Wednesday, November 3, 2010

CCC Week 9: Examining the Answers

Now that you have sources that should help you answer your research question, it's time to figure out how your different answers will work together to form a single, unified paper.

To accomplish this, you can compare or contrast the answers. To do so, look for points of focus--in other words, points where the sources are either similar or different--and use these points to evaluate the logic of the answers to determine which answer or answers make the most sense to you.

For example, if you were searching for a new car, you would look at various cars in the price range you can afford. Then, once you have made a list of possible vehicles, you would look at points of focus to determine what vehicle is best for you. These points of focus may include gas mileage, features, warranties, and customer ratings.

Re-read chapter 10 if you have any questions about how to develop and organize a compare/contrast analysis. Pay close attention to the section on how to organize using block or alternating formats.

With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:
  1. Looking at your sources, what might you use as points of focus to compare/contrast their ideas?
  2. Based on these points of focus, do your sources answer your question in similar ways or are there major differences in the answers? What are these similarities or differences?
  3. Might you organize the body paragraphs of your draft using the block format or the alternating? Why?


  1. From my sources one of the ways is by comparing them. Such as when they say that video games are violent and teach the youth of society to kill they blame the video games that have been rated mature by the ESRB yet according to another source that I found which breaks down how many video games are bought each year and mature is one of the lowest numbers on their so that helps to show that video games cannot be all that big of a reason for why the youth of the country is being corrupted. The sources answer the question in a similar fashion being that video games do not really effect humans in a bad way in a lot of cases they affect them positivity instead. For this I would use the block method. I feel that this would be a much better chose for me to use logically thinking I would be able to have it organized better and it would just be easier for me to have it done that way instead of more jumbled like the alternating seems to be.
    By Steven Foulkrod

  2. Kristen Cartner
    1.I may focus most on my ideas from researching infidelity in marriages and decide which points most people agree apon and then compare/contrast to see which of my sources goes along with the idea's I support and want known in my paper.
    2. My sources are similar in some ways and have major differences in others, such as their thoughts and idea's on what should happen in a marriage where there is infidelity. Which will lead me to either go one way or another with my paper due to which point of focus I decide with my comparing and contrasting to see which one will be more effective to my research question.
    3. Well seeing as how my paper is more of a question and answer, than i'd say alternating. Cause it's not really the type of topic that you use a style for a letter or a memo.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1.Some main points of focus I found in my sources that I would use to compare and contrast, is the comparison between how flirting gets you ahead in the work force and how it can harm you in the work force. Also how flirting can be natural verses intentional.

    2.My sources are a mix of similar points and different points all of my sources say that flirting can be a natural. On the other hand some say that flirting is dangerous and can lead to rape. Im happy with the sources I found because they make valid points and are creditably.

    3. I would use the blocking method because it allows my ideas to be tied together and my essay flows, where as alternating is just that alternating and I just feel that becomes confusing.

  5. 1. For my topic i chose the failing marriages article, and for from the sources i have i would choose a source who had an opinion similar to mine and further research and develop that idea.

    2. The concept of what a marriage should consist of is, is in most part similar or the same. However, there are some points that have major differences within my sources. This helped me come up with a specific topic to side with.

    3. In this subject i would choose the alternative method. I would use this one because it seems more clean cut and would flow easier when bringing up marriage and why or why not the marriage was successful.
