A key factor in locating sources is using time efficiently. Once again, utilizing a method becomes vital to succeeding at this goal. Having a method to use each time we write provides a roadmap for more efficient and effective experiences. As we use the method, we can revise our steps and tinker as needed without having to "reinvent the wheel" for each new writing assignment. This method should cut down the time we need to spend researching because we won't waste time closely reading materials that won't help us directly answer our research question.
With this in mind, answer the following in your comment this blog:
- What is the research question you have written for your response paper?
- Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
- Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.
My reseach questoion I came up with was Is adopting a living wage system for poverty ridden cities helpful or harmful. I used the library refernce books the internet and perioticles and databases for my information. The key words I used was poverty and then decreased it down to cities and then by the year and then used living wage system to narrow down even more. Yes I had modify my search questions. I was able to save time using the techniques discussed in class. I read topic sentences of the articlea nad also read the conclusion and introduction to see if the article was pertinant to my research qustion. Michelle St.Louis
ReplyDeleteFor my paper my research question is How does downloading movies and music effect the people who buy their music and movies legally? So far i used the internrt to find my sources, i justed typed in media piracy and i got all the information i needed without having to modify my search term. The two time-saving techniques that i used are topic sentences and section titles. Ones i figured out the topic sentence it was easy to find the main ideas of what i read. Kirill Voynov.
ReplyDeleteThe question for my researh paper i have chosen was Is there an advantage for using cellphones in a classroom setting. When searching for research i mainly used the internet. I used google, as well as the data base on the schools website. Some of the key words i used to narrow my search was technology use in education,successful learning with technology use for education, and advantages when using cellphones for education. I have also used a few time-saving techniques. I have used abstracts and topic sentences when finding researh for my paper. It made it easier so i did not have to read through all of the articles. By using these techniques, i was able to find information quicker with less frustration. In the future i will definatly use this method to make things easier and less stressful!!!!!!.
ReplyDeleteThe question I presented was "Why hasn't anyone done anything about the recent steroid scandal. More importantly, nothing has been done by Major League Baseball about this. I do not watch baseball enough to say so, but something can be done to stop this. My impressions of the commisioner is that he seems very lackadaisical and nonchalant about the whole scandal. Because of this, I do foresee this scandal continuing into the near future.
ReplyDeleteBecause of my interest in sports, (mainly football), I have a subscription to Sports Illustrated. When I was presented this assignment, I knew I would have a good chance of finding an article. This assignment was in good timing because of the Alex Rodriguez story. That story correlates with the assignment. Another story I know i can find in a newspaper article or online. Sometimes these two literary fields can mesh into one. I'm sure I will be able to find stories on this from newspaper articles on the internet. For this search, some keywords I would use are mainly steroids, and baseball. If this search doesn't reveal what I want, then i will condense or refine my search. Some keywords I would use to refine the search would be Mitchell Report or senate hearings in baseball. Normally, I do not have to modify my search because I like to consider myself proficient at Google.
I did find these techniques very useful and time-saving. I am able to use the topic sentence to reference the magazine article and the newspaper article. It is very useful and time saving to use the topic sentence. Using this allows me to zoom in on the main idea of the story. Another technique that helped greatly was the table of contents. For the magazine article, I used the table of contents to access the story I needed. This also allows me to zoom in and focus on what I need specifically from the magazine.
The research question I have written for my response paper is, “How would the use of cell phones advance education, and why?”
ReplyDeletePossible research sources that I can use are the internet for opinions on using cell phones for education, but also, I can use any information or advertisements for cell phones. The advertisements would allow me to have access to features on many different cell phones.
I used the highlighting technique and the topic sentences the most. The highlighting helped me find the most important parts; however, I made notes in the margin to help further my memory. I used topic sentences to help answer different parts of my question for my research paper.
The research question I have centered my research paper around is, "What are the inherent differences between the living wage and minimum wage, and who falls into such categories?"
ReplyDeletePossible sources to answer this specific question could be magazine articles or internet would be some main ones. I would use internet to provide me with others opinions, maybe in an open forum discussing the minimum wage. Magazine articles used to see some facts on the subject. Graphic highlights have been helpful, they give an overview of the important things that may or may not pertain to my question. Overall, the most helpful in my research paper was the conclusions. I kept in mind my question while reading conclusions and did not retain any of the information not specifically referring to my question. Conclusions are the narrowing down of main ideas and putting it all together, that way I could save time rather than reading an entire article that doesn't answer my question.
My research question is: Who (referring to a specific class of working people) receives the benefits of living wages and who shoulders the burden of them?
ReplyDeleteI used the internet and periodicals as resources for my research. I used the key words: living wage and then researched the varies cities it has been used in.
I used both titles and abstracts when researching. The former worked better than the latter. The titles were very revealing most of the time. I could usually tell whether the article was in favor of or against living wages just by reading the title. Using abstracts was a bit confusing. I couldn't quiet seem to grasp what the article was going to be about simply by reading them.
The research question I have for my paper is: Is Steroid Use More Widely Accepted In the Sports Industry Than We Think? I searched for this answer using Google and MSN search. The two keywords I used were baseball and steroids. I didn't have to modify my search terms because I got a plethora of search topics to help me with this. Two time saving techniques I used were using the topic sentence and title. I am currently getting an education about how much steroids to use, how much is too much, and how not to abuse them. So far, it seems I may be one of only a handful of people who think steroid use is not right. I may be swayed, but I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteThe question for my response paper is " Should we drastically increase the tax of crude oil used by large corporations rather than the average American family?"
ReplyDeleteFor researching, I used websites like ask.com, Freedocumentaries.org and scholarly articles on google.com. I used key words such as crude oil corporations, oil tax, average American income, American oil consumption and many, many more. I continuously needed to modify my searches, to find the types of informative articles necessary for my research. I cut down on my search time by checking the research sources of the articles I had found. The time saving techniques you showed us helped out a lot. Reading the first sentence of a paragraph as well as the last saved quite a bit of time. I also used the index and table of contents to cut down my time, works like a charm!
What steps should be taken to drastically reduce American’s addition to foreign oil while generating more sustainable forms of energy is the question that I have chosen for my paper. Some places that I searched for my paper was mother jones journal, author Leggeitt the carbon war: Global warming and the end of the oil era. I looked at crude impact a film documentary on crudeimpact.com, Americans energy future: Technology and Transformation a Book on energy. Some key words that I used were crude oil, energy forms, reduce foreign oil. I used ask.com, google.com, and nationalackademicpress.com to look up my information that I need for my paper. To see if the information was something that I would need and be able to use for some information I read the introduction and the conclusion. After reading the introduction and the conclusion and if I found it to be useful I would do a quick skim threw to just make sure it was going to be effective in helping me with a successful paper. Also the titles helped me to figure out if I thought it would be relevant to what my paper is about and if the information was going to be along the lines of something I was going to need. Titles, intros and conclusions I find very helpful
ReplyDelete1. The question I used for my response paper was "Where should the line be drawn on what supplements or steroids are considered appropraite for professional sports."
ReplyDelete2. Based on my topic question the websites I searched consisted of the FDA website and many other websites that confirmed the side-effects of steroid usage.
3. Two time saving techniques that I used were section titles and footnotes. These tools made it much easier to get exactly what I wanted for a given section, and eliminated the redundancy that is skimming a paper several times to find a given passage.
There are many aids to learning, but cell phone use might not be the best choice. Some of the ways that I searched for my information was mainly on ebsco host. I would type in some of my main words such as cell phone(s), school, class, classroom, mobile phone, banned, ect. Using this method worked for me because it was efficient, but sometimes I had to narrow my search more and more so that I could get what information I needed. Some of the time saving techniques I used involved reading the introduction of the paragraphs and the first sentence in each individual paragraph until I found out if it pertained to my topic enough to use it. Also, when I would research some of the authors it made me realize if the individual articles were factual.
ReplyDeleteMy research question is "What are the standards that a person must meet in order to receive the living wage instead of minimum wage?" I used search engines, such as google and ask,to try to locate sources. The keys words I used in my search were living wage standards and minimum wage so i could find some differences and similarities between the two. Some time saving techniques I used was the graphic highlighting and the table of contents. These techniques worked for me because they immediatley helped me narrow down my sources. Many that sounded helpful did nor contain any information that I needed. I did not find reading topic senteces helpful because often the pargraph would stray to a different topic that the topic sentence did not fully address.
ReplyDelete1. The advantages to using cell phones in the classroom.
ReplyDelete2. I searched google for answers. Within seconds i had many sites of information regarding cell phone use in schools. Most sites had surveys done and different high importance people giving their thoughts. I searched the phrase "The advantages of cell phones in classrooms" that isn't my exact topic question but it did give the same results.
3. I was able to use the time saving techniques. I only looked at sites with the same key words of cell phones in classrooms. Then I looked to see the site to make sure it wasn't just some random thoughts put on a site. After that i looked for the writer and made sure the writer of the information was somewhat credible. All these time saving techniques made for quick searching of a lot of information.
The question I am using for this response paper is: Should athlete's be allowed to use steroids?
ReplyDeleteI mainly searched the internet. I used different key words, sometimes phrases depending on the website. For example if I was on a health publication website I used "anabolic steroids" or just "steroids" as the key words. On a much larger search engine I used a phrase like athletes and their steroid use. I did have to modify some terms depending on the results of each search.
I was able to use time saving technigues. Topic sentences and conclusions made it much faster to determine useful sources. The topic sentence let's you know if it's worth the time to even read the paragraph. Conculsions help so you are able to sum everything up from that particular piece of writing. It alows you to skip alot of worthless reading.
Should teens be able to use cell phones during school? i searched the internet. I typed in google "teens using phones during school" No I found a few good articles, but a o t of them had mentioned the same things.
ReplyDeleteI used looking at the titles of the articles and breifly reading some of them. If i didn't find what i was looking for in the first few sentences then i would go to a different one. They all worked for me
My research question for my respone paper is "should steroids and human growth hormones(HGH) be allowed in the MLB". I am also wondering if steroids and HGH helps to improve other aspects in the way players play. inorder to find credible sources I looked on "ESPN.com", "SI.com", as well as looked at a couple of sports analysts take on the matter. I used keyword like Steroids, HGH, Steroids effect on baseball to find information on the topic. The methods i used inorder to make my reserch easier were annotations, using this method may have made things a little easier but to me all school work takes to long
ReplyDeleteThe research question I've chosen for my paper what has has been the big differnce since 2000 for the living wage experiment.I will be looking on the college website for information as well as my public libarary.for crediable evidence. I was not in class for two days I have still been trying to keep up with the course work.
ReplyDeleteMy question for my response paper is- How does government set wages effect modern day society? In order to research this question I did some navigating of the internet while on spring break. I went to the search engine-yahoo and found an article that may be of some interest to my paper. In doing so I used the terms, govt set wages and effects of govt wages. I was able to use some time-saving techniques as discussed in class. I glanced at the title, read topic sentences and skimmed over the article. I found some helpful information and went ahead and printed it for total review and use in my paper. I'm sure many like myself probably took it easy over spring break and so as class resumes we will get back into the swing of things and get going on alot more research.
ReplyDeleteThe question I came up with for my paper is, How do cell phones enhance learning in the classroom? I am searching for sources on yahoo, google and ask.com. Also I searched on the library website, in the EBSCO data base. I am using many key words like, cell phones and education, or cell phones in the classroom. Also I searched by cell phones as learning tool. One way I saved time is when I got my search resutls I didn't open any sites that said it was a blog. These are usually just opinions of whom ever, and therefore may not be credible. Also when searching on the library databases I read the abstract of the articles before I opened them to read the whole article. This helped me save time by eliminating articles that wouldnt help me find the research I need.
ReplyDelete1) My research question for my paper was "Do cell phones belong in a high school classroom?"
ReplyDelete2) My research was primarily done with the library periodicals and the internet. The main key words I used in my research process were cell phones, and classroom. This seemed logical seeing as they are the main focus of my research question. I did have to modify my search by adding in high school. to help narrow my search to better answer my research question.
3) I used a couple of the time saving techniques. Titles and topic sentences seemed to be the ones that worked the best for this topic base. By using these methods I was able to reduce my research time. I was able to eliminate some of the articles right away by the title as they didn't meet my needs. The topic sentence then helped further eliminate useless articles.
The question I chose to use for my research paper was “Is cell phone use in schools an educational tool or a barrier to learning”? The search engine Google was a very informative and useful tool to use for most of my research. I started by using statements like’ Teens and Cell phones’, ‘Cell phone use in public schools’, ‘Educational use of cell phones in public schools’ and ‘Ban on cell phones in public schools’ to gather information for my research paper. This narrowed my search to articles that pertained specifically to cell phone use by teens and students. Google then gave me access to sites like ‘The New York Times, The Associative Press and the Wall Street journal, which are known to be credible sources to gather research information from. I then used the time saving techniques we used in class like looking for bold text, defining unknown words to better understand the articles and to look for specific words like should, best, most and worst. After that I looked for specific statements within the articles that pertained to my research question to start building the body of my paper. The techniques learned in class helped me a great deal with my assignment but writing a 3-5 page research paper is still a challenge.
ReplyDeletemy research question was "would mandating copying and file sharing benefit the entertainment industry?" For my researched i used online sources. I looked at documents and articles about downloading illegally and what the consequences are. I also read about the industry and the advantages that different policies would have on companies. keywords i used were file sharing, p2p, and networks. Yes the techniques that i learned in class did help. 2 things i did were read the first paragraph and i used titles to modify my search. I looked for specific details on what i was looking for.
ReplyDeleteThe research question that I used for my paper is "Are the use of cell phones a benefit in the classroom?" I used the internet and found a lot of periodicals to use in my paper. Some of the words that I used were teens and cell phones and cell phones in classrooms. I read the topic sentences, the introductions and conclusions as techniques to save time. By reading the topic sentence I was able to decide quickly if the article was benefical for my paper. Reading the conclusion also helped me save time because I was able to skip ahead instead of reading the entire article
ReplyDeleteThe question I have created for my research paper is "When is a substance crossing the line between legal and illegal in the sports world today?" I searched through the library sources, the online journal and magazines articles. I tried various key words, steroids and sports, anabolic steroids in sports, sports journalism, substance abuse and sports. Skimming the article's abstracts and article titles really helped me to save time by not reading information that doesn't apply to my paper.
ReplyDeleteThe research question I have thought up was "Is piracy ruining the entertainment industry or helping?" I searched through a myriad of website that gave their perspective on the subject, but some articles felt like a one-sided perspective. The time saving techniques did help I was able to skim through to the articles that pertained to my question.
ReplyDeleteMy research question that I have came up with is, "Is steroids really a big deal in the MLB?"
ReplyDeleteI took the easy way and search the internet for different sources. Some key words i used were steroids and sports, roids madness, and baseball.
Two time savings techniques I used was the highlighting and skim through the article.
The reserch question i have chosen was "Are cell phone the best tools for learning or are there better tools like computers?"
ReplyDeleteI was the internet and checked to see if there are educational serch engins. The key words I used were cell phones for learning and cell phone uses.
I was able to use the skim through technique and highlighting important information.
The reserach question I have writtn for my response paper is how does raising pay, and adopting a living wage beneficial for cutting poverty? While researching information to answer my question I used the librarys' database, internet sources, and articles. Poverty was one of the key things I searched for. Depending on what my resourse was my key words could get more in depth by the year, specific locations, and ect. Section titles and the topic sentences helped me out. this prevented me from reading things that were meaning less and not important.Thus for saving me time.
ReplyDeleteMy research question was “How does file sharing benefit the exchange of information?” A lot of my research was done online since this is a large and controversial topic it would be easy to find sources for what I needed. I looked at what type of information is shared over the networks. I also looked at how governments decide to on the legalities of p2p networks. I tried to find logs and statistics from different places. Keywords I used were P2P, file sharing, network information, distribution, data patterns, P4P and Yale p2p study. I did modify the search terms to give me different sources. I also used the time saving technique from class because I was getting a lot of answers and there was no way I was able to read through all of them and figure out what I needed.
ReplyDeleteThe research question I used for my paper is,"Was Napster a good thing?" I used a government website, a consumers website and the packet handed out in class as my sources. I used the words Napster controversy, copyright infringement laws 2000, and the pro's/con's of Napster. I had to change the question according to what bit of info I needed on downloading. I used the intro's and conclusions for deciding what sources to deeply look into. This usually works for me because if I like the broad description these give me, then I will further investigate. When I find generalizations and stereotyping, I usually avoid these sources unless I am trying to emphasize an opinion. I also started drafting an outline before the first draft. this helped me to organize my ideas and find a thesis question.
ReplyDeleteThe question that I used was How has the advancement in cell phones hurt your teens?I honestly just went online onto google and typed in dangers of cell phones and alot of medical websites turned up so i tried the positive and negatives of cell phones and found some sources that way...I felt that alot of the time saving would work for me in the future when it comes to looking in books but for this specific research paper, i really only used websites because information seemed more current. Just the name of the articles and websites helped me to find out if what was in the article was what i needed..
ReplyDeleteMy research question is How is technology beneficial to the classroom? Based on my research question i looked at online sources, mostly online magazines. I used technology in classrooms as my keywords. I found alot of sources of articles where the authors describe particular events which showed how important technology is becoming to the classroom and society because it is advancing rapidly and is popping up everywhere. Two time saving techniques i used while researching information was looking through the introductions and conclusions to determine where or not the information would be useful to me. They in fact were because skimming through the contents first saves me from having to read the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteMy research question paper was what was the true benefit for the living wage for the poor after it's insertion through goverment laws?
ReplyDeleteI used the internet as source to find success stories and i found a organization that supported the program for the rehabilation programs one of the key words i used to serch the internet was benefits for the poor. in the furture i will definately use this method in my reserch.
My research question is “are steroids truly harmful to the human body?”. I looked for possible sources on the internet on google, online databases, and library catalogues. I began by looking through online databases because they are generally pretty helpful when writing a research paper. I started off very vaguely with looking through the databases with just steroids as a keyword. There was just too much that came up to begin to start reading anything. That lead me to look through the databases under advance search with the keywords steroids, health, and problems. Modifying my search helped me save a huge chunk of time, I had to make sure I knew what U was looking for. Reading the abstracts of the texts helped me keep focused on what exactly I was looking for. Finding the topic sentences helped to do the same thing. I also looked at section titles and chapter titles to help me find and get to where I might find useful information as well. Looking at italicized and bold words didn’t help too much though. I found that most of those words and phrases didn’t have much to do with what I was looking for.
ReplyDeleteMy research question is, Are the use of cell phones beneficial in the classroom? I searched for possible resources mainly on the internet because books in the library really arent too updated of information for me. Keywords i used were cellphones, students, and classrooms. I modified them into questions in order to find better results. For example, Benficial items in a classroom. I used table of contents and topic sentences to save time because I didn't want to find something that said it had the answer, read a whole discussion on it, for nothing and now answer. Yes, it worked for me.
ReplyDeleteThe research question i asked were performance enhancing drugs affecting the way sports are seen and played today? For resources i just went to a typical search engine such as Google and typed in key words such as steroids, hgh, performance drugs in baseball. All of them came up with millions of hits so to narrow those down i would read a couple articles and if i found an idea or topic i wanted to further research i would type that into the search engine. For the most part modifying the search worked for me.
ReplyDeleteI examined whether creating a living wage was helpful or not. I just searched articles about the living wage. I searched "living wage discussion" and "issue of the living wage" and got the articles that i needed right away. I had to change my search once or twice to be a little more specific to show that i wanted articles regarding the topic but other than that i had no trouble. Using topic sentences helped my search and table of contents on newspaper sites also assisted me in locating the articles i needed for my paper.