When you think about it, you probably write in some fashion just about every day. You use it to communicate with others (and sometimes yourself) in variety of ways. To ensure clear communication, writing takes practice.
Writing is no different than these other skills. If you want to be successful, you have to practice the fundamentals, namely writing effective sentences and paragraphs. This makes perfect sense if you think about it; you can't write a good paragraph if you can't write solid, clear sentences. Likewise, you can't write an effective paper if you can't write paragraphs that convey a clear, unified message.
With this in mind, please answer the following questions as specifically and completely as possible (200 or so words) in a comment to this blog:
- How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
- What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
- How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?
You can add any other thoughts you have as well. :)
My writing skills in my professional life are a lot like school. I am a cook by profession so I have different writing assignments. My main task is producing and writing recipes. I have also written schedules for employees. There are production sheets that include daily assignments which have to be written and completed. My personal life, really I don't do much writing as I don't really have a personal life.
ReplyDeleteMy writing skills in my professional life are a lot like school. I am a cook by profession so I have different writing assignments. My main task is producing and writing recipes. I have to do written schedules for some employees. We have daily production sheets which includes daily assignments that have to be wrote and completed. As for my personal life, I really don't do much writing. This is mainly due to my not really having a personal life.
ReplyDeleteThere are some daily writing tasks for some people. As for myself, my only daily task that involves writing is for schooling. There are many areas in relation to school that writing is needed and done. A perfect example of that need for writing is to answer these blog questions for the snowman.
I need and accept any assistance for improvements within my sentences and paragraph. I am not an expert so I don't know where my corrections are needed. I do know that I certainly need assistance with my spelling, way of wording, and where to end or start a new paragraph. What I mean with my wording is sometimes they don't come across the way I intend them to. I do tend to sometimes have run on sentences also.
To practice proper writing techniques is just to do it as often as possible. I am struggling right now with this and my typing skills. I know that these are area that I should and have to continue practicing. Our choice would be getting better or losing the few skills that one has. Writing as most things are challenages, you can succeed or fail. The choice is how bad does one want it and to what level. The fact is, success is not guarenteed it is achieved. It is a learning process, and practice is a part of learning.
You can see I need practice just doing this blog assignment. I thought each answer was to be posted in a comment by itself. Therefore, practice makes perfect, well best of one's ability.
when it comes to writing i would like to have better organizational and development skills and how to put my ideas into my writing. i would like to improve on my sentence structure and forming my paragraphs.i have always found i had a difficult time with putting my ideas into the correct way to form sentences. i have trouble with run-on sentences and fragments. i know by writing more and more and with enough practice i will get better at writing and sentence structure.i would like to have a better understanding on how to improve on topic sentences and supporting ideas when i am writing papers or essays.i need to also work how to identify comma splices and run-ons i always seem to have them in my papers when i write.when i write i find myself not always having a conclusion or a thesis.the thesis part of the paper has been difficult for me.
ReplyDeletei use writing in my professional life.I write daily about residents activities in a nursing home.I write down my bills,grocery list and in my diary.I want to Improve my spelling puncuation marks.I can practice proper writing techniques by continue writing.
ReplyDeleteFor my personal life I don't use writing much. I am more of a phone person. When I do write it is pretty simple. I have to send in notes to the school and to the teachers. I also use writing for grocery list and to do list. Again nothing fancy.
ReplyDeleteYears ago I did have to write important letters. Letters to a D.A., and U.S.Attonery. My biggest concern was and still is my spelling. I also will fret over were to put a comma or when to start a new paragraph. Due to these concerns I am so thankful for spell and grammer check. It corrects everything for me.
To help me inprove on my spelling I play computer games that teach me how to spell. With the grammer I read the explanationson grammer check.
ReplyDeleteI use writing skills daily in texting and instant messaging on the computer. Now ofcourse it will come into play with schoolwork.I feel like I can improve on my grammar and my run-on sentences.I feel like in highschool we are programmed to write correctely and then become very lax into adulthood. I am looking forward to improving my english skills.
ReplyDeleteWritting skills are something for the last three semesters that I have been continuing to learn about. Iam not the greatest at spelling or the grammer end of the spectrum but I do enjoy writting. Its an expressive way to relieve my emotions. Iam looking to improve my skills to better myself in the long run whether it be a future career or simple as filling out a loan application form.