Narratives are used in many ways every day. They are used as evidence in court cases, details in business reports, reflections for professional portfolios, support for "teachable" moments, and for many other purposes.
To provide you with some practice creating narratives, please complete the following:
- Choose one of the topic sentences below, finish the sentence, and write a paragraph telling a story that supports/develops that sentence's idea.
- A time when I learned that it is best to laugh at yourself was when...
- A moment that changed my life was...
- Hard work payed off when I...
- My interest in (insert your major here) began when I...
My interest in Medical Examination began when I first started watching television shows that had to do with the actual practice and forensics. Then when I began my first semester I took anatomy and physiology. Even though it should have been one of my hardest classes, it seemed like everything just became natural for me. The deal breaker was when we took a field trip to the cadaver lab at the near by chiropractic college. I didn't know how I would react seeing deceased bodies in that state, but when I got there I was so in ganged in it. Though I am undecided on if I really want to spend the next * years of my life studying, but I know it's the profession I was supposed to be in.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in early childhood education began when i started working with children with developmental disabilities. I was looking for a full time job after i graduated highschool. I did not think it was a job a could handle. Four years later, I am still at this job. I realized that i liked what i do, And decided to further my education in this field. When working with children with these conditions, you find ways to teach them in ways they can understand. Going back to school will really help me in the long wrong to become more successful at my career.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was when I found my 9 month old sister dead. I was only 7 years old. My family and I was sitting in the living room and I noticed my sister was not up. This was unusual because normally she would be the first one awake. When I asked my mother where she was she replied "she's still sleeping. You should go check on her." When I went into the other room I touched her arm, and she was a hard as a baby doll. I immediately began to cry and scream for my mom. She came running into the room to see what was going on. As the day progressed I was traumatized. I couldn't stop crying. That evening my cousin and I tried to kill ourselves. I continously banged my head on the living room glass table. Still to this day the doctors don't know what was the cause of her death. I look at life like anyday can be your last. My sister was taken away just like that.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in human services began when my mom had depression. When i was very young my mom went into depression and when i was old enough to understand she told me why it happened. After that i always wanted to become a helper. Whether its to help people with their problems or find solutions for them to help. When i started taking the classes i really liked the different aspects about the field.I plan on getting my masters so i can have a lot of options in the field. I havent decided what to specify in yet but im sure i will figure it out. I may decide to do a number of things. I might want to help people like my mom or become a social worker. Im looking forward to all the different things that will come with that job.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in computer science began when I was probably 6 years old. Well I didn’t know it was computer science but I just liked computers I remember messing around with them when I was younger first by playing on them. Then I got interested in how they worked, so I opened them up and started learning about software when I was like in middle school. When I got into high school I really got into because I got my own laptop and just started learning about so many things. I just had a drive to want to how something worked and got involved with some friends of mine that were into reverse engineering software and security systems. I think during that time it was when I actually started looking at what I wanted to learn and decided that I wanted to study computer science because I wanted to know more about advanced technology and theories. After that it was just figuring out how I wanted to do it and how far I wanted to go. I realized that I just don’t want to work in a company being just coding stuff. To me that would be extremely boring. So I’m just going to stay in research. I never really liked the idea of doing something that someone else has already done before. I want help advance technological innovation.
ReplyDeleteMy interst in Studio Art and Design began when I was very young. (Although I did not realize it at the time). As a kid I spent a lot of my leisure time drawing, sketching and creating various forms of art. As I grew older I realized that art was not only something that I enjoyed but that I possessed a talent that a lot of people would love to have. A few years ago the company I worked for closed down and I was out of a job. I was having trouble finding another Q.A. job and I decided to focus on growing my side business. To do so I needed to advertise. To save money on advertising I designed my own business logo and business cards. It was then that I realized how much I really enjoy being creative and applying my artistic talents. I started thinking about pursuing a college education in art and contacted the office to explore degree opportunities at CCC.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was when I let my aunt adopt my doughter at age four. That was nine years ago and now my doughter will be 13 years old. My life has never been the same since that day I dropped her in mid MAy. My heart was breaking and and at the same time a peace came over me on the drive back home. A sense that I had made the right decision. My life sense that day has had many up and downs. There was a part that wasn't brocken but was complety dead inside for a long time. But time does heal all wounds and the realization that all a parent wants in life is for their child to happy and thriving.
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ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was the day I arrived at boot camp. Shorty after joining the military and signing my name on that dotted line. It did not take long for me to realize that life as I knew it was about to change in a huge way. I now had to wear uniforms and call others by there last name or rank depending on the situation. There was a set way to do everything, supported by serious structure. There was a time to wake up, get dressed, eat, exersise, go to the bathroom, sleep and even talk. The first two weeks were the worst because of such a quick change of lifestyle from cilivan to a member of the service. But as time went on I stared to make friends and get used to all the changes and it became a daily routine. Each and every day became more normal then the previes before it. Although I missed my old life I now had a new one weather I liked it or not.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was when I was able to confront my parents about my true feelings. I’m not a very emotional person and I kind of keep to myself for the most part. When I was able to sit down and talk to them both about my feelings and what I was going through, I felt relieved. I had so much on my mind and just couldn’t hold it all back. Now that I have opened up to my mother and father I feel closer and more apart of their lives. I have realized that in life you can have everything and still not be the happiest person ever. Also, you can’t buy love from people and I think that’s what a lot of people try to do in our society. I think that some parents think that if you’re getting older they don’t really need to be apart of your life. All of this made me realize when I become a parent myself what things I might change.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in Physical Therapy began when I became exposed to the medical field last year. During the time my father in law was recovering from a stroke I spent may hours with him at the hospital. I learned a lot from a nursing perspective there. He was then transfered to a rehabilitation center where he received intense therapy. During that time I experienced hands on learning techniques and excercises that are used in therapy. I became intriqued and inspired to pursue a career in physical therapy. I am really looking forward to this rewarding field!
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was when I had a snow plow take out the entire driver side of my car, with me in it. We were detoured, during a heavy snow storm, down a narrow country road. I had no where to go. The plow coming at me, and a sharp cliff to the other side of me. Feeling the jarring impact, the air bags deploying, the screaming of metal tearing as my drivers side was peeled back exposing all the inner mechanical workings. After hearing the emergency personnel saying how very lucky I was. To make it out of the accident without even a scratch, was unheard of especially when the other vehicle was a snow plow. This accident only provided me with more proof that we can't was waste the precious gifts that are given to us each day.
ReplyDeleteHard work paid off when my 2 friends and I started a band and played our first concert. My friend jeremy started playing drums the summer before, and ryan the bass. I played guitar and learned how to sing so that we could make our highschools battle of the bands. We all figured out the instruments the best that we could and got rejected at first. When we played with one of the bands who made it, they decided to drop out and recommend us to fill in. So we made a demo cd, made some t-shirts and ended up playing an awesome set. Sometimes when you put enough into what you do, things bounce your way
ReplyDeleteMy interest in Studio Art and Design first started when I was about 13 years old. I had a project to do on an art movement. I had always been into art as a form of expression, even as a little child I always made drawings and paintings. I never took it seriously until that project, I learned that there is so much more to art than the visual. The artist's background and life have so much to do with the movement and artwork. Now I have such an interest in photography, painting, and drawing. I just love art and all of its avenues, and I'm very excited for an art career in the future!
ReplyDeleteMy interest in Social Work started when I was 16. I have always loved children and it frustrates me that there are so many children in this world that are not being taken care of properly, especially when there are people in the world that cannot have children and would love one more than anything. I have also been interested in the law. My father has been a town judge for 4 years and I loved to go with him and help in any way I could. I soon put together that by combining my love of children and the law I could make a great social worker. I am one of those people that believes every child should have the same opportunities and I plan to make a difference.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was...when my mother passed away at age 5. I am sure a lot of people would think its crazy that at the age 5 my life changed, but it did. From the moment I was born I felt and had the presence of my mother, and then one day I just woke up and it was gone, and to me that is one of the worst things I've ever had to go through...But it has made me into the women I am today, and because of it I am much stronger today then Ive ever been...
ReplyDeleteMy interest in sports journalism, began when i was in the 10th grade. I always enjoyed sports. At first I wanted to go into fashion design but when i noticed how competitive the field was and decided to go a more exciting route.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was the day I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. Wednesday, July 20,2005, was just another typical day for my fiance and myself. Damon dropped me off to work(Van Duyn) as normal. About an hour into my shift I recieved a phone call in which I was due to for my annual physical. I then informed my charge nurse and excused myself from the floor. Upon arrival, as part of my physical, they took my blood pressure. The look on the nurses' face was frightening, and so when I asked what the problem was, she informed me that I need to leave and go to the hospital right away. Because I was so far along with my pregnancy (8 months) and my blood pressure was a bit high, they were not going to take any chances with me. I then called my doctors' office to inform them of the situation. They instructed me to go to the hospital and that they would alert my doctor. My next phone call was to my fiance. At first he freaked out and insisted I was fine since we had another month before the baby was really due (Aug. 23, 2005). I demanded he pick me up and take me to the hospital. Once Damon realized I was not joking he rushed to pick me up and we arrived at Crouse Hospital soon after. After explaining my situation to hospital staff they admitted us to a room where they could examine me. Once I was situated Damon left to pick up his other three children from school. As we entered the evening hours, the hospital decided to keep me overnight for observation. I guess things did not proceed the way they had hoped and informed me that they were going to have to induce labor. Come to find out I had developed toxemia, which was dangerous for both myself and my baby. Once informed with this information, I called Damon to let him know that it was "happening" tonight. Once again he freaked and demanded to speak to the nurse. I remember him asking the nurse if there was any way we could keep her "in" any longer because he was not ready. The nurse explained to him that it was a very dangerous situation and handed me the phone. I told Damon "ready or not here she comes". After dropping his children off to his mother, Damon returned to the hospital to be by my side. As they proceeded to induce me Damon informed my sister. Her and her boyfriend also joined us at the hospital. After hours had gone by, on Friday, July 22, 2005 at 11:08pm I delivered a beautiful 5lb 4oz. little girl. This was such a memorable moment for both Damon and I. For Damon, of all his 5 children this was the first birth he witnessed. As for me, Ariel is my first born daughter in which she has truly changed my life.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in math and science began when I wanted to become a pharmacist so I have to major in these areas. But the real question is why I wanted to become a pharmacist. My grandfather had MD and always had problems with getting his prescriptions because they were hard to find so I decided to help him out by becoming a pharmacist. My grandfather was and still is my life I care about him more than anyone else in this world. I always told him I would help him out and find his medicine for him. Last year he passed away. So I have not been able to help him out but I want to become one since I told him I would do it for him.
ReplyDeleteA time when I learned that it is best to laugh at yourself was when accidentally aided a criminal. I was working at Sears as a cashier at the time. A young girl came up to me and asked for an empty bag. She claimed that the bag she was carrying from Deb's was ripping. I thought that this request was a bit strange. I couldn't see any visible rips in her bag, but I figured that I was just missing them. I considered for a moment then relented and gave her the bag. Afterall, she couldn't have been much older than 13 or so. What harm could a girl that young do?
ReplyDeleteFifteen minutes later I watched the girl walk out the door. She was being chased by our head of security. He dragged her back inside and later I watched as the Cayuga County Sheriff pulled up to the door.
I found out later that the girl had used the bag I'd given her to stuff stolen merchandice in. I felt like a fool at the time, but it makes for a great dinner story now.
Hard work payed off when I went to my first all-star game and scored 16 point and 5 assists. ever since I started playing basketball i've always wanted to go to an all-star game, first i wanted to go to the Zebra classic, then i wanted to be an all CNY player. But because i changed schools i was unable to. But instead of simply giving up went went to multiple basketball camps to improve my skills. The first camp i went to and did well in was the West Hill basketball camp, this is where my brother started saying i play like Jonny Flynn, this just gave me more confedience. The next camp was in New York at St.Joes, there i recieved a defensive player award. And then there was the S.U. camp, here i hit two game winning shots, a game tying shot to send the game into OT. At the last day of the camp the all-stars were named and i was one of them, this is why hard work pays off.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in Fire protection began when I was about 13 when i moved to Sherrill. Our house is located near the fire house and at all hours of the night when the whistle blew and the trucks went out i knew i wanted to be on that ride. So when i turned 16 i went down and joined and after my first real fire i knew i wanted to learn more. With fire protection now it all seems natural to be able to engage in an intelligent conversation with someone about it. It seems there is a constant thirst for knowledge i have towards it all. So after spending time learning so far it seems i eat sleep and breath this stuff. So my interest in Fire protection since i turned 16 has grown to more of a passion than just an interest or hobby. If you ask anyone in the fire service they will tell you its a way of life.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was when a friend of mine died in his sleep from an aneurysm. I was only 15 at the time and he was 16. It was a beautiful summer day when I found out what had happened. I was sitting on my front porch and called up my cousin Nikki to chat. When she picked up the phone and realized it was me she said, "How are you doing?". The way she said it just wasn’t quite right. Usually it would be "Hey what’s up, how are ya?"
ReplyDeleteI hesitated and replied "I'm ok what about you".
She didn’t answer my question, all she said was "Oh my gosh you don’t know about Lewis yet do you?" I assumed she was talking about him moving away because his family was considering relocating out of state. She just kept repeating, "its awful" and "I shouldn’t be the one to tell you this". I was confused and begged her to tell me. She finally agreed and said, "Lewis had an brain aneurysm in his sleep and passed away lastnight. There was probably 30 seconds of silence, then I screamed "NO WAY"... it was unbelievable. He was so smart, athletic and just way to young. I starting crying hysterically on the phone, even though I knew it was true I just couldn’t believe it. The entire town was in mourning over the 16 year old who died so suddenly with no warning signs. It changed my life because I had not yet experienced any sort of tragedy so close to me. This opened my eyes to how important it is to let your family and friends know how much you love them every day because unfortunately tragedies happen that you cannot control.
A time that I learned that it is best to laugh at myself, is when I sold a man a display anniversary ring, with plastic gems and a plated setting…For $1,080. Ooops. I had just started working at a jewelry store and was not trained in any area yet, just trying to get to know the merchandise and get a feel for the atmosphere in the store. I hadn’t gained a trained eye and couldn’t even tell anyone the birthstones. Anyhow, my first customer ever walks in, looking for a nice anniversary band to celebrate a 25th anniversary with his wife. I thought, “What a good way to impress the boss on the first day into the job right? What a big sale!” Well, little did I know, those anniversary bands were only display. They portrayed themselves to be a higher quality diamonds, (SI-GH color) set in 14 karat gold, but only were pieces of plastic in a plated setting. This display was worth, maybe a dollar or two, not anything that would justify 25 years of marriage. After discussing how beautiful the band is, and some features and benefits, that I had only been briefly trained to say, I filled out a diamond sale card, boxed and wrapped it up, let him pick an insert card, and out the door he went. With a huge smile on my face, proud as can be, I told my boss that I sold a 14 karat yellow gold anniversary band with ¾ carat SI-GH color diamonds at $1,080! At first it was all, “WOW!” and “Congrats!”, then suddenly her face turned as white as a ghost and she looked in the diamond case, realizing that I sold that gentleman a worthless display, for $1,080. After digging out the diamond card, and explaining to me what I really sold to the man, we contacted the man, which luckily was only in the next store over. We apologized profusely, and ordered the band for him, with a faster than normal delivery. I was so embarrassed, that I think my face was rosy red for the rest of my shift. But now that it’s been three years later, it’s a good story to tell around the busy holiday’s, like Christmas. Everyone has a good laugh about my big mistake, including me, and it’s a good thing, because I nothing but learned from it.
ReplyDeleteMy ibnterest in becoming an English major began in tenth grade. When I was younger I always had a love for English. It may have never seemed so to the untrained eye, as I also had a love for partying and trouble-making, which aren't exactly scholarly traits. In tenth grade, I had a teacher that really inspired me, this teacher absolutely loved his job and seemed to sincerely enjoy helping people succeed, but most importantly he seemed to see through all my bullshit and genuinely believed in my real potential. Granted I failed this teacher's class, I continued to have him in summer school and again in my senior year, the whole time I don't believe he ever faltered. I believe that because of this example is the reason I decided that I would like to hopefully some day teach english and attempt to help stubborn teenagers with potential, and helpo them see it in themselves as he had in me.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in film directing began when I was a little kid. When I was a child, my father always showed me a film three times a week, he would present me with a wide aray of film genres from film noir to spaghetti westerns. Watching all these films really grew on me and my interest in film directing was when I saw Bad Day at Black Rock. When I saw this I was blown away by its camera angles and storytelling; after watching that I knew that I would films were going to be a big part in my future.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life is when I saw other peple living and I had given up on my dreaming I knew I had to dream again. that is the reason I am sitting in this class room in this very precous time of my life.Because I learned to dream again and persue my dreams.
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life was when I was young and every one picked on me because of my size even my own fiends and seeing people living their life in a lie. Every day one after another every one had to put their negative opinions in about me. Even the people who would never do that started to pick on me lying to themselves to "fit in". Sence I was much bigger than anyone else it would have been easy for me to take out anyone who messed with me, but that wasn't me. As I got older I saw more and more people I know change who they were to "fit in" and more and more people making fun of me. What I learned from this was first how important it is to live your life for youself and not for anyone else. The second thing I learnd and what I tell others that I think they should do is to not give a crap about what others have to say about you. While at less the negatives.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in nursing began when I started working as a CNA. Actually, my interest in nursing began after 4 years of being a CNA. Being a CNA, you deal with patients on a direct basis. I will always remember being told, You are the eyes and ears of your supervisors, and the voice for your patients. Well, that hasn't quiet panned out, seeing as though no matter what I tell my supervisors they don't listen to me unless I actually take their hand and show them something. I began to feel like we're not actually there to be voices, or to see what the Supers don't. I feel like I'm there to get the dirty work done, no matter what. I feel like my Supers think I work in a factory, putting parts together in a certain amount of time. Well, that doesn't happen when you're dealing with humans. Though I love each and every one of my patients, I need something more. I'll always remember where I came from, being a CNA. I always tell myself that I will never have that attitude if I'm ever in a supervisory position.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in documentary film studies began when I watched the film "The Corporation". This documentary exposed me to problems within humanity. I felt a strong pull towards helping save humanity in some way. A kind of us against them protective stance developed within my mind. I wanted to expose those who harm humanity and bring them to justice. I started watching all kinds of documentaries that touched on all types of social, political, corporate, environmental, and humanitarian activism. I now have a solid blueprint for the type of films I plan on making. I plan on continuing my education and transferring to Ithaca College to pursue a B.A in Documentary film studies.
ReplyDeleteA time when I learned that it is best to laugh at yourself was when I found myself laying on my back looking up at the sun while the girl I was defending ran by my head. This was an intense lacrosse game, as they usually were, we were neck and neck if I'm remembering correctly, and I was running my ass off. We lost the ball so I had to get up the feild fast to play defense. I was doing great I got ahead of the girl so I could get in front of her and I began to back pedal. A few steps more I could feel myself beginning to lose my balance and next thing I know there I went, my feet went right out from under me. As I hit the ground I could feel the turf burn setting in and as embarassed and angry as I was, all I could do was laugh.
ReplyDeleteMy interest in fashion/design began when I was in about second grade. I used to not care what style clothes i wore until i started getting into wanting to fit in with what everyone else was wearing. I used to envy not being able to afford nice clothes because I felt like a loser for not wearing brand names or at the time starting in my younger years, limited too, and trying to be exact replica's of the spice girls with my friends. As i grew older i began making my own money and spending every penny on nothing important to compete with my best friends. The older I got the more i matured and found my own style and not in the price but in how it looked. Gradually, i became fascinated with clothes, accessories and shoes, again not for the brand, but for what I like in my own personal style. I would love to get paid to shop for trends,style,etc. for companys or agencies. My all time dream is to work behind the scenes of runways and big time fashion shoots or shows.
ReplyDeleteA time that changed my life was when i feel into the whale tank at Sea World. Crazy I know but it happened. I was only a boy of 9 and has this sarcastic personality. It all started when we went to go watch the whale show with shamoo and freinds. I thought to myself as i watched the divers and trainers swiming with the whales hell if they can do it why cant I. This particular day happened to be 99 degrees ferhenight and had been swweating all day. just watching the whales and trainers having so much fun in that cool water as if to say look how comfortable we are in here. I took this as an insult and as the show was going to start a ran for the deck where the trainers were standing telling momy and daddy i was only going pee, little did they know i was going to use the largest toilet in all of sea world. The whale tank. As i crawled and sneaked by sea world employees i eventually made it to the stage deck. from the sides i could see the crowd ooing and awing as shamoo and friends performed tricks for fish snacks. As the show was winding down and the grand finale was on its way you could just sense the tension of the crowd in the air. Now i said and bolted for the big blue. workers caught on and tried to stop me but little did they know. This was my day. I jumped as far as i could into the pool of whales, fish guts, trainers, and that o so blue water. slash. As i was underwater i opened my eyes and could see others jumping into the water to try and save me. I did not want to be saved i wanted to swim with the whales dammit so with the whales i swam. I guess the whales didn't like the color red because the worker who had jumped into the pool wearing the red " shamoo and crew" shirt was eating on sight. Shamoo and hi friends must have had a grudge on this guy because they ripped him limb for limb and pass his body around the tank as if to say "fuck you making us do these meaningless tricks all day. Well show you". Eventually his remaining carcass was tossed into the crowd. I could hear screaming and crying as if people were being attacked. Eventually i was caught and pulled out of the pool. I had to apologize to sea world and the family's that had to witness the death on the crew member in red. All in all i kept thinking to myself how much bullshit it was i had to apologize to everyone for jumping in and shamoo didn't have to do shit. I want my money back sea world.
ReplyDeleteHard work paid off when I won first place in county and sectionls for triple jump, and placed fifth in state qualifiers. I goofed and played around for the first half of the track season with my friends, until my coach one day pulled me aside and told me how good i was doing in the triple jump when i wasn't even trying. He told me if I would listen to him for a couple of practices and do the drills to make me get better i could beat the school record and place in sectionals. Sure enough I calmed down and practice every day my hardest and I earned that school record and finished first place in the county and sectionals.
ReplyDeleteA time I learned that it is best ot laugh at yourself was when I was at a bar - b- que with a group of my friends. We were all hanging out enjoying the nice warm weather considering winter was finally over and it was no longer cold. So we started to cook some burgers, hotdogs, and other fun stuff like that. After we all ate we got up to go for a walk and I was sitting on the coolers and trying to get down I slid and ended up ripping a whole in my pants from the top of my back pocket to almost my knee. Not sure really how I mangaged to do it but I did and all I could really do was laugh and chnage my pants.
ReplyDeleteHard work payed off when I finally passed my driver's test and recieved my liscense. I had been driving my mom's suv around my backyard for years now, so I figured I'd pass my driver's test the first time with flying colors. However, thing's didn't exactly go as planned. I was doing fine until I was asked to paralell park which has never been my forte. I was attempting to back into the cramped parking spot, when I nicked the curb. I was an eager 16 year old ready to gain my new found freedom and hit the open road in my new car; when my dream's and excitement came to an abrupt hault as the instructor mumbled one word..."fail". It wasn't until taking driver's education my senior year of highschool and a lot of practice (and another failed road test in between) that I finally got the hang of it. So I schedualed another test as confident as I was ever going to be, hoping that the third time would truly be a charm. When the moment came, I paralell parked perfectly! I finally had my liscense and I felt like I was on top of the mother on the other hand, not so much. It took time, patience, practice and plenty of frustrating failed attempts, but my hard work paid off as I drove away (by myself) in my new punchbug!
ReplyDeleteA moment that changed my life happened when i was around fifteen. I had done an english project on Franz Kafka and in the process had to read every single one of his published works. After which i wrote a 16 page biography and analysis of his writing. Naturally, after totally surrounding myself in Franz Kafka for months to complete this project i became a bit obsessed with him. I read absolutely every article i could find on him and bought every published text i could find by him. Some random day i was reading some noted quotes on a website and i came across one that caught my eye. "You can hold yourself back from the sufferings of the world, that is something you are free to do and it accords with your nature. But perhaps this holding back is the one suffering you could avoid." The moment i read that quote, my life changed. My eyes were opened, and thus my life finally began. I realized that it was pointless to try and hide myself from all the possible things that could go wrong in life, because if you spend all your time trying to avoid pain you're only going to hurt yourself more by depriving yourself of the experiences of life. Although in life i may face pain and difficulties, that's the joy of life. The journey of facing your fears and overcoming them and learning how to deal with different things. One cannot simply hide away out of fear of change or pain because this in itself is a type of death. Life is a series of changes, and ongoing set of events. We as humans have a tendency to wish to reach a certain point and stay there, this is a total surrender of our own soul. We must never be afraid of what lies ahead, not to say that we should tread into the fog with our heads held high and our eyes closed. But we mustn't be afraid of what we cannot understand, for trying to understand the mysterious is the joy of life and the mystery that surrounds us will forever be an inspiration to the human mind.