Monday, June 1, 2009

B&S Week 5: Inside-out Drafting

This may be your first opportunity to use the Inside-out Method to draft a paper. Remember, the Inside-out Method focuses on developing the body paragraphs first. This is done by working out each pattern or category (and sub-categories) of details one at a time in terms of how they answer your main question(s) for the paper. For example, if our question for the paper was "How expensive is the prom?", we would try to address how each specific detail associated with attire (gowns, tuxes, suits, etc.) answers that question. Once this is done, do the same for the accessories, the transportation, etc.

One key point for Inside-out drafting: don't try to write the first draft as if it will be a perfect paper. It won't. The sooner you accept that we are using a process for developing a strong paper that can't be perfected at this stage, the more free and effective your drafting stage will be, not to mention your stress and frustration levels will be minimal.

Now that you are in the process of drafting the paper (or, perhaps, finished with the first draft), please address the following in your response with specific examples/ideas:
  1. Did your prewriting help you find ideas to start drafting?
  2. How did the Inside-out Method make your drafting of the paper easier or more effective?
  3. Did you struggle in any way using this method? How so?
  4. Now that you have used the method, what will you modify or change next time you use it?


  1. I used the webb method. I wasn't sure what to write about so I took two topics and did the web. The web that had the most information is the one I went with. The web did help me come up with things to write about. I also really enjoyed the peer review. I liked getting comments on my paper, but didn't like giving comments back. I'm sorry I didn't try the inside-out method.

  2. Using pre-writing really halped me come up with different catergories that I could use in answering my main question in my report. I found it very helpful and the more I sub-categorized the more ideas I had. I really found using the inside out method it took away the frustration of writing that first introduction paragraph. It help mold the ideas that I wanted to address in the introduction to my paper, and then gave me great ideas on how to conclude the paper. I will use the inside out method when writing every paper from now on. It made my ideas and writing flow a lot easier.

  3. when i am using pre-writing it helps me with my paragraphs,sentence structure. i like using this method because i can go back and edit or add to a paragraph or see where i left something out. when i proof read my paper there is always something i didnt do. the more i do this i always add new things i want to say. when writing a paper it is difficult to start out with the first paragraph and what to say, but as i get more into it i can develop my story better.i really enjoy using this method in writing a paper.

  4. My pre-writing helped me find many different ideas in which i could have utilized in my paper.Making charts, webs, and freewriting helps me narrow down and come up with the best ideas to use for my paper. Yes, my prewriting helped me find many ideas for me to start drafting a paper, because i had plenty of ideas to use from my webs etc.

    I tried to utilize the inside-out method during this paper, but it didn't really help me. Throughout my whole highschool and college career, I was never taught about the inside-out drafting method. Since I was never taught about it since now, it's hard to start practicing with it when i'm so used to the other method of just going in order. So, yes I did struggle with this method of drafting because i'm not use to using it, and it's hard to grasp onto something totally new when you were taught and drilled in a different way for years.

    Although this method was hard to grasp at first, I'm sure I will use it more in my next paper. I will probably use this method in the research paper, because I think it would be easier to use this method for a research paper rather than an illustration or classification paper.

  5. Pre writing did help. I ended up using a lists because I compared two sports stars . I may be using the inside out method and just don't see it yet. I do struggle while writing papers. I'm trying to make my writing more efficient as we learn in class. All of you're lessons are very helpful, just when I sit down to use them my brain wanders. The reserach paper coming up I feel the inside out method wil be the best choice and I will try to embrace it and hopefully write a great paper.
