Monday, February 22, 2010

OCC Week 5: Drafting the Paper from the Inside-out

This may be your first opportunity to use the inside-out method to draft a paper. Remember, the inside-out method focuses on developing the body paragraphs first. This is done by working out each pattern or category (and sub-categories) of details one at a time in terms of how they answer your main question(s) for the paper. For example, if our question for the paper was "How expensive is the prom?", we would try to address how each specific detail associated with attire (gowns, tuxes, suits, etc.) answers that question. Once this is done, do the same for the accessories, the transportation, etc.

One key point for inside-out drafting: don't try to write the first draft as if it will be a perfect paper. It won't. The sooner you accept that we are using a process for developing a strong paper that can't be perfected at this stage, the more free and effective your drafting stage will be, not to mention your stress and frustration levels will be minimal.

Now that you are in the process of drafting the paper (or, perhaps, finished with the first draft), please address the following in your response with specific examples/ideas:

  1. How did this method make your drafting of the paper easier or more effective?
  2. Did you struggle in any way using this method? How so?
  3. Now that you have used the method, what will you modify or change next time you use it?


  1. By George Brauchle,
    Well I think that the inside-outside method help me out a lot. I found that it was easier to start my paper. Also it helps me make sure that my first paragraph had what it needed and was in the right structure. When I had first started to think of this method or put it to the test I was a little hard to get use to. As I started to understand it more it became easier. This method help me to make what I think is one of the best first paragraph I have ever typed up. Now that I know what I am doing with this method I will use it and modify it to the type of story or paper I will be typing for the class.

  2. I personally think that the inside-outside method helps me out a lot. Using the method, it seems easier to write first couple of paragraphs and have the details go in correct order. I didn’t really have any struggles when it came to using this method I just had to get the “jist” of it. Now that I know how this method works, I will use it and modify the paper I will be typing for the class.

  3. Kyla Powers

    The inside-out method help catorgize everything which made it easy to then paragraph the details. It helped determine what details went where, in to which paragraphs. Yes, in the beginning I stuggled with the method. I was reading over my notes and this weeks post repeatedly. I realized I was struggling with the failing aspect, that I was trying to hard to make my first draft perfect. So I said screw it and just did a draft. Next time I won't spend so much time thinking about "how can I make this perfect" and just do the work and fix it after. That's mostly where I lost all my time and patience.

  4. Mike Osborne

    This "inside- out" drafting based on a "mapping" style of pre-writing is much easier, and effective. I used to be a last minute writer who would start at the intro, and end at the conclusion. In hindsight, that was a horrible way to write, because my papers were never unified or full of details. I understand now the idea of having a research question, pre-writing to organize ideas because it makes the body paragraphs full and unified, then the intro and conclusion can be made to fit. Atleast that is how I will do this paper, and see how it turns out. I used to think that I was a decent writer, but I can now see that there are many tricks to make my writing much more effective. I don't think that I will modify anything on the next paper's drafting, just practice this method, unless I learn new ways to add to it.

  5. I like task organizing so using the inside-outside method helps a lot. This helped mostly because I could pull out one word, or words and then make an entire sentence about that word or involving that word. It also helped to get more typed and understand a little better when to make a new paragraph. My preference is this method so there was not a lot of struggle, but still a lot to learn. I learn things best by at least trying and hoping its good, but the “trial-by-error method” works pretty well for me to. I'm not to sure what I will modify the next time. I can say that I think it may depend on the type of story and its length.

  6. I have spent the past two days trying to come up with some thing to put down on the paper. Yes I did pre write but I chose the theme that seemed more challenging. I should have just stuck with narration and actions. I would have had a okay rough draft. I know for a fact that this rough draft is going to be pretty sloppy. Next time I'll just stick to what I'm comfortable with and not try and be an overachiever.

  7. The inside-out method is a very effective method. With this method it was easier for me to construct what the paper topic was going to be. It was easier for me to come up with details for a paper. It helped structure what the paper was going to be written about and made a type of guideline on how to write the paper.
    I had no problem with this method at all and actually prefer using this method to write my papers.
    Now that I know how to use this method I don't think I will modify it in any way, but use it to modify my papers structure.

  8. The inside-out method will make drafting papers easier and more effective because when i get assigned a paper normally i have good ideas that come to me immediatley but the thing that is jumbled for me is when i go to "outline" i forget things and then actually writing a draft the info. is resourceful but not in the correct spot. I think the inside out method definitely helps with the fact that everything is sub-categorized.
    I did not struggle with using this method i struggles with collecting al of my main good facts into one place to continue the inside out method.
    I will probably change my set up to make it secquencial order of the way i want to write my draft so im not going top and then middle.. and so on.
    3. Now that you have used the method, what will you modify or change next time you use it?

  9. The inside out method work more easier because I can free write all my thoughs down insted of siting their lost and than go back and take out the things that doesn't make sence. No I did not struggle when doing this method at all. The next time i will change the order the way i write such as not being all over the page going from topic to topic and stay on one point of view that will make it much easier for me.

  10. emily buss

    i liked how the inside out method isn't about like finding perfection in the first draft. i accepted that before i even started writing the first draft and i can say, yeah my first draft is not perfect at all. its got all my ideas and stuff in there in what i can only describe as organized chaos. so i think my final draft will be better because of it. i'm not really sure if i did struggle with it though because i had never really written a paper with that method and it was kind of hard. i jumped around a lot because i didn't really want to do one idea at a time and that adds to the organized chaos i mentioned earlier. but i think the good thing is i got all the answers on there and it will help with my final draft, so i guess after the final draft i will know if it was successful or not, so why modify it if i don't know if it works yet?

  11. The inside-out method is a lot easier than other methods I think. It helps me with the structure of my paper and helps decide what should be in each paragraph. I had a little trouble with this method at first but now I am getting used to it. I’m not sure what I will modify in my next paper. I usually can’t really decide how and what I want to write until I actually start writing. But I do feel that this method will help

  12. The inside-out method makes the drafting part of writing much easier. Normally, I would write from the top-down. I would write my small introduction, and have to think hard to come up with ideas to fill my body paragraphs that supported my intro paragraph. When I use the inside- out method, I write my body paragraphs freely, then pick what ideas I want to use, then form my intro. It makes writing easier because you do not have to struggle coming up with an entire paper based on what you wrote in the introduction, which is generally much smaller than the body paragraphs.

    At first, i struggled using this method because I have never tried it before. I had to teach myself to not think about the introduction and just write my ideas down.

    The next time I use this inside-out method, I do not think I will have to change much. I tend to try to write my drafts exactly how my final paper will be. I will just have to make sure I completely understand that my first draft will not be perfect.

  13. The inside out method for drafting a pre-write for a paper because it helps alot it helps me find ideas or look at the story or topic I have to write about in a different perspective outside of the writers box .That you as a writter beleive you should in that box wayof thinking.I don't think I struggled to much using this method it just takes sometime getting use to getting in the habit of writting down ideas you think don't matter.But as you use the method you relize that each idea helps either. To a sentence or a paragraph .I don't think there s anythng I would change anything to this method .

  14. I have to admit, I never used the inside-out method before, and did struggle a little bit when I started my paragraph. I could not find a good catching phrase to introduce my paragraph. I am sure it is due to the fact that I have used the other method constantly. With the other method, I used to write my introduction first (which should contain the points I will later develop), so it guides my paragraph (the order and main key point per paragraph). I do not like this method (mostly and probably because I am not used to it), but more essays and practice will, I am sure, change my mind. Habits are hard to break but the more I will use it the better I will feel about it.

  15. 1.)It broke it down for me, and help me put the pieces into the paper to give it the details and where they go.
    2.)Nope, it kinda was easy, once you knew what to do.
    3.)I will probably use this method again to write papers so I can get them done faster and that I know they will have what needs to be in there

  16. 1.This method made writing easy and organizing everything in a good way. I've done this in a way before, like I started it then just around.
    2. I think it is easy now.
    3. As of now I deffiantly think I will use this method again. It was organized which is good

    -Andrew Porter

  17. The method of inside out drafting made writing my paper easier because i didnt have to do an outline. i got to focus on the body paragraphs and didnt have to worry about what i was going to write for my intro. I just started doing a cluster of ideas that i wanted to put in my essay, and that helped me form my body and made it easier to write. I didn't really struggle with this method it made writing my essay a lot easier. Next time i will not change a thing. i will keep using inside out drafting, it is a very usefull technique. I still need help on how to make a good and effective intro, and conc, thats what i need to keep working on.

    Brandon Desrosiers

  18. This method helped in that I was able to focus on the one issue I was interested in to produce this particular paper. In this case it happened to be symbolism, so I picked out the main symbols I wished to expand upon and made off-shoots of text around each symbol. This text was taken from several paragraphs in the story.

    This was a little bit difficult for me at first because I’ve never really written a paper in this manner. I had to change the way I think about writing, but soon found the branches easy to work off of. Because I usually work top to bottom with a basic plan in my head, I often miss things and have to come back and rewrite a lot. This method omits much of that as the ideas are already visible on the paper in front of me, and just need to be properly organized.

    I believe I will become much quicker at using this method as I will be repeating the process on many future papers.

  19. This is Katlyn Wilkie
    It wasn’t easy at first. After I, reread my essay , looked it over and then fixed it, I then thought the inside out method was effective for when we work no essays. I had struggled with this method at first because I’m so used to using the top down method when we would just start typing the essay without prewriting and start with the introduction but I did prewrite with the bubble or map exercise. I would read out loud and proofread more instead of rushing to get it done with.

  20. The inside out method for me was not easy to get use to. I am one of those people who goes from top to bottom. Using this method became easier as I went along. I feel like this method helps develope your ideas better and really focus on them. It also makes the introduction easier. I did struggle at first because I felt like it wasnt flowing nice but i just had to give it time. Now that I have used the method the only thing I would really change is to focus on the paragraph and know that the paper will come together. Its just a process.

  21. Fatimah Riddle

    I think the inside-out methods helps alot. It help me to organzie my ideas into an pargraph by categories. At first i thought it was confusing because I'm use to writing an opening pargraph frist then the deatails.Next time i use the inside out methods i will follow the rule to where it say to not to make the frist draft perfect

  22. 1. I think that it made made the writing process a lot smoother that it would have been if I didn't use it. It made everything easier with coming up with ideas and after i finished prewriting it made the actual writing easy because everything was already done.

    2. I didn't really struggle to much with this method, it was easier than I thought it was going to be.

    3. If I do anything different the next time I use this method than I would probably use a little more detail in my process. And I would obviously also modify it to the next papers requirements.

  23. The inside-out method helped me organize everything so it was easier to do my paragraphing. This method helped me to put things where they needed to go and not just anywheres. I don't think I'm struggling when i used this method, it seem to work perfect. Next time I use this method I might spend more time thinking about details.

  24. the inside out method worked out good for me because i can take my time with each paragraph details.collecting all details and putting them in order making sence in my writing seem to become easier with this method.i didnt stuggle to much with this method thats what made it so uesfulll for me i could understand it and my writing. i will be useing the inside out method again to help me with the writing and body paragraphs in my paper.

  25. I chose the inside-out method it seemed to fit me best. This helped me alot in how I organized all of my ideas and put them together. I would deffinatly choose to use this method again it made writing a lot better!

  26. I feel that the inside-out method helped me out a lot. It was easier to write paragraph by paragraph. It also helped me in determining what information went where. The first few times that I tried this method while writing this essay I struggled with it but the more and more I worked at it the easier it became for me. I think I was struggling with this cause I was trying to still make my first draft be the perfect one. I think the more and more I practice this method it will be easier not to try and make the first draft be perfect. I will just write my paper and not really worry about how good it is at first. I will worry about fixing it at a later date when its time start revising it.

  27. The inside out method seems to work better. Its organized and a lot easier.

    I never used this method before so at first it was a little weird but at the end it seem to be faster then other methods

    It makes writing better because all the infomation is there and its faster so i might just use this method again
    -Eryn Bell

  28. Kevin Corbin

    I have found success with the inside-out method. With this method I can come up with what the paper topic is going to be. It was easier for me to come up with details for a paper. It helped structure what the paper was going to be written about and made a type of guideline on how to write the paper. I had no problem with this method its helps when writing papers.Now that I know how to use this method I don't think I will modify it in any ways.

  29. the methed help me a lot it seem like you writing down all your thesis first and your body paragraphs.

    no, but that's my problem i have trouble putting things together.

    remember that this is a good way to start a paper and this way make the rest of the paper easier.

  30. 1. My biggest problem with writing a paper is how to start it. So this method made it easier to start writing my paper.
    2. WHen I first started this paper I did have a little problem but after you helped us in class it was not hard to get the concept.
    3. To be honest since I do know how to use this method I probably willl not modify anything.

  31. 1. Using the inside- out method gave me a new look on how to start any of my papers in the future, by writing down ideas and going off of those to sub categories i believe my papers are now more organized and in depth with detail then before.

    2. The only part i struggled with was getting started with ideas then once they started coming to mind i had no problems.

    3. I will use this inside-out method whenever i write a paper now. i think it helps organize your writing and the paragraphs details.

  32. 1.This method made my paper drafting pretty easier and more effective because it help me put my idea's in order.

    2.The only part that i strugle with was writing the introduction. it was hard because i didn't know what to starts with.

    3.I will always use this inside-out method whenver im writing a paper for my other class.Next time i use this method i will not modify anything, i will just keep it the way it is.

  33. 1) Drafting my paper from the inside out proved to be more effective than the top to bottom drafting that I was accustomed to, because I was immediately writing when I sat down in front of my lap top instead of sitting there thinking of what to write for an hour.

    2) I did not really have any problems with this style of drafting. It really seemed to work well.

    3) Next time I use inside out drafting I don't think I will even worry about what body paragraphs I start first.
