Monday, November 8, 2010

CCC Week 10: Reflecting on the Research Paper Process

By now, you have probably figured out that a vital part of learning is reflecting on what you have done and where you have been. This "thinking about your thinking" creates opportunities to test out your thinking and your methods to see what worked and what needs improving.

As you wrap up writing the research paper, it's a perfect time to reflect on the process and consider what worked well for you and what you would like to improve or revise in your writing process next time you write a research project.

In your comment, please respond to the following:
  1. What skills or techniques (annotation, time-saving researching techniques, using researching tools such as databases or the Internet) helped you research your topic and/or write your paper? How do you know these skills or techniques helped your project be more successful?
  2. What would you like to improve about your process for writing a research paper? Would you revise anything about the process?
  3. What did you learn about your topic as a result of this process? What did you learn about researching/writing as a part of completing this project?


  1. The skills and or techniques that that helped me research my topics were the various search engines I used to look up important information that I needed. By searching for key information I looked at the titles of each result and quickly read through the text to see if it was going to be helpful for my comparing and contrasting paper. This then cut down the amount of time so I more time to use to actually write the paper. I know this technique helped because I could easily find multiple sources to add to my paper.
    One thing I would like to improve in my process to write a research paper is finding a better way to add my information I found on the internet to my paper. I found that I struggled a little bit in using the information in my paper without writing the text word for word. Once I found out how to do this I would then revise some of my paper before the final draft was due.
    Something I learned about my topic as a result of using this process was that it can be a lot easier to research when you actually have the right search engines. Once you have the right tools you can then look through the large amounts of information more quickly without using the majority of your time searching for information.

  2. 1. The techniques that I found useful was annotating. When reading "why we flirt" I annotated and highlighted and I was able to go back when it was time to read my paper and use what I had made notes about in the margin. Also annotating was helpful in the since defining the words I don't know. The research data base I used was google scholar because it had scholarly journals and articles.

    2. The thing I would revise about my paper is the topics I choose to start new paragraphs. One of the sub topics I chooses in my rough draft was how flirting leads to danger. That topic itself was a whole different paper.

    3. What I learned about about flirting is that its a natural occurrence and it can't be helped it just comes as second nature. I learned that some sources weren't creditability and you really have to find solid resources

  3. 1.)In my research paper i used several search engines and some databases. It helped me find information i needed quicker than just going to the library and searching myself. It took ten times less to find the information that i needed so i was able to write the paper more efficiently.

    2.)One thing i need to work on to improve the process of writing a research paper would have to be organizing the information. It's hard to figure out what you should definitely leave out of your paper or what could be in it but give it it's own paragraph. I also need to work on a concluding sentence. Finding the right sentence to summarize the entire paragraph and allow it to flow right into the next is sometimes challenging.

    3.)My topic of divorce taught me many things. Mostly it taught me that there are many more theories as to why a marriage fails than i previously believed.

  4. I feel that using data bases helped me a great deal on this paper. I was able to quickly find several different sources that I was able to use in my paper thanks to data bases and that made it much easier for me to write my paper. I know that using the databases help me write my paper because of all the information I was able to find from them and I knew that because of the data bases most of the martial would already be checked for credibility. For what I wish I did better I wish I had used better time management and didn’t procrastinate as much I think that would have helped me a great deal. So if I could have gone back and done anything again I would have used more time more wisely I feel t that would greatly improve my paper. I learned several things about my topic. One of these things would be that the military uses video games not only to train their soldieries but to also help make it so that they can go back to society as normal people. As for writing a research I learned that you need to use a lot of time management to write an effective paper.
    by steven foulkrod

  5. Kristen Cartner
    1.Using databases and the internet helped me to write my paper because it does save time and it helps you think idea's more thoroughly through because sometimes you're too into it that you miss small things that the internet reminds you of. I used the skills to make my paper be more successful by adding additional facts to support my points and give a better picture.
    2. The only thing that I would like to improve would be the amount of false searching that you have to go through to find something to fit your paper. It is just time consuming and confusing.
    3. I learned a lot about my topic as a result of this process..Almost everything I put into my paper was either just backing up something I had already thought which made me learn more about it, or new facts or statistics that were interesting to me. I learned a lot about researching in most of our projects but I feel that with this paper I polished my skills and used all my resources that I'd learned.

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