Tuesday, May 26, 2009

B&S Week 4: Illustration and Classification

Last week we focused on prewriting as a tool for narrowing topics, generating possible paper content, and finding a good research question. We connected this to analysis, a method of thinking that asks what something means, how it works, or why it does what it does.

This week in class, we discussed illustration and classification, two modes of thinking that can help us write our ideas in an organized, coherent manner. We suggested that illustration uses examples in order to show an idea or prove a point and that classification groups items together in meaningful ways. It should be clear that analysis can help us develop either an illustration paper, helping us identify and organize specific examples that support ideas, or a classification paper by identifying specific items that should be grouped together based on specific, concrete traits.

That said, you were assigned to write either an illustration or a classification paper. Using the topics found in the assignment sheet for the paper, complete the following:

  1. Provide some prewriting for the topic you believe you will write your paper on for this assignment. You may choose any method you wish--freewriting, listing, mapping, etc.
  2. Develop a research question that your paper will answer.
  3. Inside-out draft one possible paragraph based on your research question and your prewriting.  


  1. The topic that I believe I am going to write about is "Risks That Are Worth Taking." I really have not started the paper other than some brainstorming, just jotting things down as it pops in my head. I have always been one that have done writing from my own topics. It's hard for me to write about a topic that is given to me. Anyhow, I am going by what we learned in reference to the "Prom" class. My paper is going to be based on the risks involved with going to college, especially as a woman and at my age. It is quite obvious that there certainly are risk involved with that. You don't know how many times I have asked myself "why", and "what am I doing", mainly questioning myself if I am going to make it to graduation. I wrote down a few things like failure, breakdown, going to the nut house, money, emotions, you know those kinds of risks are the first ones that came to mind for me. I am not really sure what you are asking with research question. I don't know if I was even going to have one. If I do, I guess a good research question might be in reference to the one graduation rate that Bryant and Stratton has. From that, I might ask, what is the percentage rate for older students, or even women and men compared? Myself, I would think that it really can not be determined correctly. The fact is, I believe that the student's major plays a big part also. I'll bet that the graduation rate is higher and lower with some majors compared to others. I guess the research question I would comment on is that of women compared to men. We all know that women are more emotional than men to the point that more things bother them. We also tends to worry about things and strive for perfection more. This is due they way life and society has always been. Even though women now have rights and are susposed to be treated equal, it seems that we still have to work to prove and make something of ourselves more so than men, mostly in the work place. In addition, with regards to a family,the men are not as conscience to the emotional needs and wants as much as women are. With that in mind, I believe that the women take on more stress more emotions, possibly depression, thus making it school more difficult in reference to concentration, time and commitment. However, it is a know fact that women are mentally stronger, so with all the risks involved, they tend to overcome with determination to achieve their goals. So my guess would be that the percentage rate of graduation of women compared to men at Bryant and Stratton is higher with women. Even with that question, one has to realize that more women attend then men do too. I hope this has answered what was asked as I stated I did not really know since I have not done my paper yet.

  2. I will probably use web pre writing or listing. I think my paper is going to be one of the illustration topics. I may sit and pick two topics and see which one I will choose from there.I'm leaning torwards athletes and dedication. I think I could compare some of the top athletes in different fields and give a little history about each and then continue to tell how they stay as competetive as they are ex. (Rafeal Nadal, Eli Manning, Tiger Woods). I would like for readers to be able to take away a little bit of history of each player.. I think.

  3. my paper that i am writing will be a illustration paper on actions with unintended consequences.i have been brainstorming alot with this topic. i want to show in my paper many different kinds of actions that have all sorts of different consequences that comes along with it. In this paper i would like readers to understand everything you do in life has some sort of consequence. I want my paper to be informative and keep the readers attention.sometimes our choices have wide implacations that we neither intended nor expected that to be the outcome.....

  4. The topic I have chosen was "Reasons for surfing the internet" as my classification paper. For this topic, I have chosen three different groups of why people surf the web. Those three different groups are, for enjoyment, relationships, and research. After I narrowed down to three possible main topics, I then began to build a mind map to come up with a bunch of other mini topics having to do with the three main chosen topics, as we did for the prom topic. For example, for the main topic of research, I came up with a few reasons why people surf the web doing research, such as for jobs, cars, houses, schools, etc. My research question/thesis which will be answered during my paper would be " As the years progress, people are becoming more and more relient on surfing the internet since everything is so easily accessed by the click of your mouse. Three main reasons why people surf the internet daily are for; relationships, research, and enjoyment.

    I haven't came up with a possible inside/out paragraph yet because im just brainstorming and trying to think of examples and such.

  5. I will be writing my paper in an illustration form about MMA fighters. My topic question is MMA Fighters: Limited or Limitless. I basically listed a bunch of MMA fighters and found things that each of them had in common. My main topic was to find a negative quote about the perseption out there about MMA fighting in general. Then I listed ways of proving the quote wrong.
