Monday, April 26, 2010

CCC Week 11: Looking Back

Taking time to reflect on what you have learned is important as a semester ends. After all, education is too expensive to walk away learning nothing!

In this class, we have covered several writing and thinking skills. These skills range from writing effective sentences and paragraphs to the writing process stages to analysis to locating and using research. The goal of completing these tasks was to better prepare you to write effective academic and professional documents.

With that in mind, please take a few moments to think back on the class work, readings, and assignments we have completed in this class. Then, answer the following questions:

  1. What two writing or thinking skills do you feel you have improved in this class? Provide specific examples of how these skills have been improved.
  2. What two writing or thinking skills would you still like to improve? Explain these skills clearly in terms of why you think they still need improving.
  3. What two assignments, activities, etc. did you find most beneficial? Why
  4. What two assignments, readings, etc. did you find most challenging? Why?


  1. 1: The thinking skills I feel that I improved in this class was to break down more facts about certain topics or any topics for that matter that I have to write about.

    2: The first writing skill I would like to improve would be organization because I tend to mix everything into one paragraph and connect everything together. Even if the other information will be better in another paragraph. The secound writing or thinking skill I would like to improve is spelling I really didn't learn this in the class but I'm starting to get better due to the fact I have to do research on it.

    3: The two things we did in class I found most beneficial is drafting and revising, also doing the clustering technique.

    4: The two assignments I found most challenging was researching stuff on the internet and having your computer shit the bed. hahaha The other thing I found challeging is sometimes what to write about, but you do a pretty good job giving us something we can relate to.

  2. By taking this class, my writing skills have greatly improved. I have gained the knowledge necessary to examine my writing and create topic sentences. I have gained the ability to review my writing and really analyze paragraphs to be sure that all ideas presented actually relate to my topic sentence.
    When looking at my thinking skills, I have learned to “stay on task”. Especially when doing my research paper, I found myself straying from my research question and actually doing much more preparation work than was necessary. This project , although very frustrating, will help me in future projects.

    In this class, I was very impressed with how the instructor picked a topic (slaughter films) and applied all techniques through the use of visual, written and voiced applications. This really helped me due to my learning style. The most challenging assignment to me was the research paper, because it incorporated so many different techniques that I had never been taught in the past. Michelle Short

  3. i really like the inside out method. starting with my topic sentences keeps my topics concrete. it also makes my intros and conclusion match my topics much better. i also like how in the beggining of classes we used freewriting in different ways to get topics. the prom class assignment helped me out.

    As far as thinking skills go. By having a place to start after using the freewriting it was easier now to keep my topics clear because the freewriting helped me figure out my ideas.

    Patrick Snow was a very enthusiastic instructor. I like how he used the slasheer films topic throughout the semester so we could continue expanding on that idea rather than jumping from one topic to the next. it helped me see the little differences in techniques.

  4. The Block Method have been a unique tactic , far as strategies of source providence.I love the highlighting and other diffrent advises that helps keep control with the concept of a story.When i cook up ways to brain storm on a essey , it broadens my urgument looking at the oppisite claims of a statement or opinion.I apreciate the way you teach, far as connecting every assignment we exsperience.

  5. The Quality of Michal Jorden success. Michael seem to play with control of mastering every position of play, that,s on the basketball court. He also had a major jump of air time, when leaping. His character moved with a strategies. Michael had a incredible ball control. When the ball gets passed to him,he seem to style with complete control of the ball.

  6. 1. By taking this class I have greatly improved my critical thinking skills in pre writing and revising skills. Through pre writing I can now brain stormy ideas and organize them much faster using the inside out method. I also learned revising takes the most time. Revising is the most important step in writing a paper. This will help sort out confusion in your writing, organize your paper and clear up any confusion if there is any. I now spend a great deal of time revising my papers.

    2. I would improve spelling and grammar. I would like to expand my vocabulary in my writing.

    3. Drafting and revising because this has helped my writing the most.

    4. Research paper, Classification paper, coming up with topics and ideas.

  7. 1*Organizing and prewriting because with using them both I can now better word my thoughts and ideas.
    2*I would like to improve my time management because I’m a procrastinator and that’s my down fall 99% of the time
    3*the research project and the steps to doing it because it showed me that something so big can be turned into something so little if you just break it up into little pieces
    4*I found the analysis challenging because I wasn’t focused

  8. 1)A think skill i think i have improved is breaking down more ideas about certin topics to write a good essay.
    2)A writing skill i think i still need to approve on is organizing my paragraphs and write introduction and conclusions.
    3) An activity i found beneficial was pre writing techneques cause i dont ever remember using pre writing before.
    4) An assignment i forund the most challenging was the short story essay cause i didnt really have no idea how to start and write it.

  9. I actually learned a lot about writing this semester that will continue to help me in the future. Two skills i learned were inside out drafting and prewriting. Before I use to sit at my computer and take hours trying to write a paper. prewriting has helped me improve the time it takes me to write a paper because a lot of my ideas are already down and the inside out drafting has helped me write my introduction. The introduction is what your paper is going to be about so if i already wrote my paper its going to be very easy to write an introduction. I need to work on writing a good thesis and having strong topic sentences. I know they still need improving because i have a hard time including all the topics in my thesis and my topic sentences do not relate back to my thesis. I think when we practiced prewriting together i got the idea of how it worked and how i really over think what i am doing. How the class was taught was completely beneficial because everything was broken down into steps you had to follow and it made things easy to understand. I found the analysis and the research to be the hardest. The analysis was hard because i had a hard time putting my thoughts into words and finding the write explanations and because i needed to look deeper into the story and find what symbols could mean. Research is always hard for me because i get over whelmed easily and its hard to organize my thoughts when there is that much going on.

  10. Tanya Dominguez

    1. The writing and thinking skills I have learned in this class was to use different techniques in writing to help you come up with ideas and save time while writing a paper. I learned how to manage my time and improve my paper by taking one step at a time and having someone help me with peer review or proofreading.

    2.I would of like to spend more time practicing on how to come up with various topics and thesis. I thought the techniques used in this class were helpful but also very broad sometimes and I would of like more time to use all of them at some point.

    3. I found that the assignment from the analysis paper was very fun. I enjoyed describing the short story and getting to understand it better. I thought the quizzes were also fun and they did help me look at my book a little more because those quizzes were always a surprise.

    4. The assignments that I found challenging were the research paper because I didn't know what I was looking for at first and I always get lost in researching for papers. The other one is the parts that we had to do for that research paper, they were kind of hard to understand or I just didn't know what to start out with at first.

  11. 1)I think I have improved on my paragraph writing skills and also my researching skills. I have learned how to write a more understandable paragraph and actually have it be about the right length that it should be. I have also learned how to find information easier on the web.

    2)I would like to improve on my prewriting skills and picking a good research question and thesis statement. I think they still need improving because when it comes to prewriting I get confused and I’m not really sure what information I need and how much I need. When it comes to picking a research question it’s hard for me to decide because I don’t know how to ask it and how to have my thesis back it up.

    3)For this I would have to say that the 2 most beneficial assignments would have to be the paper we did on the short story and these blogs we have to do. I said the short story paper because it helped me improve on writing good paragraphs because it was the first paper we had to write. The blogs I think are also beneficial because they make me think back on what we have done so far in class.

    4)The 2 assignments I have found most challenging would have to be the research paper (hence the reason why I didn’t do it) and again these blogs. I think the research paper was most challenging because I couldn’t think of anything to write about. The blogs I think were challenging because I they aren’t something I could just open my notebook up to and finish. I actually have to get my lazy ass online to do them.

  12. 1.) A writing skill that i have improve greatly is my perwriting and my brian storming exercises. Both of these skills go hand and hand with each other. My ablity to come up with more interesting ideas has aloud me to break down many ideas into separate categories to better organize my ideas.
    2.) The skill i would first a for most like to work on would be my thesis writing. I have trouble coming up with a good thesis and building a store paper around it. Also i need to improve my grammer. I have trouble spelling words that at this atage should give me no trouble and its something i must work on.
    3.) The two activities i find most beneficial are When we brian storm ideas as a class because im able to see if im on the track with the rest of the class. Also i enjoy the peer review, it gives a non professional look at my work to see how it stacks up with the rest of the class.
    4.) Really the only assignment i have found difficult was the short story "The Model Millonair". Being able to fill out two pages of that store was difficult for me.

  13. 1.The two activities that i improve in this class are pre writing skills and the brain storming.i really like the idea's of pre writing.It help me write down whatever i have on my mind.

    2. Besice proofriding, i dont think i need to improve any other skills because this class really helped me creating my own thesis when it comes to writing a paper.

    3.I found brain storming really beneficial because it doesnt take a lot of time and it easy to do them.

    4.I found short story "The Tell Tale Heart" assignment really challenging because the story was too short for me to write a two-three page essay on that.

  14. 1. prewriting and brain storming have greatly increased because i never used them before and now learning different ways its easy to build paragraphs and work on them as i go and get a solid outline done in 5 minutes
    2.the thing i really want to improve is separating my paragraph topics more because they seem to have a very common thread rather than different topics discussing my thesis
    3.brainstorming and answering my thesis question with 3 examples for how to defend it because those can quickly outline the whole paper and i wont be stuck with writers block for hours
    4.short story because i feel like i repeated a number of things throughout the whole paper and not expanding and explaining things more and these blogs because i dont even think about them until its monday night and realized week after week i keep forgetting to do them

  15. This is Alison Slater.
    1. I think I have learned how to organize my papers better and learned how to prewrite my papers better. I think mostly I learned how to write better papers that have enough detail in them and well developed details.
    2. I would like to improve my writing skills by having more time to find all the information I need to make a paper that’s worth a 100. I also would like to improve the way I fit all the information into my papers.
    3. I thought the analysis paper and the research paper we’re the most beneficial to me, because I struggle when it comes to writing research papers, I get lost on how to go about trying to find the write details for my research papers. I also have a hard time analyzing short stories, poems, and etc. then trying to write an analysis on that so the analysis paper helped me learn on how to do that better.
    4. I thought the research paper was the most challenging, because I had to find the right information to answer my research question. Also analyzing movies was a hard activity, because I’m not use to doing that with movies, usually I just look for a message in the movies I watch.

  16. 1. One of the writing skills that I felt had improved in this class was my topic sentences. I never knew if they were good enough but you should us how to write simple right to the topic sentences. Another writing skill that I felt had improved was drafting. You made it simple for me instead of the outline that I used previously in the past.I like the block format the best.
    2. One writing skill that I would like to still improve would be my revising skills. I feel like I never correct my paper right or I always feel embarressed to have someone else read my paper like its going to sound dumb.
    Another writing skill that I would like to still improve would be my sentence structure I always seem to write run ons.
    3. The two assignments that I found most beneficial was writing a research paper and analysis on the movies that we watched. I never really wrote a MLA research paper before so it was a good experience for me. Analysis on movies was really neat to see how you could pick specific details out then write a paper on it.
    4. I only thought that the only challenging part for this class was to write a research paper because I made it to be harder than it really was. Other than that the class was very beneficial and made me more confident in doing paper assignments.

  17. 1. In think my pre-writing skills are much better now. Before I wasn't sure how to arrange my ideas in any kind of order or how to make sense out of what I wanted to do with them. Now I have the knowledge of how to put my ideas down and what order to write them into my paper so they make sense to the reader.
    2. I think I still need practice on my brain storming pre writing, sometimes while Im brain stoeming I run off into things that are getting off the subject. Grouping is another writing skill I need lots of improvement in. We just didn't have enough time to go into it deeper.
    3. I liked when we analized the slasher films, I've seen them dozens of times and never realized how much thought was put into them and how they were a direct reflexion of the time period they were made.I also liked when we read other students papers and gave them our opinion on them. It gave me a chance to see what goes on in other minds.
    4. My first essay was quite challenging becaue I had never had to read a short story before and write an essay on it. And watching the movie "Halloween" then analyzing it, never did that before.

  18. 1)One writing skill that improved for me is finding information. Before I would just go to gooogle and click on the forst thing that popped up. I didn't really pay attention to whether or not the information was credible. Another skill that I improved on is organization skills. Before I never payed attention to how I was organizing my paper I just through everything together. Now I know to look for certain things And put my paragraphs in a specific order.
    2)Although I think I improved on my organization skills I think I could use some more practice. I also think I could still improve on my time management skills. It was much easier doing this paper a little bit at a time but now I need to work on doing that with my other assignments as well.
    3) I thought that the research paper was the most beneficial to me because I learned the most from it as far as time management and how to look up credible research. I also thought the blogs were beneficial because there were time I didn't really understand our assignments and by reading other peoples blogs it helped me to get a better understanding of what we were suppose to be doing.
    4)The only assignment I really had trouble with was our first paper when we had to analyze one of the short stories. I'm not really sure why but for some reason I struggled with that one

  19. 1. The two writing skills that I feel I had improved on was the inside out method and using the diagram to help with details. The inside out method helped me to form my paper more easier than before. Also using the diagram helped me to see the details of information to write a better paper because I find I learn better with visual .

    2. I would like to improve my writing skills more because I tend to over think things instead of going with what I have therefore I spend a lot of time on just the rough draft.

    3. The two assignments that I feel benefited me would be both writing essays in being able to answer the thesis statement in my essay .

    4. There was only one assignment that I found to be a challenge would be my very first writing assignment . The reason being is because it had been quite some time since I had written one.

  20. 1. I think I improved my pre-writing skills alot. When I finally decide on what I want to write about I jot down my ideas quick as possible and my lists gets larger with every assignment.

    2.I need improvement in giving my ideas clearly when im writng a paper and not making my ideas into run on sentences.

    3.I found the research paper to be the most beneficial because of all the things we had to look up and information we had to find. I actually like learning about my research topic.

    4.The most challenging assignment to me was the short story analyst of the tell tale heart and the model millionaire. I dont know if it was because i wasnt reall interested in the stories or i didnt know exactly how to analyze the two stories.

  21. 1. Two writing skills that feel I have improved in this class are my pre-writing and revision skills. Prior to taking this class I did not pre write and I really did not draft. I tried to jump right into the paper. This class taught me to pre-write, quickly draft and then spend most of my time on revising. I feel that that has been effective for me.

    2. Two skills that I would still like to improve are my grammatical skills and my paragraph structure skills. I feel like I still make grammatical errors and sometimes have issues with paragraph organization. I believe I can improve in these two areas.

    3. I found the class analysis of Halloween to be very benefical. It helped me see the process of finding details and organizing the details into sentences and paragraphs. I also found the research paper to be beneficial as it forced me to learn MLA formatting and how to find sources and research supporting my ideas.

    4. Although I found the research paper to be beneficial I also found it to be difficult as it was something I was not used to writing. The research paper forced me out of a writing comfort zone and showed me that you need facts to support your ideas. I also found the writing to learns associated with the research paper to be challenging because again it forced me to not procrastinate and to develop the research.

  22. Since I started taking your English class I have learned a lot. I feel like I have improved the most with pre writing and learning how to better organize a paper. I never used to use pre writing because I felt like it took too much time. Now I realize that it can help you a lot in the process of writing a paper. There are many things I still have to learn about writing, which I’m sure ill learn next semester. I still need to work on learning to properly input sources and revising skills. Any time I go to revise my paper, I get stuck and don’t know what to do. I’m getting better but its nowhere near what I would like it to be. I loved learning about the clustering technique. It showed me that you can easily get your facts on paper and have them better organized. I feel that is something I will use a lot in the future. I also enjoyed reading the short stories and learning how to analyze them. The research paper was the hardest assignment for me this semester. I had a very hard time figuring out what to do with the sources at first and I don’t think I did very well trying to put them in. I didn’t have too hard of a time with any of the other assignments. I’ve enjoyed taking this class and cant wait till next semester!

  23. I think i improve on writing an essay better in not spend to much time on one part of the essay. I use to take two hours on a okay paper, now it an hour on a pretty good essay.

    I will like to improve a little more writing thiking i'm ok, writing still a little bet here in there writing but i'm ok like sometime ill get stuck on what i'm writing.

    On how to work from inside out i really like that method, and by you working from inside out you get all the importanting details you need, like thesis body paragrouphs and a introduction.

  24. I think that this has been an excellent class. I have both improved writing thesis statements and thinking up clear topic sentences. I could probrably use a little more practice in putting my ideas together and making my thoughts clear to the ones who read my paper. I have learned alot of different things in this class that are alot would be the way you taught us how to use different things to make writing our papers easily. I also benefited when you taught us where to look to find information on the internet. The only rhing that I would sometimes get confused abour was when you started to try to explain things by using examples from horror movies. Though I must say that it was very entertaining.

  25. 1. Writing introductions have improved, before I was writing non interesting introductions just stating facts, but I’ve been training myself to include interesting ways to draw the reader in. Also the inside out drafting method has really helped me write better papers in general.
    2. I would like to improve doing research papers. Finding the research and putting them into the paper was just hard for me.
    3. The assignment where we learned the inside out drafting helped the most with writing the overall paper because is taught me how to effectively and easily write the paper. Also the activity where we wrote the introduction in class helped me how to write an interesting introduction.
    4. The research paper was a challenging assignment for me, because I had trouble with finding and doing research and putting it all together for the paper.

  26. The two things that I think that I have improved on this semester are coming up with a good thesis statement, and the formation of my ideas into better paragraphs. Before this class I didn't even know what thesis statement was.
    Two things that I still need improvement on are research for a paper,and proper citation. With all of the research avialable for a paper it is often difficult to determine which research to use. With citation it is difficult sometimes to determine where to put the citation.
    Two things that i enjoyed in class this semester were the Humpty Dumpty project and the horror films. Humpty Dumpty, because it showed me how many different ways you can present information. The horror films, because I am a horror film fan.
    The two assignments that I found the3 most challenging where the annalasys paper, and the persuasive research paper. The analasys paper, because I don't consider myself someone who writes well. The research paper, because there was just a lot of research information to sift through.

  27. looking back at the class i realize how i learn how to perpare a paper which is always hard for me to choose where to start.the prewriting citeria and the golden rules help me set up a papershowing me the steps and which way to goe something i always get stuck cordination is something i really need to keep working onalso paramedic method its hard to realize what i did after i have wrote the paper the n when its pointed out to me its so hard to change.the short story paper heled me refer back to somthing i have read and anaylsis.i love the classification paper it shows me how to discribe what i want to talk about and the order i put the informationthis paper was very clear to me.

  28. Prewriting is one of the skills that I have vastly improved upon, by using organizational skills to better draft a paper. Also editing my paper has helped me better coordinate my work, to make it more legible, and cohesive.

    I think pre writing is what I would like to improve, although I have already improved that skill, I feel if I solidify that aspect of writing I can build off of it better.

    I enjoyed the humpty dumpty exercise, It gave way to a flood of different discourse communities, and really amplifies a way of thinking. I also enjoyed inside out drafting, it helped me develop an essay much better than I was able to before.

  29. Bryan Shaw

    1. One of the skills I have improved on is the inside out drafting which has made writing way easier. And the other being the research methods you showed us.

    2. I still need to improve on editing my paper oce I have finished drafting it. I think i still need to improve on them because I don't fully understand what to look for.
    I also need to improve on my grammar skills I know this because microsoft word is always correcting me.

    3. I enjoyed analyzing the slasher film because it brought a different element to class and helped to me to understand what to look for in a story or movie. I also enjoyed the WTL exercises because they made me start my papers earlier, and also help me develop them easier.
    3. I found the most challenging assignment to be the illustration paper because I couldnt think of anything thing to write about. I also thought the editing a neighbors paper was difficult because as i stated above Im not positive on what Im supposed to be doing.

  30. 1. The writing skills I feel I have improved on is I have learned to re-read my essay’s and and pre-write before starting my assay. Pre-writing makes it a lot easier for me to complete my essay. I also let other people read my essay and get their opinions on it(per review). When I receive other people opinion that help me a lot.

    2. I would like to improve my organization because sometimes I mix things up in paragraphs. I also would like to continue improving my vocabulary.

    3. The activity that we did with Humpty Dumpty I enjoyed because I like working in groups. It was also just a fun little exercise. I also enjoyed watching the films because they helped me analyze things in a different perspective.

    4. The research paper I found most challenging. It was challenging because I wasn’t use to writing an essay like that.

  31. 1.) After this course, I feel that my writing skills have exceptionally improved. I’ve always considered writing papers/essay one of my weakest areas when it comes to English. I have noticed that I have improved my critical thinking skills in pre-writing and revising skills. Also, I think that the inside-out drafting method is an excellent idea when writing papers. It has made my writing process a lot easier for me (and for the other students as well!).
    2.) I still think I can improve on my organization and concreteness of the papers that I write. Taking this course has improved my writing but I think this is something that gets better at as time goes on.
    3.) I really liked writing the persuasive and illustration essays. I think they were entertaining and a creative way to make students do work but still have fun doing it.
    4.) The two assignments that I found the most challenging were the analytical essays and thinking of a topic idea for a paper, thesis.

  32. My writing has improved greatly from taking this class. I feel that I now look at writing a paper differently, as in it doesn’t have to be an impossible task for me to tackle if you take it step by step. Inside out drafting has really helped my papers and my writing process. I would still like to improve on writing in general. I think I have a lot of potential to be a good writer if I continue to work hard at it and apply the skills I have learned. One activity I found helpful was reading, and then taking summarized notes in class. I also found the annotation chapter to be quite helpful. I liked that we had pop quizzes in class because it made it so you had to do the readings, and not slack off and skip them- it kept me motivated. Our first paper tought me how to find details in a story and include them in my text. I found the research paper to be challenging because it was hard to get going on it. I also found the blogs challenging…just because I would tend to forget about them on a weekly basis (not because they were hard)! I also had a hard time developing good topic sentences.

  33. 1-What two writing or thinking skills do you feel you have improved in this class? Provide specific examples of how these skills have been improved.I liked how I am able to write a intresting paper now,and how I can organize the information to make it enjoyable.How I am to come up with the thesis with some key points first and go from there.It really helps you write your paper alot faster and more affective.
    3-What two assignments, activities, etc. did you find most beneficial? Why.I liked how we did the bubble format with the prom.It showed me how to gather key points to write a paper.Also writing the 3 assignments,it made me see what needs inproving when I got it back.
    4-What two assignments, readings, etc. did you find most challenging? Why?
    I found the Research paper the most challenging because it made me really have to look and find sources to support my question,and the short story because I had no idea how to even start a paper.That was what made it more enjoyable to be in your class P.Snow you made it fun and I learned quite alot.I know now how to start a paper and make it intresting to the readers.Thank you P.Snow

  34. i think that i have improved my writing skills because i can affectivly pre write as well as revise my paper witch in return makes a well rounded paper.

    i would like to improve on the in side out drafting. all threw high school i did top down drafting so it was a shock to me when i found out there was a such thing as inside outr drafting. i also would like to clear up my run on sentences i alwasy try to put to much into one sentence then get myself stuck.

    i liked the research paper it helped me with putting things into my own words as well as siting my work. And i like the activity that we did for pre writing when we used the prom as an example gave me a way to pre wrtie affectivily
