Wednesday, September 9, 2009

OCC Week 2: Sentences and Paragraphs

When you think about it, you probably write in some fashion just about every day. You use it to communicate with others (and sometimes yourself) in variety of ways. To ensure clear communication, writing takes practice.

One of the most important aspects of mastering any skill is consistently practicing the fundamentals. If you want to learn how to play guitar, you have to practice the scales, chords, and fingering techniques that make up this endeavor. The same is true in basketball; if you want to be a great player, practicing dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense are all vital.

Writing is no different than these other skills. If you want to be successful, you have to practice the fundamentals, namely writing effective sentences and paragraphs. This makes perfect sense if you think about it; you can't write a good paragraph if you can't write solid, clear sentences. Likewise, you can't write an effective paper if you can't write paragraphs that convey a clear, unified message.

With this in mind, please answer the following questions as specifically and completely as possible (200 or so words) in a comment to this blog:
  1. How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
  2. What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
  3. How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?


  1. My writing style has changed since I first started when I was a four foot eight inch young girl in kindergarden. I have learned how to pull my ideas together into something that will get my point across and will make me heard. I use writing in my professional life to create pictures in someones mind or to complete my yearly income tax forms. The number one thing I wish i could change about my wirting style would be to learn how to aviod saying all thats in my mind about the topic and narrow it down to keep the peice to the point. I tend to ramble and find myself stuck and my paper ends up without organization. It happens to me all the time. Its like clock work. I write a rough draft and revise and revise untill the two page paper ends up five and counting. I guess to help me with this I will need to come up with a structured, well thought out plan that can apply to every writing peice I ever write. It will need to be simple enough to eventually become second nature. I will need to keep my notes to a minimum, filling my pages with only the usefull information. And the usefull information, doesnt always mean the most interesting facts. I will just have to remember to keep it clean, fresh, and simple.

  2. I am constantly writing in my daily personal life. Anytime I write to a friend on Facebook, email or text someone I am using my writing skills. Also, writing plays a huge role in my academic life, as most homework assignments include some type of writing. What I am looking forward to changing most about my writing is being able to write with more sentence creativity and variety. In addition to sentence structure, I want to be able to consolidate my ideas into more concise and right to the point paragraphs. A way that I have used in the past to practice my writing skills is keeping a journal or writing letters to friends. I’ve found that by doing so, writing comes easier when I have an assignment or have to respond to someone. I am hoping that using the tools I learn in writing will make writing an easy and more enjoyable task when called for in my daily life.

  3. I have always used writing throughout my entire academic. Everyone started at all different ages; i took me a while to learn that writing is a very important tool needed in everyday life. I write everyday, for one I'm a student at college which is a must to write. Sometimes i would write to my friends or family on Facebook or in a text message. I have always wanted to be a good writer like my friends but since it took me so long to figure out that writing is important that i feel a little behind the rest of my friends. I hope to get better at not writing run on sentences, which there might be some in this paragraph. Also to not get off topic when writing a paper because when i run out of things to say i write a rabbit trail to take up space. I can practice good writing techniques by writing everyday. The more you write the better you get at it. Like said in the reading, if you wanted to play the guitar and get good at playing the guitar you need to practice.

  4. Writing has always been part of my life. Throughout school, I've been required to write papers, take tests, and communicate, all of which I've used my writing skills for. I use my writing skills on a daily basis mainly because of email and facebook. I enjoy writing in this sense because I like to be social, and email and facebook is one way I can do that. I also know Im not a great writer, and I know I can improve. I feel that I am not great at introductions, thesis statements, and conclusions. I also need a little work on what details are important to have or keep in a paper. I know that the more I write, the better I will get. The only daily practice I get for my writing is email and facebook, but isn't all that much. Im hoping that I can find some method besides this to practice without stressing myself out, like if we had to write a paper. Practice makes perfect, and Im sure I will improve.

  5. I will be always using writing in my personal and professional life. I have to be able to tell another person what is going on and what I am thinking. There are many types of daily tasks that will require me to write like being able to produce schematics for auto repair, using the internet to talk to people, and writing in my daily planner.

    The things that I need to practice and learn are how to use my ideas in an efficient way. I need to learn how to piece them together so that my paragraphs flow a lot better. I need to put all my ideas down then make them flow so it shows the reader what the point of view I had.

    The way I can practice writing and the skills needed to use the proper techniques will be by using my daily planner. It shows me what I have to do for the day and its gives me goals to set. The goals that I set helps me find a way to succeed.

  6. I have two journals that I write in on a daily base. One is for what has happen in my day and the other is for, my dreams and visions that I have for myself. I also write e-mails to my friends, family and now some teachers. I want to improve in all area of writing, because I just don't seem to have a handle on all the different aspects of writing and I would like to someday write a few books and have them publish and sold. I believe I can practice proper writing techiques everyday, by continuing to write in my journals, e-mails and do my class work that consist of writing, in which they all do.

  7. I use all types of writing in everyday life. For academics I write down notes and write papers for homework. In my personal life I use writing when I text, email, or facebook chat my friend to have a conversation. I will use writing in my professional life for countless things. Writing will always be an important part in my life, for communicating and work.

    With my writing I would like to improve my ability to avoid fragments and run on sentences. I would like my sentences be able to flow together and create one cohesive paragraph that gets across one topic clearly and precisely.

    I can practice proper writing techniques when I am having a conversation with my friend, I can practice when I have some writing for homework. I can write something over several times until I have the hang of it. Like anything it just keep practicing the things that I am having trouble with until I understand how to fix my mistakes and no longer make the same ones.

  8. I feel like i am constantly writing in my daily life for many different purposes. I use different types of writing, whether it's for school (writing papers and taking notes, texting, or even messaging a friend on facebook. Writing will always be an important part of my life.

    I would like to improve my writing in many ways. I want to be able to write a paper and know that my paragraphs are flowing. I also want to improve on my punctuations. Sometimes I feel that my essays need to be more descriptive. But I am willing to learn anything I can to improve on my writing skills.

    I can practice my writing every day by using proper writing. I also think that reading makes your writing a lot stronger. I guess you just really need to pay attention to the way you write and try to improve on it one step at a time.

  9. Writing is used in my daily life in a variety of ways. Whether it is at work taking down orders, at school taking down notes, or to a friend through texting. Each time I write it is in a different manner. I do not even realize how much the average American really writes through out their day. Writing will always be very important to my life in order to communicate, and keep things in order.

    There is a lot I would love to improve in my writing, especially when it comes to my sentencing and paragraphs. I wish I could easily just a write an essay without constantly changing around my words, and trying to make it sound better. Topic sentences are the worst for me. I find it difficult to get a point across in one sentence. I like to get into detail about what I am talking about, but never know how to write it all out into a paragraph.

    I practice proper writing techniques everyday when I take down notes, or even when I am writing down my daily tasks. I believe reading can help a lot because you are seeing how another person writes. This class will hopefully show me how to write more professionally, and make it easier to write a paper!

  10. Writing is an important skill that I routinely use in my lifestyle. Even in the smallest things like sending a text message or e-mail to a friend. Even at work i use writing when taking down customers orders. Mostly i use writing in my academics. It seems like everyday during the school year I'm always writing a short response to something like I am now, e-mailing a professor about something, or working on a paper. Writing is one of those things in life that’s unavoidable. No matter what there’s always going to be something in my day to day activities that requires writing. Therefore i figure why not try to expand my writing skills.

    When it comes to improving my writing skills, I want to improve in all aspects. I would say that there are two major areas I need the most work on. The first writing skill that I need to work on is supporting ideas in paragraphs more. I feel as if when I’m writing sometimes I almost write away from the idea that I am trying to support. Secondly I find myself writing run off sentences more often then not. This is most definitely something I need to practice on, along with the rest of skills needed to be a great writer.

    I am sure there are many different ways to practice my writing techniques everyday. Simple things, like writing short and precise sentences. Also when writing an e-mail or writing something for school, even an activity as simple as this, make sure that I am using well structured paragraphs. Almost to the point where it starts to become routine. Hopefully with doing this it will help me to become a more successful writer.

  11. Writing in general plays a huge role in my life. Academically, the past twelve years of school has been filled with it. From learning how to compose cursive lettering in elementary school, to finishing a ten page position paper for the final exam of my “college prep” writing class senior year, writing has consistently become a larger part of school of the years. Personally, I am constantly writing, whether it’s a text message to one of my friends or an email to a cousin at an out of state college. Finally, because I work part-time at a grocery store, I am oftentimes found putting my writing skills to use whenever I’m filling out an invoice for a delivery or ordering in more product. Though not noticeable until I really put some thought into it, writing is a much bigger part of my life than I thought.

    When it comes to research-based papers, I would like to improve my ability to write better “hooks,” something to grab a reader’s attention and spark their interest in my paper. Also, in any type of paper, I would like to improve my ability to give more descriptive details, thus helping a reader far better understand what I’m talking about.

    On a daily basis, I think that I can practice proper writing techniques by simply using proper grammar, such as avoiding abbreviations and acronyms while using technologies like email and text.

  12. In the past I have had to use writing not only in my academic life but also with a few job positions I have had. While working at my parents bowling center I have been responsible for writing effective professional letters in order to obtain donations. Since the bowling center is very active with the local community it is important that the letters and articles we send are grammatically correct. The bowling center isn’t the only job I have had that required me to write for professional purposes. Over the summer I held an AmeriCorps position at the local Department of Social Services. This position required me to gather information and write professional statements. These statements would then go to make changes in operation of the company. Therefore my writing had to be very professional and thorough.
    In my everyday life I write tons of times. It can be anything from writing an email to sending a text message or even instant messaging with my friends. These times would provide a perfect opportunity to work on my writing skills. If I treat these simple communication methods as if they were professional experiences I would then be able to improve my writing skills. Not only would I be able to practice proper writing skills, but I would also be able to improve on certain areas. These areas included making my paragraphs flow better, developing a strong topic sentence and making my sentences more effective. I would also like to learn how to develop more thorough ideas and make my sentences as clear as possible.

  13. Everyone on a daily basis writes in one way or anyother, via text messages, facebook, myspace or even in a diary. I particularly use my sentence skills daily through text message and face book. Now that i am back in school i take notes and does homework in which requires me to write.
    During this semester in english 103 i would like to better my writing skills. I tend to write "run-on" sentences and paragraphs that tend to stray away from the topic. This is something i want to better.
    I can practice this daily by keeping a journal or diary and writing in it to better these skills. Writing is a passion of mine and i would like to do it correctly and efficantly. So, writing in a journal daily would leave me no other choice but to practice my sentence and paragraphing skills.

  14. A lot of daily tasks require writing. Education is one of the most important reasons for writing in my life at the moment. Other forms include text messaging, socializing through the internet, and even other things such as writing checks. I personally use writing to communicate with others, as well as educational purposes now that I'm going to OCC.
    I've always wanted to know and use the correct ways of using commas within my sentences. I would also like to shorten my sentences in order to get more to the point as well as making my writing easier to comprehend.
    I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by reading through the textbook and learning the correct ways of writing. I could then practice writing drafts, or even journal entries to help physically write things correctly. Another way to practice proper writing techniques is by writing properly throughout the entire day. This means that instead of using slang and improper writing techniques on the computer and to my friends, I could use the correct ways of writing to help myself improve.

  15. Writing is used throughout various areas of ones life, be it in a professional setting, in an academic respect, or simply in one's personal life. The key difference is the type of language used per situation.

    Writing is used to communicate and to inform. Some people support concepts in schoolwork with their writing, while some merely create trivial text-mesages on a cell phone. Writing is used to bring in our dearly-beloved financial aid, as well as to leave our signiature on various, yet crucial, documents. Writing fills out job applications, (so we can support ourselves) while it can also let us relieve emotional stress through poems, or angry letters. Writing is thus a vital par of our existence.

    In my writing I would like to improve on maintaining focus on one central point, while consistently tying in all of it's supporting information. A relevant goal that i also aim to achieve is to include in all my writing a fluent, pleasent tone/voice.

    This goal, as well as other proper writing techniques I may need to improve, can be easily practiced daily. I could practice these things through utilizing any sort of fluent writing i see or hear. This includes the reading I already do, such as my assigned reading for any given class, or in the lyrics to a song. By simply paying attention to the structure and composition of these words,I can work on how I will write.

  16. I use writting skills everday whether it is becuse i have to or becuse i choose to. When I am in school I nake notes durring class so that I can study and use my notes for homework. At home I write to-do lists and shopping lists. I also write to express myself when I am upset or excited.

    When i write i tend to sometimes go into too much detail. I am good about not using runons but i tend to write too many sentances. I also make a lot of small mistakes such as forgetting a comma or a misspelling of a few words here and there.

    I can practice writing techniques everyday by creating a diary or jurnal to write about my day and my thought. By doing this once a day I would be practicing paragraphs and sentances to improve my writing skills.

  17. How does writing pertain to my everyday life? I am always writing things down. For example, before i wrote this blog i felt obligated to collect my thoughts first. I am always jotting down things on paper. They are usually incomplete thoughts scattered across the paper but it makes it much easier to recap once written.

    There are many techniques to practice good writing one can uses everyday. I also know a few bad practices of writing which i, and most other people my age, do on a daily basis. That would be the infamous text message. They are mainly broken sentences with made up words and more acronyms than words sometimes. However, as i learned in class, it is just another form of language most wouldnt know if they didnt text. Just another DISCOURSE COMMUNITY.

    I would love to use "wut" instead of "what", or "bc" instead of "because" like i would in any other blog or text but i must remember who im blogging to. I have to consider my discourse community. I am blogging to my professor and english class. Ive realized my language depends on my audience. When i send a text message there is slang and acronyms only an avid texter, (if thats a word), would understand. When i blog there is no doubt to anyone from the content and use of words that im blogging. When i speak to my parents or teachers my langauge is more proper and polite. When i talk to women the words used are far different than hanging with the boys.

    To answer the question, "How do i use writing everyday?", would be easier to answer how dont i use it. Even if i dont accually pick up a pen and paper every aspect of my day involves some kind of writing. From the alarm clock that wakes me up to the remote control i use to kill the tv at bedtime, we are surrounded by writing and all of its products.

    There are many things i would like to improve on in my writings. For the most part i would like to be able to write it as i can say it in my head. Put the commas and pauses where they belong so the audience reads it the way i hear it in my head. i would like to work on the ability to run on without running on and use different words so the writing doesnt get monotonous. But most important, to me atleast, is the ability to keep the audience interested. I believe the most important quality of any writing, text, conversation, lesson, etc., is keeping the listener intrigued. Once you have sparked an interest with reader the rest is down hill. However, if you are borring to the reader it wont matter how punctual and precise you are and you will be fighting to keep interest the whole time.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Ever since I was a little girl I loved to write. Before I knew how to write I would scribble long, horizontal rows of ink that represented in my eyes, cursive. As I got older and learned how to write I began to use it everywhere such as school, at home to leave my parents a note, to write in my diary or to even write poetry and song lyrics. Now I have a job that requires writing also; waitressing. I am also always trying to remember things and the best way to do that is to write them down.

    There is always room for improvement. I’ve noticed in my personal writing I tend to use fragments, or on the contrary, too many commas. I would love to learn more effective ways to get my actual thought down onto paper so it sounds just as good as I think it will. In addition, supporting details make or break the paragraph and I would like to improve on really connecting the main idea to the details.

    I can practice proper writing techniques by writing every day because doing something over and over again always increases your skills. Typically, people don’t use proper English on instant messenger or in an email, but who says we can’t? Also, doing homework repetitively will ensure stronger writing tecniques. Maybe even trying to help someone else learn could ultimately teach you.

  20. I am constantly writing in my everyday life. I use writing at work, school, and when im am communicating with friends. I use writing in my profession to leave a message to my supervisers about the day and what was accomplished. In my academic career writing is an essential. Weather it be taking notes, filling out worksheets, or writing essays it may be the most important skill I have. Even in my leasure time writing helps as an easy way to get ahold of friends or family though either a quik text or email.

    Even though writing is in my everyday life, I am not the complete writer that I would like to be. I want to improve my sentence and paragraph structure to help myself convey a more clear message to the reader. More specifically I need to stop with run-on sentences and overusing punctuation. Also i would like to be able to more clearly convey a single idea in a paragraph.

    One way i could get better at writing is using what I learn in class and applying it in everyday life. The more practice I get doing things the right way the more natural those skills will become. Overtime this will make me a much better writer.

  21. Illiteracy is pretty much a non-option in today’s American society. Everyone needs to read and write to do get things accomplished. In my personal life I try to keep a journal, I leave notes for my roommates, I e-mail friends and coworkers, etc. In my professional life I’m constantly writing letters to my bosses at my retail job, keeping detailed notes for a political campaign, explain on a job applications why I am fit for the tasks that will be given to me, and even making task lists for the people around me. As for the academic world, writing is pretty much the staple in almost any subject.
    I would like to improve my organization. I never know how to categorize all of my points or what order is the easiest to read them in. I’m not very good at spelling, but any word processor can help with that. I don’t talk how I write so its difficult not to be inclined to let run-on sentences slip in, or want to start with ‘and’ or ‘because’. Also, I have so many scattered thoughts about a particular subject that I have trouble finding a good umbrella for a thesis statement.
    I can practice writing techniques every day in a few ways. For starters, actually doing the writing assignments I get in college unlike I did in high school will be good practice. I can attention to details when I am reading works from other people. Also, keeping a journal for the pressure free practice.

  22. There are many things in my everyday life that require writing. Since school has started I have been writing in many different ways. Whether its for taking notes, writing a paper, or e-mail, I am usually always writing in some way. Other than school I will write to a friend or family member through facebook or text message. I am also required to leave weekly notes to my boss on what has or hasn't been done at my job.

    Although I believe I am a decent writer I sometimes have trouble, mostly with essays or long papers. I have he most difficulty trying to get the paper started. Also, I realize that sometimes I get off topic and just ramble on with run-on sentences. I would also like to be able to write a sentence that conveys one idea only, but still be able to have a lengthy paper.

    I could practice proper writing techniques everyday by using strategies I learn in class to communicate with people, whether its over facebook, e-mail, or text message. I usually do not use proper English to communicate in these ways, but I think if I start it will make me a more effective writer.

  23. Learning how to write is very important. I am constanly writing every day whether it is a note to my child's teacher or writting an essay for school. Writing is skill that I have not yet accomplished. It is very critical that I do so because I want to be a social worker and social workers need to write efficiently on a daily basis.
    Some things that I need to work on when it comes to my writing is mostly commas and run on sentences. I also have a hard time coming up with supporting ideas for my topic sentences. It takes me a really long time to write a paragraph. It's like I get writer's block.
    One way I can practice my writing is by keeping a journal or by writing a letter. I could also practice some of the exercises that are in our text books. I think maybe if I write more then I wouldn't have such a hard time coming up with ideas. I definitely think this would make me a stronger writer.

  24. I use writing just about every day. I leave notes for my roommates all the time and I write to my friends and family and let them know what’s going on in my life. If I ever have a problem in my relationship or I just want to let someone know how I’m feeling the easiest way for me to do that is to write it down. When I was younger I use to write poems a lot. The first one I wrote was in 6th grade when my grandmother passed away. I’ve also wrote many a papers in high school just like every other kid had to do. The simplest things require writing in our everyday lives. Returning an article of clothing often requires writing. You have to write down why you are returning the item and whether or not it’s damaged. That’s just one of the many examples of writing used daily.

    I often seem to write run on sentences with too much information. I also don’t always know how to word things so when read by another it just flows smoothly. Those are two things I’d like to get better at with my writing.

    One easy way to practice proper writing techniques everyday would be to start with smalls things. For example when writing to friends on facebook and myspace use correct grammar and punctuation instead of resorting to the slang terms used on computers.

    -katrina peters

  25. As a student, I am always writing something, whether it is a new piece of work or something in which I have done repetitively over the years. In my current daily life, I use writing to communicate with friends, family, professors etc.. This can be done on a daily basis in a variety of ways such as writing a long letter to sending a quick text on a cell phone. At the same time, my writing has improved drastically over the years. I plan on continuing this trend I have adopted and hopefully master the art of writing. As of right now I wish to improve my sentence structure. I find that every once in a while I will get excited about a topic and ramble off on accident. The only way to practice this is just as if you first started to ride a bike, if you fall off you have to get right back on the bike until you learn to ride the bike correctly. In other words, you can only practice by writing often, there will be mistakes, but you have to learn from them and keep writing. My writing may never achieve perfection, but that doesn't mean I can just give up on everything.

  26. I use writing throughout my life whether it be in school, with friends or at work. They are not all the same forms as each other but they can serve the same purpose as long as they get the point across on the statement i am making. Whether it be writing a paper, taking inventory at work or even texting my friends. They all require techniques of writing in which i have not still perfected. On a day to day basis I write essays, do homework, text friends and take notes at work.

    I would like to improve my organization in my writing so my words have a flow that can be clearly understood by the readers. I would also like to improve the way I add details in my writing while not getting off topic of what was asked of me. Also I find that I often struggle to create topic sentences and I know I need help bettering that.

    I like to practice proper writing skills by using proper english in all situations I am in from writing a paper down to just talking to my friends. I believe proper english is a staple in peoples lives that should have emphasis put upon it starting at a young age.

  27. I have always found writing an essential tool in my personal, academic and professional life. Organizing ideas on paper aids in clearing my head of ideas; for example compiling a day's to-do list, keeping track of class assignments or clearly conveying ideas and inquiries to co-workers. As someone who struggles with eloquently speaking complex ideas, especially in tense situations, I find the drafting of a letter to involved parties is a great way to express ideas calmly. This technique used in daily life can greatly improve one’s writing skills in addition to one’s stress level.

    Despite daily exercise of my writing skills, there are still areas I'd like to improve upon, mainly paragraph unity. I have found in my academic efforts of past that properly organizing ideas in an assignment comes with great difficulty. I hope that instruction in multiple drafts techniques will help with my short comings.

    Adhering to proper writing techniques in daily circumstances is great practice. Proper punctuation in text messaging or notes to friends is a simple way to reinforce writing techniques. I occasionally enjoy writing fiction as recreation and have found it vital in improving one's overall writing ability.

    -Jenna Graves

  28. Writing is a part of my everyday life weather it is in school or out of school. Outside of school most of the writing I do is in short responses of only a few sentences. At work I do need to occasionally leave a message with someone, usually only a few sentences and never a lengthy message. When I'm not in school or at work I do a lot of writing through text message. In school writing has always been a large part of any class. A lot of writing in school is in the form of a research paper or some sort of essay. In school it is not as necessary to just communicate a message to someone.

    My main weakness in writing is being able to stretch an essay out to make it longer. It is also hard to write about something that just isn’t interesting or something that I don’t know much about. Most writings in school are very structured and have a purpose and need to inform.

  29. writing is something that i use everyday at school, work, and talking with my friends.i try to write as least as i can. My work does not require a lot of writing, only to take an order. I mostly use writing when talking with my friends online. When it comes to writing i need a lot of work with organizing my thoughts, as we as correct punctuation.I have a hard time also putting my thought on paper, i can say what i want verbally and when i write it comes out different. Sometimes with papers i panic and think i have to write a lot more the get my point across and i end up with a ton or run on sentences. A good way to practice writing may be to keep a journal or diary.For my writing is not fun, mostly because i feel like am not doing it write.

  30. I use writing in my life academically and personally on a daily basis. Everyday I am taking notes for class or doing homework that includes writing papers or answering questions. My writing is always improving and changing because of the new things I’m learning in school and from friends. In my personal life I definitely write a lot as well because I am constantly on the computer e-mailing or texting on my phone. Altogether I would consider myself a decent writer but I could make several improvements. I would like to work on my comma usage, and I would also like to work on making my paragraphs only about one idea. I feel like I don’t stay on my main topic throughout the whole paragraph because I always bring in supporting facts that will some how take me off topic. I think I have the most trouble with the outline of a paper, but once I have an outline done the paper is easy for me. I’m going to practice proper writing techniques everyday by writing more on a daily basis. Maybe I will start a journal so I’ll have something to write about everyday. I also know that reading my English book and doing all the assignments will help me to be a better writer in the end.

  31. I constantly am writing everyday, no matter what enviornment I am in. In school I do most of my writing, taking note in class is essential for me to remember what was said. I can later rewrite the notes into a way that I connect with. I also take a lot of notes on my own, between classes or at home. In my past job experiences I have always been a lifegaurd. There's not a lot of writing required for the job at all, but every day we have to keep a log of the weather, tides, number of bathers, our workouts, and general comments. In a more negative light, if something were to occur in which we needed to preform a recuse, CPR, recetation, or aply firt aid, the lifegaurd would be responsible for filling out an incident report. During my leisure time(and not so leisure times), I text my friends. Although this communicates messages effeciently, we hardly use full sentences or for that matter even spell out words. Also, I began writing about things that have happened in my life, from when I was very young. I find this to be the most relaxing form of writing that I have done thus far.
    In my writing I know that I need to condense idea's and keep on task. I tend to go off on tangents. Furthermore I believe I need to work on the use of semi-colons, parenthesis (these), spelling, sentence structure, and my introduction and concluding paragraphs.
    To practice proper writing techniques I can apply the guidelines set forth in class, filter out wrong habits that were taught to me before (thinking about my 10th and 11th grade high school teacher), and use these thechniques in writing papers for class, and for my own purposes.

  32. I use writing in several different ways each day, using it to communicate, keep myself on task, or just because I'm board. Believe it or not, most of my writing isn't done in school or in the professional world, but through AIM, facebook, or texting, communicating with friends, family, classmates, etc. I always need to keep in touch with people daily, whether it is to keep me updated on work, let me know when practice is, or just to say hi. However, I do a lot of writing in school as well, taking notes, doing homework, and of course, papers and tests. I write more than I do anything else in a day, no matter what the reason.
    I strongly believe in the saying "practice makes perfect", and when it comes to my writing I need some improvements. My goal is to become a better writer in focusing on one idea only, use better punctuation, and clean up "filler words". I believe through working on these imperfections, I can become a better writer and excel in the business world where writing is a critical aspect of a successful job.
    I can practice my writing techniques daily through doily daily English assignments like this response one, through reading the paper in the morning, and just by taking notes in class. I am willing to learn and become a better writer, so I will do what is necessary to become a solid writer.

  33. I have always found writing to be a valuable skill to master. It is a way for me to express what is on my mind clearly because sometimes it is difficult to express my thoughts verbally. I have always tried to keep a journal and have found it to be a very therapeutic task. I want to become a journalist for a culture magazine as my future career, and writing will be the main component in helping me achieve my goal. My current job in retail doesn't require one to pick up the pen often, unless you are writing in our communication book to bitch on how the staff has been slacking lately.

    I would love to improve in every aspect of my writing. Like I previously stated, I want to make a career out of it. This will require me to perfect my skills. I mainly would like to improve on organizing my thoughts, so that my paper can make sense to someone other than myself. I find that I have a hard time sticking to the question in front of me without rambling. I think I may have even turned this into one giant messy thought. Another thing I need major help with is punctuation. When I have one thousand thoughts racing through my head and am trying to put them on paper before I forget them, I am left with a grammatically incorrect sentence. I'm just never sure where to place my commas and would like to actually know what I'm dong instead of placing them based on aesthetics.

    I believe the best way to practice proper writing techniques is by keeping a daily journal where you can use the skills you have accumulated so far. I really should keep up with mine. It's a great way for me to get all of my odd ideas and opinions out of my head without having to drive everyone around me crazy.

  34. I have found that writing is something that I use all the time, even though I have been out of an academic setting for two years now. The way I used writing the most would happen to be staying in touch with others. About a year and a half ago I moved myself to Boston, and well everyone but my one of my sisters lived back in New York. I used writing daily whether it was through a letter, an email, or even a message to a friend through Yoville on Facebook. I also found that I used writing when I was looking for a job. When I lived in Boston I was a professional nanny, and let me tell you to get a job in Boston as a nanny means you have a write a lot of little blobs about yourself and your skills with children. So it turns out I used, and am using, writing in my life in many ways I didn't expect to.

    I find that there are a few problems I have with my writing. I tend to get completely off track in the middle of paragraphs, and I have always been very bad at ending them. Normally when I write I find I am writing for personal reasons and as such I simply write as the thoughts come to my mind. The problem is that this leaves everyone that ends up reading what I wrote immensely confused and baffled. I have always found that I tend to be bad at transitioning or ending my paragraphs. They always seem to just come to an abrupt stop, or the last sentence ends up sounding awkward and out of place.

    Practicing writing skills is something that would fairly simple to do everyday, because I use writing everyday. I text, email, and aim. So fitting in practice should end up being something fairly simple for me to do.

  35. I have used writing in my academics by writing essays in many different classes. Whether it was a research project, book report, or just an essay response to
    a question. In this I have used the skills I've learned to complete these tasks that I've needed to write. Types of daily tasks that I need to use these skills in are
    like note taking in all my classes. Keeping up with the topic and also still getting the meaning by listening.

    I wish to improve on understanding the basics of writing a strong thesis statement and keeping to the topic in a paper. By better understanding the basics of
    writing a strong thesis statement, I will better myself in writing a strong paper. Also by staying on topic my papers will also be better in proving a point by staying
    to the first rule of writing.

    I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by staying focused in class and correcting myself on any mistake I can make while writing. By keeping watch
    for this I can focus on what I do wrong whenever I write be it; grammar, spelling, punctuation, or even sentence writing.

    ~Mike D

  36. I use writting in many different areas of my life. In the acadamic area of my life I use it while taking notes, doing home-work, writing essays, and doing projects. For work I use writing to do a resume, or fill out reports. In my personal life i use writing to write letters and notes to friends and family members.

    There are a couple of things that i want to correct about my writing. Almost all of my papers have run on sentences and alot of fragments. I also need some help with commas and their placement in a sentence.

    I can practice proper writing technique when texting, writing a email, or chatting on facebook. Instead of writing in instant messaging form i can write out in proper sentences and grammer.

  37. I have used writing all of my life to communicate on many different levels. From essays to letters alot of what I have experienced throughout my life has come along with some type of writing. Most socializing now a days is all some sort of writing in a sense, from texting to emailing.

    I would like to improve my transitions in my writing. Id like to make them smoother and try to eliminate repetition of words and phrases. I would also like to be more creative instead of being really simple all of the time.

    I think in order to practice proper writing techniques everyday I would have to be more conscious of spelling, punctuation, and grammar in my usual modes of communication(texting, emailing, aim.)

  38. Surprisingly, since high school I have used writing almost everyday. Its been about 5 years for me now, but my professional as well as personal life have created a need for improved writing skills. For nearly two years I worked in sales for a press release distribution company. One of my responsibilities was to review press releases before they were sent out to the world. This involved me spell-checking, and using proper citation to ensure my clients didn't end up look foolish. I also worked sales for Clear Channel Communications for a short period of time. My main focus was to create and sell commercials for radio stations like Hot 107.9. This truly challenged what I knew about writing in that you really had to be creative and original (as well as punctual) about what you were sending over-air.

    Something my mother has always told me is that you can never stop learning, and throughout my experiences I know this to be true. There are still many areas that I need to improve on with my writing. I am terrible with run-on sentences and I'm also a nut for comma splicing. And I am sad to admit that with the invention of spell-check I have been less concerned with how well I spell things. I feel my thoughts are well communicated, but not as eloquently as I would like.

    I can practice proper writing everyday by becoming more aware with what and how I am writing. Such as, when I go to take notes for a class, I can start writing things in full sentences, and being aware of how they were punctuated. I can stop trying to fit every thought I have into one sentence, and start forming more well rounded paragraphs.

  39. I use writing in my life everyday. I need my writing skills to communicate on all different levels. Taking notes, texting, writing lyrics, or typing this comment. In essence we use writing even when we talk. A conversation is just another form of practicing the english language.

    I want to improve on my writing habits this year. I have a tendency to form run on sentences due to lack of commas. My paragraphs can become clustered and lack unity because my topic sentences can lack clarification. I look forward to learning about how to apply proper rhetoric. Being taught proper grammer will allow me to sound more sophisticated and clearly portray my thoughts.

    Everytime I pick up a pencil I can practice proper writing techniques. Revising your writing can be a helpful techinique for effective writing. When you look back at a paragraph you often see mistakes you may not have seen the first time such as(spelling, punctuation, grammer). Just remember you can't write a perfect first draft. The best way to practice writing techniques is to simply just to write.

  40. As an aspiring fiction writer I am constantly flexing my writing muscles and putting a pen to paper. Unfortunately work as a cook isn't exactly conducive to practicing any kind of art on the job, except perhaps whistling. Due to this my daily writing is limited to whatever I can scrawl into a notebook on break or whenever I have a chance at home.

    Asking me what I want to improve in my writing will actually get you the same response as asking me what I like to write about: "Everything." I often forget commas or sometimes punctuation altogether. I tend to write in a stream of consciousness that has to be first rewritten into sentences, and then formatted into proper paragraphs. This often leads to losing focus on where I started, causing me to forget how to end it. Also, I have never once used a semi-colon correctly.
    To practice proper writing techniques everyday I could, and should, actually start using my blog. I could maybe force myself to finish one of the hundreds of short stories left unfinished in my notebooks, followed by actually submitting them to the contests they were started for. The biggest thing I can do to improve my writing, though, is take some classes taught by professionals, and that is why I'm writing this now.

  41. All through high school i enjoyed to write, not purely academic of course, more as "jotting down my thoughts." I like to write haiku, short poems, short stories, etc. I like having the ultimate possibility of writing, I can use my imagination without limitation. I find myself writing random sayings, or poems in class when i find i can't concentrate. Academically i have been an alright writer, not always posting the best grades, but getting by. I know I can get good grades on papers, its putting in the time, my worst trait, procrastination.

    The big thing I want to improve on in my writing, is its fluency, not only have a good structured sentence and paragraph, but to also have it sound pretty. I'm not saying I want those huge words, that make me sound smarter then I am, just a paper that you can read easily out loud and it make sense.

    Everyday practice in class and personal activites can help me bring this to be. Just being mentally aware of it when I find myself writing, I can proof read over real quick and plug words that may sound better, or have a better effect on the paper or sentence. Everything takes practice.

    -Michael Bolduc

  42. I use writing everyday when I’m out on either rescue or ambulance calls. For each patient that is put in my care, a pre-hospital report must be completed for the transition of care. This is a point in the care process that depends on quality communication. This is achieved through comprehensive writing in the report. Writing this report involves in-depth documentation of any presenting problems, drugs administered, treatments, and past medical history.
    I often make my sentences too long and drawn out. On the other hand I tend to make my paragraphs to short for whatever point that I’m trying to make. I also lack any real structure within both my sentences and paragraphs. I’ve become far too used to writing randomly knowing that the important part is having the information critical down.
    It really wouldn’t hurt to write both fire and emergency medical reports to the standard that is expected of me in the class room. This would include correct spelling and proper organization of the points that I include in each report. By focusing on these weak areas during an operation that I complete in my day to day life, I could easily improve my writing skills.

  43. With the dream to some day become a paid firefighter i have have learned that the language is an important aspect of the job. With each report that i fill out i must be sure that it will be understood by the person who may have to read it later. On top of hand writing i must make sure that each fact is written clearly and can be easily understood.
    As time progresses i would like to improve my writing skills in many areas. One example of what i'd like to improve on would be writing down my ideas so they are short and simple. With this skill it will become easier for me to write clear documents, and at the same time short and simple.
    Conveniently for me i am able to practice every day. On almost every esm call their are papers need to be filled out. While I fill these important papers out I must try to make them clear. One way i can do this is by cutting out unnecessary details and stick to the essentials. When i do this it will allow the reader to understand the main idea quicker. With practice every day I hope to be able to improve a great deal and become great at what i do.

  44. I use writeing in my academic life to take notes in all my calsses as well as to get a particual message across to my friends. In a professional carrer i use writing to help me feill out my job applications,goverment forms, and note takeing. Writing in my personal life is fun as well. It lets me be creative when i want to write a short widget or write a drastic adventure with friends.The way i use writing everyday is by writeing my name on my homework assiments.

    What I want to improve is haveing less run on sentences. Also to have my reader actually enjoy reading what i have to write. If these golas could be reached then I would proably write more often.

    I could take up writeing short storys and or journals to help improve my wirting skills.

  45. Throughout my life I have used writing in an assortment of ways. When I was younger I would love to write fairy tales just for entertainment. I've used writing for job applications by making cover letters. In the academic world and my everyday life I use writing for numerous assignments, such as this blog. Honestly, I find English my hardest subject to excel in. I often have trouble making papers flow well. No matter how much effort I put into a paper I always manage to get a bad grade. To work on this probelm I will take more notes out of my Strategies for Successful Writing. Also, I will closely look at the examples in the book on what not to do. And finally, I will pay attention to Prof. Snow because he is my English teacher and has helpful pointers on writing.

  46. This is Brian Kim. I have been practicing writing skill by writing journals everyday. I actually have been writing everyday journal since last year. Although English is not my first language, I’ve been writing my journal in English. Sometimes I do write journals in my native language, Korean. Wiritng is one of the essential type of communication for personal and for future life like for a job. For example, I communicate with long distance friends by sharing messages on Facebook or using live messenger. If I do not know right words for every expression I want to say, I might miscommunicate, lead to misunderstanding, or won’t be able to talk about what I want to say. I’ve been using English for years now, but my English skill and my writing skill is not perfect. I want to improve my range of words, and also variety of sentences such as not always beginning the sentence with Noun and Verb. I learned many techniques of writing such as an essay with strong thesis, novel style, or persuasion. I know there are a lot more techniques to express my feelings and thoughts to the reader. I want to learn those techniques. As I learned in the class, I have to practice my writing skill by writing every day, keep it simple, and shortening the sentences by chossing appropriate words for each sentence. Although practicing writing helps to my writing skill, it won’t be a much help if I just keep writing in my own style. It would rather help, if I try new styles and begin sentences with new words. I also need to learn new techniques and new words to improve my skill.

  47. Writing has played an extreme role in the academic world for me. I have had to use writing to finish research papers, make resumes and also I used writing to write letters to some of my family members. Many daily tasks such as our blogs for school require writing. Writing is every where; I guess its jus part of our society. Things I would like to improve on my writing are things like run on sentences. I am a wonderful writer (at least I believe so); but I have problems with run on sentences. This is a problem I want to work on and that I will master with practice.
    An easy way to practice is to try and write a couple paragraphs a day because the more you write the more you get the feeling and the hang of it. Practice makes perfect so one has to constantly be on top of writing all the time. One way to do it is to write a letter to yourself everyday on how your day went. Use paragraph structures and be organized while doing it each time. After a while you will start to fix each and everyone of your mistakes and will start to perfect writing.

  48. 1) I do not really write in my personal life at all. Mainly throughout my whole academic career I have only written when necessary. If I have to write a paper I may enjoy writing it if the topic interests me. Other than writing to pass a class I have not really written for entertainment other than letters to colleges or letters to home. I attended a boarding school and was not allowed to have a cell phone so writing letters home to friends and family was basically the only way to communicate. I got used to it and actually took pride in writing letters home and almost treated it like an actual essay. Once I came back into the real world or civilian life writing letters was not necessary so I basically stopped doing all of that and just stuck to writing for the sole purpose of academics.

    2) What i need to improve most in my writing is getting a good flow if that makes sense. When I write I write sentence by sentence which kind of gets me stuck at times. Sometimes writing sentence by sentence is effective for me. For example if I am writing a persuasive essay and i write from the heart I can just think of what to write because it is what i feel. However, if I am writing a big research paper top down writing gets very confusing and I forget what I write, it just turns into a big mess. Also sometimes when I write I create a lot of run on sentences. I get in a mindset and just put whatever comes to mind onto the paper without realizing that in the end it doesn't make sense because I didn't have the common sense to use basic punctuation. I know how I usually just forget because I guess I get too focused.

    3) I think that I can practice regular writing techniques by using proper punctuation and writing more formally whenever I write in general, for example, instant messenger or text messaging. In both of these people my age tend to use a lot of slang and just use phrases or codes like, "lol" or "jk". If I could write out proper sentences in instant messenger or in texting I would be more effective in understanding which punctuation goes with which emotion and in the end could make me a more creative writer in the end.
