Monday, May 18, 2009

B&S Week 3: The Importance of Prewriting

One of the most common mistakes I see students make is skipping prewriting. Students will often claim that prewriting "takes too long" or "wastes time" because they don't truly understand its purpose or its value.

Yet, when done properly, prewriting can provide a substantial amount of ideas for a paper, including the structure and content needed for an effective draft. Many times this great information can be generated in as little as 10-15 minutes.

Furthermore, because there are so many techniques for prewriting and because there are no right or wrong answers at this stage of the process, prewriting can be tailored to an individual's learning style and preferences.

Based on these points and our class discussions, please respond to the following questions by posting a comment:
  1. Have you used prewriting before? If so, in what ways? If not, why haven't you?
  2. How did this week's classes add to your understanding of how prewriting can benefit a writing project? Be specific.
  3. What prewriting technique or techniques do you prefer? Why?


  1. I personally love pre-writing because it gets all my ideas out there, kind of like brainstorming. I usually tend to use pre-writing for every paper i write. I've used pre-writing basically my whole schooling career. I wouldn't know how this weeks class added to my understanding of pre-writing because unfortunatly I couldn't make it =[. Some pre-writing techniques I prefer is to map everything out, and I make a brainstorming chart type thing with those clouds... I forgot what they're called lol. Sometimes when I write a big paper I use powerpoint so once I get all my ideas and typing out on the slides, I rearrange them into a full paper and then copy and paste it all to a word document, that seems to help me a little too.

  2. i have used pre-writing before i enjoy doing it.this form of writing helps me to form and put my ideas on paper. this is a very helpful tool for me because i can put all my ideas down ,proofread and brainstorm other ideas i might have for my paper. i like to make rough drafts and go back and edit my work. i always find when i do that i can add much more to my paper.when i am brainstorming and getting all my ideas down on paper it helps me then i can figure out how to form my paragraphs in order in how they should go . i always do this a couples of times reading and editing my work because i am always adding to it.

  3. I have used prewriting before.There was a time in my life when I would just write whatever I was thinking.I enjoyed this week's class because it gave me a better understanding of why I prewrite.Prewriting can benfit because you can read it over and put in order.I like freewriting because my mind is open to anything.

  4. When writing a letter or essay I write it down on paper frist to make sure my thoughts are in order and clear, and to make sure my spelling and grammer are correct. This is so I don't make mistakes like the word explanation on the last assignment. Which was part typo. I truly believe every thing should have spell and grammer check. lol
    Prewriting is very usefull in getting idea's down and getting new ones. Using listing and webbing are good because you can get a lot of thoughts and information down.

  5. I have never used the prewriting technique before. I usually just wrote our a draft of my paper, then corrected the grammar, spelling, and reorgainized my thoughts if necessary. This weeks lesson on prewriting was very useful. I will now use this technique when writing a paper. It is a great way to organize your thoughts, views and ideas. This technique will ensure that all of your ideas and most important topics are not forgotten or left out. It is a great way of staying focused on the topic of your paper, I tend to get side tracked, so this will help me a great deal. Prewriting is like making a grocery list. You always write down the most important items that you will need and don't want to forget, same as wrting a paper. I look forward to learning more writing technique in the weeks to come.

  6. I have used prewriting before. I am guilty of not using very often though. I did when in highschool for job shadowing projects because they took up the whole senior year . Webs made it easier to keep it all organized. I felt this weeks lesson taught me other techniques I have not seen before. I look forward to not having my papers run on and on which I love to do.

  7. Certain techniques that I prefer to use is the outline , I list all my ideas out and sketch out different discriptive words that might sound better or allow the reader to understand and feel what Iam trying to convey .I write everything out in pen and paper and sit for a while most of the time Iam talking myself through a sentence or a paragraph pre -writting is the best part there is more freedom .
