Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CCC Week 11: Looking Back

Taking time to reflect on what you have learned is important as a semester ends. After all, education is too expensive to walk away learning nothing!

In this class, we have covered several writing and thinking skills. These skills range from writing effective sentences and paragraphs to the writing process stages to analysis to locating and using research. The goal of completing these tasks was to better prepare you to write effective academic and professional documents.

With that in mind, please take a few moments to think back on the class work, readings, and assignments we have completed in this class. Then, answer the following questions:

  1. What two writing or thinking skills do you feel you have improved in this class? Provide specific examples of how these skills have been improved.
  2. What two writing or thinking skills would you still like to improve? Explain these skills clearly in terms of why you think they still need improving.
  3. What two assignments, activities, etc. did you find most beneficial? Why
  4. What two assignments, readings, etc. did you find most challenging? Why?


  1. For my writing skills that have improved I would say that my essay writing has improved with the use of the inside-out drafting method you taught. Although at first I did not like it I used it more and found it to be better than just writing out what ever came to me when it came to me. Another thing that I feel that I improved on would be my annotating skills I feel that I can much easier read through something and “talk with the text” after the class and all that you did with it through the horror film examples. One thing that I feel that needs improvement would be sentence structure skills. Although it is a basic task it still is not at the level I would like it to be at and I just need to focus more on that until I don’t need to focus and it just comes to me. Another thing that I need to improve on although it is not part of the class is procrastinate I procrastinate way too much and it makes most things more difficult than they have to be. An assignment that I felt was beneficial would be the short story paper because it is where I first learned the inside out drafting method which although I didn’t like at first as said I did learn to like it. Another thing that I found to be beneficial would be the blog that we had to. I found this to be beneficial because it made me think about what was going on in class and I had to respond to what we were doing and I found it to be useful. One of the assignments that I had an issue with would be the critical response papers but that was completely my own fault I just procrastinated too much and didn’t do it early like I should have. Another thing that I had issues with is the blog. Writing the blog itself wasn’t an issue but remember to do was an issue for me it was just a little thing that slipped my mind a lot.
    By: Steven Foulkrod

  2. Two writing skills I think I have improved in this class is using commas and run on sentences. I have improved in these two things because I have written a lot more and even just revised more carefully after inside out drafting.
    Two writing skills I would like to improve are my grammar and also using larger words in my sentences. I think reading more than I do will help improve these two things because it gives me a chance to view how different authors write using different styles.
    Two assignments that I find beneficial to me are peer review edits and also writing these blogs. The peer review gives me a chance to read over other peoples writing strategies and also get my paper edited by another pair of eyes than mine. These blogs also give me a chance to keep writing at least once a week.
    The assignment that I found the most challenging was the critical response paper. It was difficult to compare two different topics while staying on track talking about both of them.
