Monday, September 28, 2009

CCC Week 5: Drafting a Paper Using the Inside-out Method

This may be your first opportunity to use the inside-out method to draft a paper. Remember, the inside-out method focuses on developing the body paragraphs first. This is done by working out each pattern or category (and sub-categories) of details one at a time in terms of how they answer your main question(s) for the paper. For example, if our question for the paper was "How expensive is the prom?", we would try to address how each specific detail associated with attire (gowns, tuxes, suits, etc.) answers that question. Once this is done, do the same for the accessories, the transportation, etc.

One key point for inside-out drafting: don't try to write the first draft as if it will be a perfect paper. It won't. The sooner you accept that we are using a process for developing a strong paper that can't be perfected at this stage, the more free and effective your drafting stage will be, not to mention your stress and frustration levels will be minimal.

Now that you are in the process of drafting the paper (or, perhaps, finished with the first draft), please address the following in your response with specific examples/ideas:

  1. How did this method make your drafting of the paper easier or more effective?
  2. Did you struggle in any way using this method? How so?
  3. Now that you have used the method, what will you modify or change next time you use it?


  1. The inside-out drafting method made the drafting of the paper both easier and more effective. When I use to be completely oblivious to inside-out drafting and had to resort to top-down drafting, I found myself filling in paragraphs full of bogus details I pulled out of thin air. With inside-out drafting I actually have details straight from the text right in front of me from my prewriting, so I don't have to sit there and fish through every source while attempting to write the paper.

    The only point in time where I struggled using this method was just the fact of getting the ball rolling, so to speak. I started to prewrite and draft and the blank piece of paper still looked so overwhelming. However, once I got going with it everything came to me instantly.

    Now that I have used this method, I think I might actually have to use two forms of prewriting instead of one. If I use both freewriting and clustering, I think I'll be able to roll the ideas right off the cluster and onto the paper much more efficiently. I think it will help me more than my approach for first time using inside-out drafting because I will already have prewrote twice and the ideas won't completely leave my mind before I actually get to the drafting. I like to have all of the ideas both on the paper and organized in my mind at the same time or else everything becomes a jumbled mess.

  2. Pre-writing and drafting using the inside-out method helps create a much better and well crafted paper. It helps concentrate on molding all the details of the story all together. Using this method has helped me alot to plan out the analysis paper for "Tell-Tale Heart". Inside-out drafting is a very easy process and much more efficient for writing especially pre-writing. I would definately recommend using this method in all pre-writing. I'll being using this process for all of my writing assignments. I won't modify any way I did my drafting. Inside-out drafting worked perfectly fine the way I did the method for the pre-writing of my analysis paper, so i won't be changing a thing I do in the process.

  3. This method of drafting is much easier because it helps you focus on the research question more. It provides your paper with more details instead of junk that you just happned to throw in. Although it takes more time its a lot easier in the end when your writing the final draft.

    I struggled a little bit using this method. It takes you out of the usual format of writing sentence by sentence. This makes it harder to think about what you are going to write but it also helps you focus on what you are writing about.

    The next time i do this process i will give myself more time to complete it. You need to take the time to find all the deatails and organize them.

  4. I wouldn't yet be able to say that this method has gotten to the point of being easier for me. I've always kind of had "my own" method for paper writing that follows no real guidelines, so it's been a little difficult to adapt. Most of the time I write primarily from memory; I basically just sit down and write the paper in one fowl swoop. Then, I go back and do extensive editing. As stated in a previous blog, I am intrigued by this method and I think it'll work great once I get used to it. Most of the difficulty I'm having is the organizing of specific details to then mold my paper around. Some of it could be simply that I've chosen a difficult story / element. What's life without a little challenge though right?
    I think the next time I used this method I will make a pointed effort to try not to already have an opinion. Once I get something in my head about a topic, it's a little difficult to separate myself from that train of thought. I believe that if my view was completely unbiased and I was in fact just looking for details in general, this wouldn’t be nearly as strenuous.

  5. The use of inside out drafting helped me alot. To this time I have prefered to use the method of sitting with a blank piece of paper ( or word processor page ) and just start typing. My former method gave me a long scrambled document that I would have to go back and organize and proof read several times.

    With inside out drafting I was able to group ideas on seperate papers and then organize those seperated ideas more efficently.

    The only difficulties I have with this method was my own past training. I havd to keep myself from wandering to another topic like I would with my old method of just typing non-stop and then correcting.

    The next time I use this method I will put blinders on and just focus on the idea on hand. It will take training myself to fight against the urge I have to draft in my former way. But any new process takes training.

  6. 1. This method helps me draft better papers. When I discuss one topic at a time I do not go off track and start writing tangents. I have drafted in the past and when I actually take the time to do it I write better papers with ease.
    2. I do struggle. Well, not really struggle it’s just that I rarely use this method. When I do I can tell that I have a better written paper.
    3. I believe your speaking of the prom exercise, and if that is the case I really would not change much. I like the method of pulling information/ideas from a list that I have made. I make lists daily and they seem to help keep me organized, not to mention write a better paper.

  7. This method has been easier and more effective because it makes me concentrate on one idea's details at a time. Before, I would jump from topic to topic as things popped into my head. This method makes it easier for concentrating on finding details. What made me struggle mainly was just getting started. I also struggled a little bit because it is only my first time using this method. I think for the future paper that we write, i am going to try to combine methods. I think it would help me even more if i used a couple methods and then compared them for topics and details.

  8. As i use the inside-out method of drafting, i usually find it to be more effective. Since i am not use to this method, I cannot say its easier yet. I'm sure with time as i let go of the top-down method it will become my preference.

    Like i said above, it's not what i'm use to. So i need to let go of putting my paragraphs in order and let the ideas flow a little more. That way i have no problem addressing the main topics at hand.

    Hopefully next time i use this, i'll use a little bit more freedom in the way i conduct my drafting. I wont worry so much about everything and i'll just adjust it later. After all, thats the whole point of a "draft."

  9. The inside-out method was pretty fun and it was more effective than my usual way of writing. I tend to jump around when I write. The inside-out method gets that out of the way before I do my first draft. Writing went a bit smoother than usual.

    Getting the details on paper was bit tricky. I sometimes got so focused on one detail, that I forgot about why I was going to use the rest. It happened more than once, I’m afraid to say. It happened less as I wrote more. Practice makes perfect, right?

    The Inside-out method was interesting, to say the least. It lessened the pop-up ideas that usually happened around the end of the paper. I’m very thankful for that. I’m going to be using the inside-out method of writing more in the future. Hopefully, I’ll enjoying writing more than I do now.

  10. This method of inside out drafing made my paper more easier, because it kept me more focus on my topic and the different details that I needed to add to the different category. The only struggle I had was thinking of all the different details that would go with my topic. There is nothing that I would do to modify or change this method as of yet.

  11. This drafting actually helped me out a lot. It seemed to me that my paper just flowed better and it wasn’t more time consuming it was about the same, but well worth it. This way I focused only on one thing instead of pulling things out of the air that were basically nothing but junk. I just felt better organized and overall better about my paper.

    I guess in a few ways I did struggle, its something I wasn’t used to. When you do something your not used to ,it takes time to understand at first. But besides that, nothing.

    Honestly I don’t think I would change very much. I would give my self more time to complete it because I was kind of rushing. I would try to use two forms of pre-writing instead of just one form. Last time I only used clustering, but I’m going to start trying to use clustering and brainstorming. But besides that everything else I wouldn’t change.

  12. The new way is kind of easier but at the same time it confuses me. I keep trying to use the ways I did in high school but I cant because those ways got me no where.
    The only difficulty i had was not to use pass methods and changing the topics around messed me up.
    Now that I know how to use this method i hope to use it more when I write branching more ideas of of topics and so on.

  13. Inside-out drafting made writing my first draft a lot easier because it allowed me to think more thoroughly into the main topic of my paper. This method helped me to pick apart the the main question, and form many sub questions that tie back into the main question. After answering all of these questions I had a well developed first draft, with a good length. This method also makes it so you're not just pulling random information out of nowhere.
    I personally did not have any problems with this method. I found it to be the easiest method that I could think of.
    The only thing that I will change, when I use this method next time, is organization. I will organize my ideas better next time. This will make it easier for me to use.

  14. Inside out drafting has helped my writing a lot. It made it much easier to write just because you can just work on the one topic or detail instead of thinking i have to write a 3 page paper. Inside out drafting is one of the best ways to write an essay in my opinion, it just makes more sense to write an essay this way.

    I haven't struggled at all while using this method, i just feel that the method is just straight forward. I feel like a better writer when using this method, but only in my opinion, you may think other.

    The next time i use this method i will change how i go about starting. In class you showed us how to start with talking about the topic or detail before writing the thesis statement. I have always wrote the thesis statement before i wrote the rest but its like its called inside out drafting. You write the body paragraphs first then write the details before the thesis.

  15. This method made it easier becuase it allowed me to get a lot more of my ideas down. Instead of trying to think of things as i am writing, i can just look at what i have already wrote down. It also allows me to think of more ideas cause im focused on getting ideas down and not writting my paper and trying to make it sound good.

    I didn't have any problems with this method. I have actually used it before. It makes writing the paper a lot easier in the long run.

    Next time i use this method i will make sure to be a little more organized so its easier to write the paper. I will also go more into detail with small things so when writing i don't have to think of it.

    -katrina p.

  16. I feel that this method of drafting has given me an entirely different view on writing papers. When we were given the assignment of this paper on the short stories, I didn't feel overwhelmed or stressed about trying to create a well written paper.

    After creating my web, I realized that I didn't really spend a whole lot of time thinking about what I was going to say in my paragraphs. Or how many sentences I could cram in, and how many worthless thoughts I could use to take up space. Inside out drafting has created a way for people to begin writing a paper even if they are feeling like they might have writer's block at the time. When you write about any topic, you can truly just add so many details, and anyone is capable of that. I found that even as I was feeling lazy, it still wasn't hard to add details to the topics in my paper on each blank page of my draft. I'm very thankful that there is a simple way to begin my papers now.

    However I do feel that next time I use this method, I will allow myself to have more time to add details to each topic. Because in my opinion, the more details you have in front of you, more ideas will flow through your head. Therefore, creating a more interesting paper perhaps.

  17. By using the inside-out method I was able to organize my ideas and I also did not have to worry about how I was going to finish the paper. Using this method I was able to get my ideas on paper.It made writing the paper a lot easier.
    The only reason why I had a minor struggle with this method was because I haven't tried it before. Like every time we learn something new though. we just need is practice to perfect it.
    I might put less stress on myself for writing a perfect paper next time I try this method. Before, I cared to much about getting the paper done and perfecting it when I was writing my drafts. With this method, I don't have to worry about that.

  18. Inside out drafting helped me alot with writing this paper because it helped me develope my ideas better. it also helped me organize the facts when I was done finding my supporting ideas instead of just making things up as I went.
    The only way I really struggled with this type of prewriting is that I was'nt used to using this type and at first I didnt know what to do but now that I've used it it is the easiest way of writing.
    This is the best way of prewriting that I have used and makes writing alot easier and I really could'nt think of any changes i would make at this time to make it easier.

  19. The inside – out drafting method was easier and more effective for me when writing my draft. This was the first time using this method for me. I was able to not spend time thinking about a good intro and thesis so this didn’t slow me down when writing the rest of the essay. I did notice that I put a lot of “hot air” in my essay because I didn’t have a guideline to follow. I was struggling to find out what I should keep in my essay and what I should take out. But after I completed the whole essay I could find out what made sense and what I should get rid of. After using this method I think that I would try and have a thesis statement as a guide line so that I could keep on tract of what I was looking for.

  20. This inside out method made drafting the analysis of “The Tell Tale Heart” different because it was a new method of drafting. This new method is easier to use because you actually find all the details needed to fill your paper. This helps organize the paper to get all details in order and also makes it easier to put together. Inside out also lets you know how many paragraphs you have and if you need more to complete the paper.
    I really didn’t struggle it’s a new method and going to take some time to get used to. I wouldn’t change a thing about the method because I think it’s a good and easier way to pre draft and write papers.

  21. I think that using this method for the first time has expanded my english horizons in the sense of writing an essay. It was so easy to go from the inside out. I thought that it was so much more effective than going from the traditional top to bottom method which i have used all of my left.

    The only thing that I had a problem with was the introduction part trying to figure out a good way to do the intro. Besides the intro the method was great and when we spend more time on it in class I know that I will be sound.

    I think that the next time I do this i will most definitly spend more time on the prewrite so that i have more to write about.

  22. 1) The inside-out method of prewriting is one i have always tried to focus on in previous writing. Taking on one paragraph at a time helps to maintain my paper in an organized and efficient manner.
    2) There are few struggles when it comes to this method of prewriting. It leaves time to get every part of the paper as detailed as possible. One area i do struggle at first with though is actually getting the method itself started, once it is though it's hard to stop.
    3) Since i have started using this method there are areas where i can improve my writing further. By coming up with more ideas, focusing on one paragraph at a time and beef that one up as much as possible.

  23. Inside out drafting makes writing a paper a lot easier. It is a much more effective way of writing than top down. Using this method keeps my mind focused on one topic at a time. Also, by using this method, it makes answering a research question a lot easier, or even coming up with one. That's how inside out drafting makes writing a paper easier.

    I have not had any problems using inside out drafting.

    I dont think there is anything that I need to change next time I use this method. This method is already easy enough to use compared to other methods, there is no reason to change it.

  24. The inside-out method of prewriting made writing my first draft much easier. The top-down method makes drafting more difficult for inexperienced writers because it is unorganized and hard to add details. The inside-out method helps writers organize their main topics into categories which the writer can then give specific detail.
    The only problem I've had with the inside-out method was figuring out which topics to categorize. The only thing I would do differently with this method would be to focus more on the answer to my research question to come up with better categories.

  25. The inside out method really helped my to understand that each and every detail in a paper counts. When writing top-down, there are too many brick walls that you run into, and it makes the whole process harder in the long run.
    I did not have too much trouble using this method, although staying on topic is always a challenge for me!!
    I don't think that I would change the method in any way. I just really like doing the brainstorming, and grouping each detail with the correct category. That way you can just look at your details, put them together, and the tough part is over!

  26. Inside out drafting is a really practical method when it comes to writing papers. In comparison to the top down method, figuring out what comes next just comes more naturally. I did not have any problems what-so-ever, and I'm actually disappointed that I didnt learn this method sooner.
    The next time I use this method, I will most likely do more brainstorm before hand, that way I will avoid wasting so much time.

  27. The inside-out drafting method is something i was unaware of all throughout high school. This us a fact i wish was not true because this method has made the drafing process easier, and getting started is the area in which i seem to have had the most difficulty. I did struggle with this method at first i must admit, but just like anything else, practice important. I will not modify this method in any way becuase it is much better then the inside out drafting method. inside out is much more effecive for organizing ideas,whereas i would only add idead as i went along with top down drafting. I will be exclusively using the inside out method in the future.

  28. This method helped me get through the pain of makeing a first paragraph that might not work with the rest of the body.In-side out method lets me build around intead of building on and I like it!

    This method dose not have any draw backs for me this far.

    I will keep it as it is. I really don't see what needs to be changed for me.

  29. At first using the inside out drafting method didn't seem that much easier to me only because my lack of experience using it. I feel that with practice it will making my drafting more effective. Before I always used the top down method, or whatever you want to call it, thinking it was the best way to go about righting a paper. It made sence to me though when we learned how can you write an introduction to something you don't know what your introducing yet.

    I really didn't struggle with this method, but with it being my first time usuing it, it did take me a bit longer just to make sure my paper was put together correctly. Sure enough it was.

    Now that I have used the method, im not sure yet what I would modify. Considering I just finished my first paper using this method about 15 minutes ago, I have yet to put much thought into it.

  30. The inside out drafting method made my paper much easier to plan out and write. I have never used it before, and thought it was a little odd at first, but it actually helps to write an introdution. Ususally I start off with my introduction an work my way down, but have to always go back and switch my intro because it ends up not going along with my body paragraphs at all.

    At first I did struggle with this method just because it is new to me. I kinda sat there thinking of all my ideas and tried to web them out into catergories, but as I started to write the paragraphs it was much easier!

    I am not sure what I would change about using this method since I just used it for the first time. I know I will be less stressed on writing a good paper because I will have all my thoughts organzed and written before I write a good introduction.

  31. This method made drafting the body paragraphs easier because i did not have to worry about my introduction or conclusion. I had an easier time focusing my thoughts. I did not have to BS.
    I just got all my ideas down on paper and organized but when it came to the intro I still struggled. It was still hard to concentrate my ideas into my intro and conclusion. I always have trouble finding a main idea for my papers.
    Next time I will do a seperate prewrite for my intro and conclusion summing up the ideas in a in an outline or something like that.
