Monday, April 19, 2010

CCC Week 10: Reflecting on the Research Paper Process

By now, you have probably figured out that a vital part of learning is reflecting on what you have done and where you have been. This "thinking about your thinking" creates opportunities to test out your thinking and your methods to see what worked and what needs improving.

As you wrap up writing the research paper, it's a perfect time to reflect on the process and consider what worked well for you and what you would like to improve or revise in your writing process next time you write a research project.

In your comment, please respond to the following:
  1. What skills or techniques (annotation, time-saving researching techniques, using researching tools such as databases or the Internet) helped you research your topic and/or write your paper? How do you know these skills or techniques helped your project be more successful?
  2. What would you like to improve about your process for writing a research paper? Would you revise anything about the process?
  3. What did you learn about your topic as a result of this process? What did you learn about researching/writing as a part of completing this project?


  1. I used the college library web site a lot to write my paper. This bwas important because bI was able to find alot of my information all in one place. this was easier because I didn't have to search all over the web. This helped my paper be more successful because there was so much information that I found tons of sources to use for nmy paper.
    The prossess that I would like to improve is with all the information I had it was tough deciding whichb information to use. I wouldn't change anything about the process, I just wish it was alittle easier.
    I learned much about the topic of healthcare because of this assignment, especcially how many differant views there are on how to improve it. What I learned about writing bas aresult of this project was, if you follow the correct steps, writing isn't as hard as I thought it was.

  2. This is Alison Slater. Databases were a big help for me in writing my research paper on If Humans are the total reason why we have Global Warming and what can be done to not necessarily stop it from happening, but slow it down. I know this skill helped my paper, because I gained a lot of knowledge from what I didn’t already know and got a lot of information to develop my paper into an amazing scientific paper without even being a scientist. I would like to annotate more to make my paper better next time, by putting more of my own thoughts into the paper than mostly research. Yes, I’d revise now that I understand a research paper better in how its constructed. I learned that humans aren’t totally to blame for, for our Global Warming and that mostly its just a natural cycle that we just have to life with that as a fact. I learned that research can start off as a headache, but end up a beautiful piece of work, if you just start writing, once you start writing everything ends up finding its way perfectly into your paper even if you thought your paper sucked. I learned to go back days later and look at it again as a finished product and found it was actually a great paper.

  3. The time saving research I did was useful to me because I scanned all the material I came across on my subject to first determine if there was anything there I could use in my paper….. If there was I read on, I didn’t waste time reading long drawn out articles on my subject if it didn’t directly help me to answer my research question. I used the internet for my research; it made it easier for me so I only had the useful information at hand instead of lugging around five extra books until the research is done. I’m not too sure what I should revise about writing a research paper…. I know I’m not very good at writing papers; there is probably a lot I need to revise to get a better paper. I know one thing I must do in the future is to not put things off till the last minute, thinking I can get them done in time. Reality is this… I’m not superwoman!! so I need to put more time aside for each project that I do. I learned a lot on my topic while writing this paper. I didn’t know some of the statics for who in the population is ok with same sex marriage. It is surprising to me that even some of the people who believe in fighting for everyone to have equal civil rights are against the idea of making gay marriage possible and legal. That makes no sense to me, but that is just how this world works huh?

  4. i used alot of internet sources to find the information i needed to write this paper. There was already limited sources and even the articles in magazines i needed where found on the internet. it helped my paper to be more successfull because i got different view points on the topic from opposing viewpointed people. The other ussefull thing was going into class to talk about the paper. it helped because in class other students and the teacher were able to throw in their opinions and i was able to ask questions about the project itself that needed to be answered.
    The topis chosen by me turned out to be harder to research then i thought. most sources found came from the internet.for the next research paper id like to stay away from the topic i previously used. the process that had to be carried out was no problem there was lots of time and i was able to ask for help whenever i needed it.
    I didnt learn to much from the topic i choose just because i was already well aware of the out come. Writing th actual paper turned out to be alot easier when you have a more sources to follow from. I also learned that it isnt good to have all your sources from the internet because its not all going to be accurate and theres alot of it opinion based

  5. 1. I used several sources to get information including the school library, but the internet was by far the most helpful. Without it, I could never have obtained so many facts in such a short period of time.
    2. I need to improve everything as far as my writing skills but mostly I want to be able to present my point and organize everything in the proper manner so it is easy to read and understand. Also my works cited page, I want to be sure that it is in the proper format and everyhing is listed in order.
    3. I learned that what I suspected was right, as far as the facts I found anyway and the only way to prove something one way or another is to research it. It's good to have facts to back up what your saying, rather than just blind words.

  6. I used the google website a lot to help me write my paper. This website was very important because it help me find a lot of research on cell phones and driving. This way was easier because i find all my source in one place. This helped my paper be more successful because it have a lot of information. I will like to improve in finding thesis, i wouldn't change anything about the process. I learn a lot about cell phones and driving, What i learn about writing this paper if you follow the step it will be easier

  7. 1. I used the internet to do my research. It made researching information on my topic paper easy. I feel that it helped my paper to be more successful due to being able to use more than one internet site to gather more than just one of my resources.

    2. What I would like to improve is after I have found all my research articles a faster way of combing the information . Revising this process would help me not to spend so many hours trying to combined my topic information.

    3. I have learned that cell phones and driving are very dangerous. Also that not only can you loose your life but also risk having your car insurance increase to at least 50% along with having a mark on your driving record. What I learned from this project is that it takes time to research ,write and revise. but this experience will be of help for me to write another

  8. 1) I used the database and th internet. i know they worked cause i found what i was looking for to answer my research question and write my paper.
    2) I would like to improve the way i set it up. I would revise the body paragraphys
    3) There are many ways people look at abortion. i learned its never easy to write a essay on some you think you might know about

  9. 1.) The technique that had helped research my topic and write my paper was the internet and database. I used the library site on the CCC website to get all my information that I needed. I had never used it before and it helped me out tremendously to get my paper done and made me feel better that I know that it is lagit information not something made up.
    2.) The thing that I would like to improve on my process for writing a research paper is making sure that my paper goes in the right order and makes sense. I would not revise anything about the process.
    3.) The thing that I learned about my topic was that the people of the United States has the right to own a gun which should stay in effect and they should not be able to change that. The thing that I learned about researching and writing was that you have to have more than 3 sources to write a complete paper and also that picking a topic you think that you know is going to be easy is definitely not.

  10. The Databases helped me write my paper a lot. The database provided a lot of information for me to use in my paper. Once I added in my sources from the databases, it helped me to back up my information. There are many things about my writing process that need to be changed. Spending more time on my paper would help me a lot. Researching cell phones and driving, I learned a lot of things I didn’t know. I watched many videos, read many stories and articles. I learned that writing a research paper takes a lot more time than I thought it would. I’m hoping that I can do better my next time around.

  11. For my research paper, I relied mostly on the CCC Library Site. I was able to get more than enough information to complete my paper. I found that searching through the citation pages was the greatest help in identifying sources of information. This definitely helped my paper be more successful.
    My process for writing a research paper could be improved greatly. I found that there was a wealth of information available on the Library site. My biggest barrier was limiting the information to be specific to my topic. I found that I was wandering outside of the scope of my topic and this wasted a lot of time and quite frankly, made the process much more confusing than it should have been.
    I learned a lot about my topic. My research actually confirmed my position on my topic.
    Michelle Short

  12. I used google and it worked well because my topic has been highly researched and documented. i try to use websites with the .edu or .gov for info. their information seems to be much more organized and consistent.
    i can still use some improving on how much time i spend researching. i tend to add to much quoted info in my paper and end up rewording most to make it clearer.
    my position on my topic is even stronger after reading and seeing alot of the research on the cites i visited.

  13. 1. I used many online sources to gather information on my research topic, including the college library’s on- line data bases and Google. Using the on-line data bases it helped me get all the information and sources I need quick and all from the same spot. This made it easier and took less time.

    2. I wouldn’t revise anything about the research paper writing process. All the steps are needed to write a good paper.

    3.I learned many facts on cell phones and driving including research done, statistical data, and new developing laws that regulate cell phone use. As a part of completing this project I learned how to pre write and write a research paper through different steps. I also learned how to cite appropriate sources on my research topic using MLA format. I thought this process made writing a research paper easy.

  14. 1*using researching tools such as databases or the Internet, books, magazines, and articles. They helped my paper be more successful because they gave me the creditable facts.
    2*I would like to improve my time management
    3*I learned that every 2 mins a teen is diagnosed with a STD. Throughout this project I have learned that all source are not creditable sources

  15. 1) I used highlighting and short-hand notes to gather my research. It took less time and made it easy to go back and look up more information.
    2) Instead of summarizing I will try to use main words and paragraph/page numbers so I don’t write out as much.
    3) I learned that there are many factors that contribute to the possibility of child abuse. I also learned that those who abuse also manipulate the child and make it hard for others to prove that a child it being abused.

  16. 1. For my research paper, the library site on the CCC website and sports magazines were the techniques that used to get all my informations.I felt that it helped because i got more informations that will help make my paper stronger.

    2. For the process of writing a research paper i would like to improve my paragraph, instead of writing all the information from searching i would just pick out the most important ones

    3.For my topic i learned that billion of public and private dollar have been spend building sports stadium across the United States in the past twenty years.

  17. I used the google site, and found a lot of credible sources to help with my paper, I feel that I need to pay more attention to my thesis statement. I need to answer the resource question with better sentence structure. I learned to look over some articles, and pick out the important facts and eleborate on them. I paid special attention to the sources, and researched each to make sure they were indeed legit. I really would like to come up with a good thesis statement, I sometimes struggle with that. I try to ask and answer the question, but I have to admit that it is a challange at times.

  18. 1)I mainly used the library database to research my paper. I thought this was easier because you know when you find information on there, it is from credible sources instead of searching all over the web.
    2)I need to spend more time on putting my research information together. I tend to just throw stuff in the paper just to get it done instead of taking the time to organize it and see where it would fit better.
    3)I learned that gun control is way more controversial than I that thought. I new that it was a tough subject with some people but I guess I didn't realize how bad it was. I learned that it is much easier to do a little bit of the paper at a time instead of trying to do it all at the last minute.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I used the CCC library and computer lab. They had helpful sheets on how to give our sources credit properly on our work cited sheet. Something I am gonna prove next time when writing a research paper is starting it alot sooner. As far as topic wise you want to choose a topic that is very much talked about and that people like to argue about.

  21. 1. Annotation and researching using databases were very important in researching my topic. I looked into scientific journals in the library database to try to find credible sources for my research paper and I used the annotating technique to pull information out that I wanted to use in my research paper.

    2. Once I found the research I needed the paper became easier to write but I did procrastinate and would not do that again. It was harder to actually start writing the paper but the inside out writing technique helped.

    3. I learned a lot about my topic as a result of the research process. The most important thing I learned is that we need to take immediate action to address climate change. I learned that you need facts and data to support your ideas. I also learned to examine both sides of the issue.

  22. 1.) I used alot of pre writing for my paper. This worked best because I knew a decent amount about my topic. The internet was the best source for me do to the fact I could get magazine and newspaper coulumns, interviews, and alot of other facts stated by well credited individuals.
    2.) I would have like to use the library instead of just the internet. There was just not enough info out on my topic yet. The only thing I may try is read more about the topic before pre writing just to see if it would make it easier.
    3.) I learened alot not only about my topic, but other issues as well. The more you research the more you find and the more options the better. While writing I learned to write in the third person and several other ways to.

  23. I used the college library web site a whole lot to research and write my paper. The library set up was important because I was able to find a lot of my information mostly all in one place. this was easier because I didn't have to search all over the web and go crazy to where i should start. This helped my paper and i was more successful because there was so much information that I found. I found tons of sources to use for my paper and it sounding wonderful.
    The process that I would like to improve is what parts of information i should use and learn more in paraphrase. I wouldn't change anything about the process, I just wish it was a little easier to combine everything.
    I learned a lot about the topic i choose because of this assignment, Especially how many different views there are on why or why not it should be lowered. Writing is easy as long as i follow the correct steps, Other then that writing comes easy to me.

  24. 1.) I annotated a lot for my paper and I think it is a very useful technique. I also went to the school library to look for articles but I also found the internet as a useful source to help. Using the internet was the easiest way to look for a source for me. It saved me a lot of time.
    2.) I would like to improve on the organization and solidity of every paper that I write. Also, revising my paragraphs and the paper as a whole.
    3.) I already knew that talking on your cell phone was dangerous while driving but it’s I learned more facts while looking into this topic more. Researching when writing a paper about a specific topic is very, very important. You need to be able to support your claims.

  25. I used annotations, and notecards to help research my topic. These techniques helped me because I was able to stay organized much better, and had all my info right in front of me. I would like to improve on the time I spend on a research paper- I would like to start beginning them weeks ahead of time so I don’t have to cram everything into a week. I would also like to spend more time revising my paper. I tend to draft the paper, and with the exception of a few tweeks here and there that is my paper. While writing this paper, I realized how much we take the internet for granted and what a huge part of everyday life it is! We have an unlimited amount of information at our fingertips with the click of a few buttons and it is really quite amazing if you think about it. I learned that writing a research paper isn’t as hard as it seems, if you do it correctly and use the techniques discussed in class.

  26. 1-What skills or techniques (annotation, time-saving researching techniques, using researching tools such as databases or the Internet) helped you research your topic and/or write your paper? How do you know these skills or techniques helped your project be more successful?I used mostly the index for key words and looked for BOLD words and looked at topic sentences.
    2-What would you like to improve about your process for writing a research paper? Would you revise anything about the process?I would like to find more information and have it more organized so it's more intresting to the reader.
    3-What did you learn about your topic as a result of this process? What did you learn about researching/writing as a part of completing this project?That there are not enough gun laws and that they need alot of revising to be more effective.
