In this class, we have covered several writing and thinking skills. These skills range from writing effective sentences and paragraphs to the writing process stages to analysis to locating and using research. The goal of completing these tasks was to better prepare you to write effective academic and professional documents.
With that in mind, please take a few moments to think back on the class work, readings, and assignments we have completed in this class. Then, answer the following questions:
- What two writing or thinking skills do you feel you have improved in this class? Provide specific examples of how these skills have been improved.
- What two writing or thinking skills would you still like to improve? Explain these skills clearly in terms of why you think they still need improving.
- What two assignments, activities, etc. did you find most beneficial? Why
- What two assignments, readings, etc. did you find most challenging? Why?
1) I don't really think that i have improved very much on writing skills because im not good writer and i don't like to write but i have improved on the thinking skills a little.
ReplyDelete2)I would like to improve on how to revise and how to do the mla format better when writing a paper.
3)I found both the papers to be beneficial becaue i don't like to write so the papers gave me alot of practice on how to write.
4)I also found the papers challenging to write because i don't like to write and i kinda had a hard time on what to say
The writing skills that i have learned so far is pre-writing becuase i never took the time to prewrite i always just write and never looked back on my mistakes until now.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve on coordinating conjunctions phrases.
I find most of all the papers beneficial.
The most that i find out to be challenging is the tell tell heart because i was lost we writing the paper.
Prewriting has helped me. I tend to procrastinate a lot and don't look over my paper and they usually have a few gramatical errors. Also drafting top-down is easier for me. Now that I know my problem was not brainstorming enough and having a limited amount to sources.
ReplyDeleteI think I still need to work on my organizational skills. That's the one thing I seem to struggle with constantly. All my papers have that issue. A second thing I need to work on is revising. If I procrastinate I type the paper after getting an AHA moment way too late. The papers are never horrible but they would be 100 instead of a 94 because of my poor gramatical errors.
I liked the notes in class and the examples they help a lot more. I'm an hands on person. seeing and being able to do something help me out a lot more than just being told what to do with no visual explanation. Also peer editing helped me.I like to get opinions other than my teachers.
The most challenging part about reading was reading aha. I have accomplished the skill of skimming to get the gist of things even though this is one of my smaller text books this semester. I still do struggle with writing but it's lessened now that I don't procrastinate I have built a fail proof system for making sure all my papers and assignments get completed on time. except for this one because my wireless went down for a few days. This class has helped me ease into papers a lot faster than I used to.
I have improved my prewriting skills. I now understand that a outline can be anything that has the main points and ideas for my paper. I also see that reviewing my paper at different times for different things will help me focus and not waste time.
ReplyDeleteI would very much like to improve my thinking skills in terms of prewriting. I have a hard time coming up with research questions and the organization. I end up spending all of this time researching and my information is not relevant. So I waste my time and I get flustered
Evaluating other students papers really helped. It gave me practice in revision and more specifically in different areas. I also really liked using the horror movies to build the data for the paper we did as a class. This was a visual of the information that we needed and helped to show what we needed.
I think that the illustration/classification paper will be very challenging. I really don't understand this two different styles so I will have a hard time with these. Also I had trouble with the revision of the tell tale heart paper. for some reason i couldnt understand the conscience as a symbol. i had to really spend a good amount of time to figure this out.
-I personally feel like I improved in everything, But my introductions are strong there ever and my body paragraphs have more supporting details.
ReplyDelete-I feel that my free writing should have more work and time spent on it and my conduction need some bit of more details and explains them more also.
-The last paper with the step parts and then the new one we are working on, help use get our ideas together.
-The poe story are harder to read, and to understand. I'm sorry but those reading chapter out of the book were confusing.
1) I think I have improved my organization skills and development process. My papers used to look like a jumbled mess now they make sense and produce a clear message.
ReplyDelete2) I think I need to improve my use of words. I need to try to not use so many filler words. It dumbs my paper down when unnecessary language is used. I need to improve the way I put together my thoughts when it comes to writing a thesis. I need to find all my supporting details before I claim anything. When I think about the thesis first it throws off my paper because I force information that isn’t necessary.
3) I thought the assignment where we wrote about prom beneficial. It helped me understand what to look for when searching for supportive details. Working with the class and teacher to write about “slasher movies” beneficial to find the right thesis.
4) The paper on Edgar Alan Poe was challenging for me. It was hard to find supporting details because they were hidden in meaning. The readings in the textbook were hard for me to read. I think it was the type of language used.
I find that prewriting is getting easier for me by the day. Everytime that Patrick has us do a prewriting exercise, I can really get the ole juices flowing. I was impressed with what I did in Wednesday's class, and I think that I did a good job. I was able to go home and put my thoughts down, and come up with a good thesis statement. I continue to refer back to my notes, and the book which is very helpful. I really like the textbook that we use in this class, it has helped me tremendously, and I think that "Patrick", is a awesome teacher. I think that my writing skills have improved a lot, and I think that it shows in my work. I feel that I need to improve on my sentence structure, and body paragraph sentences. I do know that prewriting is a very essential tool in writing a successful paper. I know that it has helped me to do better with my writing skills.
ReplyDelete1. I improved on MLA format, I went from writing without using it to actually using it. Other then that I don't really think I have imporved that much.
ReplyDelete2. I'm not really sure what I need to improve with my writing skills. I'm confident in them as they are and my grades seem to refelct that.
3. I liked the humpty dumpty exercise from way back when because it gave you a chance to be creative and I also liked the research paper because it made me feel smart knowing all this stuff to write down.
4. At first I thought this last paper was going to be hard but now that I understand it I am pretty sure I will be fine.
1) I feel that I most certainly improved my pre-writing skills, seeing as I hadn't used any techniques of that sort at all. I also improved on writing finding theses for research question by first finding what the question i am trying to answer is.
ReplyDelete2) I feel that I can still improve on my paragraph development, I am more confident in writing paragraphs now than at the beginning of the semester, however I feel the sky is the limit. Also, Seeing as my pre-writing skills are still very novice, I could still improve on those techniques.
3) The humpty dumpty activity was helpful, because it helped to focus the details of our writing around a single point. Also the slasher film clips really helped me understand how to properly use sources to either prove or disprove the answer to ones research question
4) The research paper was difficult at first, but after learning about logic, it became much easier. I also believe the final will be difficult because i wont have my text book.
1) I think I have improved on my thinking on how to write. I feel like I can develop my papers a lot easier now after different exercises we have done in class.
ReplyDelete2) I think I still need to improve on how to come up with a thesis statement because sometimes I feel like they could be stronger than they are. I also think I need to improve on revising my papers, that is something i have never been good at and I still have a lot of improvement to do with it.
3) The research paper we did was definitely the most beneficial activity we have done in class to me because now I know how to do research more in depth than I have before. Also watching the all the slasher film clips helped me to look more in depth into thinking.
4) To be honest I really didn’t think anything was really to challenging for this class because once you explained how you wanted us to write the papers of do any of the exercise it was a lot easier than I thought they would have been.
i believe that i hav improved on my writing skills this semester. i believe it is easier because using lists have made it easier to narrow my topic and think of other things to talk about. another writing technique that i think i have improved on is writing my intro and conclusion. i think i have improved on this because it is now easier for me to think and write them. i would like to improve on my quoting because right now i lust start and end a sentence with a quote snd i would like to improve on using my own words to start a quote. i would also like to improve on my intro and conclusion skills to, i have improved on them but still need more improving. i would like to improve on how i get people interested in my topic and how to write my conclusion without re-stating the thesis. i found the thesis and conclusion activity helpful because it helped me in writing my intro and conc. better, and i feel the listing activity helped greatly because it helped me organize my essay better. i found all of the reading assignments challenging because i am a slow reader and it is hard for me to remember what i said. and i also found the second essay we did challenging because it was harder for me to find information on my topic.
ReplyDeleteI believe the methods for organizing ideas which go hand in hand with the time saving techniques have been most valuable. By the third paper I was able to put my paper together just by going back to the category wheel of details that we made and turned in during class. The ideas were already there for saving time making my paper to be better organized and more cohesive.
ReplyDeleteI think writing more academic style papers and utilizing the MLA format are where I need the most work. In the past most of the writing I have done has been more along the lines of creative or literary writing.
I can best answer questions three and four together as the two most beneficial assignments were of course the ones I found most challenging and least likable. The short story analysis paper was the most difficult for me as I don’t like taking authors ideas apart to search for their meaning. In this case I made do the extra credit rewrite for that paper and in doing so learned more about that particular process. Anytime, you go over sometime twice you always learn more from the experience, whether or not you like the subject you still gain knowledge and any knowledge is always beneficial and might be useful in the future.
1- The biggest improvement that I feel I have made in this class is prewriting. This is a skill that I have never truly practiced. Another skill that I have improved is drafting.
ReplyDelete2- I feel that I still need to improve upon intro and conclusion skills, as well as thesis development.
3- The "Humpty Dumpty" activity was beneficial because it helped me open up to peer input. The research paper really helped me develop researching skills, as well as MLA formatting skills.
4- The two most challenging assignments to me were the short story paper, because I found it difficult to use specific details in some areas, and the research paper, because I am not very good at annotation while researching.
1.What two writing or thinking skills do you feel you have improved in this class? Provide specific examples of how these skills have been improved. Thesis writing and pre-writing. My thesis writing got a lot stronger and to the point. My pre-writing has improved and helps the basis of my paper.
ReplyDelete2.What two writing or thinking skills would you still like to improve? Explain these skills clearly in terms of why you think they still need improving. My revising because I don't spend enough time on it. I also need to work on my topic sentence writing to keep the reader interested.
3.What two assignments, activities, etc. did you find most beneficial? Why? The research paper helped a lot because I never did one before. The blogs keep me thinking about what I learn in class.
4.What two assignments, readings, etc. did you find most challenging? Why? The research paper due to it being my first. The short story paper got me due to my slacking.
1.) What I learned most was how much prewriting and just focusing on one paragraph at a time helps with the order and writing a clean, to the point paper. I also like the category game. When i start my paper with that my topic sentence is alot easier to write and helps with the length becasue of all the paragraphs you can develop.
ReplyDelete2.) My vocabulary is very limited and I have a rough time explaining things in small sentences. I tend to write and get a little off track somtimes.
3.) The research paper, and when we pre wrote in class and were graded on our classification or illistration paper. The research paper was fun to write about because the topic was interesting to me and I already knew alot about it. Doing work in class and having it immediately graded helps me to fix any mistakes from the begining.
1) This class really helped me improve my prewriting and organization skills. I did very little prewriting before entering this class. I never realized how simple the entire writing process could actually be when using prewriting. I have improved my prewriting skills simply because I have never really used it before and now I know multiple ways to effectively get all my ideas on paper before I start the actual process. I have improved my organizational skills because I now realize that I should write my paragraphs in order which I state my points of focus in my thesis.
ReplyDelete2) I would like to still improve my researching skills and my revising skills. When it comes to researching, I still sometimes get a tiny bit lazy and don’t thoroughly search for the most useful sources. I still find myself not sure of whether or not my source is legit. When it comes to revising, I still don’t spend most of time on this step. I spend a lot of my time on my first draft trying to make it perfect instead of going back and revising.
3) I found that these blog entries and the entire research project were the most beneficial. I benefited from the blog entries because they allowed me to reflect on everything I learned that week. They are like little review assignments that don’t have to be perfect, so they don’t stress me out. Also, they helped my writing skills a lot and my typing skills by just giving me a weekly practice of actually writing out sentences when answering questions, not just one word responses. I benefited from the research project, because every step of it was a review of what we had learned already, such as prewriting. I found out how easy writing a paper is when prewriting and then got to actually use it on a graded assignment. Also, I found sitting in class very beneficial because you teach with a lot of energy and compare things to sports and movies, which made me actually stay awake oppose to every other English class I have had since middle school.
4) The two assignments I found most challenging were the short story analysis reading/ paper, and the pop quizzes. The short story analysis reading was challenging because I am not a fan of reading fiction. The Tell Tale Heart was indeed a fiction story and did not interest me. It is hard to analyze something that doesn’t really interest you. The pop quizzes were challenging, because I get all worked up whenever I am on a time limit and just the fact that it is a quiz. Although I think these two were the most challenging, I found neither very difficult at all after going to class and learning how to effectively read, analyze, and use time saving techniques such as using the table of contents to find the answers of the quiz.
1) I really think that my writing skills have improved very much, i was a good writer to begin with
ReplyDelete2)The only thing i believe i have to work on more is just reading my final draft better to make sure everything makes sense reading what i see not what i thought i wrote.
3)I believe the prom paper is what really broke everything down and let you see things in another sense.
4)I thought all the papers were easy my problem is i over think things and i make things harder then what they are but when i think about it i sit there and say to myself this is easy there's nothing to it!
This is Katlyn Wilkie
ReplyDelete1.I think I have improved on prewriting along with the top down method. Prewriting has helped me brainstorm some ideas for my papers especially the last few by clustering or listing, etc. Top down method has also helped with writing my papers so I can focus on each paragraph at a time instead of how long it’s supposed to be.
2.)I still have to work on organizational skills and creating a thesis. I mostly see myself waiting to do everything at the last minute and the structure of the paper turns out to be not as great as it should. Also, creating a great thesis had always been a struggle for me, so its just something I need to work no over time.
3.)The two activities I enjoyed and thought that were beneficial were the examples on the board of how to do everything but also the humpty dumpty group story. The examples were helpful to look back on I understood how they worked for our papers after you explained them; I’m a more of a visual learner so this also helped. The humpty dumpty group story was helpful for when we id short stories because when we took current things or people we know like celebrities and put them into our story it helped to understand but also to create and have fun with the short story.
4.)The two assignment s that I believe that I had the most trouble with was the last two we have done such as the persuasive essay and the classification paper. The persuasive essay was interesting to find information on but I had a difficult time of trying to get my paper to seem more persuasive then informative. The classification paper on the other hand the more recent paper that we are working on I had thought originally that it would be easy but its definitely hard to find sources for this topic.
I love the new technique, far as learning to brain storm with a strong sound of perspectives to be aurgued, with a concrete of truth.It makes the research and my claims interesting.Its easier to grasph information for a research paper when a individual seeking with factual functions. The revising technique is also a good tool that save energy and time. The highlighting is important because it helps clarify the main details in a story.