Monday, June 29, 2009

B&S Week 8: Researching

This week, we focused on strategies for effective research. We discussed the importance of research questions in guiding our work. We also laid out the four steps for writing a research paper: prewriting, locating sources, evaluating sources, and drafting/revising.

A key factor in locating sources is using time efficiently. Once again, utilizing a method becomes vital to succeeding at this goal. Having a method to use each time we write provides a roadmap for more efficient and effective experiences. As we use the method, we can revise our steps and tinker as needed without having to "reinvent the wheel" for each new writing assignment. This method should cut down the time we need to spend researching because we won't waste time closely reading materials that won't help us directly answer our research question.

With this in mind, answer the following in your comment to this blog:
  1. What is the research question you have written for your response paper?
  2. Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
  3. Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.


  1. My research question is 'How do steroids affect baseball compared to football'. I searched the internet so far and have yet to visit the Bryant ans Stratton library. I just searched steroids,then football and steroids the baseball and steroids, millions of sites came up and did'nt take long to find some accredited sites. the time saving techniques I used were titles and introductions, I also scanned the articles for section titles, that really helps.

  2. The research question I have chosen for my response paper is " Can we really survive in a civil manner off of minimum wage with all the extra expenses life brings along?"

    Based on this research question, I searched for my sources from google, and my friend let me into her lemoyne school library to search the database for articles and papers. During the search on the lemoyne database, I entered a few key words to help narrow down my choices of sources. The key words I used was "Living wages", "Minimum wage", "Cost of Living", and there were a few more I cant remember. I also modified my search terms by selecting full text and articles & research papers only.

    For the time saving techniques, after I printed everything i needed, I highlighted the main topic and all the sub topics of the articles and papers. This helped me to choose my 3 key points for the paper. Also by reading the abstracts and table of contents, this helped me pick the sources I wanted to use and the ones I didnt want to use. So overall, This technique helped me a great deal, since I am struggling a litle bit on this paper.

  3. i have chosen to write a paper on cell phone use in education. i have looked at alot of different websites and ebsocohost for information on this topic. i chose key points in the articles to help me in putting the paper together . i used the alternating methods to narrow down the points of view. it helped me when i wrote comments in the margins on certain key points i found were interesting and helpful to my paper.

  4. My research question is "Do steroids really give and athlete a competative edge?". This is a tough subject to reaserch, there is a lot of articles and information you can find on it, but not a lot you can use in an argument. I reaserched google and a lot of sports websites and trainers websites. It seems like all of the information that I gathered was all about the same subject of reasearch showing findings that steroids do not give and athlete a competative edge. This paper is a really tough one to write. I used intoroduction, conclusiona dn topic sentences to narrow down articles and information that I researched on the internet. This helped me narrow down such a large volume of articles on the subject, so that I could pinpoint exactly which ones I needed for my paper.

  5. My research qustion is "Do steroids and athlets mix well. Though there was a lot of information it all bascially said the same thing. I have never done a research paper before and this has been rough on me. My brain is stuck on just giving information. I had a friend help me and he just keep shaking his head and kept asking what is your question. Well I got my question I just hope I write the paper right.

  6. I have to tell you that being an older student has some disadvantages to it. Mainly being that I've forgotten most of what I learned in highschool. However, last year I took a college prep writing course. Proffesor Engle, my instructor, was very big on prewriting. He was huge on rewrites. Thats basically what I utilized in his classes.
    As far as prewriting benifiting a project, I think it improves your paper tenfold.The more you reread or rewrite gives you the oppurtunity to improve upon it. The techniques I myself like to use are the rewrite and I also like to use index cards. I like to put each sentence of a paragraph onto a card, this way I can put sentences together in different ways.
