In this class, we have covered several writing and thinking skills. These skills range from writing effective sentences and paragraphs to the writing process stages to analysis to locating and using research. The goal of completing these tasks was to better prepare you to write effective academic and professional documents.
With that in mind, please take a few moments to think back on the class work, readings, and assignments we have completed in this class. Then, answer the following questions:
- What two writing or thinking skills do you feel you have improved in this class? Provide specific examples of how these skills have been improved.
- What two writing or thinking skills would you still like to improve? Explain these skills clearly in terms of why you think they still need improving.
- What two assignments, activities, etc. did you find most beneficial? Why
- What two assignments, readings, etc. did you find most challenging? Why?
I think i have improved with the post draft outline. Now i know how to write inside out istead of top down. This process helps me keep my details in order better.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve on my rough draft. Although i take my time on the post draft sometimes i still rush through the rough draft. I need to take more time in doing my rough draft and it will also help improve my final draft.
I found the critical writing assignment beneficial. I found this assignment beneficial because i never knew how to do this i just thought it was like summarizing. The other assignment i found beneficial was the one that helped us outline or Illustration/ classification paper. This helped me on starting my paper and helped me decide what to write about.
I found The research paper to be most challenging. This was the biggest challenge for me because instead of just writing your opinions you had to find many supporting documents.
The two writing skills that I feel I have improved throughout this year are my pre-writing skills and my post draft outline. My pre-writing has improved so that I can better organize what I want in my paper and make the first draft easier to write. The post draft outline skills have improved and made revision easier for me.
ReplyDeleteThe thinking skill I need to keep improving is with my first draft writing it inside out from the body paragraph to the intro and conclusion.
The assignments I found most beneficial this year were the writing along with the research paper and the short story analysis. Both helped me learn alot about my writing and also editing.
I found to be most challenging was the research paper only because it required a lot of effort with researching and writing and re-writing.
I defienatly feel that I have improved my sentence structure skills. By keeping 13 wordes per sentence I fell that my work is more readable. With this most of my other writeing assiments I feel get my point across more clearly.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve my prewriteing skills and my paragraph and sentence structure. I think these still need improveing from all the markes I have recived on my papers about how I should expand on my ideas.
I found the haveing some one proof read the essay activity most benifical. it helped me see what needs to be fixed the most from the readers stand point. Once this was fixed and i knew the reader could understand what i was getting at I kinda knew that I followed the golden rule of getting information across. I also liked the activity where we each got into groups to help make are firest papers. It was kinda hard to get ideas at first, but with the effort from the group we where able to keep on to the task and get moveing in the right direction.
I found the first essay to be one of the most challenging. This essay was hard for the reason that I had not been writeing very good essay until college.It was for this reason that I had to kinda stuggel through it to understand what essays in college where going to look like. Other then that i did not really find any other hard assiments. If I had to put one down it would be remembering to do the blogs. Some time I miss a couple and have to make them all up. That is not bad though just skips my mind every once in a while.
i found it interesting...
I believe that my drafting skills and my paragraph developing skills have improved. I now use the inside-out method which helped to develop both of the skills. I am now more organized when writing and developing paragraphs for my drafts. I also use categories to organize my ideas.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve on my thesis writing and research question development. Sometimes finding the right questions to answer is difficult for me.
I think that the blogs were beneficial to us because it gives everyone a chance to see what others are writing about and gives us ideas. I also think the in class writing assignment on the slasher films were very beneficial to us. Not only did you teach us how to write an essay you should how step by step how to develop the paragraphs within that essay.
I think that the first essay we wrote was the most difficult because we had only briefly gone over how to write an essay and our writing skills were not as developed as they now are. The research paper was a bit hard but we had learned so much and had so many sources, if we used them that is, that it wasn't too bad.
I can say with certainty that this class had a positive effect on my writing skills. I hawe greatly improved nit only on my pre-writing skills, but my feelings about prewriting. I learned a lot about the structure of sentences, paragraphs, and papers. It is apparent to me how important each part of a paper truly is. Now I have a far easier time starting my papers, something I have struggled with for most of my life. I still need to work on my research and annotation skills. I have trouble incorporating others ideas in a way that shows my thought process. The prewriting and the structural development tasks were the most beneficial to me. They helped me learn how to more clearly translate my ideas onto paper. The research and the analasys were what I found most difficult. I have trouble explaining how my ideas come to be.
ReplyDeleteThis is Katlyn Wilkie
ReplyDeleteI have done prewriting before but not all of the time. Times when I did prewrite it was for a major paper or project and or regents tests,etc. Before I write a final copy, I would write everything down on a piece a paper and revise it if I have to. This week’s discussion helped me understand that prewriting can help create more ideas and figure out my mistakes so I can correct them. By doing prewriting more could help rather than just starting from the computer. Usually when I begin from the computer I usually sit there for a few minutes, think then begin typing and it’s not always the greatest paper. We just began discussing prewriting last class so I’m not totally sure what‘s the best technique for me yet but I believe its clustering along with an outline. I am more of a visual learner so whatever will be easier is helpful.
This is Katlyn Wilkie:
ReplyDelete1.) I chose the “The Tell Tale Heart “by Edgar Allen Poe
2.) The main character of this story claims that he is sane but throughout the story his narration and actions show you otherwise.
3.) The prewriting technique I chose to use is free writing and for analytical, I will use a list. The main character attempts to convince his audience that he was sane when we all know that he is not, he’s the opposite. He, first shows us that he has gone mad in the first paragraph when he says,” why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, and not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How then am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily, how calmly, I can tell you the whole story.” These quotes meant that even though he is insane, he believes that he is sane and that he can tell the story calmly. Another reason why the character is mad or insane is that he mentions he has a love towards the old man yet , he wants to kill him. Also, he said, he could hear the old man’s heart beat which drove him crazy but he also would creep on the old man each night for a week. These are just a few explanations that showed the man had gone insane rather than staying sane.
4.) I do not have any questions at the moment but if I do I will ask in class.