Wednesday, September 9, 2009

CCC Week 2: Sentences and Paragraphs

When you think about it, you probably write in some fashion just about every day. You use it to communicate with others (and sometimes yourself) in variety of ways. To ensure clear communication, writing takes practice.

One of the most important aspects of mastering any skill is consistently practicing the fundamentals. If you want to learn how to play guitar, you have to practice the scales, chords, and fingering techniques that make up this endeavor. The same is true in basketball; if you want to be a great player, practicing dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense are all vital.

Writing is no different than these other skills. If you want to be successful, you have to practice the fundamentals, namely writing effective sentences and paragraphs. This makes perfect sense if you think about it; you can't write a good paragraph if you can't write solid, clear sentences. Likewise, you can't write an effective paper if you can't write paragraphs that convey a clear, unified message.

With this in mind, please answer the following questions as specifically and completely as possible (200 or so words) in a comment to this blog:
  1. How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
  2. What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
  3. How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?


  1. I have used writing in several aspects of my life. For example, as a Production Manager for a large cabinet manufacturer, I was required to create daily progress reports on the activity of the day. Also writing this very blog is an example of me using writing in my academic life. Therefore, these examples show a few times in my adademic, business, and personal life where I use writing.

    The daily tasks that one may use writing can be countless. Think of the simple signing of a payroll check. Is that not writing? It may not be a long piece of writing but with that signature you are expressing you acceptance of those wages. While you think about that, what about that email you may of sent recently to a friend. That is a form of writing. The point of the email may be to inform that person that you want to go out or simply to say hello.

    I would like to improve in my writing is the use of commas or other punctuation.

    I can practice my writing every day by using proper format and structure in even the simpliest forms of writing. By not using sentence fragments or slang in an email to a friend. I know it is easy for you to use "wazzup" or other slang to a friend, but does that promote proper writing skills that you will need in the future? Would you write to your future boss in those terms? In conclusion by practicing those skills now in our everyday life, even when not required, will help us in the future.

  2. I have used writing everyday of my life in one way or another, for many different purposes.Whether I am using it to write a paper for school, writing a resume, or even posting a comment on facebook, it is something that most people use daily.46 There are so many different things we do that require writing, that we do not even realise that every time we write something, it is an opportunity to improve.
    When I write, I am always striving to do a better job at whatever it is that I am writing. I think that the use of punctuation is vital,and also sticking to the topic sentence is also very 114 important. Even if my punctuation is not always correct, I do try to put enough commas, periods, etc. in to make it at least readable. If you have read a paragraph with no punctuation at all, and the same paragraph with correct punctuation, it may appear to be saying two different things.
    The topic sentence is also important. This is because if you have read a paragraph that does not stick to its topic sentence, you may begin to feel lost, and not know exactly what the writer is trying to say.
    Everyday there are many opportunities to improve your writing. For instance, if you are on facebook, chatting with a friend, I think that it would help me to make little improvements, even if it is only small things, such as proper capitalization. If you are constantly on your guard, trying to improve, hopefully, the effort you make will pay off. If you do your best to write well each and every time you sit down to write, it will become a wonderful habit.

  3. I use writing in just about every prospect of my life. From writing a complex research paper for school, or filling the daily paperwork out at my job, to something as simple as leaving a note for a loved one; it seems you cannot go even one day without having to write at least something!

    When it comes to writing sentences and paragraphs my skills have their strong points as well as their weaknesses. There are a few grammatical and punctuation errors I need to work on. Although adding details are one of my stronger writing skills, writing the topic sentence seems to be a hassle. I believe run-on sentences may be a weakness of mine, as I may have illustrated already.

    Practicing proper writing techniques daily should not only be natural but would be beneficial as well. Ways to practice these techniques are: Taking proper notes during classes, using Microsoft Word to spell check(make sure you proof read), and using correct grammar while chatting through instant or text messaging. The most essential way to practice writing skills is to show up for class and learn these techniques!

  4. I use writing in some fashion everyday in my life. I use it to take notes at school or to send emails to my friends.I also write at work when filling my time sheet out daily. Writing is not only used for academic skills we use it in varies parts of our lives.

    There are a few things i would like to improve when writing. Some of these skills i would like to improve are comma usage and correcting run-ons. I want to expand my skills further so i can become a successful writer.

    I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by showing up to class and taking good notes. As well as showing up to class you need to pay attention to learn something. To get better at writing I could take more time to prewrite.

  5. Writing as a whole is an everyday process. From communication to just wasting "free time". It's something that will never be replaced in this world, there's always something to be written.
    Me, myself has always had writing in my life. When i was younger I loved writing stories, even though they weren't always that understandable.I have a problem with run on sentences. I feel when i run out of things to say i just repeat myself in different ways. As it would make the piece seem more lengthy especially for a quota. Hopefully i can fix my bad "technique" by keep coming to school, especially english.
    You would think everyone in the world would be professional writers. Due to as much writing there is. If writing stays an everyday process then everyone including myself will become those professionals someday.

  6. Now that I think about it, I've used some form of writing everyday in my life. Some ways that I've used it are when I'm texting my friends, chatting with them on instant messenger, or even sending an angry message to someone on X-Box Live. Those are all ways that I've used writing in my life.

    One way I would like to improve my writing would be by explaining my thesis better. If I could do that, I probably would not have missed the mastery grade by one point on my English Regents.

    There are many ways to practice proper writing techniques everyday. One way is to write properly everyday. Don't use slang or abbreviations when chatting with friends. A second way is to start reading more. Reading to me is a visual way of learning proper writing techniques. So those are some of the ways to practice proper writing techniques everyday.

  7. Throughout my day, I write in various forms, from personal to academic and professional communication. I spend time every day writing personal emails and facebook messages to friends or commenting on public blogs and message boards. Along with this personal writing, I also communicate with business people through mostly e-mail to understand how I can most efficiently provide my cervices to satisfy their needs. While I was in high school and now that I am attending college classes, I use writing skills to take notes in class and communicate with other students, in a coherent manor. Therefore; improved writing skills will allow me to take full advantage of the vast knowledge I can gain from attending classes at OCC and any other college or university.

    I would like to improve my writing skills in areas which I found most difficult and time consuming in high school. One of these areas is researching, to find particular facts and ideas for my papers. I found research extremely arduous and time consuming, which makes me think there must be a better way than how I was doing it. Another writing skill I would really like to polish and perfect is my punctuation, by learning exactly how and where punctuation is used, in the art of writing.

    People can improve their writing skills in a vast number of ways every day. So often we are constantly abbreviating our writing to a point that it is barely legible, instead of improving our vocabulary to reduce the size of our messages, such as in texts and Instant Messages. Most of the time we don't even write in complete words let alone full sentences, especially in personal messages online. I catch myself writing incomplete sentences and excessively abbreviated words all the time, it's like a virus! This is why I am trying to make myself more conscious of what I write, whether I am leaving a comment on facebook or text messaging a friend.

  8. Writing is simply academic to me. Normally when a task would require writing i just ignore it and think through it. Writing can complete several life tasks from as simple as making grocery lists to complex diagrams that require expansive vocabularies to understand.

    A way i would like to improve my sentence and paragraph writing is to stop turning them into lists. The problem starts when i get into my supporting paragraphs. I have so much information that I just end up clumping it together in one paragraph and running out of information. I need to separate my information better by creating a sentence for every idea.

    We can improve our writing skills by seeking help from some one with experience. Practice will also help us by putting these new or improved skills to work. Its how you get good at anything.

  9. Honestly, I write all the time in almost every aspect in my life, in one form or another. My daily tasks that involve writing are, writing notes in school or possibly an essay once in a while. I also enjoy writing in my free time as well. I enjoy writing poems and writing stories just basically for fun. So I am writing frequently during the day.

    A way that I want to improve my writing would be punctuation I have a huge problem trying to figure out where comma’s should go in a sentence. But hopefully that will improve very soon. I also have a problem with “run-ons”, it seems that I put to much information into a paragraph at once and don’t know how to form it into a coherent paragraph. I would like to become a more successful writer.

    Everyday there is some way you can improve some form of your writing. I try to practice proper writing technique everyday by not using “slang” words and abbreviating anything in e-mails or text messages to friends. Another way would be taking effective notes in class. By using proper writing skills will help you in the future.

  10. Lately, I’ve mainly written mostly short notes in my personal life. Most of the notes were to tell other people who called for them on the phone. Some of the other notes were lists to make shopping be a bit easier. A few other notes were mainly reminders for TV shows, events, and a few other things.

    I want to improve my writing in sentences by learning a bit more on punctuation and being less abstract when I try to get my thoughts across. When I complete a sentence, I worry if I used a comma or semicolon correctly. This in turn makes me worry that I might be getting the wrong idea across. I don’t want that to happen.

    I wish to better my ability in writing paragraphs in staying focused to one idea and being better structured. I have a habit of jumping topic to topic while writing. I worry that the paragraph might be too cluttered and be too jumpy.

    I think I might able to better my writing by writing a journal or diary, or something like that. I also could try to not rely on a computer’s Spellchecker so much. I could even take time to be more detailed when taking messages from the phone. Those sound like good ideas to me.

  11. I have used writing in ways to convey ideas, random thoughts, prepare assignments, record information at work, and sometimes just to doodle when I seem to have nothing better to do. Daily tasks which require writing are recording assignments for the week, taking notes in class, in-class exercises. But more often the writing I use is to make notes to myself, especially in my occupation in the medical field where it is mandatory to take vital signs and record resident's behaviors.

    I'll have to admit that my writing probably needs work in just about every area. The last time I was truly satisfied with a piece that I wrote was in my sophomore year of high school. But, if I had to narrow it down, I would say that I need improvement on writing effective topic sentences because I never really got the hang of them.

    I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by not using "IM lingo" when writing notes in class, and sending text messages, or e-mails to friends. I tend to not capitalize letters or punctuate as well as I should during those tasks, so forcing myself to use proper grammar and punctuation would improve my writing tremendously.

  12. Through out my academic life I have used writing to create research papers, write notes to my girlfriend, and to forge sick notes from my mother. Outside of school I use writing to converse with my friends over facebook, e-mail, or text messaging. General daily tasks that require writing include, e-mailing, homework, and writing letters.

    I personally would like to improve my sentence and paragraph structure and clarity. In the future I will need to be able to make well writing papers that will clearly convey ideas without problem. In order to build these skills it will be necessary to write properly with everyday to day task, even if it isn’t going to be graded.

  13. Through out my life, I've used writing for several different purposes. What first comes to mind is the writing I have to do in classes everyday. Or the homework I have to work on. Whether I'm writing, typing, or texting, I see myself practicing my writing skills everyday.

    My hopes for this english class at CCC, is that I can set goals for myself as a writer and hopefully achieve them at somepoint throughout the rest of my academic career. I have issues with run-on sentences and over usage of commas and semi-colins. I've also always felt the need to stuff in fancy phrases or words (using the thesaurus) in order to make myself sound more intelligent in papers. However, I'm beginning to learn that clarity and precise and concise is the way to go.

    -kaytlyn morey

  14. In everyday life writing is apart of everything. i use writing for all sorts of thing, whether a note or email. You use writing even in writing a simply list for things to do. Also if you have a journal or diary thats writing down all your thoughts.

    I personally think my ideas in my writing are pretty good. I think the only thing i need to work on is string them together and making them flow better. I noticed over the years that sometimes i tend to stray off the main concept and put things that dont really need to be in there.

    To practice the proper writing tech. I think you just have write normal and not use the style of writing like how you text on your cell phone. Sometimes i find myself being guilty of doing that to make it easier and to get done faster with what im writing.

  15. 1. I use writing in all three of those aspects their is always something that needs to be written down whether its at work or taking notes in college, Or last year writing papers in highschool. Their are many different things that you use writing for in your everyday life.

    2. I think that the two biggest things that I would like to improve on while doing this topic in english class would have to be run-on sentences, and writing an effective topic sentence as well.

    3. An effective way to practice your writing would be to study your textbook everyday or a few times a week. You could also just write about a topic that you enjoy and try to gain experience that way.

  16. Everyday I write something down weather makeing a to do list at work or even using a text message even though it dose not have correct grammer it still is a form of writing. Last year I used writeing alot with diffrent assignments and papers to do. Writing is a part of my daily schedule.

    What Id like to improve on is comma usage; As well as more descriptive types of sentance structure so it dosent seem as a run on sentance. I tend to sometimes restate things in writeing and I want to learn not to do that.

    A way to improve writing is to keep writing and pay attention to the way you write, and hopefully learn to change your ways to make your self happy with the way you write.

  17. Each and every day presents me with a new task into writing. Working at a retail job, I sometimes have to write notes to other employees on how to do something in the shortest way possible but clearly. I feel this effects me most day to day.

    Although with my writing, I may be structured but I lack knowing how and when to stop writing a sentence. I write run on sentences frequently. This I feel is my biggest problem in writing.

    In order to improve ones writing,I would not just write notes like I normally would. I would write them as if i were going to turn them in for a grade. Write them for English or any other proper occasion, not just get it down and to the point, but show some sophistication along the way.

  18. I use writing on a daily basis in aspects of my life that include taking class notes, writing a grocery list, and even texting. I haven't written an academic paper in about a year and a half, so I'm sure my skills are a bit rusty.

    I'm would like to learn how to stay on task throughout an entire paper. I tend to get side- tracked and lose my entire train of thought over the course of an essay by trying to over-explain things.

    I think reading is a good way to improve writing skills. When you read a book, you're improving your vocabulary and learning how to differ the structure of your sentences and paragraphs.

  19. Although I do not enjoy writing, I am obligated to use it in everyday life. As an Employee at a state park I am constantly having to sign in camp reservations. These forms have allowed my writing to become more professional and legible. Everyday I am on a schedule,and as a student writing is essential. Taking notes and keeping important dates on a writen record is the only way in wich I can maintain organization.
    I would like to improve my sentences and paragraphs. Ways in wich I would like to accomplish this are to improve on my sentence fragments and, avoid run on sentences. These have always posed problems for me because I try to get all of my ideas down at once.
    Ways in wich I can practice proper writing techniques are to just simply practice. Whether it is taking notes in class, Writing a supermarket list , or keeping a personal journal those when done will and have in the past effectively improve my writing.

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  22. In my belief, writing is one of, if not the most crucial form of communication. I use it to organize my thoughts, make my thoughts known (maybe via a blog), and to organize information that may otherwise be too difficult to mentally catalog. An idea that is recorded is one not forgotten. And writing an idea down is a great way to record it.
    Writing to a person is one of the oldest and time-tested forms of communication. Whether it’s a text message or a letter, is a great way to share without having to organize a meeting or having to find a common availability to talk on the phone. But first lets get one thing straight, I am not one to converse thru the clicking of my cell phone’s keypad. In fact, I resent it. I believe that along with mp3 players, texting is de-socializing our culture. But I do believe that a quick text is a great way to send someone a quick piece of information without interrupting his or her current state. They can read it and move on. Quick and effective. That is the only reason I send texts.
    I also use writing on a daily basis to record dates and information at my job. I am the Head Cold Chef at a restaurant. Without recording dates and times along with other vital information, the restaurant would not last a day. We need to know that information to function.
    I believe that my fluidity and ability to convey my thoughts into writing in a just way are my weakest points as an author. I believe that my grammar is up to par, and with today’s technology there is always a colored underline to catch me when I stumble. It is trying to translate my precise emotions and thought train into letters that I find to be the most difficult aspect of my writing. I believe that a journal would be the best way to strengthen those skills. Maybe blogging will help as well. Anything involving the consistent exercise of my writing abilities. My prevailing observation is that practicing is the best way to strengthen and hone skills. A belief that comes from, as well as applies to, more than just writing. -Joe Schwonke

  23. Naturally I've used writing in my academic life just like we all have; English papers in high school and reports in college. Though, I will say this is the first I've used it in a "blogging" manor.
    Usage of writing my professional life primarily revolves around my resumes and cover letters. As a machinist, most of the writing I do at work is short hand, numbers, abbreviations, etc...
    In my personal life, I use writing mostly in responding to emails, chatting with people via AIM, or text message; which hardly counts as writing!
    Some things I'd like to improve, or hone rather, is my grammar usage and punctuation. I'm a big grammar nerd; it drives me insane when I read emails or profiles that are poorly written. If I don't have a well written profile myself then I'd be a hypocrite, and that's unacceptable.
    I think the most obvious way to practice good writing techniques every day is to simply make a point to write well. Don't take the short cuts, if you're not sure of something, look it up. Ask somebody near you if it sounds right. Use the spell checker for crying out loud! It's astounding how many people don't, that's the epitome of laziness. With that in mind, I suppose another key to practicing good writing on a daily basis would be: Don't be lazy.

  24. I have always used writing throughout my entire academic. Everyone started at all different ages; i took me a while to learn that writing is a very important tool needed in everyday life. I write everyday, for one I'm a student at college which is a must to write. Sometimes i would write to my friends or family on Facebook or in a text message. I have always wanted to be a good writer like my friends but since it took me so long to figure out that writing is important that i feel a little behind the rest of my friends. I hope to get better at not writing run on sentences, which there might be some in this paragraph. Also to not get off topic when writing a paper because when i run out of things to say i write a rabbit trail to take up space. I can practice good writing techniques by writing everyday. The more you write the better you get at it. Like said in the reading, if you wanted to play the guitar and get good at playing the guitar you need to practice.

  25. I have used writing in many aspects of my life. One of the big ones would have to be when I was an assistant manager at a store. I had the resposibility of doing all of the manager's paperwork for him. This required me to learn how to use proper grammar and punctuation, mostly because I had to write a lot of business letters. If I spelled something wrong, or messed up grammatically, I felt like an idiot.

    I believe there are many daily tasks that require writing, such as doing school work(if you're in school), writing things that have to do with money such as checks and doing bills, and many others depending on who the person is. For me, however, I believe the main tasks in which writing affects my daily life are school(obviously), bills, the internet, text messaging, work and many others I can't think of at the moment.

    What I would like to improve with my writing is my punctuation. I believe that I sometimes use commas too often and it turns my paragraph into one huge run-on sentence.

    I think that when you write something you should always proof read it when you're done. Proof reading will help in developing good writing skills. I often make the mistake of not proof reading, which is obviously a problem that I really need to fix.

  26. I have used writing in my personal life as an enjoyment of expressing my feelings through poetry. Writing had influenced my life academically in the sense where I have previously experienced doing a presentation presenting information on a medical topic.Writing skills are also important to learn proper words for resumes or cover letters.

    Daily tasks that require writing on a daily basis would be a doctor filling a prescription for a patient,a teacher who needs to correct an English essay,a receptionist who makes appointments for clients. In most cases with technology upgrading computers have been another option as well.

    In paragraphs I would like to improve on staying on the proper subject or topic. I desire my sentences to have proper wording and punctuation to express my point to the audience. Punctuation plays a big part in how a sentence is expressed or how a comment can be felt to the reader to practice proper writing techniques. You should know the English language and study to keep up with new words and become open minded with different languages as well.

  27. Everyone uses writing one way or another everyday in their lives. I use it in many ways. Whether it be to ask for a day of from work, e-mailing someone, texting, or even commenting on this blog. All of these tasks involve writing and all play a role in our lives. Some examples of writing could be but are writing a script for a tv show, writing a blog, taking notes for class, and a teacher writing notes for the class on the chalkboard. This is just a few of many examples of how people use writing everyday.

    There are many things I would like to improve in my writing. One of them is being able to write a structured paragraph while being able to get all the grammar correct. I want to be able to write a paragraph where the person reading it or grading it doesn't have to worry about spelling mistakes or my paragraph switching topics all of a sudden. I want to be able to write the perfect paragraph.

    To practice writing techniques I could write a journal everyday, I could write to the editor of the newspaper everyday, or I could start writing a blog. There are many other techniques I could practice .

  28. Now that I think about it, I have used some form of writing everyday of my life. For example I write papers for my class, even send text messages to my friends,or simply take notes in class, or writing a list of things to do. There are so many ways in you can you the skill of writing.

    I would like to improve on my comma usage, and on run ons. I tend to do lot of run ons, I also tend to use to many commas.

    I guess what I have to do to improve my writing skills is to write a lot and to proof read what I have written. That's why they say practice makes perfect.

  29. I probably use writing almost everday for different purposes. Some of these purposes may be more significant then others but at least a few times a week I am writing something. Some days I might be simply writing a grocery list for the week ahead. Some days i may be working on some kind of writing assignment for any classes I may have at the time. Other days I may be writing just because i enjoy writing.
    In any case almost everday i find myself writing something.

    As much as I enjoy writing there are still many areas that I wish to improve upon. I would like to work on my sentence structure for example. Many times I tend to add to much infortmation to my sentences and stray away from whatever point i was trying to make. I would also like to work on my grammer. There are many aspects of my writine that I would like to improve upon but for now these two areas seem to need the most amount of work.

    To become better at anything I beleive that practice is very important. The more I write the better I beleive I become. Which is one reason why I write on my own time without a given assignment fom anyone. Since I started writing for my own pleasure I have think I have become a better writer.

  30. To be honest I'm pretty sure that I do not write every single day. I mean I'm sure I write stuff a lot of the time. For instance I'm writing this now.I don't have a profession as of now so I don't write for that. But one of my hobbies is writing song lyrics and the occasional short story. So I do have to obviously draw upon my english tutelage in those areas.

    I'm am also aware that I need much improvement in writing even after all this time. My punctuation and effective topic sentences and paragraph structure would be my greatest faults in writing. I would like to improve on those aspects mentioned. Also I seem to have trouble with forging appropriately structured intro an conclusion paragraphs.

    Well to improve on anything that will involve practice via trial and error. Even fun can be made out of it if you enjoy writing poems or stories or what not. Even actually doing homework assignments such as this instead of blowing them off. Simply just the will to become better more equipped writer by seeking the next plateau will help.
