paper as i'm writing. I like to just write whatever comes to mind and go back an branch off as i'm still writing.
ReplyDeleteThroughout my years I haven't used prewriting before. I've always used the expression that it was a total waste of time. However in class this week, I see that it is essential to a good paper. I really think that I'm getting a lot of good ideals, of how to start this paper. I prefere to write down my ideals and draw from that. I especially enjoy the clustering technique, it allows me to get to the "meat", of the story.
ReplyDeleteI have never used prewriting until I began college. At OCC my english 099 teacher taught us a form of prewriting. I definetely agree that its a great tool to use. It just makes it easier to stay on topic and also keeps your paper from getting out of order. Like you have said in class since it took me a while to do this...prewriting helps especially when you can write about multiple ideas. you can look at your prewrite and see what idea is the strongest in your case to write about. I know that I do intend to use prewriting and also need to learn how to correctly use it.
ReplyDeleteHave you used prewriting before? If so, in what ways? If not, why haven't you?
ReplyDelete** Yes, I've used prewriting in the past. Usually my preferred techniques are brainstorming and drafting.
How did this week's classes and readings add to your understanding of how prewriting can benefit a writing project? Be specific.
** Prewriting is very beneficial to your writing because it helps you to gather details and proof-read your work.
What prewriting technique or techniques do you prefer? Why?
** I like to brainstorm and draft my work before I write my final draft. These techniques are very helpful because, writing takes practice before you can perfect your work.
I chose to analyze “Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe. In this story the narrator tries to show his sanity but from his narrations and actions you can tell otherwise.
ReplyDeleteOne part of this story where the narrator shows that he is insane is when he says ”Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees - very gradually - I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.” It is insane to make an eye control you enough to want to kill someone. Another part where the narrator show his insanity is when he says”and I grew furious as I gazed upon it. I saw it with perfect distinctness - all a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones”. This is another part that makes you wonder how crazy you have to be to stalk this old man’s eye just to make yourself angry enough so you can kill him. Some of the narrators actions that show how insane he is, is when he describes what he does with the body after he kills the old man “I worked hastily, but in silence. First of all I dismembered the corpse. I cut off the head and the arms and the legs.” Someone who would do this to another human being especially one that have been around and got to know has got to be disturbed. One other part in this short story that proves that the narrator is crazy is when he has the cops sitting over the place where he put the old man and he starts to hear weird things because it is finally getting to him what he did.” But, ere long, I felt myself getting pale and wished them gone. My head ached, and I fancied a ringing in my ears: but still they sat and still chatted.” The ending of the story really shows he is crazy because after he killed the old man and chopped him up he still thinks he hears his heart beating.” I was a low, dull, quick sound - much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I gasped for breath” this shows that he is insane due to the fact that the old man is dead but the murder gets to his head and drives him crazy.
Fatimah Riddle
ReplyDeleteThroughout my life I have used prewriting two times I always thought it was a waste of time but now that I see it makes writing easier maybe ill used it often. I have used some techniques of prewriting such as revision when I had an essay to write. This week of class help me to understand that prewriting is not a waste of time and by prewriting it can make writing easier. I also learn that prewriting help me to come up with ideas for a topic and to elaborate and expand a topic. This week of class also help me to understand the four bases for revision which are unity, development, organization and sentence level. One prewriting techniques I prefer is revision because it helps me to organize my ideas and to arrange them into sentences.
Kevin Corbin
ReplyDeleteIve done some prewriting before, in my senior year of high school and last semester I did a lot. I never really knew what I was doing in high school, I would just write some ideas down on a piece of paper. Last semester I learn outlining, I kind of liked it and still use it sometimes but my favorite now would be the web. You get so many ideas off of just one topic. It is very useful.Kevin
1. Yes I used to use prewriting techniques all teh time in grade school. My favorite was brainstorming using the spider web method.
ReplyDelete2.Class this week helped me becasue if gave me other prewriting ideas otherthan what I know. For example the next paper that I write I will use the listing or the outling method.
3. I prefer the catergory game method jus becasue it is alot like the spider web method. ANd for me that it the easiest way and also the way that will stand out to me the most.
I never really used prewriting the correct way until last semester here at occ because it was recommended but never enforced. I didn’t really learn anything new because in fresh out of English 099 so I didn’t really pick up on anything I wasn’t already aware of .I prefer is free writing because you get to write down all of your ideas and the opportunity to weed out what’s not needed
ReplyDelete1) In the past I had never really practiced any good pre-writing habits, mainly because I was never really required to and my teachers didn't notice it in my work.
ReplyDelete2) I realize now how important prewriting is because it really makes writing your paper much easier, and simultaneously makes it a more clear and coherent paper.
3) I like to use webbing and outlining as a prewriting strategy, because I don't really know of any other ones.
i would have to say in the past i have never really practiced good prewriting skills. i was always just throwing things together in order to get the paper done if it passed i was happy.
ReplyDeletenow i come to find pre writing is the way to go. its much easier to make sense of what your paper is about and what it is trying to explain.
i used pre writing a little not much that was about the only one i new how to use in high school so im hoping to pick up a few more as the course goes on.