Monday, March 1, 2010

OCC Week 6: Revising the Draft

This week, we discussed the purposes and strategies for revising. We said that revision is "seeing the ideas again in order to improve ideas and correct mistakes". It is where we shift thoughts around, add or remove ideas, tighten the unity of our paper, and ensure that our ideas are in the best form.

Remember, revising is the third stage of our writing process. In terms of the total time spent on a writing project, it should make up 50%-60% of the efforts.

As a part of our revision process for this paper, we participated in a peer review. We said that a peer review can be beneficial in many ways. Here is your chance to reflect on how our peer review can help or has helped you revise your draft.

Please respond to the following questions in your comment:

  1. How have you revised in the past? Did you spend 50% of your time on this process?
  2. Name and explain two strengths that the peer review revealed about your paper.
  3. Name and explain two things that the peer review exposed about your paper that needed improvement.
  4. Other than peer review, what revision technique(s) will you use for this paper or in the future?


  1. Mike Osborne

    I have revised in the past, but it was never for more than 5% of the total time on the paper. Revising has always been one of the steps that I get lazy with. Now I see why my papers were never very good, because the other thing that I got lazy with was prewriting.

    Two strengths that the peer review revealed about my paper were a good topic sentence, and a good conclusion. With this information, I can now go to my notes and using my conclusion, check my intro. Also, using my first good topic sentence, I can check the other two.

    Two areas needing improvement that were revealed through the peer review are the overall organization, and scarce details. I think, based on the feedback, that I can use better transitions to improve the organization. To improve my use of details in the paper, I think that I can just include more in logical locations and make the paper more clear and precise.

    Other than peer review, I will use the "circle the details/ transitions" technique to improve my paper. This will work great, I think, because those are my two main problems.

  2. By, George Brauchle

    Well as I was going through high school I found that I only spent about 20% of my time revising my papers for class. I have found however the importance of what and how revising is very helpful. I give now on the paper that we have started about 65% of my time revising it. In my paper I found that my intro paragraph and my body paragraphs were well organized. I would not have known that if it was not foe the peer review. Two things that my peer review found that I had to work on were give some more examples, and also stick to one topic in the third paragraph I my paper. I will use the inside out method because I really understand that it is way easier to do then what I was using and I will also use the circle method as well because that is what I need the most help with.

  3. I did revise in the past but most defiantly not 50%, maybe around 10. It did take up a lot of time and I never really worked with it.
    Two strengths- I got to see where I was actually missing details and how I lacking topic sentences.
    I like the circle the details and transition one because it helps to we what I’m lacking. I don’t understand the scissor one, not at all. I don’t understand how that would help anyone.

  4. 1. I don't think I've ever spent 50% of my time revising a paper unless it was a major paper. I think I spent about 30% of my time on revising. I am one of those people who waits till the last few days to get started on a paper. mostly because I'm a full time student on top of working full time so my balancing skills are not so great at times.

    2.Two strengths found during peer review are my use of quotes. And my organizational skills.

    3. I need to improve on unity because sometimes I run off on a tangent. I also need to work on putting more details into my essay.

    4. I think I like the put away another day method. If I start my papers earlier then I will have ample time to revise.

  5. emily buss

    1. i never spent a lot of time revising my work. i normally just kind of re-read it to make sure it made sense and was good enough by my standards.

    2. both of the peer reviewers i had said i had a lot of details, so i guess that was a strength, and one of them said i had a really nice opening sentence because it grabbed the readers attention.

    3. well they both agreed that my conclusion was really short (yeah i was aware it was only a sentence lrong, but when i was writing the first draft, by that point i was so bored with writing it i just had to walk away from it.) i fixed it for the final draft obviously.

    4. i think i like the put away method where you just kind of quit when you got nothing left and start again later. i like cutting up things that need to be done so it doesn't seem like so much and i get drained.

  6. My main revising technique would be reading aloud. When I read aloud I can actually hear what the words sound like together. I have never spent 50 percent of my time on revising. When I heard you were suppose to do that I was very surprised. I didnt get a chance to do the peer review in class but when I am finished with my essay I am going to have someone look over it. What I learned with psnow was the techniques Poe uses to convince us. He gave me a better understanding of the story. For the future i think putting away for another day would work nicley. Going over my paper with a "fresh" pair of eyes would do some good.

  7. 1. I usually only revise and check my spelling and the flow of the paper.
    2. I had good details such as the quotes I used to support my topic sentence. I also chose really good symbols to show why the narrator is insane.
    3. I didn't cite the short story so I guess that was a problem. My intro and my conclusion really needed to be stronger.
    4. I seriously think that taking a day off from the paper will be the best method for me. it will let me space my work out so I dont have to do as much. it will also refresh my mind and eyes.

  8. I never really did any revising on my papers expect for just checking spelling and grammar. I know I didn’t spend 50 percent of my time revising though.

    My peer reviewer said I had good connection of my symbols and there meaning as well as good intro and conclusion.

    Two things my peer reviewer said that might need some improvement are how my thesis could be a little more concise. Also one of my topic sentences did not connect to the thesis so he suggested changing it a little.

    In the future I will probably use the "put a way another day" method of revision.

  9. I have always used the revision technique on my papers in the past. I will often end up moving paragraphs here or there and add other thoughts or ideas that have occur to me along the way. They are often written in as side notes and then I put them into the appreciate place in the paper.

    The peer review helped me see that my opening statement was soft and that I might expand a little more on some of the symbols that I used. I also had forgotten to use the page number markings for my quotations.

    My strengths were in my opening paragraph and conclusion.

    In the future I will pay more attention to my opening statement or hypothesis.

  10. In the past I read over my essay's and had people revise them. I didn't spend any where near 50% of my time on it. I read it over made sure everything was spelt right, had someone else read it corrected what they wrote and I was done with it. Two strengths about my paper from the peer review is that i put good details in my paragraphs and that i pull my essay together well. Two things that coud be improved on my paper are working on my topic sentences, and also using a little more details when i quote another essay. Other than peer review i will use skills that i learn in this class to look over my paper several times and try differeent methods to make my paper better. I will try thinking of two different ways to write my paper and different ways to explain the point i am trying to make.
    Brandon Desrosiers

  11. I never really used revising that much in the past. It was more to check over spelling, grammar and punctuation. It was not even close to 50% of my time spent, more like 10%.
    The peer review showed me that my paper has a good amount of details, and that with these details it makes a good connection with my quotes explaining the thesis.
    The peer review showed me that I tend to write long run on sentences and that I need to improve on sentence structure.
    In the future I need to pay attention to sentence structure.

  12. (1)I the past I haven't spend alot of time revising my work I usally just look
    over it for grammar errors ad se if the sentences are to long I would take I
    spend about 20% on that and then I hand it in .I think Thad something I need to
    work on that and have other people read my work .bur that's one of my problems
    as you stated on class you dot want your classmates to think your slow or less
    of you as a person .

    (2) The two strengths of peer reveiw is that the person helps the writer with
    the mistakes in there paper and the reader who is reading and correcting the
    paper now know what try should look for in their paper so they don't make tha t
    same mistake .

    (3) Well to be honest I didn't have my paper in the class but some of the
    feedback I think I would have got is add more details and explain in more detail
    to the reader.

    (4) I don't think I know any other method they having someone read it and give
    you some input

  13. 1: In the past I never spent as much as 50% of the time on my final draft of my paper. I usually spent most of my efforts on the rough draft and when I re-type my final paper, I just look for grammar, spelling and sentence errors.

    2. 2 strengths that the peer review exposed about my paper were 1: I had a lot of specific details and 2. I didn't have many spelling errors.

    3.2 things that the peer review exposed that needed improvement was 1. my peer pointed out that the main character in the story The Tell Tale Heart was not named Poe and in fact the author of the story name was Poe. 2. My peer also pointed out main ideas in the paragraph and advised maybe I should make them into two paragraphs.

    4. In the future I will take more time on my final paper and less time on my rough draft. I learned to not put so much into my rough draft because that will then take more pressure off myself in the end.

  14. Yes i did revised in the past but never 50% of my time on a paper unless it is very important and i probably procratinate at the last min. My strenghts that was in my peer writing i had less sentence structure and i had less coordintion in my writing.What i need to improve on my writing is proof reading staying on a topic and not being everywhere on the page. Next time on my paper i will use will be starting a fact/ and tell a story.

  15. I have always revised my papers in the past, but never spent much time with it. When I revise my papers, I usually spend about less than 10% of my writing time on this step. I almost always have made my first draft as close to the final product as I possibly can. This new writing process that completely emphasizes on prewriting and revising is the exact opposite way I have written in the past. When I revise though, I usually feel I only have to sharpen sentences and words in my paper because I take so long writing my draft.

    I was absent on the day we had other classmates peer review our papers. But, when I learn something new like this writing process, I always like having someone else read over my paper so I know what someone else thinks of it. Therefore, I asked my girlfriend and roommate to review my paper over. They both agreed that it was well organized and contained specific details. I first explained how the narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” emotions proved he was not sane, and then I supported my explanation with specific examples. Next, I explained how the narrator’s actions proved he was insane, and then followed with specific details.

    Although their peer reviewing revealed some strong points in my paper, it also exposed some weak points that need improvement. They both agreed that I could add more details explaining my point. They said that although I did have good specific details, there are more details that show that the narrator is not sane, that could improve my paper. They also said that my paper wasn’t very interesting. They agreed that I could use better words, and rewrite some sentences to really convince the reader that the narrator is not sane.

    Peer review is only one revision technique I will use for this paper or in the future. I will also use the FACT approach. The FACT approach is a way to individually strengthen each paragraphs structure and development. I find it very useful and will most likely use it in the future too.

  16. Yes, I have revised briefly in the past. I never spent to much time with revising, I always thought it was kind of a waste of time.

    I thought peer review was a good activity to do in class. It helped both my self and the other students paper I was reviewing. He gave me some ideas that i use for my essay and how to better it. And I also helped him with his paper in similar ways. I think that peer editing is good to do because it helps both of the writers. It gives them ideas that they would never think of them selves. Also peer review could be inspirational in the sense that positive criticism drives the writer to do better and writer better work.

    Other than peer revision I will most likely revise the paper my self, more than once to hopefully find and fix anything that shouldn't be in it.

  17. -I never really revised my papers, I always had somebody else do it for me, that way I never left something out. And even when I tired it seem to be even more messed up then the first time. I couldn't tell you how much time, they spent on it.
    -I couldn't really tell you when it was read out loud it just made it easier to know where and what I meant to stay but didn't. Ha and plus my spelling.
    -I probably should work on putting my paragraphs together better and work on my spelling a bit.
    -I think in the over view for future papers, I probably should group things first then write my bodies, followed by the rest of the paper.

  18. I have revised some in the past but I didn't spend 50% of my time doing it. The peer review showed that I had strength with organization and how I got to the point.The peer review exposed how i needed to cite more, and I needed to do spelling corrections. In the future I would prefer to use the post-draft outline.

  19. I have not revised really at all in the past because I have a serious problem called procrastination. But I will in the future. I was not able to make the class on Peer revision because I had the stomache bug :( Other techniques I did use was I had other people in my family such as my cousins read over and review my paper.

  20. 1.) Maybe, I really don’t think the way I did was quite “revising” but I would read over it and look for miss spelled words and/or run on sentences because I have a bad habit like I said before of just getting straight to the point. No this time I might spend 5-10% on doing my some what of revising. Most of my time I put a lot of thought into the deep down thoughts and messages of my papers and just sit down and start writing.
    2&3.) Two strengths are I know what I’m looking for now when I do peer review. I used to think peer reviewing was pointless stupid and a waste of time. Why would I have another peer read my essay to fix it when the teacher is the one who’s grading it? I hated it. Now that I have been exposed to unity development structure spelling and grammar steps I feel it will be much easier for me. I think setting my mind to one thing like demonstrated in class makes me not so “scared” we can say about peer review.
    3&4.) This peer review process has exposed me to not only having a single mind when I review papers but made me think more about the way I do write papers should be changed so when peer reviewing comes around it will be easier. The structure/ steps are what I should be looking at to hit main goals when writing an essay not what I am doing. The unity is really the heart of an essay and that is one main thing I struggle with is keeping everything together in one topic with one paragraph. This did open my mind and eyes to a better way to construct my papers that seem easier.

  21. When I have revised in the past it was just a quick skim to make sure it all made sense and looked good. I never ever have taken a lot of time to revise never really thought that it was all that important and got lazy just wanted to be done with a paper. Two strengths of peer review are that I had good intros and good conclusions. They also said that my paper was great over all and that I used good supporting details. Two things that peer review reveled in my paper that need improvement was I needed to use different wording instead of using the same word over and over throughout my paper. Another is that I need to change a few things to make it clearer. In the future I will use the inside-out method along with the circle the detail method. I might also use the put away method if I start a paper early enough.

  22. Kevin Corbin

    1) In the past I would never revise my work. The most I would do would be just to read it over and look for spelling mistakes.

    2) Peer revising helped a lot, my partners helped me organize my paper better. Also gave me great ideas to make my paper better.

    3) one thing that was clear to me is that rush throw my papers and it comes out sloppy.

    4) On papers in the future i will defiantly try to get some peer revising, if not i will go through better and look at my work more closely.

  23. 1. Once my essay was done, I would often reread it about 3 times in order to correct minor errors like missing words, punctuation, and spelling. I would then give it to my mother to she can read it herself and give me an outside perspective on what I did. I didn’t spend 50% of my time on revision. It probably took me 10 to 20 % depending on how big the paper was.

    2. I believe my organization moved logically and that my sentences and paragraph were clearly structured.

    3. With the peer review I was able to better my development, with the essay I wrote, I was missing direct examples to connect to my arguments. And I believe I was able to unified my paper properly after the peer review was over.

    4. I really like it when my mother would read the essay and maybe point out things she wouldn’t understand, which mean as the writer I had to make it clearer. If time allows it I would probably use the “put away another day” method as well on top of the peer review and the read out laud.

  24. 1. Yes I have revised before and before this class I did not spend 50% of my time revising, I probably used about 10 to 15 % of my time.
    2. Two things that my peer reviewer had to say about me that was positive was that my conclusion was excellent and that I had good organization on my paper.
    3. Two things that my peer reviewer had to say about me that was negative was that I could expand more on the main chrcters life and that I should switih two paragraphs around becasue one seems like it should go where the otehr one is then let that paragraph flow into the next.
    4. I will slowly proofread over my work myslef next time.

  25. 1. I would always revise my rough drafts for final copies, but i would never spend 50% of the time to revise the paper.

    2. Two strengths the peer reviewed revealed to me was how i worded what was in the paper it came off strong. Another thing was they liked how i used a good conclusion.

    3. The peer review exposed that i repeated myself in a paragraph trying to explain why the narrator was irrational. another thing was i started to go into the same main idea in two of my paragraphs.

    4. A technique i thought was useful was put it away for another day, doing this i saw my mistakes a few days later and saw if i needed to make any revisments in the essay.

  26. 1.honestly the chances of me reviewing the correct way is slim to none. Normally I just check to see if it sounds good, answer the questions in a mature manner and have correct spelling and grammar.

    2.I didn’t get a chance to peer review on this paper because I never got the chance to write it but in past papers my strengths has been opening up with strong introductions and spelling(thanks to spell check)

    3.two things that have been revealed to me in my writing is that I need to work on run on sentences

    4.I would have to say taking my time to work on it and not cramming the night before

  27. Mustapha said

    1.I would always revise my paper before giving it to any of my profossors. but the i the point is i would not spend half of my time revising one paper.

    2.Peer review helped a lot, before coming to college one of my teacher shows me how to put my ideas in order and how to make them sound good when someone read them.

    3.Two things that any off my professor would say while peer revising my paper, would probably be something like a good organization and nice transition words.

    4.A technique i thought was useful was reading my paper allow to myself before giving it to anyone.

  28. 1) I didn't do much revising in the past at all, if any. When I did revise I would literally skim it and add maybe two sentences and call it a day.

    2) Two strengths my paper revealed were unity and sentence level skills.

    3) I needed improvement on my development, and also a little organization improvement helped my paper.

    4) Other than peer review I will read my paper aloud to help with syntax errors, and also I will circle the details and transitions.
