Monday, March 8, 2010

CCC Week 7: Reading Strategies

This week, you read about a number of strategies for more effective reading. In class, we focused on and practiced one such method--annotation.

We said in class that the key to effective annotation is to think of it like conversing with the author. Hence, you are responding to the text the way you would in a face-to-face discussion. This is especially helpful in research situations, as the author's ideas can help you answer your research question.

A way to visualize this is to think of your sources as people discussing your topic over dinner. You ask each the same question (your research question), and they then respond with answers (the sources). Not all of the answers will be the same. Often, you will have to decide which answers make sense to you and which you find problematic. In doing so, you should be able to develop what you see as YOUR answer.

Your paper then becomes your response to these people. Annotation is the first step; it allows you to start forming your response to each source and, hence, how each source can be used in your paper.

With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:

  1. What reading method(s) have you used to comprehend and use complex texts (books, articles, essays, websites, etc.) in the past? Have they been effective? Why or why not?
  2. In your past experiences, what have you found challenging about incorporating research into your writing?
  3. How did using annotation in class make reading complex material easier for you? What did you difficult about using this method?


  1. I guess I use the normal top down reading method when reading texts and such. I never knew about this annotation method you taught us in class till, well u did! I would say that my methods have been effective because for one it’s the only way I know, I’m sure that will all change in this class….. and for two well I’ve made it this far right? I find it hard to incorporate research into my writing because they are not just my ideas and thoughts written out I have to figure out a way to make it fit in and not sound retarded. I think that by using the annotation method in class I was able to read the paper more smoothly because I stopped and made sure I knew all the words first, and was able to identify the writers main points and ideas.

  2. 1. I usually just read the text over slowly and if I don’t understand it, I’ll read it again. It’s kind of a natural instinct to look up words you don’t know and understand if you’re interested in the discourse community you’re reading about. I always find myself doing this online and I never heisted to look up something I don’t know. But if you’re not interested in the topic sometimes it’s easy just to move on and not bother to look up and understand what you have read.

    2. I can’t say I remember the last research paper I’ve done, but I could imagine not having the answers and sources would be a problem. What I find challenging is writing about the facts and answers rather than what I think and my conclusions.

    3. I think annotation is a great method to use to understand complex material. I found it simple, quick and easy to use it really engages you in to the reading. I didn’t have any difficulties using this method.

  3. When reading i have never really used a certain method but if you had to call it something i guess it would be the top down method of reading. Usually when im reading if i come across a word i dont understand i use the details that surround that word to piece together an understanding of what that word might mean. Up till this point of my life this way of reading has worked out pretty good for me.
    The hardest part about incorporating research into my paper is that its not my material. I struggle with that fine line between using someones material as an example and plagiarism. I need to work on putting someone elses ideas into my wording while also giving the author credit.
    The annotation method did make understanding the material easier. However it was new to me so i was alittle uncomfortable with it at first, i felt it was slowing me down. I feel now it will help me in the future. Being able to understand the material is more important then getting it down fast.

  4. 1. I always used top down reading method. I dont think i was ever taught annotation till now.
    2.I always had to read it over and over again to get what was accually being said in the reading before i got it.
    3. it made it a little easier for me cause i didnt have to read it over so many times before i understood what was being said.its a little more work but i like using this method.

  5. 1)1.What reading method(s) have you used to comprehend and use complex texts (books, articles, essays, websites, etc.) in the past? Have they been effective? Why or why not
    I have always used the top-bottom,and front to back method.It was the only way I really understood.I usually just read what I needed to just to say I read it.Not understanding what I read.By being in your class I see that wasn't the best way,because I have to really understand what I'm reading so I will be able to write or answer necessary questions that's needed.
    2)2.In your past experiences, what have you found challenging about incorporating research into your writing?
    PSnow I can't answer this question because I never had to do a research paper.This will be my first,and I am excited to see how I will do!
    3)3.How did using annotation in class make reading complex material easier for you? What did you difficult about using this method?
    I thought this method was simple.It made it easier for me to get a understanding what I was reading!When ever I came across something I didn't understand, I stopped and either looked up the word I didn't know or just asked a peer when I was in boubt.

  6. The method that I always used to comprehend and use complex texts in the past was just reading from start to finish and if I didn't understand then I would read it over till I knew what it was about. I never thought that the method just reading was very effective at all it seemed like you were just reading it and trying to remember everything you read yeah right. The other method that I just recently used last semester when I just started college was the annotation method which seemed like a little bit more work but it was easier in the end when you just could go to your notes and you would automatically remember what it was about.
    In my past experience I have found that reading an authors writing and trying to reword it into my own. When I read something it always seems that it is in the simplist form but actually it can be reworded into my own words but I draw a blank.
    Using annotation in class made it easier for me because I write the little notes and then when I am finished it makes sense on what I just read. I really didn't find anything difficult about this method because I have recently used it in last semesters English class.

  7. The reading techniques I have used in the past would consist of re-reading the text many times to fully comprehend it. I also look up words that I am unfamiliar with, because if you don’t know what a word means, you are not able to understand what the author is trying to get across. I also highlight what I believe to be important information. However like you discussed it class, it gets sloppy and when you go back to the text- you don’t know what the heck the highlighted part means, therefore you have to re-read the text again to figure it out. I find delivering the information in my own words while being accurate difficult. I also have a hard time figuring out which information to put first. Annotation makes reading easier because it allows you to better understand the text and is as you put it, like conversing with the author him/herself. Making notes lets you remember what you thought about the section you were reading at the time. It prevents you from having to re-read the entire section. I do not find anything difficult about this method. Only that it takes more time and effort. But in the end, the extra time that it takes you to annotate a piece of literature pays off.

  8. When I read I usually do the top down method of reading. Usually when i read something and I come across a word i dont really understand i was thought to use the details that surround that word to understanding of what that word would mean. Until last semester were i was told to look up every word I didn't understand.Its been good so far thank goodness for the Internet. The hardest part about incorporating research into my paper isn't the easiest part for me. I struggle with this part a lot given that fact that it's someones else material and i dont want to be a victim plagiarism. I suppose i need to practice more into getting myself into the habit in placing other authors words into mine and acknowledging it was their words.
    The annotation method did make understanding the material easier. Annotation is easier because i can always go back and refresh my mind on what i was reading. If this method helps me understand the material better then I'm down for learning it.

  9. 1. The methods that I have used in the past would be the top-down method . Also if I didn’t know what a word meant than I would look it up. I also have used annotation when doing research. Using all these methods have helped me to write a good paper in the past and in the present.

    2. In the past when I had to first start writing talk’s trying to incorporate different parts of my research into my talk was some what difficult but, after some practice it became more and more easier to write. There have been times still when I would hit a stump but in the end it all work out.

    3. Using the annotation was not difficult but I do like to phrase or sum it up most of the time in my own words. But being able to have information on the subject at hand is a great resource always in case you hit a stump along the way. I like being able to write notes in the margin or circle information on what I find important that I may want to use in my paper instead of having to reread it over more than once.

  10. This is Alison Slater.
    1. In the past I just have read material and took notes on index cards, which helped in some ways and in other ways didn’t. It didn’t help me in some ways, because some information didn’t fit in anyway in my topic to answer my question to create a well written paper. It worked in most cases though, because I could organize my facts in categories to write a well written paper to answer my question to my topic.
    2. Like I said some information was useless and some was worthwhile to use and helped me to elaborate my ideas and answer my own question to my topic at times.
    3. Putting notes in the margin of my own thoughts and what I found that proves my thoughts and connects to the author. Creates a phenomenon which shows you an idea of how you might pursue to first start writing your paper and put yours and the author’s ideas together along with the evidence to create a great paper that answers your question to the topic. The difficult part of the annoting method is: reading while paying attention at the same time to evidence, opinions, claims, arguments, words I might not know and much more. It’s something I got to get use to doing.

  11. 1. Sometimes I have to read over something twice to make sure I understood it fully, not necessarilly the whole reading but certain parts that seem important. That has always worked for me in the past.
    2. It is easy to find things now with the inter-net and all, The tricky thing is to understand what the information you have found is saying and then explaining it in your own words. I always have to go over what I researched a few times, make sure I understand it so when it is put into my paper I am sure the information is correctly explained.
    3.The annotation method showed me different ways to break down and understand what you're reading. I think the hard part will be giong through slowly and looking up words that are hard to understand. It could be easy to lose your train of thought that way if you always had to stop and look up a word to understand what it meant. But I can see where that is totally necessary to do.

  12. I guess that I've used the top down method, to this day I don't think that I was ever taught any other way. I've never heard anything about annotation until now. I am really enjoying this so much, and I find that it helps me to read and think about what I'm reading effectively. I especially enjoy the article that we read and discussed in class on Friday. I listen intently in class, and participate as much as I can. I find that this helps me to understand and retain the information that is presented. It is easy to drift away from the lesson if you don't interact, and express your thoughts.

  13. Bryan Shaw

    1. Some reading methods I have used to comprehend and use complex text are- underlining important words/sentences, highlighting, and skim-reading. These methods have been effective in helping me pick out the important parts of the texts. They helped by making it easier to reference back to the important parts, and they embedded in my mind the words/phrases that were important.
    2. I have found it fairly easy to incorporated others information into my writings, which helps to make my writing stronger.
    3. Using annotations in class made it easier because it helps the more important parts reach out to you. Also when doing annotations in a group environment it helps you get the important facts out faster with everybody giving their opinions.

  14. In the past my comprehensive reading consisted of reading what I didn't understand over and over till I somewhat understood it or just gave up. This method for me was somewhat effective if I could eventually understand it but if I couldn't and just gave up then I guess that it wasn't too effective then. The trouble that I had with incorperating reasearch into my writing is it was always difficult for me to relate two different scources becaus ei would get different facts out of each scource. I found that using annotation in class helped me point out the good facts and then later I could go back and relate different facts alot easier and also helped me understand the topic of the article. And the only thing that I found difficult about annotation is finding all the good facts the first time I read it.

  15. I have always used the annotation method. I always have marked up my copies of the texts that i used in my research. Underlining key points, and helpful info really helps me out and I can always refer to it in future reference to my research. I love doing research papers, ever since I was in elementary school, so I have learned many ways to do reseach and this was my most useful find. I also made use of the margin comment space. This is most useful, because I never have to go back & reread the whole text.

  16. During many of the essays that I have written, I have used books and articles and many other things that come form the internet. And they have all been effective in my learning and using them in different ways in my writing. They always helped to give me a more wide range for different things that I might use to argue against. I find that sometimes research can sometimes be very time consuming. And that sometimes depending where you look that, there might be the question as to whether the information you found is correct in its facts. Some articles especially online can sometimes be very misleading which can mess up your paper in a lot of ways. It helps a lot to break down the material before we actually have to incorporate it in to our actual paper. Which makes things easier about writing period. I will probably keep using it to help me with my writing.

  17. 1. The reading method that I have used to comprehend and use complex texts in the past was basic top down reading. Overall this method hasn’t been that effective. The reason this method hasn’t really worked for me is because I would often forget key points and topics after the reading was done.

    2. In my past experiences incorporating research into my writing has been challenging. The most challenging part was selecting the best information from the most reliable source.

    3. Using annotation in class made reading complex material easier for me because I was able to note key points and topics that the author was trying to make. Using annotation has also allowed me to make note of topics or words that I was unsure or unfamiliar with. I didn’t really find it difficult using this method.

  18. The only methods of reading that I have consistently used are top down reading and sometimes re-reading. With top down reading I have found that I don’t comprehend all of what time reading, which then requires me to reread much of what I have already read.

    I sometimes find it very challenging to find the best information needed to explain the idea. I have found many times it has been hard to understand what I have read, take the ideas and be able to put them into my own words.

    I think that annotation will help me so that I will know what words to look up to bring the ideas together. I can easily look at the main ideas by looking the notes I have written on the topic. In the end it makes it easier, but it also seems to take me longer to complete what I am working on. But I feel that in the long run, I think that I will be able to produce better results by using this method.

  19. I have generally used the top down method in the past to comprehend the things that I have read. I have generally found this to be the most effective method for me. If I come to something I dont understand I just carefully re-read it over and over again until I do understand.
    In The past I generally havent found it hard to incorporate research into my paper. The only problem I sometimes find is sometimes whrn the research material is very technical, I sometimes have a problem putting the information into my own words. I think using the annotation method helps, because it makes the difficult material easier to understand. It also makes the information easier to incorporate into the paper. The only difficulty I found in using this method is that it can sometimes be time consuming, but in the end it's worth it.

  20. I usually read it once then reread it again so i can better understand. It works if i'm focused....i have a hard time remembering what I read if its not interesting.
    I find it challenging to figure out how to word the research I gather. Sometimes I will get so much research but they end up all in the same topic so its difficult to break it into different paragraphs.
    It didn't really make it easier at all. Im a lazy reader. I dont like to take notes while reading so i usualy do that on the second time around. I find it difficult to get out what im thinkings and somethimes its hard to even figure out ideas and things about the reading. It all depends on whats being read

  21. I wont lie if i dont like to read if im not interested in the topic. If its a boring topic i find myself sometimes just skimming there trying to find the main idea of the reading. Researching and then writing is really hard to me for some reason I dont exactly know why but I think i just dont like writing really long papers. Only if its an argument and im proving my point.

  22. I always read the book more than once this way i can define words i dont know and understand the story or the reading better.

    2.Incorporating my information into my paper in a way that works has always been a challenge for me

    3. The annotation method showed me different ways to break down and understand what i was reading better. being said.

  23. 1. I have underlined, highlighted, circled, quoted, written on the side margins and everything else imaginable to comprehend and use complex texts in the past. And yes, some of them were effective, and some weren’t. I probably will not be the highlighting technique because I tend to overuse it or I highlight a lot more than I should. I liked writing on the margin spaces the best and underlining main ideas because I can read what comments I made on a particular idea.
    2. Incorporating research into writing is particularly hard because you have to cite properly and make sure that you don’t just reword what the author has said.
    3. I like the annotation method because it makes the most sense in trying to get an idea of any writing.

  24. 1. When reading long or complex texts I usually skim through the article and then read through it carefully. I usually highlight information I want to go back to. However as you said in class highlighting is problematic because you go overboard! I usually end up having to read through something a couple of times if I don't understand it at first.

    2. The issue I have incorporating research into my writing is properly using citations and not just quoting the author of the text I am references. I am unclear if you should paraphrase the author and of course cite it or quote the author and cite it.

    3. I like the annotation method and have been using it to help me with writing in other classes. I have highlighted in the past but find I can't quickly reference the idea or my thoughts as to why I highlighted it. Annotation has helped me to quickly build my papers.

  25. I can never comprehend anything when i read. i always have to read it many times and i cant have anyone read it for me. this is college.

    incorporation of words has always been hard for me. none of my former teachers fully went over how its properly used

    The annotation method is alot easier than reading and reading and reading. its alot less stressful when you have other classes to take care of and this method helps in them 2

  26. 1)When I read textbooks or complicated literature I find that highlighting the important sentences and examples help me to comprehend the message. When I find a sentence or word that confuses me or I don’t know what the message they are trying to bring to light I write in a question mark in the text and sometimes circle the problem area. Then when the class goes over this chapter I can find these facts easily and can share and ask questions where I wrote them.

    2)I find it hard to document some research in my own words sometimes when I incorporate it in my own writing.

    3)Using the annotation method helps me sift through the filler and get down to the information needed to answer research questions.

  27. Usually I start out by reading to find information that I think is valid or useful in what I need the information for. If a topic is new to me I usuall don't mind sitting down and reading it. But I am a highlighter queen, It's just that I have always left little notes alongside of what I have highlighted. Just didn't know that what I had been doing all along was the annotation method.
    Documenting research has never really been hard for me it's finding reliable source to gather information from.

  28. I have used the repetition method of reading to comprehend complex texts. I would read slower each time to make sure I was grasping what the writer was trying to portray. It has seemed to be somewhat effective since I did understand what the author was trying to say.
    I have always found it difficult to figure out where exactly to go for research. There are a lot of sources out there and it can sometimes be overwhelming to figure out what exactly your first step is.
    Annotation made no difference for me. It may be useful somehow, but I don’t see it right now.

  29. I normally well take notes as I read the text so I can always look back and read the facts.
    It can be hard to organize it into my paper.
    It does make it easier to understand what I am reading

  30. i usuaully read top down. I have to read a text several time to get the understanding of it but now with annoataion its easier to understand what im reading without reading it as many times.

  31. 1. I usually skim through my readings and try to pick out the parts I feel are important instead of wasting my time reading the whole thing. For the most part I have been successful in doing this but sometimes I may miss certain information that could really make a difference in my paper.
    2. One of the hardest parts of incorporating research into my paper is trying to do it without plagiarizing. It is difficult for me to explain the research without copying the author.
    3.I missed this class so I did not get a chance to try the annotation way of reading but it sounds like it would me much easier to understand the material.

  32. when i read complex works of literiture i cant lie, i do read things i do not understand. What i do to fix this is just re read and re read until i understand. i do have trouble incorporating research into my papers. Also i dont have much luck or skill when i site. i like annotation beacuse it helps to make sense of what im reading and gives me a way to add this info into my work.

  33. 1. up until now I never knew of another way of reading. I just always read the only way i know how and thats the way I been doing things since i remember. if i dont understand something i'll re-read it over and over until i have a basic concept of what that sentence is saying. if theres a word i dont understand i go to my trust worthy dictionary until i understand what is going on.
    2. The hardest part of incorporating research into my writing is finding the "correct" way of quoting someones else work.
    3.At first I didnt like it because it took me out of my comfort zone of the way i been normally doing things for the past years but as i started to do it more and more i found that it really is a timesaver and its the way it is because its gonna help me in the long run.

  34. Reading has always been frustrating for me. I can honestly say that I have never been taught any reading strategies such as the ones we reviewed in class. Historically, I would just re-read over and over again until the meaning became clear to me.

    In doing research and writing based on same, it has always been hard for me to summarize my own ideas on paper. Often time, I found myself just re-writing what I learned through research in my own words, which actually could border on the side of plagerisim.

    The annotation method is no more time consuming than reading the same material over and over. It is actually much more useful and the side notes provide a reference for clear understanding of the material. Acting as if the writer is a party to a conversation is actually a creative and effective way to more clearly understand the content. It forces me to explore the questions, meanings and possible inconsistencies of the material immediately.

    M Short

  35. 1. In the past I used the high lighting reading method. This method failed me miserably because I would high light everything. When going back to the document I would have to reread and rewrite important facts so when I was writing my paper I would know what key facts to use. High lighting was a huge waste of my time and paper. I would also try to take notes but i would find myself rewriting the document. When using my notes to write my paper I couldn’t tell whether I had copied certain facts or if I had put it in my own words so I would end up having to go back and reread the documents which again wasted my time.
    2. In the past I found it hard to apply some research to my paper because I was not answering a research question. My topics were far to board and there was at times, too much information to format into a paper while keeping my own opinions in it as well. At times I still find myself doing so. I also have difficulty using some reference books. If there is an abundant amount of facts on my topic sometimes I find it hard to narrow down and find key points to answer my research question.
    3. Using the annotation method in class has made it easier for me to understand the key facts in a said document. I find myself being able to remember and find key fact without having to reread the document. Using the different methods of marking (high lighting) has also helped me organize my thoughts. I can look at the document and see what key fact I wanted to use and what point they are making. I can also look at a document and view any questions I might have had on the point the author was making.

  36. yes. not really, i will spend to much time trying to find out where am i going to start not knowing where to start from.

    now i know how to get right to the point a year or two ado it will take me so much time to incorporating research into my writing.

    i learn to how to go for the main points in the main points will get you back to the little thesis and the other things.

  37. _In the past I would read from start to finish and if I didn’t understand I would just re-read it over until I come to understand it. Word that I don’t know I would research them and find the meaning.
    _The hardest thing about incorporating research into your writing is trying to put it into my own words. That is a challenge for me and also. Putting the
    _It was a challenge but it, made things a little easier.

  38. when i would read something that didnt make sense i would just re read it until i figured it out if that didnt work i would ask a peer what they thought about the writng.
    the biggest challenge for me to put research into my paper is the fact of puttin it into my own words or sitng the acctuall info

    it wasnt that hard to figure out really and it made things easier for me
