One key point for inside-out drafting: don't try to write the first draft as if it will be a perfect paper. It won't. The sooner you accept that we are using a process for developing a strong paper that can't be perfected at this stage, the more free and effective your drafting stage will be, not to mention your stress and frustration levels will be minimal.
Now that you are in the process of drafting the paper (or, perhaps, finished with the first draft), please address the following in your response with specific examples/ideas:
- How did this method make your drafting of the paper easier or more effective?
- Did you struggle in any way using this method? How so?
- Now that you have used the method, what will you modify or change next time you use it?
1. It helped make it easier because your rules are limited. You can write your paragraphs without worries of them following a certain structure or guidelines. I didn't have to worry at all about my paragraphs following my introduction or worry about which order I would put them in. I was just able to easily write and get the draft done rather quickly. 2. No I didn't struggle at all, I think that it is a very good method to use. 3. Honestly right now I don't know if I would change anything about it. It was the first time i've ever used this method and I found it very helpful, so i'm just gonna let it remain the same for now.
ReplyDelete1. This method made the paper a lot easier and was much more effective. Normally half way through I do not know what else to write. This time I was able to write without having to make different stuff up to fill space.
ReplyDelete2. I did not struggle using this method. The normal difficulties of writing were not existent in this case.
3. At this time there is not anything I could think about changing. It was my first time ever using this new method and I am still warming up to it. As of now I can not change anything because I am not completely used to it.
1. This method was definitely one that's very useful for writing any type of paper. It made putting together all the detail we extracted from the story much easier and a lot less time consuming. Once you have the information necessary its just a matter of putting it all together in paper format. Made the actual process of writing the paper much more efficient.
ReplyDelete2. I liked this method and it was very easy for me to use, so no I did not struggle at any cost using this method.
3. It will probably take a little more practice before i go and start changing this method to my needs because I have to find out what my needs are first. The only way for me to do so, is to use the method until I feel completely comfortable with it.
1. This method helped a lot with the drafting of the aper a lot because it opened my eyes more to the topics and less to the main point. With this, it helped me to put together better paragraphs, more direct sentences and less of a crumble of word trying to make up a paragraph. Being able to have it all in front of me and taking what I wanted to use and leaving what I didn't helped create a much better flowing rough draft.
ReplyDelete2. At first it was a little difficult to set it all up because it was hard to think of everything and place it in categories, but once I started, it became helpful and easier.
3. I agree with "crazyassinj" that right now, there isn't much I would change just because it is my first time using it and i don't know how I would change it for the better. I'm sure there are many ways of doing this, but at the moment I wouldn't change anything for next time.
1. With this method you provided for us in class made everything so much easier and was just a very simple flow to it all. Because there aren’t many rules that you showed us to writing a draft it was very easy for me to look back in the short story and take out all the information. All I needed was to use find supporting details to back up my thesis statement… “although the narrator of Poe‘s “The Tell-tale Heart“ attempts to convince the reader of his sanity, his narration and actions show otherwise”. All everything pretty much was was figuring out what I wanted to use for my supporting details, incorporate them into a sentence and just filling in the rest so everything flowed well together.
ReplyDelete2. I didn’t really struggle with using the method because everything was right to the point on how to write a simple, quick and correct rough draft.
3.There really isn’t anything I would change about the method because its very easy and swift to understand and its straight forward so everything got done semi quickly. The only difficult part is finding your evidence to prove my thesis statement to be true.
1. The inside-out drafting helped me out in a variety of ways. I usually focus on the Intro, Body and Conclusion, but this method lets me just focus on the body paragraphs. Also it lets me concentrate on one idea at a time. It was easier because the thesis question to be answered was already given. In the body I just had to give supporting details to back up my thesis. This method also helped me break the details into categories. With drafting you don't have to worry about making the paper perfect because revision will help out with the paper process also.
ReplyDelete2. I didn't really struggle with this method. I feel this method saved me a lot of time unlike what my past teachers had taught me. Once you got it set up correctly you will be fine from there on.
3. I don't know what I would change about it. Like other students said in the blog, I'm new to this technique and also I would need more practice using the inside-out drafting method.
1)This method of drafting made my writing of a paper easier because I wasn’t sitting there struggling, thinking of what I’m going to put in each paragraph, or worrying about missing something. You already have it all wrote down and organized, all you have to do is start writing.
ReplyDelete2)I did not struggle at all; in fact, it was the easiest paper I think I’ve wrote in a long time.
3)I think I would probably put the information in the order I’m going to write my paragraphs so it takes less time to write. As of right now, my information was kind of sprawled out all over the place so I kind of had to put it in order as I was writing.
1. The inside out method made my paper easier to write because I can usually write an introduction and conclusion to a paper fairly easy. However, getting details for the body paragraphs was a pain. By using this method, it made writing papers a lot easier.
ReplyDelete2. I didn't really struggle with the method at all. It helped me write my paper a lot faster.
3. I don't think that I would really change anything about the method. Right now it is working very well for writing papers.
Alrighty, this one isn't going to be huge...
ReplyDelete1. The inside out drafting made it very simple to create body paragraphs with many supporting details. It makes a nice structure for each topic and than making it more accurate and precise. It keeps thing organized but not constricted like an outline.
2. Although creating body paragraphs was much easier, I had difficulty creating a good introductory sentence that could lead up to the given thesis statement.
3. I would not modify it because it is already a good approach with lots of freedom to arrange the details in a logical manner.
1. Inside out drafting helped greatly with the layout of my paper. I found it much easier to format my paper and state my idea within my paper. I found it much easier to continue writing as well. I never came to a point where I couldn’t think of anything to write.
ReplyDelete2. I had not problems grasping this method of writing and find it very efficient.
3. I think I will be using this method of writing from this moment forward. It is much to efficient for me not to. But next time I write with this method I will try and make my body paragraphs much less fluffy.
This method helped me draft my paper a lot more effectively. It made a much more simple to put the body paragraphs together. Im now more organized when I write essays.
ReplyDeleteI didnt struggle in any way with this method. It's a big improvement and I would recommend it to anyone.
I wouldnt change anything about this technique. Until I am more skilled in writting essays I will use this exact writting structure. When I'm more experienced I will consider making changes and tweaks
This method of pre-writing helped me write my paper more efficiently because now I have a better understanding of how to write. It’s become a lot easier for me to come up with ideas to write about and takes a lot less time. The only reason I did somewhat struggle with this method is because it’s so new to me. I think it will take time for me to adapt because I was always taught how to do outlines in high school. I certainly think that once I get more used to this method I’ll be able to modify it to my preference. Right now, I think it’s better to stick with what I learned in class.
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Delete1.This method made my drafting more effective because I was able to come up with more ideas for the supporting paragraphs. In which it made it easier to come up with full body paragraphs with many options to chose from to support the thesis.
ReplyDelete2. I did struggle only it the transitioning of the ideas. I wasn’t sure which ideas to keep and/or leave out because I had so many to choose from. It was not too much of a struggle though I will still use this method time to time.
3. Now that I have used this method I will change in how many supporting facts I come up with. I will be more cautious of what directly supports the thesis and not so much of less significant details.
1. Using this method to draft my paper made it easier because I was able to just write what I was thinking and not have to worry that it was going to be perfect. Another reason is that its much easier for me to write the body of the paper and be able to add details and examples than it is to write a great beginning and ending to a paper.
ReplyDelete2. I didn’t struggle at all when using this method
3. I would not change anything about his method. I think it is something that I can use with other papers I may have to write later on
1.I revised my papers mainly for grammar. I would sometimes read it aloud. However most of the time I would have a friend or classmate read it, and check for grammatical errors. When revising I would only spend about 15% of my time on this part.
ReplyDelete2.My paper had good solid content; I was surprised I don’t think I’m a very good writer.
I had good specific supporting details, another surprise seeing I wrote most of the draft in the ICU waiting room.
3.I write kind of choppy, I need to learn to use more transitions to help my writing to be smoother.
Some of the sentences can use some rewriting they were a little wordy.
4.I will definitely try the post draft outline. I will see how the circle the details / transitions works as well. I have never really used any of these techniques, other than the read aloud one. I’m looking forward to seeing how this improves my writing.
Using the Inside-Out method for drafting, it made my paper more effective because it kept me more focused on the details and making sure everything tied back to the RQ. It also helped me make more precise paragraphs instead of trying to write about more than one specific detail. The most important thing that helped makes my paper more effective was the fact that it made my body paragraphs more useful in explaining or identifying my RQ.
ReplyDeleteI did struggle in the beginning using this method to write my first draft. This is because I was new to this style and have never worked with it; also I wasn’t big on prewriting in the first place anyway. I learned fairly quickly though that this method was a good one and the struggle using it went away quickly.
Yes now that I know how to use it and that I have experience with it I will be able to be more successful with it the next time I need to draft. I will come up with my body paragraph topic sentences and then branch off with many details to satisfy the RQ. I also will organize my body paragraphs and ideas with details found in a better way instead of just making intros and just writing whatever comes to mind first.
1.I found that the inside out method made it easier to focus on developing ideas rather than trying to attempt to write the paper all at one time. When I generally write a paper, I do what you called the “Top down” method, which has me scratching my head trying to think of more to write. This helped get the ideas out so then I would be able to organize them into a well-written and developed paper.
ReplyDelete2.No, I didn’t struggle using this method. If anything this method helped me avoid the headaches associated with my normal style of writing.
3.I haven’t used this method much, first time actually, so theres nothing that I can see that needed to be changed.