Monday, July 20, 2009

B&S Week 11: Narrative

This week, we began discussing our personal narrative paper. We said that narratives are "stories used to prove points or show ideas". The narrative paper you will write will be exactly that.

Narratives are used in many ways every day. They are used as evidence in court cases, details in business reports, reflections for professional portfolios, support for "teachable" moments, and for many other purposes.

To provide you with some practice creating narratives, please complete the following:

Choose one of the topic sentences below, finish the sentence, and write a paragraph telling a story that supports/develops that sentence's idea:
  • A time when I learned that it is best to laugh at yourself was when...
  • A moment that changed my life was...
  • Hard work payed off when I...
  • My interest in (insert your major here) began when I...


  1. The moment that changed my life was when my mother past away. Growing up you never image one of your parents dying, especially when you are still young and need them in your life. The unthinkable happend and my mother because ill and past away. There are so many lessons that she taught me throughout her life that I will take and cherish and pass on to my children. Death of a loved on is a life changing experience because you learn to not take for granted the people in your life, you learn to slow down and cherish little things. Don't stress over everything, just take a deep breath and things will fall into place. Be thankful for all you have in your life and most important is to make sure you let the people in your life know how much they are loved and how important they are to you, you never know what will happen tomorrow.

  2. A moment that changed my life was when my father passed away when I was 13. My father was the closest person I had, and this devistated me the moment my mother recieved a phone call from the hospital saying he passed away. The depressing part was that he was after 6 long months in the hospital and getting all better, he ended up getting a random infection in his blood which attacked his organs. My father went under the knife for gastric bypass surgery, he had diabetes as well as a very bad thyroid issue. He ended up losing 80 pounds in the hospital alone, but the week before he passed he ended up with that infection. As I said my father was the best person in my life, he did whatever hew could for me financially and emotionally, even when he was poor. I remember the day he went to the hospital, I said "daddy, please don't die, we still have to go to my father daughter dance and have fun!" again I was 13 haha. I even remember the exact day and time i was told that he died. It was October 13th, 2000 at around 3 pm. I was outside playing four square with the neighborhood kids. My mother called me in and she was crying, and right then and there I knew what was wrong. After she told me, i went in my room and never came out for 2 weeks straight. My mother finally dragged me out and forced me to go to school again. Once I got to school I felt a little better because all my friends and teachers knew what happened and they got me flowers and cards and gifts. Still to this day i'm not completely over it, and i don't think I ever will be. I think about my father atleast once a day. All I can say is, dont take the ones you love for granted, because once theyre gone, you will really really miss them. Also, dont take life for granted. this may sound corny but, live life as if you were going to die tomorrow.

  3. A day that changed my life was the day my sister was born. I was not happy about welcoming another kid to my family , things were perfect the way it was. This is my first memory, I was four and was walking down the hospital hallway with my Dad and miserable. I was happy to see my mom though, it had been days without her at home. I went in and looked at my new sister still not happy and then months of non stop crying and crying. I don't know exactly when I got over this but I would never give her back for anything, even though she still gets very cranky and we are the total ooposites she is my only sister and I would never change that. We have developed a bond that only sisters can have.

  4. hard work payed off when i was applying for a managers position at a retail store. i always worked hard and kept to myself . everyday i had pallets and pallets of product to get on the shelves and i made sure before i left everyday i went through them all. my mannagers always came to me if they needed something done and done right. so when it came to having the interview for the managers position i had got it. i was very excited and i knew i could do it with a little hard work.

  5. A day that changed my life is the day that my frist son was born. I became a mom. My life was no longer mine. It now revolved around my beautiful son.
