When you think about it, you probably write in some fashion just about every day. You use it to communicate with others (and sometimes yourself) in variety of ways. To ensure clear communication, writing takes practice.
Writing is no different than these other skills. If you want to be successful, you have to practice the fundamentals, namely writing effective sentences and paragraphs. This makes perfect sense if you think about it; you can't write a good paragraph if you can't write solid, clear sentences. Likewise, you can't write an effective paper if you can't write paragraphs that convey a clear, unified message.
With this in mind, please answer the following questions as specifically and completely as possible (200 or so words) in a comment to this blog:
- How do you or have you used writing in your academic, professional, or personal life? What types of daily tasks require writing?
- What do you want to improve in your writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs? Some examples of answers might be comma usage, correcting run-ons or fragments, writing effective topic sentences, supporting ideas in a paragraph better, etc.
- How can you practice proper writing techniques everyday?
I use writing in my everyday life. Whether its professional, acedemic or even personal. Regardlessof what you do, writing plays a role or even takes part in everyday life. Some daily tasks that may and/or will reequire writing can be simple things such as filling out an application, signing papers(just putting your name), doing homework,even stickynotes(little reminders). Me personally, i would like to be able to establish my point without it being to broad or unclear.I want a solid statement helping the reader understand my point of view. Sure it can be debated but that reader will know where i stand. Simple practices can be to just write. Get a journal and write about anything. your day for example. Doing homework is a writing practice, although some may find it boring and may even type it. thats why i prefer a journal. I highly recommend it even. Its fun, in some ways, and doesnt have a format, standard, and isnt being graded nor judged. write in a journal everyday and your your will increase.
ReplyDelete1. In my daily life I use different kinds of writing for example I use essay forms of writing when I am in school. In my personal life I use a more social form of writing for example when I write on my facebook page or when I am chatting online with a friend. So I use many forms of writing even when sending an email I use different kinds of writing for example if I was to email a friend my writing may not be has correct in grammar then if I was to be sending a friend an email.
ReplyDelete2. In my writing I would like to improve my run on sentences and I would like to improve when I need to make a new paragraph in an essay. I would like to improve my transition from paragraph to paragraph. I would also like to improve my spelling skills without having to use spell correction
3. You can practice proper writing skills by trying to write proper even when you are socializing with your friend instead of using slang words or short cut words. In doing this it will help you be more prone to writing the way you need to be successful in writing.
I use writing as a daily part of my life in many ways, be it copying down specs for computer setups, posting on many Overclocking forums,taking notes in many classes,these are just a few examples of my personal daily usage.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to improving my own sentences i would love to improve on the all around structure. I spend a lot of time post and responding in forums therefore im using to using fragmented responses. I would like to get back into using full sentence responses.
A way i could personally practice good writing techniques everyday would be to writing emails or even use full sentences in the online games that i play. Most of the communications i have with people has been fragments. Practicing using full sentence responses would help improve my writing skills greatly.
Well I’ve used writing for pretty much my entire academic life, ever since I was taught. I took a Public Speaking class in high school which I thought helped my writing quite a bit. Professionally I’ve had to write up receipts, contracts, and invoices for repaired instruments for my towns local music store where I work. Personally, I’ve had to write a ton of college essays, do presentations for various Rotary Clubs, and of course various emails and Facebook messages to friends/family.
ReplyDeleteI’d like to get a better handle on writing a really solid thesis sentence. Also, I would like to be able to make my thoughts run smoother from paragraph to paragraph. I have confidence in mine grammar and in my speeling; it’s just a matter of tying up some loose ends.
By treating the course book as the new and improved Bible! No, I figure a good way would be to maybe keep a journal and just jot down a little bit everyday. Or one could look up writing prompts online and just go at it. Either way, I’m guessing at this point its probably not important what we’re writing, so long as we do it everyday and use the proper technique.
Practicing proper writing techniques everyday not only benefits myself, it benefits my children, as well. Being a mother of three, I spend a lot of my free time writing notes to teachers, principals, and coaches. There is always fundraising to be done for this uniform, that trip, whatever they need…so, I write letters to other parents, friends, or even people I don’t know, to try and get them to help out if they can. Now, if I did not express myself in a way people could follow and understand, I could come off uneducated and they just wouldn’t take me seriously. It is extremely hard to want to give someone you’re money…or anything, for that matter, if your first impression of them is a joke. Along with the fundraising, I get to help with homework, book reports, essays, and whatever else my darling children need help with. I do find, most times, that my help gets mistaken for, “Moms going to do my homework for me.” Probably not. Instead, I just take everything I have learned in my life and try to help them apply it to what they are working on.
ReplyDeleteMy children make me want to be the best at whatever I’m doing. They want to do everything I have done, and be just like me (only I hope they will be twice as amazing). They have my drive so, I know the harder I work to be a better writer, the better they will become. That’s why I am always open to new things, criticism, and anything that I can turn around and teach to them. For example, I tend to get a bit long-winded in my writing, I have so much to say and I feel that it’s ALL important. I just don’t know how to say it all without writing a novel. This is something I would really like to work on in the future.
Kristen Cartner.
ReplyDelete1.) I use writing in my academic life by writing papers and showing my teachers what I know about topics. I also use it in my professional and personal life to help people to understand my intentions or feelings about the task at hand. The types of tasks that may be needed for writing would be such as writing a note to my boss, or letting a friend know about my plans for the day.
2.) I would like to improve my writing by being able to use the tools to get my point a crossed more accurately. Also as you mentioned improving fragments, topic sentences and supporting ideas.
3.) You can practice proper writing techniques everyday by firstly using proper grammar, so that slang does not catch on and is not transferred to written language. Also by taking your time to write out everything you write and double checking yourself.
As a student you are often asked to write to the best of your ability and accomplish different tasks. Whether these tasks are Essays, Research Papers, or short Worksheets most students try to complete these basic tasks. However, not every day is spent within the dull white walls of an educational building. On a daily routine we often complete monotonous tasks which include writing. Many individuals write simple lists, letters to loved ones, or express themselves in their beloved social networking sites.
ReplyDeleteThrough out my break from college i had slowly fixed many things i wished to change about myself. So this time around I'd like to improve my writing by simply taking my time and putting the effort for A's in. Instead of simply settling for a mediocre grade, I want to excel.
I often disregard the use of "txt" slang in my messages and daily social networking. Though, I do notice myself deviating from the path of full vivid sentences. Leading to short sentences merely getting the message across. After all, that's what social networking is all about.
Brian M. Harris
ReplyDeleteThe way I often use writing in my everyday life is thru my creative writing. Everyday I write either a poem or a short story, trying and convey my thoughts and feelings thru expressive thought. I find this kind of writing very therapeutic,and also a good way to see were my head is at. When I sit back and read what I wrote, I find that I learn a lot about myself. Sharing my writing with friends and family can also be a very valuable,allowing me to see were I can improve in my writing,also it gives them the chance to express how they feel about the topic at hand. What I would like to improve upon in my writing is to some how use my creative skills in a formal writing situation. I sometimes find it difficult to write a formal paper because I feel stilted and boxed in by “normal” standards of formal writing. As a result I lose confidence in my ability to write in a clear concise manner. My way of practicing writing techniques is to not only write everyday, but read everyday. I believe good reading habits can not only help with the technical aspect of writing,but can help you open your mind to new and exciting ideas on how one can write. The beauty of writing is that it is open for so many ways to express a person thoughts and ideas. This used effectively, can greatly help people and myself, write in a way were are ideas are clear enough that it creates others to form there own ideas.
By Adam Messina
ReplyDeleteI use writing in my life everyday, whether it is in a text message to my friends, or writing a paper for a class. I do not use writing in my current job, but there are many jobs where being an advanced writer is needed. Writing is not one of my strong points. There is much I need to learn about writing a good paper. For example I would like to be able to write a sentence that flowed better with the rest of my writing. Sometimes I feel that I get off topic, or when I go back and re-read the essay it doesn’t make sense to me. It is also hard for me to write a thesis statement. This is because I over think the idea of the paper, or can not find a topic that I could write a quality paper. To become better at this I am taking this English class that will hopefully improve my writing. I also think that if I was to read the newspaper, or pick up a book I would become more familiar with writing and it could help me improve. If I use all of these tools I believe I can become a better writer.
1. Well i use writing academically every school year because it helps you learn and shows that you have knowlegde. I use writing every day in my personal life wether it's texting over cell phones, writing over a social network website or writing a letter the old fashion way with a pen and paper to communicate with people. Daily task that require writing are making payments, giving directions, or writing personal things down just for yourself.
ReplyDelete2. When it comes to sentences and paragraphs, i want to improve my writing by adding more details to my sentences and paragraphs with adjectives and adverbs. By doing so my writing would be become more interesting for the reader. I want to be able to stick to the main topic and main idea. Not writing and going off into a different topic.I also want to be able to deveope a strong thesis statement for my intro paragraphs. Along with always using correct grammer and spelling.
3. I can practice using proper writing techniques everyday by using spell checker, having someone review my writing and just by re-reading my writing myself.
By: Abbey Lockett
ReplyDeleteWriting is applied in life everyday. Whether it be writing an essay in school, or just typing on the internet to your friends. Personally I've done both, and i have also used writing while filling out job applications as well. Depending on who and what your writing about the way you write could ultimately affect what people think of you. No matter what you are writing it's always important to keep in mind who you are intending to write to.
There are many things that i would like to improve on when it comes to writing. Run-ons are often a struggle for me. It's hard for me to figure out where the sentence should end. Another thing i often struggle with is the thesis statement. By working on both of these hopefully i will become a better writer.
When it comes to accomplishing writing techniques, practice is the best way. Although there must be many ways to apply these techniques in everyday life, i find a few especially useful. Double checking my work with the English book or looking it up online could always help. Also, by practicing complete sentences and such while with your friends might help too. Although it may come off as a bit awkward at times if you say it too robotic. If i use them correctly i shouldn't have a problem using them daily.
By Morgan Miller
ReplyDelete1. Just about every day I find myself writing. It could be texting my friends, or writing to remind myself to do something. In order to find a job, multiple resumes are written to enhance your shot at getting it. I constantly write to finish my homework, but mostly my daily writing is from my phone. Many day to day task requires writing such as, homework, paper work for your job, reminder list, and even the dreaded grocery list. Whether you like writing or not, you’re constantly doing it.
2. One thing I would like to improve in my writing is comma usage. Either I use to many or not enough. It gets confusing deciding where the comma should go. Comma splice is another thing I would like to improve on. It’s just as bad as commas, where and when to use them.
3. You can practice writing techniques every day, by focusing on where you’re the weakest. I’m weak with commas, so I would practice putting commas into sentences. You just have to work and work at it, until you feel confident. No one is born a perfect writer. It takes years of practice.
1.Writing on facebook walls,texting,creating grocery list, and my food intake journal. These are examples of everyday things that I do that require me to write. Even the daily trip to the local Wegmans requires me to write my name after using my credit card to complete my purchases.In my psychology class that meets MWF I take notes, note taking can be a bit of tedious task but by writing my notes it helps me grab concepts easier verses just listening.
ReplyDelete2. I am perfect therefore there is nothing I would like to improve my writing skills on. Ha I kid, I struggle with tying up my essays. Coming up with a solid conclusion is what always gets me, I always just keep rambling. How I could improve on that is I could start writing rough drafts before jumping straight into the paper. Also just plain asking for help from you, sometimes Im lazy and I don't feel like putting in that extra effort by staying after class. In the end that just screws me so asking for help from my professors and writing rough drafts would be ways to help me strengthen my conclusions.
3. I can practice proper writing techniques by just putting in more effort to my work, take pride in what i turn in. Also using my book as an aid.
I primarily write for academic assignments. I don't consider myself to be a good writer and only write when I have to. In fact I am looking for a career which requires as little writing as possible. The dally things that require me to write are e-mail, texting, grocery lists and signing my name.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve my ability to get my thoughts down on paper. I'm very good at coming up with ideas but for some reason I can't seem to write them down. I would also like to improve my comma usage and perhaps my spelling as well.
There are a couple of ways to practice and improve writing techniques. First involves reading more often, reading allows you to learn how things are written. Second is conditioning yourself to write something every day this can most easily be accomplished by writing in a journal or diary.
I have used writing academically, professionally, and for personal use for as long as I can remember. This includes all of my daily tasks that require writing such as school work, texting friends, or writing down important information at work. Everyday I find myself writing whether its because I want to, or if I have to. Writing can be both enjoyable or dreadful, yet it is done in almost every persons day to day routine.
ReplyDeleteThere are many improvements I would like to see in my writing. The biggest would be my organization of paragraphs. When I'm writing I tend to get off topic therefore my paragraphs become un organized. I also want to be able to write good sentences that are more straight to the point rather than run-off sentences. If I improved those areas I feel I would be a stronger writer.
Proper writing techniques can be practiced easily by just writing for fun. By writing more often and being more familiar with how you write you can essentially learn from yourself. Letting a friend proof read can be helpful to get an idea of what some one else thinks. Also, reading other authors literature can give you insight to their writing techniques as well as increase your vocabulary. Whatever way you chose to improve, practice can always insure you to be able to write better.
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ReplyDeleteThroughout the day there are hundreds of instances where you can practice writing, whether it be for academic purposes or just trying to figure out what you're doing later. When I do either, I try to use the best grammar I can because I feel like other people are slowly forgetting how. Where I work, I frequently have to write down people's orders. If I was to get those wrong, the business I work for would lose money and I would lose a job.
ReplyDeleteI guess if there was one thing I wish I would improve on though, it would probably be coming up with more effective topic sentences. Without a good solid topic sentence, you might as well turn your paper in with a blanket and pillow so your reader can at least fall asleep while reading your terrible, boring unorganized literary work.
Some ways I think I could improve on the effectiveness of my topic sentences are taking more time to think about them. Rushing through different assignments has always been an issue with me (along with just not doing them). The most effective way I think though would just be to write more often with more thought put forward.
1. I use writing in my academic and personal life every single day. For class I am either taking down notes or writing important papers to show I am providing a clear communication to whatever it may be about. Also during my personal life I am text messaging friends or family to communicate and/or writing down notes to remind myself of something. Without writing it would be impossible for you to build any sort of clear fundamentals and get anything done throughout your day.
ReplyDelete2. When it comes to sentences and paragraphs there is one particular thing I would like to improve. This one flaw I would like to fix is trying to split up multiple important ideas in sentences without creating a run-on sentence. By fixing this, it would make my paper more interesting to read and not such a drag.
3. There are many ways to practice proper writing techniques every day. I could practice this by writing my notes and text messages by using proper capitalization, grammar, comma usage and so on. I could also take more time writing papers. Most of the time I wait until the last minute then rush through it. This could help me understand the prerogative and write a better paper.
-Justin P
I write everyday of the week. Whether im writting on my calendar my schedule for the week, rushing a school homework assignment due very soon like I am now, or making a post on my favorite forum website, I am always utilizing my writting skills. Even when I'm text messaging where theres no need for me to type in complete sentences or even spell words correctly I'm still writting.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I would like to improve in my writting is my closing paragraph or conclusion. I feel I lack on most of my conclusions I have written in the past and would like to improve on that. I would also like to improve on how I write my thesis statement and be more clear on what the meaning of a thesis statement is.
I can practice proper writting techniques everyday just by reading things like books, articles, and blogs. Writting your own stories and having people on the internet be the judge on how well the story is along with giving you constructive criticism is also a constructive way of practicing your writting skills.
I use writing in many aspects of my life. Since I was born, as well as many others, I have been drilled with grammatical rules and writing methods. I use writing everyday for one of the most obvious reasons, school. Also I use texting, which is a form of written communication. I think that a solid way of improving myself as a writer, would be to text with correct grammar and spelling. This way I can keep practicing writing aspects, and also avoid being detrimental to my writing skills.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that every year my English class heavily focuses on writing topic sentences. I feel that it is permanently lodged in my brain. I fell what I need focus on is more in the aspect of writing in duration. With strategies for writing longer, more dry writing assignments. Writing assignments where there isn't much give to write with, or topics which I cannot relate to.
Mike Lawler-Yawney
ReplyDelete1. I have used writing in my academic life to receive good grades and to move on to the next level. I have also used writing to receive not so good or “poor” grades. More recently I have skipped out on writing assignments all together (due to pure laziness/ lack of motivation) to receive no grade other than an “F”. Why anybody would want to do that, I haven’t a clue, but that’s where I stand academically as far as writing goes. As far a professional writing, well, that is something I will have to work very hard on to accomplish. For my personal writing life, I write small catchy notes to myself as reminders of completely random things, some which may have no significant importance at all. In everyday life, writing is required for anything that needs to be read, like this assignment for example. Also, writing can be used daily for reminders to self, or for just plain entertainment. Writing just might be one of the most important mediums for instruction, conversation, persuasiveness, and again, entertainment.
2. When thinking about my writing, there are a definitely many things that could use improvement. One of the many things that could use improvement as far as my writing is coming up with a good opening statement to grab the attention of the reader. Another would have to be being able to come up with a good conclusion without repeating myself. I feel that once I get on a roll and start practicing good writing things will all fall into place.
3. Some ways I can practice proper writing techniques everyday are actually doing the writing assignments assigned, having proper prewriting, turning in papers on time, avoiding distractions, and finally, learning from my mistakes!
By: Steven Foulkrod
ReplyDeleteI have used writing in several different aspects of my day to day life. I use it almost every day during school for note taking. Another way I use writing in my day to day life although it generally does not follow the normal conventions of standard writing would be when I send a text message to someone. Also during the summer I had to write constantly for the job that I had in which I was helping a company called z-axis is there IT department. I had to be able to write procedures for how to do certain things such as installing a new operating system on a server so that the next person who had to do this could follow what I did step by step and successfully install the OS. There are also several ways that I can improve on my writing when it comes to sentences or paragraphs.
One of the main issues I have with writing would be run-ons, I lack the ability to know where to stop a sentence a good amount of the time and need to work on being able to know where to no stop them so that everything will flow smoother in my writing. Another area that I feel that could use an improvement would be not caring about the length of paragraphs as much and to just make sure that everything that I need or wanted to say is there and just feel that I did my best with how it is. I can practice proper writing techniques everyday in a couple of different ways.
A way that I could improve on my writing techniques could be to try and read more which would make it so that I could be more exposed to the way that professional writers write. Along with that I could also try and follow more of the steps and process that are in the book that we have assigned reading in. Which should help me practice the proper writing techniques.
Nicole Secaur
ReplyDelete1. I write all the time, every mintue of every day pretty much, weather it is at work when I am taking down an oder, or writing down things on my calander or texting, I'm always using my writing skills.
2. I want to improve my writing skills all together, I have never been good at writing essays and getting enough information. Also on learning how to write a thesis statement and a conclusion.
3. You can read about proper writing skills, and then practice writing things and have your friends or family memebers read it over and give you imput on them.