Monday, March 15, 2010

OCC Week 8: Researching

This week, we focused on strategies for effective research. We discussed the importance of research questions in guiding our work. We also laid out the five steps for writing a research paper: prewriting, locating sources, evaluating sources, inside-out drafting, and revising.

A key factor in locating sources is using time efficiently. Once again, utilizing a method becomes vital to succeeding at this goal. Having a method to use each time we write provides a roadmap for more efficient and effective experiences. As we use the method, we can revise our steps and tinker as needed without having to "reinvent the wheel" for each new writing assignment. This method should cut down the time we need to spend researching because we won't waste time closely reading materials that won't help us directly answer our research question.

With this in mind, answer the following in your comment this blog:
  1. What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
  2. Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
  3. Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.


  1. 1. Should animals be used in scientific research
    2. I searched up debates on the topic and methods they use to kill the animals. Also what kind of researches is done to the animals.

    3. I think titles and topic sentences were helpful. It made it easier and faster to get my research.

  2. 1. The research question that I chose for my paper is “Would the adoption of foreign gun control policies effectively reduce gun related crimes in the US?”
    2. I have initially begun my research in Google, as it can direct me to many credible sources. I searched for terms like “foreign gun control laws” and “firearm policies”. Each term was able to bring me more information about the central topic.
    3. I have used indexes and the table of contents on documentation that I have found in my research. Also, while Wikipedia may not be considered a credible source in itself, I found it to be a good tool to find credible sources as the references for information on each topic is listed at the bottom of the page. Though, I am careful to make sure the source is still credible before I use it.

  3. 1. The question that I am researching is: Does using popular culture texts in education really keep the classroom interesting?
    2. I mainly used the internet. Asking questions like the one I posted above and keyword searches like pop culture in the classroom and pop culture + education. I did not have to modify my search at all.
    3.I used the highlight for a few articles that I found and plan to us e some qoutes out of them. I also used the table of contents for the books that I looked through. They really helped me out alot.

  4. I am researching why marijuana should be legal. For starting the research I have used the internet. Some key words I searched were legalizing marijuana and the benefits of marijuana. I know I looked up more words but im unable to remember what they were. I definitely had to modify my search numerous times to find logical and professional research. Unfortunately I started my research before I learned these time saving techniques. All the techniques we went over in class are helpful and I will mostlikely use a majority of them. Two specific ones I think are going to work really well are the data base and using other works cited from the information. These techniques get right to the point with good reliable information. No more snooping around for hours trying to find even one good source.

  5. 1- Why do some states have the death plenty and why some don't ?
    2- Databases through myhistorylab And Google for the death plenty and states, to see which states had it which didn't & to see if there was a reason for the one who do and the ones who don't.
    3- Using the graphic highs to see how much of it has to do with my topic and introductions/ summary of the Database to know if its worth bothering looking at, if it had a lot to do with my topic.

  6. This is Katlyn Wilkie.

    1.) The research question that I have chosen for my research paper is what causes Global Warming and what can we do to help prevent it in the future?

    2.) I searched mostly off of the internet so far but today or on Thursday I went to the library and checked out a few books to use as resources. I didn’t really have to modify my search all that much but I googled in global warming and energy crisis along with climate change.

    3.)Even though I have only used internet sources so far without realizing that I was using the time saving technique that we discussed in class which actually helped. I used titles, topic sentences and looked all through the articles to see if I can find anything that would be useful to my topic. I specially used titles and topic sentences because they both caught my eye with information that is important to my topic.

  7. 1- What form of intelligence is best?
    2- I have started to look at my psych text book because the vocabulary is simple to understand and it also defines key words within the text and had a Glossary. I also Have started to look for sources on the database at school. I used Gardner's multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, and just looked up some information on intelligence.
    3- All the techniques we discussed in class seem to be working so far. The keyword search on the database is working the best so far.

  8. 1.) My research question is Do Fast Food restaurants play a key role in obesity?

    2.) I actually read this book last year for the heck of it titled "Chew on This" and it's about everything you don't want to know about fast food. so i got that because it does have a section on nutrition and relates to my topic. looking online for something will probably be fairly easy because of all those health sites opposed to fast food out there, and luckyily for me i am taking health and have a health book that also touches on the nutrition topic concerning fast food.

    3.) i used the table of contents and index in both the health book and the book i have from the library. and basically the title "Chew on This, Everything you Don't Want to Know About Fast Food" kind of helps.

  9. 1) My research question is How far can the media go when it comes to exposing children to violence, sex, profanity and drugs on TV?

    2) so far I have searched just the Internet. I used keywords like media, censorship, laws on media censorship, freedom of speech laws.

    30 so far I tried the databanks and that seems to be working the best. search taps works good too.

  10. 1) My research question is: Is it necessary to have tax payers to pay for sports stadiums?

    2) I have only used the internet so far for research and used key words like tax payers, sports stadiums, revenue of stadiums.

    3) Title and topic sentences are the best I think because you can pretty much know what the article, book, or website is about before you even read it.

  11. 1) My research question is. should we put firefighters on the roof of a bruning building to vent?

    2) So far I have only used a few internet sources to find some stuff like no and yes or things like percents of death and thing like that for key words

    3) I think that a topic sentences are the best thing because you get the jest of everything and you get key points and ideas even before you read it

  12. 1) My research guestion is should any one go with out health care in the U.S.A?
    2)I used Google and the keywords that i used was health care prombles in the U.S.A.
    3)I used Section titles and the introductions to help me find keypoints about what i was reading.

  13. 1. what could we do to try and prevent them from getting in the wrong peoples hands?
    2.The only place i have looked for information so far is the computer. At first i used longer phrases like "keeping guns out of the wrong hands" but then i had to shorten and modify them to phrases like"guns and criminals, illegal gun sales, and private gun dealers". After i modified my search terms i started to get some good articles.
    3.The two i used were Title and Topic sentences to save time. I used reading titles to see wether or not it had anything to do with my topic. I used topic sentences to see wether or not the article was focusing on the same topic as mine, or on the same track as mine. Using the topic sentence technique was a little harder for me to use because on some articles it was hard for me to get what they were trying to point out in their topic sentence, so i had to read the whole artical.

  14. 1. is human resource management becoming more important in the business world.
    2. I will use the OCC library along with a website organization that is dedicated to Human resource management. The main key words I used were human resource, management, reward management, training.
    3. Checking the index seriously saved me time along with using the references in books to find more sources.

  15. The research question I have chosen is “What negative affects does gambling have on senior citizens and college aged students?”

    All of my beginning research has been done online. I “googled” my questions from above in two different searches: one for seniors, one for college aged kids, and one containing both. All produced results and a good handful of them contained valid, useable sources. I also type in the word “gambling” on it’s own for results and found many links that could be used for research. Because gambling is such a hot topic, I didn’t have to do much modification with search terms.

    As I haven’t done any research yet in books or journals, I haven’t used these types of time saving techniques yet. In this coming week I plan to check out the library to find physical material for use in my research.

  16. Mike Osborne

    1) My research question is: Can solving the energy crisis subdue global warming?

    2)Based on my research question, I used the internet and the library data base to collect information. I used mainly the key words "global warming" and searched through the different articles to find ones relating to the energy crisis.

    3)The most time- saving technique I used from class was the topic sentence- skimming. Most of the articles that I looked at included a wide variety of details about global warming, but once they started talking about "energy" it was usually good information.

  17. Andrew Porter

    1. What are the positives to guns and gun knowledge? but I might changed it and do Is it really right and ok to eat animals?
    2. So far I've near used the internet but I haven't really done much hard reasearch yet because Im torn in the middle of two topic ideas.
    3. The most time- saving technique I used from class was the topic sentence skimmung technique, I also will read the last one or two sentences too.

  18. 1.) Why should MMA be sanctioned in New York State?
    2.)The internet has been my primary source of informatoin. I think that I can find some useful material in fight magazines and things of that nature. The chances of the library helping is not known yet because I have to try next week. My keys words for finding information has been mostly athletic sanctioning, when will NY sanction MMA, and how much MMA fights can earn for a fight card.
    3.) The technique I use the most in skimming. But, I also look for key words and the information that is more intelled into New York State specificaly.

  19. 1) The research question I have chosen is; what are the benefits that legalizing marijuana could have on the American economy and its citizens?

    2) I searched for sources primarily on the internet but I plan on finding books especially, Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? When searching on the internet, it is very simple to find what to look for my research question. I did not have to modify my search terms at all. Something as simple as, legalizing marijuana will bring up thousands of internet sources, with many legit professional sources.

    3) I was able to use time-saving techniques such as finding titles and reading the topic sentences of the sources. To find the books I wanted to look for, I went on to the internet and typed in marijuana, and then many different books related to my search came up. One specifically caught my eye because its title (above) was exactly one of my arguments I am using to persuade people. I then clicked on the book for details, and I found a section title on the page reading Synopsis and Biography. I then read further and come to find out, it says “This book provides the talking points and detailed information needed to make persuasive arguments to friends, family, coworkers, and elected officials.” This is exactly what I am writing about so I figure I’ll give it a shot. Also, under the biography title, it explains the author is a graduate of Tufts University and Boston College Law School and is the Director of State Campaigns for Marijuana Policy Project, and so on. Also, for the internet sources I have already found, I do the same exact process, I type in the search, check for titles, and then read their topic sentences to see if it is information I am looking for.

  20. 1. My research question is: “what you need to know about recycling that the government doesn’t tell you?”
    2. I research the internet with key words like the “disadvantage in recycling”, “what is wrong with recycling”, etc.. I also find a great video based on the negativity of recycling. And also find books about materialism that covered the negative points of recycling (all of them did mention the governmental impact facing recycling).
    3. I used the index when reading the book, limited my key words during the online research and also used synonyms to open up my options. I have yet to find actual scientific research on the subject. It seems to be difficult to find accurate and believable numbers (percentage of waste, recycle content, tax, etc…)

  21. 1. Why is the drinking age different from the other state ages?

    2. i used the internet so far on sources, i used key words such as drinking, drinking age etc. No not really.

    3. I used highlighters to highlight key terms i want to use in my research paper, and also using indexes i find helpful because i can flip through them to what i want to know about the ages

  22. 1) My research question is: Should marijuana be legalized?

    2) I mostly used internet sources to find information for my research topic. I used common search terms such as: legalizing marijuana and marijuana laws. I didn't have to modify my search at all. When I entered either one of those searches, thousands of links came up about the topic. Many were legit sites and of course there were the many personal opinions.

    3) Yes I was able to use the time saving techniques we talked about in class. For the most part I used data bases and some others work cited. Data bases helped me find articles about my topic. There were many different topics from many views. Using these articles should give me plenty of information. They provided direct information for my topic.

  23. u think that children are educated enough on sexual education.?

    2.several books in the library, internet links an . terms Iv searched are teens and sex and sexual education for young adults

    3.yes,I used the table of contents in books iv read and Google on the internet

  24. 1) My research question is, should Cannabis be re-legalized for it benefits in medicine, industry, and the economy.

    2) Some keywords I will search for are Cannabis as Medicine, Cannabis as BIofuel, and Cannabis in the economy. i had to modify the terms to "Hemp" instead of Cannabis.

    3)Titles and section titles helped me pin-point the articles that would help my research not impede it.

  25. My thesis question is Should there be a law to control guns? Based on my research question i mostly used the internet becuase there were alot of different and intersting resources. There were 2 books that i used but they were not that helpful. And i will use the techinques that we talked about in class.

  26. 1. The Research Question that i have choose for the my paper is Should sports stadiums be built with both public funding and tax money?

    2. Based on my research quistion i went to the Library,Internets and read sports magazines to get possible sources for the topic.

    3.I think Titles and topic were very useful because it helped me found accurates informations when im doing my research.
