Wednesday, November 3, 2010

OCC Week 9: Examining the Answers

Now that you have sources that should help you answer your research question, it's time to figure out how your different answers will work together to form a single, unified paper.

To accomplish this, you can compare or contrast the answers. To do so, look for points of focus--in other words, points where the sources are either similar or different--and use these points to evaluate the logic of the answers to determine which answer or answers make the most sense to you.

For example, if you were searching for a new car, you would look at various cars in the price range you can afford. Then, once you have made a list of possible vehicles, you would look at points of focus to determine what vehicle is best for you. These points of focus may include gas mileage, features, warranties, and customer ratings.

Re-read chapter 10 if you have any questions about how to develop and organize a compare/contrast analysis. Pay close attention to the section on how to organize using block or alternating formats.

With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:
  1. Looking at your sources, what might you use as points of focus to compare/contrast their ideas?
  2. Based on these points of focus, do your sources answer your question in similar ways or are there major differences in the answers? What are these similarities or differences?
  3. Might you organize the body paragraphs of your draft using the block format or the alternating? Why?


  1. 1. Why kids binge drink, how many deaths per year. universities effected most.
    2. My sources all basically say the same thing. They describe how binge drinking of college students has risen significantly and then they try to give reasons for the increase.
    3. I would probably use the block format because my topics doesn't have a ton of things to compare and contrast so i would use one paragraph to describe something, then the next to compare/contrast it.

  2. 1. From my sources I will compare the ideas. I might connect 1 author's ideas to another author's ideas as to how communication is essential in a good marriage.

    2.My sources are very similar ways. All the author's in my articles stress the importance of communication in a marriage and how it can lead up to marital breakups so they all have relations to one another.

    3. I would use the block format mainly because it seems easier to organize my thoughts/ideas. Also because there isn't a whole lot to compare like when using the alternating.

  3. 1) Points I might use to bring out my articles ideas are that one of my articles has to do with flirting and why it is good for marriage, so I could show that to prove that flirting is alright and it could make a relationship stronger. On the other hand, my other article also has to do with flirting but the main point is that maybe it could lead to divorce and that it’s not so good because so many dangerous aspects could come from it.

    2) It does answer my question in similar ways but I have to think of more in depth answers to my questions. There are some differences between them so I think I’m going to have to modify my thesis statement. My thesis isn’t a direct answer to my question so it’s making it difficult for me to answer it, so I’m going to have to change a couple things.
    3) I would more likely use the block pattern because to me, it makes more sense rather than presenting one point and then the other. The block pattern presents one point and then discusses it and then goes to the next point rather than the alternating pattern which talks about one point and then goes directly to the other point

  4. 1.Looking at my sources I only see 1 way to compare/ contrast and that is comparing/contrasting how men and women flirt differently.
    2.They have both similarities and differences in the art of flirting. Both men and women use body language to flirt, as well as verbal.
    3.Well if I did a compare contrast paper, with men and woman’s different flirting techniques I believe I would use the block format. This method would be the most streamline and organized.

  5. My topic is why we flirt and some points of interest that I would use would be; the different categories for flirting, also the verbal potion of flirting, and the body language aspect as well.

    So far all of my sources are saying the same thing for the most part. There are no real differences in the information or any ideas that clash for that matter. All of my sources agree that there are two different categories for flirting. My sources also agree that body language and the verbal asppect play a major role.
    I think that the block format would be easiest. There are not any particual reasons besides the facts that I have used it before and its faster and easier for me.

  6. 1. After looking up my sources and picking the ones right for paper, I came up with using what the author uses and connecting it with my ideas along with the other sources as well. I came up with the different parts of communication, Facebook, Internet dating, and texting.

    2. The sources clearly answer my research questions. They give me statistics, examples, and opinions on the topic and how it is effecting us. Some of the similarities of the sources include the opinions and how it negatively effects us and how they all are leaning toward one main idea in how technology is effecting our communication.

    3. Most likely, I would use block formatting because I don't really need to compare and contrast so I will be able to describe something in one paragraph.

  7. 1.) Looking at my sources I might use points of focus to support my thesis about how flirting is intentional. Three things I can use can be how status is a factor [more towards men]? For attention [both men and women]? How does it get what you want [more towards women]?

    2.) Based on my points of focus my resources have answered and helped me prove my thesis to be true. There are many similarities as well as many differences between the art of flirting that I will be discussing in my critical essay.

    3.) I am going to use block pattern because to me it makes more sense rather than showing one point and then the other. I am also use to block pattern method so I will be more successful at using it because I know most about and am use to using it. The block pattern shows one point and then discusses it and then goes to the next point rather than the alternating pattern which hops around a lot.

  8. One way that I can compare and contrast from my articles is using the point of how men and women are different and how there different personalities make or break their marriage. The sources that I chose answer the question all in the same way, maybe just worded differently. The part where they may be different is their own personal opinions. Whether they agree or disagree and how they themselves feel about marriage. I would use block pattern because I really don’t have a lot of comparing and contrasting to do with my topic. I could talk about men’s personality traits and women’s and how they are the same. Then in the next I can talk about how they are different. Then I can add them together in one paragraph and talk about how they make up a marriage.

  9. 1.) Using the 3 books sources and the one online source I was able to start with broad topics suchs as personal privacy, governmental privacy, and the national ID card. Then I used each book source as a counterpoint/to support the main idea: "iS privacy overrated?"
    This uses each source in each broad topic, but than narrows the topics into more specific sections. (consequences, living in an open society, problems with the National ID)
    2.)All source support my idea that privacy is not overrated. It is a valued right that holds are nation together and prevent information from reaching harmful parties.
    3.)I used the block format because it was easier to organize each paragraph by: author 1's point>>author x's point for each topic. (with multiple authors of course)

  10. 1. Why colleges shouldn't be alcohol free. Drinking and Driving.
    2. Most of the sources I find say that campuses should be alcohol free. And all the sources say that drinking and driving is high risk in college students.
    3. I’m going to go in the block format because my topics go in chronological order.

  11. 1. The effects fo binge drinking, statistics of how much typical college students are drinking and what people are doing to decrease the vandalism,unwanted sexual acts, alcohol poisioning, and deaths.

    2. Majority of my sources describe the same thing. All sources agree that binging is an inapproiate behavior and most outcomes are negative ones. Some sources differ in the fact that most are informative on the bad behavior caused by binging and others are ways to prevent this from happening.

    3. I will use the block format because it allows me to include all of my researches appropiately with the type of post draft outline I did.

  12. Looking at my sources, I would break them up into several groups, but all under two main categories. The two main categories are “Intentional flirting” and “Instinct Flirting”. I would break them up into little groups like does the guy initiate flirting more than the women, how do people flirt by which actions, what role does body postures have, or what does eyebrow raising mean.
    Mainly all of my points of focus answer my research question in some way. It either falls under the intent or instinct category, to prove my point is correct or incorrect. Either way the sources help back up the information and developing thesis I already have.
    I will organize my paper through the block format. I find it easier to get my point across if I separate my ideas through the two topics. It will also help the reader understand the similarities and differences better.
