Monday, March 29, 2010

OCC Week 9: Examining the Answers

Now that you have sources that should help you answer your research question, it's time to figure out how your different answers will work together to form a single, unified paper.

To accomplish this, you can compare or contrast the answers. To do so, look for points of focus--in other words, points where the sources are either similar or different--and use these points to evaluate the logic of the answers to determine which answer or answers make the most sense to you.

For example, if you were searching for a new car, you would look at various cars in the price range you can afford. Then, once you have made a list of possible vehicles, you would look at points of focus to determine what vehicle is best for you. These points of focus may include gas mileage, features, warranties, and customer ratings.

Re-read chapter 10 if you have any questions about how to develop and organize a compare/contrast analysis. Pay close attention to the section on how to organize using block or alternating formats.

With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:
  1. Looking at your sources, what might you use as points of focus to compare/contrast their ideas?
  2. Based on these points of focus, do your sources answer your question in similar ways or are there major differences in the answers? What are these similarities or differences?
  3. Might you organize the body paragraphs of your draft using the block format or the alternating? Why?


  1. i would use graphs in the focus of this, the statistics of the number of car crashes with drinking. i can compare and contrast peoples ideas of why the age should be different.

    2. Their similar with statistics and numbers with car crashes involving being under the influence. But major differences with the why the drinking age should be different to stay where it is.

    3. Block Format

  2. Im going to use the focus point of starting drinking at an early age because it could possibly reduce some of the current drinking issues. The contrasting view im going to use is why people think that lowering the age could end up being more harmful.
    They are alot of simularities like all of the current issues we are having now with alcohol but the difference between them were the reasons why we have these alcohol realated issues. ( hope this is the answer you were looking for) I think i am going to be using the alternative pattern because it addresses a point about one item and then immediately follows a point on the other side so its more together and i find it to be an easier way of organzing.

  3. Tanya Dominguez

    1. I will use my sources to compare how guns are positive or negative to our society. How we can use them for good or how they can be used for wrong reasons.

    2. Yes, I believe my sources answer my question in similar ways because they have really good points about the use of gun control and the way guns have a negative impact on us and our kids growing up.

    3. I believe I will be using the alternating format because it is easier to organize it by just going from one item to the other and that way you focus on one thing and then got to the next.

  4. 1. i will use humans vs technology as a main point. which is better why and for what reasons.

    2. most of my information is a very similar and it all goes together. i know it will answer my question. most of this information is about challenges, responsibilities, and functions of the human resource departments

    3.i think that i will use block format to organize my paper. this makes the most sense to me in a organization sense.

  5. I will compare how sports teams will eventually make up the money they would have to pay for a new stadium over time compared to having tax payers pay for the construction,

    My sources are pretty much similar on some of the points that they make. so i think it will be prtty easy to answer my questions.

    I think block format is the easiest way to keep a paper organized for me.

  6. As I look at my sources i see that what i will end up doing is compare firefighting and the risk of ventting the roof. If we should do ventting or not. Some of my points give me a answer to my question and then there are my other points that give me in all around different answer and some of them are right in the middle of my topics questions. I think the type of format i will be useing is block format it is better for me to keep my paper organized.

  7. Im going to focus on the main point and that is why are people in the usa are going without health care and what can people do to get healthcare.
    Most of my information is similar, but the differenec is that my aurgement is really base on health and why are people geting turned down at the door because they do not have healthcare. Yes, i would use block format to organize my draft.

  8. 1. The main focus would be the research done on all of the three different intelligence theories. Also, how the theories came about( what they were based on).
    2. All of my sources give similar answers such as MI theory was not based on science. But it does help find strength and weaknesses in individuals.
    3. I think that I am most comfortable with the block writing because it is the most concrete and can help me with my organizational issues that I always seem to have. It also will help me keep track of what has been covered and what has not been talked about throughout the process.

  9. 1. my point of focus is media censorship: How media effects and influences young children in a negative way.

    2.Most of my sources say pretty much the same thing and that is: young children can be easily influenced by what they see on tv and video games, thus may "copy" what they see because they learn by a "monkey see, monkey do" kinda way.
    3. I believe the block format will be the easiest way for me to help me organize my essay because it makes the most sense to me.

  10. The comment above is from Tiffany Seals. My computer is down and I had to use my father's computer not realizing It was stilled logged into HIS google account.

    my apologizes,

    Tiffany Seals

  11. 1. Using my sources I will show some of the negatives of guns, but also still show the good.
    2. Most of my sources answer my question in some way.
    I've always you d the block techniques and will now too

    -Andrew Porter

  12. My points of focus for comparing/ contrasting ideas in my paper will be
    1)Natural factors contributing to global warming
    2) Past climate change
    3) Energy production and use
    My sources for the paper have major differences in the areas of: The blame of the cause of global warming, differences of opinions of the magnitude of global warming, thus differences in opinions for repair of global warming.
    I will use block format for my paper because I think alternating format would be less unified.

  13. 1. Looking at your sources, what might you use as points of focus to compare/contrast their ideas? Statistics on revenue vs. the amount taxpayers pay.

    2. Based on these points of focus, do your sources answer your question in similar ways or are there major differences in the answers? What are these similarities or differences? My sources show that a lot of stadium construction is paid by the taxpayers but never receives their share of the revenue.

    3. Might you organize the body paragraphs of your draft using the block format or the alternating? Why? Block format just seems to fit.

  14. 1. What exactly is globalwarming and its causes and effects of our environment. Greenhouse gases, what they are and thier effects in the environment and what it causes. The flow of energy and what the uses are.
    2.They all have a cause and effect. I can comemorate them to be of use to us or bad for us and our environment.
    3.Block format would be suffice to keep organized and well put on paper and to be more persuasive.

  15. 1) My points of focus for this paper are marijuana’s value in the market, its medical use, its industrial use, its economic costs on the drug war, and its comparison to alcohol and other drugs.

    2) Based on these points of focus, all of my sources answer my question; what are the benefits that legalizing marijuana could have on the American economy and its citizens? They are all in similar because they all agree that marijuana should be legalized, but they are different because they each have different points of focus. My print source “Why Marijuana Should Be Legal” by Ed Rosenthal and Steve Kubby, focuses on all my points made, but some of my online sources focus on different points of focus but into more detail. For example, mainly focuses on the comparison of marijuana and alcohol, which is one of my points of focus.

    3) I would organize my body paragraphs using the Alternating Pattern. Using this allows me to include many points of focus in my paper while letting me explain how each one is important rather than saying that marijuana should be legal with one giant paragraph stating the reasons why.

  16. This is Katlyn Wilkie.
    1.) I will use my sources to compare the different views on global warming and how we can help prevent it.

    2.) Each source is similar but also different. They have different ideas and ways to explain global warming but what’s similar are the ideas of what we can do to help prevent this global issue.

    3.) I believe that I will use the block method because it seems like it would be an easier, more organized plan for me to go by.

  17. I will use statistic and personal arguements that arise about using cell phones while driving.

    The sources that I have found so far has had the data. the claims of people across America by polls. I'm not so sure to use it because it only speaks for the people who answered the poll.

    I think that block drafting would be most effective for my paper in going through the ideas and explaining my views.

  18. 1.) i will use facts of nutrition and facts of facts of obesity and health risks.

    2)all four of my sources do help answer my reasearch question, they all basically say the same thing in some ways about fast food and how harmful it is while they each say how it is unhealthy in different ways which made the body paragraphs of my paper.

    3.) i used alternating

  19. 1. I would like to use about 2 to 3 sources, each based on the positive aspects advertised by the government and the media and the negativity of those aspects that are rarely mentioned to the public.
    2. Most of my sources do answer my question. My sources have often the same content/statement with one another. Some more descriptive than others but all useful never the less. For the negative sources the main key points keeps coming back as well as the positive sources I have.
    3. I am going to organize my essay this way. Each paragraph will be a negative statement to about one negative impact followed by concrete examples given from my sources and contrasted with typical positive statement on recycling. I will try my best to cover most generic statements in recycling and point out their defaults, contradiction, etc… I want to make sure my point is well understood but in order to do that I cannot just write about the negative aspects of recycling. It needs a concrete comparison to make sure people see and understand the difference.

  20. I'm going to force on the idea that not on the states it self but the different reason why come states may want to have it and the reason why they would be against it. Cost of capital punishment is widely shown in every source. The bibles saying on it, eye for an eye view and the effect it has on families. Using block formatting to try figure out how many paragraphs and where they should be.

  21. I'm going to force on the idea that not on the states it self but the different reason why come states may want to have it and the reason why they would be against it. Cost of capital punishment is widely shown in every source. The bibles saying on it, eye for an eye view and the effect it has on families. Using block formatting to try figure out how many paragraphs and where they should be.

  22. I am going to look at the rules and regulations of piercings in the work field in variety of occupations. I am also going to look at the safety hazards from having piercings that are in harm’s way. And also the statistics on how people feel about people having them at their job.
    I think they are the same because they are all influenced with either having a tattoo or piercing or both

  23. 1. The points i would use to focus on would be, in what cities did the city close down streets to turn it into a market, was it successful, and the way syracuse is shaped would it work here.

    2. two of the points are similar because a couple of cities in new york state and numerous cities in europe have done that, and are extremely succesful.

    3. It would be organized in block paragraphs, because alternating would be to confusing to the reader

  24. I will contrast some of the key points I’m making in my paper such as internet gambling is a harmless pursuit, gambling is a healthy way to socialize, gambling is a fun past time that adds to the sum of human happiness, etc.

    I think that most of my courses answer my questions in a similar manner. There are some very solid arguments to be made against all forms of gambling.

    I think my paper might best fit the alternating format as I will be pointing out several contrasting ideas.

  25. 1. Looking at your sources, what might you use as points of focus to compare/contrast their ideas? Profit sharing, raised taxes, and budget cuts on education.
    2. Based on these points of focus, do your sources answer your question in similar ways or are there major differences in the answers? What are these similarities or differences? The points of focus are very similar with the negative issues.
    3. Might you organize the body paragraphs of your draft using the block format or the alternating? Why? I chose block because it just works better.

  26. 1) My sources on using Hemp or Cannabis as Biofuel typically debated over the legality of hemp vs using it as a biofuel. So while one source says it works, another says it isn't practical yet.

    2)These sources answer my question in a similar way in that they all do support the use of hemp as a biofuel, however some do not see it as an economical way of producing fuel yet.

    3)Block formatting will work well, because my sources are all similar in their answers.

  27. Well when I had first started looking uo things about Global Warming I realized that there were many things that dealt with different topics on just one subject. So I had to figure out which one I had wanted to do. As I started gathering information about what things were causing Global Warming I looked for things that really effedted the topic I was talking about. I really didnt use any of the block formation or the other. I really just didnt feel comfortable using them so I had just found things that were under my topics because they were all pretty much similar to eachother.

  28. looking at my sources and information i collected i put alot of paragraphs together in order to where i discuss the reasons some americans wanted and didnt want healthcare to be reform.the effect it had on the whole nation was my goal so i summerized the positive and the negative by comparing to each other on the opinions of each said. being that i agree with this reform it was simple to use my research to discuss the source answered each side of the dicusstion.

  29. 1) I will probably use the internet and any books that i find.

    2) My sources answer my question in one way. The basically agree with my question. They think that there should be laws to control guns.

    3)I'm not sure if block formatiing will work or not.

  30. 1) I might look at the points of how people view hunting how and how people view if it is a sport or no
    2) They answer them in similarities and in differences.
    3) Probably the block format it makes more sense to me.

  31. 1.i used the parts from the sources to show what kind influence they have on the youth with the actions theyre partaking in.
    2.they answer my question perfectly because it shows what kind of trouble athletes are getting into and how theyre affecting the youth by thinking its cool and right to do what theyre doing.
    3.the blocking format works cause my sources are smiliar to the answers

  32. I use writing everyday in my academic life when i'm in school.there may be times when i have to copy something from the board.I always try to take times homework is assigned.I start with a rough draft and go from there. In my professional life i have to write notes five days a week.I usually have to write daily and weekly notes.It is very important for me to clearly get my message across for oncoming staff. I write everyday in personal life.My son and i often write each other notes because we don't get to see each other at times.Poetry is also a big part of my life.It is an outlet for me to express my feelings. I would love to be able to write a sentence with it having all of the punctuations that they are suppose to have.Run on sentences is something else i would like to improve and totally dismiss.Writingis apart of almost everything i do and like other things i would like to do it well.
