Tuesday, September 7, 2010

OCC Week 2: Sentences and Paragraphs

When you think about it, you probably write in some fashion just about every day. You use it to communicate with others (and sometimes yourself) in variety of ways. To ensure clear communication, writing takes practice.

One of the most important aspects of mastering any skill is consistently practicing the fundamentals. If you want to learn how to play guitar, you have to practice the scales, chords, and fingering techniques that make up this endeavor. The same is true in basketball; if you want to be a great player, practicing dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense are all vital.

Writing is no different than these other skills. If you want to be successful, you have to practice the fundamentals, namely writing effective sentences and paragraphs. This makes perfect sense if you think about it; you can't write a good paragraph if you can't write solid, clear sentences. Likewise, you can't write an effective paper if you can't write paragraphs that convey a clear, unified message.

With this in mind, please answer the following questions as specifically and completely as possible (200 or so words) in a comment to this blog:
  1. How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
  2. What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
  3. How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?


  1. 1. I use writing every day in a variety of ways, however my professional life is where it is used most often. I am a refrigeration mechanic by trade and as I travel from one customers location to the next I must write an invoice for the work that has been performed. This must include what was done, why and how it was done and any materials used. It must also be written in a way that someone outside the trade can have some understanding of what occurred and why as well as any potential future problems.

    2. I would like to work on the proper usage of punctuation as well as insuring that I am making my point succinctly and in a manner that is clear and intelligible.

    3. The most effective way for me to practice proper writing techniques on a daily basis would be to use them while writing invoices at work. I could also make use of some of the exercises in the book to provide other opportunities to practice proper writing

  2. 1. I use writing in my professional career. I work in a bakery and it is very important that I write clear orders for cakes and other items that are made. This not only helps me to be able to decorate cakes with the right description but also with directions as to how they want it decorated. This will also tell anyone else who is also decorating understand what the customer wants. Writing will also become a big part of my future academic life now that I have just come back to school to finish getting my degree.

    2.What I would like to improve about my writing is being able to write better topic
    sentences. I would like to be able to get my thoughts across clearly and in a smooth manner and not just in a bunch of choppy sentences.

    3. I can practice better writing techniques in everyday life is by reading and doing the exercises in my textbook. I can also get in some practice when I am taking notes in my other classes.

  3. 1. I’ll take today for example: The very first thing I wrote out this morning was a bank withdrawl to take out money for my weekly spendings. On my bank withdrawl slip I had to write down my bank account number, fill the date out, spell out how much money I was asking for then also in numerical form, sign then slip, and then record it in my transaction book. I then went to wonderful Onondaga Community College for my two classes of the day which I then decided to take notes and provide examples for myself to look back at. After a fun filled and adventurous day I then went to work and did a small amount of writing which consisted of filling out a damage card for something that was opened and also signing my name on a return slip. After a long and slow night at the mall I then went home and did my psychology homework.

    2. When it comes to improving my writing skills I would like to keep on working on adding more details into my sentences so they are less likely to be short, boring and choppy. Also adding more descriptive words to visualize whats being told. Id like to improve on how to start off sentences and paragraphs better so they are interesting and can flow easily into the next sentence. Possibly working on thesis statements, introductions, adding enough supporting ideas/information, and conclusions.

    3. I could practice proper writing techniques everyday by coming up with future essay ideas and/or topics and by doing that I can then expand on that by jotting down quotes, ideas, facts, and opinions. Anything to get me to write down a few quick sentences to get me thinking about potential essay ideas/topics that will help me in the long run as well as improve my writing skills.

  4. I write everyday, whether it is for school, work, on personal blogs, or writing emails. I also keep personal diary notebooks where I tend to deposit most of my psychic flotsam. I love language and its usages, and tend to appreciate a good turn of phrase. Writing is an essential tool in my life, and a huge part of who I am.
    As far as sentences go, I generally try to cram far too many words into one sentence. While they are technically sound, they don't tend to facilitate comprehension. One trick I have learned is to have a friend read my writing aloud to me. When they run out of breath before getting to the end of one of my sentences, I know it's time to punctuate and start over!
    I've always been pretty meticulous in my use of proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. It annoys some of my friends, because I occasionally correct their missives. Areas I need to improve on in my everyday writing are the order in which I present my ideas, and to try for clarity when I tend to be excessively verbose.

  5. Well I am a twenty-two year old "mother" (not biologically, I am their legal guardian) of three school aged children. Therefore daily I have many tasks of writing wether its signing permission slips, emergency cards, homework, or even just teaching them something new. I enjoy writing as a way of expressing myself, sometimes I get things out a bit clearer in my writings. I write poems, blogs, even short stories for entertainment for the children I care for. One thing I believe I can work on with my writing is I often write run-on sentences and I many times forget to capitalize my "I"s when typing. Many times I just have so much to say I want to just get it all down and out. Another issue with me writing is the fact that if I am not "entertained" or the least bit interested in what I have to write, I don't have much to say or respond to. I also notice in my writings that many times i personalize things, for example I could have to write about egypt and somehow i manage to put myself in the story lol. Doing my homework helps me practice proper writing techniques everyday. Also reading, which I also enjoy, can help me improve my writing skills and/or give me ideas for future writing tasks.

  6. I use my writing skills everyday for multiple reasons. One is for school of course in all my class's when im helping my son with his work or when teaching him how to spell a word or for papers he needs filled out,and when im filling out applications for jobs,and also for writing in my journal which I do everyday to clear my thoughts or simply just whene im bored.I love to write I just need some help in some areas like with my punctuation ,thesis statements,and introduction,and I sometimes over do it i just dont know when to stop (lol). I might need some help with other things but im not sure just yet. In high school I was not really into english class to be honest ,thats one reason why I need help now. Im glad I took this class so I can write properly in anything that im writing. Also I tend to put a lot into one sentence when its not needed so that needs some working on too. I figure if I go to class when im suppose to and on time so that I wont miss anything, that would help me a lot with my writing . Reading my book will help too. I'm glad I took this class and reading because both class's help me a lot with both reading and writing.

  7. 1. I feel like good writing skills is an essential tool in many different parts of our lives. The majority of my writing is used for my academics, note taking and completing assignments contribute to the largest chunk of the writing I have ever done in my life. I would say the other half would be a compilation of random tasks I must write things down for in my life. For example today I had to fill out a profile about myself for scouts potentially trying to recruit me for hockey. It asked me short and simple questions regarding my career, past accomplishments, future goals, and anything else I had to say about myself. These questions did not seem difficult but sending a fluent message across to the scout definitely would make a better impression than someone with poor answers.
    2. My past struggles with writing begin with details and creativity. Its easy for me to make a point about something but informing and giving strong examples is something that I need work with. Not only that but making my examples and support precise and concise by using more effective and meaningful words. Giving the reader a better visual also goes along with this.
    3. The best way for proper writing techniques to be practiced in my opinion would be to visualize pieces of literature that use these writing strategies the best. Reading a book, magazine, newspaper article are all good sources because many different elements of writing are used throughout them.

  8. 1. I use writing daily as a way of communication and also, expression. I would say that I use writing the most in my academic life as well as my personal life which has helped me to make mistakes, fix them, learn from them and to improve on my writing all together. Ever since I’ve been in school I have been writing and I really have grown to love it. That takes us into my personal life. I have a bit of a creative side and I like to express that within my poems, songs and even stories. Writing gives me an opportunity to express the mood I‘m in, the lifestyle I have or even who I am as an individual. Now that I’m back in school, I’ll probably be using writing more academically because I’ll have less free time but either way, I’ll never stop writing because improvement never stops.

    2. There are various things that I think I need to improve in my writing. One thing I’ve noticed in my writing is in writing an essay, I’m very confused with thesis statements. I have a hard time making everything in my paper kind of circle around the thesis. However, The one thing I have a lot of trouble on is conclusions, I don’t think I’ve ever written a strong conclusion and I would like to.

    3. Well, I think you already answered this question yourself in your little introduction but I’ll say it again, Practicing the fundamentals. You need to just write and write some more because the more you write the more you learn and the more you learn the better your writing gets because of the more you improve. Also, reading could help because you might pick up a new writing strategy if you read various types of books and literature. Lastly, you could always just ask questions to someone experienced, like an English teacher.

  9. 1. As a student in grade school, writing was a quintessential activity that was often assigned in all of my classes excluding mathematics. I can recall writing research papers on famous authors and great scientists of the 20th century. Many of which were written the night before the actual due date. In my daily life I can imagine that professionally I will need the ability to write well in order to communicate with my peers and superiors. Such forms of communications may include a business letter or perhaps a formal email.

    2. In regards to how I would like to improve my writing skills, I would like to learn proper uses for a comma and also how to prevent run-on sentences. As for learning how to support my ideas better in a paragraph, I believe I would strongly benefit from learning such a skill.

    3. Aside from class work, I may be able to practice better writing techniques by writing letters to younger family members and be considered their “Pen Pals”. There’s something about an old fashioned written letter that beats a wall post on Facebook…

  10. 1) Honestly, I do not believe a day goes by when I don’t have to write. Whether it is for school work, my medical internships, or for my own personal expression. School has always been a big priority in my life, which has taken up a lot of time writing essays, doing homework and assembling projects. I focus so hard on school because becoming a pediatrician is my life goal, so I have to take a lot of long and specific details at my medical internships. Which leaves little to no time to write for personal expression, while having a social life at the same time. But, when I do get the chance to just relax, I like to write poems, songs or even just what I am feeling down. Everyday writing tasks include everything from emails, texts, letters to friends or family, paying bills, making to-do lists and grocery lists.

    2) I don’t find myself to be a bad writer, but I am sure I can improve on a lot. Mainly placing punctuation marks and concluding run-on sentences seem to be my most difficult task. Other than that I am just hoping my papers really start to develop better and sound more intelligent overall by the time this course is finished.

    3) I can practice better writing techniques just by continuing my schooling everyday. I am constantly using writing techniques in all my other classes. I am practicing when I take notes in psychology, perform labs in anatomy and write essay assignments for humanities.

  11. 1. Many daily everyday tasks involve writing. Academically I use writing to compose essays, papers, writing assignments and also short stories. As a senior in high school I wrote a letter to a government official which requires writing. I use writing in my personal life by writing/responding to emails and also writing songs in my spare time. Writing my own song lyrics helps me to express how I'm feeling. Other types of daily tasks that require writing consists of doing homework, writing letters and taking notes.
    2. I could improve on my sentence/paragraph structure so that they're not choppy. Topic sentences I'm ok at. When it come to the conclusion I run out of things to say. In addition to that coming up with thesis statements confuse me a little too. Also I would like to get right to the point without overflowing the sentence with useless words which I tend to do.
    3. One way to practice writing techniques everyday is by constantly writing. In other words keep practicing on your writing skills. Write out sentences and correct them. Also writing in a diary utilizes writing techniques. Any task that requires writing can be helpful to you. Also getting advice from an English teacher can improve your writing because you'll remember that information when writing a piece of work.

  12. 1. My job is the biggest reason I use writing everyday. Working as a counter girl at a dry cleaners you are forced to write constantly throughout your entire shift. One of our biggest priorities is filling out invoice hard copies for each individual customer. The hard copy consists of the customers name, address, phone number, date, the clothes they brought in, what they want done to the clothes, and a pick up date. Everything has to be written carefully enough so other co-workers can read it. Most importantly the pick up date has to be clearly stated so the customer knows exactly when the can come back in for their clothes.

    2. There is always room for improvement in whatever it is you are doing. I could definitely list many things I might need to work on. Although, I do have one problem that is very consistent. Almost every essay/paper I write tends to be a bunch of b.s. (for lack of a better phrase). Unfortunately ,for some reason, I can not seem to write anything without my “b.s. method”.

    3. I suppose there are many options to choose from to practice proper writing techniques. The best choice, in my opinion, would be to grab a notebook and paper and write down whatever ideas/feelings you have inside right at that moment. Once they are written down you can review and change them to sound exactly the way you would like.

  13. 1.I use writing basically everyday, mainly in my personal and academic life. even though social sites like facebook don’t consist of correct grammar and spelling its still considered writing when blogs and statuses are posted, I consider social sites a daily task because most people that I know Including myself post blogs and statuses frequently and daily. Also now that I’m back in school I’m writing pretty much everyday now, usually while I’m in a class I write my name down on assignments that was given to me, or I’m taking notes on what the professor is teaching the class and when I’m not in school I have to do Homework which consist of a large amount of writing. Social sites and school are the two outlets that I use the most that consist of writing.

    2.One thing in my writing that I would like to improve is creating a better topic sentence, sometimes I have trouble thinking of a topic sentence that I can use that will form into a good paragraph. I also want to improve when to have better usage of periods, sometimes I don’t when to use a period or a comma at the end of a sentence.

    3.I think one good way is to write a personal blog that consist of proper spelling and grammar and, see what kind of feedback you get from others, if positive keep using the same techniques, if negative ask where corrections need to be made and make your next blog error free.

  14. I believe writing is a good skill to learn. Myself personally write a least once a day, whether its texting or writing poetry. I love writing. It’s a skill that I want to progress and use to help people. I am currently working as a resident manager and I have to write in logs about the residents. Poetry is much more easy for me because theirs no rules. As to writing stories or paragraphs that must require basic skills.

    My biggest challenge with writing is my run on sentences and my over obsessive use of commas. Sometimes I get a little carried away with fragment sentences because word corrects it as a fragment sentence. Although sometimes I don’t know how to change it and make it correct.

    Practice makes perfect and I’m prepared for the challenge. What ever it takes to make my writing better I am willing to work on.

  15. 1. It’s true that writing can and is used in my everyday life in a variety of ways. I don’t use it so much for my professional career but more for my own personal life as well as academically. I am quite into cars, and as such I do a lot of personal business with many different companies in regards to high performance parts for these cars. Although I prefer the phone for most of my business, it is important at times to send emails to these businesses when a phone call just can’t get the point across. Proper communication and approach to writing can be crucial when dealing with companies, since it can sometimes land you free parts or really good discounts.

    2. My biggest problem and something I would like to address is usually grammar and spelling errors. As long as I have a clear understanding as to what I should be writing about I don’t run into many other problems.

    3. Textbook exercises would be a great way to improve proper writing techniques. But lets face it, I probably won’t open the book every day. The most beneficial thing would be to pay attention when I am typing something out on facebook for instance, or even in a non-formal email response. Using proper grammar and writing with such things will help sharpen your writing and not allow you to become lazy with your language.

  16. I use writing everyday in my academic life when i'm in school.there may be times when i have to copy something from the board.I always try to take notes.at times homework is assigned.I start with a rough draft and go from there. In my professional life i have to write notes five days a week.I usually have to write daily and weekly notes.It is very important for me to clearly get my message across for oncoming staff. I write everyday in personal life.My son and i often write each other notes because we don't get to see each other at times.Poetry is also a big part of my life.It is an outlet for me to express my feelings. I would love to be able to write a sentence with it having all of the punctuations that they are suppose to have.Run on sentences is something else i would like to improve and totally dismiss.Writingis apart of almost everything i do and like other things i would like to do it well.
    September 11, 2010 11:55 PM

  17. 1. I use writing everyday in an assortment of ways but if I had to pin point where I use it the most, it would have to be academics and personal life. For me, when writing things down, it's now out there for me to see. It doesn't do much good sitting in my head waiting for me to forget, so getting it down on paper helps me a lot. Even if it is just a thought that runs through my mind, I write it down so it will never go away. I use my writing in my academics also. The skill of being able to write is a privilege and using that to your advantage can do wonders. My daily tasks that include writing include my school work, problems in my head that I can get down on paper, and sometimes for the joy of writing anything that pops into my head.

    2. What I would like to improve on with my writing is my writing format and vocabulary. In high school, I was always taught to write every paper with a set format that sometimes wouldn't fit how the paper should of been written. having a solid format to write with is a key to good paragraphs and sentences. I feel that vocabulary is the most important part of constructing an informative and well flowing paragraph or sentence. This is what I feel I lack and want to improve on.

    3. The way I practice my technique for writing is through taking my time on papers. When I rush, I don't think about what I'm writing but just write it because it may look or sound good. If I take my time, I can tell a significant difference and the outcome is much better.

  18. 1.I use writing the most on a professional basis. I work at a pizza shop so it is important that i take down orders correctly to ensure customer satisfaction. My job is not the only place i use writing. Academically i use writing in the majority of my classes to do assignments, take notes, and to better my understanding on the topics. I believe writing is the most effective way of communication between people and even ones self.
    2.When it comes to my writing skills i believe I need a lot of work. I would like to improve the organization of my papers. Also i have trouble putting my thoughts into words. A lot of times i find myself stuck because i have many ideas that i would like to express, but I can't translate it onto paper.
    3.Practicing writing is just like practicing anything else. You just have to do it. Having a journal or a "diary" to write in everyday would help with mastering the techniques of writing and help create a writing style for yourself.

    -Kevin Wilson

  19. Writing has existed for centuries; from cave paintings of symbols to Facebook status updates. These examples may have totally
    different purposes to them but they also have the idea of communication in common. As a student and human-being it can be assumed
    that the written word is an important part of daily life. This is due to the fact that an individual must be able to share and communicate their
    ideas accordingly. Sometimes ideas cannot be shared by word of mouth, like a long distance business email. I use writing as a way of
    humor but also to keep a topic interesting and different. Of course, there is a time when a alternate method must be applied. I am most
    certainly not going to write as if I am on Facebook, making statements about sports and humorous observations while in a business meeting. Therefore it is beneficial to understand the different methods of writing. Such methods are
    applied to different tasks, as stated earlier, a business email which has to be written in a clear and professional manner as opposed to an
    opinionated review by a fast-talking critic. Therefore it is required to be prepared for any type of task rather than only writing like a ranting
    hooligan all of the time.
    Such is what I would like most to improve upon. I want to work harder to keep my writing relevant to a task, but to also have a
    much stronger arsenal of styles, such as reviews, business, and casual blog post. Obviously I don't plan on being the next great novel
    author, but it would certainly be nice to acquire better structure of writing.
    To learn and improve upon the methods of writing requires not only a willingness to change styles but also repetition and of course, patience. I believe am not simply going to wake up the next morning speaking like a thirteenth century Englishman with a knack for creating vivid tapestries of artistic writing. However, I do plan on being able to take an idea and communicate affectively to any type of individual in any type of environment. Such is what the cavemen were able to with simplistic painting on walls. It is safe to say that writing is so easy a caveman could do it, but perfecting it is a matter entirely.

  20. 1. I use writing mostly for my academic life. Most nights I have some sort of homework to do, which normally consists of a lot of writing. Other then homework I also take down notes in class to look back on later for better understanding of that subject. Outside of school I don't do a lot of writing other then txting on my phone. Writing is needed a lot for my academics. It always has been in the past and will continue to be until I move into my professional life.

    2. There are many things I would like to improve on in my writing. I would like to improve my vocabulary when writing so I have a better choice of words when trying to describe something. I could also use an improvement in the flow of my writing. It never seems to flow as well as it could. I have good thoughts and ideas but its hard to get them out of my mind and onto the paper in a way that sounds good.

    3. I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by doing more writing outside of just what I need to do for class. Like you said the best way to get better is by practice. What would also help is doing more reading. I'm not a big reader but I would be able to write better and have more ideas for writing if I read more.

    -Chris Domanski

  21. Most writing I use happens to be for Homework or my job. When I am doing research for projects and assignments in general I become very careful in my wording of my sentences when I’m trying to find that certain piece of information you normally can’t find just by typing in a word on Google. A daily task for me that involves writing is my lesson plans that I write out for my job at a studio. It’s so I don’t forget what I am supposed to be teaching. All my other daily tasks that involve writing usually come down to texting or Facebook.
    I guess what I need to develop on more in my writing is comma usage. I tend to overuse the comma because I feel like people can’t take a break when reading my sentences so I tend to put a comma where it isn’t needed. Other than that I don’t know what else I need to develop on or I simply don’t remember what some of them are.
    I think you can practice proper writing techniques everyday by, if you have a Facebook and you go on it a lot to update your status, you can try writing without the slang and multiple other things people use on Facebook such as abbreviations.

    -Trevor Van Orden

  22. 1. Personally I use writing only when needed. It is not that I don’t like to write, I just don’t find myself writing as much as other people. When I do write it is usually for academics or for my daily tasks. I use writing daily for grocery list, balancing check book (if that’s considered writing), writing thank you notes that parents make every child write. I occasionally feel the urge to write down certain goals that I have, then proceed to write out the way I am going to achieve them. Most of the time my writing is done on a computer or on my “crackberry.” Even in highschool I would take my class notes on my phone and print them out later at the school library. Now in college I have found that I switched over to spiral notebooks, and handwritten notes.
    2. In my writing I would really like to improve my ability to write in active voice, and to learn to write in a more free flowing style then the structured paragraphs that you get in grade school. I feel that I can write strong structured essays, but I would like to learn to write more creatively and less choppy.
    3. One of the ways to practice proper writing techniques everyday is to use them when on blogs like this. Another way is to use proper writing in electronics, whether it be texting or facebook. Most people use instant messenger language everywhere and I feel it is a problem and is starting to dumb down the writing abilities of my generation and the following generations.

  23. Isaiah Frost

    1. Writing is used everyday in every moment in daily life. Weather your doing school work, reading a book or even sending a text to a friend. I typically use writing as a form of expression when I write poems or while writing music. Sending a text might not be the most formal way of communication in some eyes but in order to send a text you have to write what you want to say and in doing that we are each unknowingly practicing writing everyday.
    2. The one thing I would like to improve on the most in my writing is my use of language. Although my vocabulary isn’t bad, I would also like to be more creative in choosing what words I use. I would also like to improve on my ability to write a strong essay. I always start good then start to slack towards the end. I want to be able to write a strong consistent paper from start to finish
    3. We can practice proper writing techniques by reading and continuing various methods of communications via text or email. Along with proper instruction in school we can also practice everyday. Practice makes perfect. Or then again “perfect practice makes perfect”

  24. 1. Writing is one of the most important things everyone should be up to date on. It is used everyday in academic, professional, and personal life. I am 18 years old and in my first year of college. I am going to need to learn how to write an efficient, clear, unified message when writing all of the essays I’m going to have. Professionally speaking I am a waitress at a restaurant and my orders need to be clear and spelled correctly so that the chef knows what to cook. My personal life sometimes I like to write letters to people I care about.
    2. I like to think of myself as a good writer, but there are things I defiantly need to improve on. Ever since I was little my teachers would always correct me on my run on sentences. I still do it, but now I’m a bit more cautious and re-read my text. Also I was never a good speller. Thanks to computers they help me big time.
    3.We can practice proper writing techniques everyday by just simply reading. Reading others work will show you their technique of writing, proper use of spelling, and new vocabulary.

    -Kayla Van Auken

  25. 1. Before I decided to go back to school writing was a huge part of my working and personal life. Being an alarm system technician remotely entailed writing very detailed and hopefully coherent emails to customers all over the world. Writing skills were also needed while using facebook and texting.

    2. I would like to learn how to use punctuation correctly as well as work on writing clear to the point essays.

    3. I can work on my writing skills daily by reading books and paying close attention in class.

  26. 1. I use writing in my personal life in many ways. I send hand written letters to my boyfriend, who is a US Marine, he appreciates getting a hand written letter. I also love to journal, its a way I document important events in my life as well as silly every day happenings. Many of us young adults and college students have lost count of the amount of text messages we send daily, sometimes we don't realized it as a form of the written word. We may also write a thank you note to a friend. You also use writing to communicate to family members for example having a chalk board or white board to write notes or reminders. Having a blog or website of some kind is another way we include writing in our lives. As most of us know and those who don't will soon find out you write a lot in college everything from papers to reports, to endless note taking in high content lectures. This is why it is important to understand the language,so we can communicate clearly to our audience.

    2.There are many ways I would like to improve in my writing. I would like to understand the fundamentals better, such as comma usage, sentence structure, as well as writing good academic papers. I want to be able to communicate well with my writing. All that I have learned so far in class is exactly what I hoped I would be taught, I am very excited to see what is in store in class. My writing skills are weak , even though I have already taken an English class at another College. I had a hard time understanding what the teacher was trying to teach.

    3.You can first make sure you spell words correctly, spelling is a huge part of writing. If you don't know how to spell a word there are ways to look it up. After you have looked it up make it a point to write it down and see it spelled correctly, that will help a lot . Also when you send text messages write out the words, don't go the lazy man's way with abbreviation.
    Amber Drury

  27. Most of the writing i've done in my life is due to academic needs.From my childhood up to my young adult life i've been doing regular schoolwork, homework, taking notes, and writing papers.Jobs i have obtained in the past have required some slight writing but not very much.I've had to fill out supply orders , write up inventory sheets, and write up daily lunch specials and dinner specials.Attending school and cashing my paychecks are pretty much the only times i write daily. The main thing i would like to improve in my sentences and paragraphs are my choice of words.I would like to be able to expand my vocabulary.I feel like my choice of words are okay but i think they can be better.I know there are lots of words that have the same meaning.I want to learn the words that sound fancier and have the potential to catch the readers eye better. I can practice proper writing techniques everyday by just being a good student.
    Attending classes daily and taking notes and doing the practice exercises in my text book will give me the ability and necessary skills to become a better writer.

  28. 1. Most of the things that I have written during my life time have been for an academic purpose. Other than that I really don't do much writing. Some daily tasks that you would need writing for would be signing things and depending on what kind of job you have maybe you use writing at the work place.
    2. One thing that I would like to work on would have to be my run on sentences. I try to cram as many words as I can into one sentence when really there should be two. I would also like to work on the vocabulary that I use when i am writing.
    3. One way that an individual could improve on their writing is by being attentive in class and listening to what you have to say. By taking notes and paying attention, then you are getting all the tools that you need to become a better writer.

  29. 1. I use writing everyday. Whether I’m writing someone a comment on face book to writing down a phone message for someone. I have to be able to communicate my information in the best way while being precise and concise. That’s even harder with a phone message becomes normally there’s limited space, so it’s important to make sure you get the information out clearly.
    2. As far as improvements, I never seem to know when I should end one sentence and start another. If they’re both on the same topic then I just lump them together into one super sentence. When this becomes a problem is when I have a paragraph with only two or three sentences and it’s seven or eight lines. It looks weird and doesn’t seem to fit very well in most papers.
    3. I would say that every time we write to make sure that it’s correct no matter what it is we’re writing. Even speaking properly can help us in our writing. It can put us into good habits and help in sentence clarity and paragraph styles.

  30. The writing i do every day isn't always academic. Most of the time, i write letters or messages to my friends and family. Even if sometimes the writing i do isn't considered formal. It still is practice, that of which helps me becomes a better writer. For me, there are always things that my writing could use improvement on. The biggest problem that faces me when writing essays are the amount of information needed to get the length required in a well-organized and coherent way. I end up with sentence fragments and jumbled sentences that should be in a totally different paragraph. There is only one way I can see that might help me out. That is to maybe outline my work before I start. Outlining my work might help slow down my thinking process so I don’t have hundreds of thoughts in one paragraph. Also Instead of texting and messaging like a normal teenager; I could possibly try to write a more formal to help practice for when it comes time to write an essay for school.

  31. 1. I use writing everyday of my life. Not only in school but also outside of it. I am a waitress and am writing down orders all night long. I love writing notes to all the cooks when they are having a bad night. I’m sure the stress of a rush gets to them so I like leaving all sorts of friendly hellos as a reminder that they are appreciated.
    2. I have a tendency to write to short of sentence and my grammar isn’t the best. I think I am a pretty darn good writing, but I lack grammar and sometimes spelling. I would love to try new writing techniques as well. I start off strong and end strong. It is the middle that gets to me.
    3. You can practice proper writing by just simply writing everyday! Getting maybe a diary or journal might help you get used to writing more and also give you some good ideas for an assignment. Reading! The more you read the more you know. Seeing things proper on a page will help your writing a lot.

  32. 1.If you were to ask me “when I use writing” during the school year, I can honestly tell you that I actually write. That’s because I’m writing essays, notes, and what not for all my classes. I wish I could say that I write everyday at my job, but I don’t. I work at Wegman’s, so the only writing I ever do is writing my pin number on bottle return slips.
    2.I would like to improve my writing by actually being able to make a topic sentence that flows with the rest of my essay. Another thing would be punctuation. How many commas are too many commas? Know what I mean.
    3.I can help perfect my writing by starting a new blog, and writing on it everyday using the new writing skills I learned. Helping me go from a good writer, to an optimum one. Or I can just take better notes in my classes. Either way.

  33. These days I spend most of my time sending hate mail to television evangelists and pop culture icons. Ive spent a lot of time lately reading and studying handwriting analysis books. I can do anyone. I sent a provocative and revealing letter to Pat Robertson just last week in Jerry Falwell’s handwriting. With Falwell being dead, I’m hoping it will finally push poor Pat over the edge.
    It all started harmless enough, forging mom’s signature so I could make that fourth grade field trip to the zoo. By the time I reached high school I was the man to talk to for doctor excuses or the occasional gym class note. I had to make a lot of improvements with sentence structure and punctuation very fast, I had to be better than the teachers so I could make calculated mistakes. The occasional run on sentence was very important to do because sometimes the average kid that I was writing for would have to make a very obvious but correctable mistake so that next time, he would not have such a silly problem and would show the important, improvement he was making as the class progressed. We could also count on some bad comma placement for extra points.
    My senior year was spent forging college transcripts and writing convincing college recommendations. With just a few samples of someone’s writings I can not only duplicate their handwriting perfectly but I could also use their vernacular, grammar and vocabulary. I can steal their literary identity and ghost write for them.
    Business is booming and as I practice and get better I attract a higher clientele with a more demanding product. Now that I am here on a college level I will be writing every day. Improving with better ideas and practicing structure and techniques until I get it perfect. I have to get as close to perfection as I can after all I have my sights set on convincing a professor to let me teach his class.

  34. 1. Academically, I have mainly used writing for scientific essays and analysis. I have a habit of writing passively because of this. The writing I do in my professional life is mainly reports on major first aids that I perform on duty, which is also very short and to the point. Most of the writing that I do on a daily basis is to friends and family that live in different states of countries.

    2. Since I use a passive voice in almost all of my formal writing, I have a hard time breaking away from it. I would like to improve my writing skills by being able to switch my writing style more easily for different audiences. I also have a hard time developing strong topic sentences.

    3. The most realistic way that I can practice proper writing techniques on a daily basis is to be conscious of what I am writing when I communicate with my friends through email. If I am vigilant about using proper technique in my informal writing then it should become second nature for when I am writing formally.

  35. 1. I use it in more formal way. When you writing something down. In today’s day and age anyways, it always seems to me to be more for the formal suit. I find that the formal writing style shows character for just about anyone that reads. So that style to me is an expression of myself, and I find it easier to write almost everything with the formal style for my potential readers. With expressing my writing style in formal I find it easier to make my piece flow and fit perfectly together with a couple mistakes here and there of coarse ( im not perfect ).
    2. With my writing I would like to fix my ability to over look all of my run on sentences. I have a terrible habit to over look them or find that nothing is wrong with them. I always would like to fine tune my intro’s as well as conclusions. I feel that once thoughts problems are taken care of I can really perfect my style.
    3. I like to read the paper I find that reading the paper helps me see other formal writing styles at work and I also use it to see if I can catch any mistakes which helps me correct and revise my own papers

  36. I use writing for many different tasks in my life, for example this past summer I worked as a service adviser, this job entails not only being able to communicate with the technician but being able to communicate with the customer. I would then have to write what was wrong with the vehicle, work performed, and the cost. All so the customer could understand, regardless if they know about cars or not. Academically, i don't think i have a class where notes are not being taken. writing is not just an essential skill needed for school, but it can be applied in the "working world".

    I have always been an average writer, never at the top, nor bottom. The area of my writing that needs most improvement would have to be run on sentences. I tend to overuse the comma, and on topics of non-interest I can almost never find enough information to write a lengthy paper.

    I can start practicing improved writing techniques everyday starting in the classroom. Learning how to write more proficiently first, will then help me carry these techniques to usage outside of the classroom

  37. I use writing every day of my life. Previously in high school I would have to write essays for English class and Psychology. I mostly use writing in my personal life. My older sister lives about three and one half hours away and I keep contact with her through writing messages over Facebook. She doesn’t get good service where she lives, so messaging is a great way to see how she is doing. She is getting married in July and she always wants my opinion about everything and anything. One thing that I would like to improve about my writing is coming up with topic sentences. Even in high school topic sentences have always been my enemy. Another area I would like to improve in is the conclusion. One way to practice writing techniques is to write short stories.
    -Kristina Collard

  38. I have to write every day of my life. whether or not i like it is a different story but it gets done. Academically was one of the ways i enjoyed the least. in high school i would have to write a paper a week and since havent written one. But there are other ways i practice my writing. For my professional life i have to write essays to get accepted into different job opportunities like the one i just received working with the fairmount fire dept. Personally is where my writing plays the biggest role. I write for my personal reasons everyday. I have a girlfriend back home that I write to every day and also my favorite high school english teacher i write to and talk to every day. The biggest part of my writing that i would like to improve is making all of my ideas flow together. I can come up with some good ideas and good examples for different tasks but have a difficult time making everything flow smoothly to sound good. I practice my writing techniques everyday with formal and personal emails and letters sent to various people on a daily basis. I try to use as good of grammar as possible and make my ideas flow as best as i can.
    -Tony Quaranta
