A key factor in locating sources is using time efficiently. Once again, utilizing a method becomes vital to succeeding at this goal. Having a method to use each time we write provides a roadmap for more efficient and effective experiences. As we use the method, we can revise our steps and tinker as needed without having to "reinvent the wheel" for each new writing assignment. This method should cut down the time we need to spend researching because we won't waste time closely reading materials that won't help us directly answer our research question.
With this in mind, answer the following in your comment this blog:
- What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
- Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
- Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.
1. The research question i have chosen for my paper is, What evidence is there to support the idea of global warming and the effects it may have on earth?
ReplyDelete2. As of right now most of the information i have obtained has come for the internet, specfically google. Key words i have used include global warming facts, myths, effects, and causes. Each is filled with tons of information and opinions from authors all around the world.
3. The time saving technique i have used up till this point is breaking down my topic into subtopics and doing individual searches on each. This has allowed me to find information on certain parts of my topic more quickly and in more detail.
This is Alison Slater. My research question I have chosen for my response paper is: How is Global Warming affecting human’s health, the planet and the future of everything that exists? I used the library’s database to research for my topic and question, I’m still in the process of looking for information. I used Global Warming in general to search for my answers to my question. I also used human’s health and global warming, the planet and global warming to search for answers to my research question. Yes I was able to use some of the time-saving techniques we used in class to research. Topic sentences helped me see if the information was useful and the indexes helped me narrow my research.
ReplyDelete1. What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
ReplyDelete*Should the drinking age be lowered to 18 years of age?
2. Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
* I searched on the Internet persuasive topics and that's how I came out with that topic on google. I didn't have to modify my search terms at all.
3. Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.
* I haven't really come to that point yet all the information I have obtained so far is from Google.I am looking on reliable source but I'm also looking on peoples options because my topic is more of a matter of Option.
1. The research question that I chose was “ Cell phone use while driving does cause accidents due to being distracted while either texting or talking?”
ReplyDelete2. I went to the internet for my information and typed in “Controversies regarding using cell phones and driving”. I did not have to modify my search, because what I typed in gave my a lot of information.
3.I was able to use the two of the techniques that we learned in class . First one was section titles - using this method helped me to find information on the different subject that I wanted to answer my thesis question it was quick and saved me time. Second graphic highlighting provided me only with the information that I needed to gather instead of going through page after page .
1. My research question will be "Is gun control really the answer to reducing crime in America?"
ReplyDelete2. So far I have researched crime in the last 20 years to see if there has been a decline because of stricter gun laws. I have also looked into a State by State comparison to see what has changed.
3.So far I have used topic sentences to create more ideas and make more sentences out of them. It seems to help me generate more ideas which gives me more to search with. I tried using titles and tables of contents but didn't have much success. Maybe I was doing it incorrectly, im not sure.
My research question is: Is Jesus the human representation of God, or just another prophet?
ReplyDeleteI searched the bible and professional articles. It was a little hard to find anything at first but then I used keywords such as: Jesus Son of God, Son of Man, Jesus the prophet, Jesus refuse “Son of God” ect. I found plenty of articles on the subject.
I used abstracts and introductions to save time. Abstracts gave me an idea of what side the article was on and what it composed of. In the first few sentences I was able to tell what the author’s opinion was.
1. My research question is: Should the government make gun control laws more strict?
ReplyDelete2. For my sources I searched in the CCC online database to find what I was looking for.I typed in Gun Control and tons of different sources popped up filled with information that I was looking for. I did not have to modify my search terms at all.
3. I used the titles and topic sentencing to find the information I was looking for. It helped out a lot.
1. The research question that I have chosen for my research paper was, why should people be allowed to have guns anyways?
ReplyDelete2. For my research question I searched for possible sources in the CCC library web site that you should us in class. The keywords that I used to searched was just gun control. I didn't have to modfy my search terms.
3. The two time - saving techniques that I used was abstracts and topic sentences. Abstracts saved me time by be able to read a little blurb instead of the whole story when it is not what I am looking for. Topic sentences also helped me with my search because if it did not pertain to my topic I didn't bother reading it but normally I would and waste time.
1)What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
ReplyDeleteHow do firearms get into the wrong hands?
2)Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
I used the college library and had some help looking up different sources.I also have been using the internet.Some key words I used where, gun laws, gun control, crime rate etc....
3)Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.
a)I looked at a few books and looked at the contents to see if had any useful information I could use.b)and when looking at different web-sites I would just read topic sentences,if it didn't sound like anything I could find information on I would just skip and go to the next.
1. What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
ReplyDeleteMy research question I have chose for my response paper is: Does cell phone use and driving have a direct effect on automobile accidents. Have they increased over the past few years?
2. Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
I used the library’s database to research my topic and still currently researching. I used cell phone use and driving statistics. Yes I modified my searches to get more sources better results.
3. Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you
I think all of these time saving techniques work great. Two examples I used were searching looking for titles, section titles, topic sentences that best helped me get information regarding my topic. I also narrowed my searches to get better sources on my topic to create a thesis. They really help me save time.
The topic I have chosen for my research paper is cell phone use and driving.
ReplyDeleteI used the internet; Newspaper archives and google. I had no problem finding resources. I did not have to modify my search terms.
It helped knowing exactly what to look for. Knowing what facts I needed to support my research topic. I used webbing to get my ideas together. It all helped me save time and alot of energy. I had time to enjoy my vacation!
My research topic is global warming. I started looking for scources for this topic online so that I would know diffeferent variable titles to find books and other scources under. I searched under the global warming but kind of modified it to find what I was looking for which are facts that proove my theory to be right about the earth and it's own normal ecological changes. The time saving technique that really helped me was the sub section titles and looking for good topic sentences that fit my thesis. It really cuts time in half and helps you get specific ideas for your paper.
ReplyDelete1. What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
ReplyDeleteThe research question that I chose for my response paper is: Should cell phones be banned from being used in vehicles while driving at all times?
2. Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
I searched for information through the Cayuga College’s library database. The key words that I used was cell phone driving. No I did not have to modify my search terms.
3. Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.
Section titles and titles helped me to better find the information that I need for my paper. Titles are right to the point and section titles help me to scan for the information a lot quicker. This enables me to quickly find the needed information I am looking for and these techniques made it easier for me to see where things are located on the paper.
The research question that I have chosen for my response paper is Global Warming/ Energy crisis. When I did my research, I had first went to a news channel to see if they had any information about Global warming. The New York Times specifically. Then I had went on to Google to see if I could find any information there about Global warming. Which I did, and one that had excellent information. I mainly just put in key words like articles about Global warming or arguments about Global warming. So I kind of just played around with different words until I found a page that gave me good information. When you use things like the news they always have things about weather problems specifically Global warming or Energy crisis. So even though it had taken me a bit of time a bit of time to find so information it was pretty easy to locate.
ReplyDeleteMy research question is who do great high school basketball player have to go attend college for atleast a year now before entering the NBA draft?..The place will im going to conduct my research are the CCC library, internet, ESPN.com, NBA.com, a few NBA books and asking a few college players I know. The time saving things were doing is class i think really helps me prepare for papers that we are doing. It helps me not be in a rush to get things done at the last minute. I can just check all my ideas and notes and put them together and write a great paper. Two things that helped in class were having good topic sentences and making a list of ideas. It helped by not killing my brain and being worried about generating ideas, whenever i think of something that has to do with my research question i can just jot it down!
ReplyDeleteThe research question I asked is How does media censorship effect it's audience based on tactics they use to convey their message?
ReplyDeleteI used the school's databases to find my sources. I used a few variations of media, censorship, propaganda, and violence for my keywords while searching.
I looked at titles, and paragraph topics to isolate the ideas that my sources were writing about.
The research question I have chosen for my paper is "Is there a need for healthcare reform in this country, and why?"
ReplyDeleteI searched for my topic online at the CCC library site. The keywords that I used were American healthcare reform. I did not have to change the keywords at all. I found every thing I needed.
Two of the time saving techniques I used were the Table of Contents, and the Index. The reason that both of these techniques were helpful were because, they both helped me narrow the information from a large book into less information, making it easier to determine if the book was a viable source.
The research question that I have chosen is "Would sex education in public schools reduce teen pregnancy?".
ReplyDeleteIn researching this question, I used the Cayuga Community College Library Research Database. I searched for sex education and teen pregnancy.
To save time, I refered to the citations on articles to come up with other sources. When searching through books, I found the index and table of contents to be helpul as well. By using these techniques, I was able to quickly identify whether the content of the texts and essays supported both viewpoints surrounding my research question
Tanya Dominguez
ReplyDelete1. The research question that I have chosen is " How do guns play a positive role in keeping us safe in our homes and around our society?"
2. For help researching this question I went to the library in OCC and I went to the library websites to find books that will help me answer my research question. I searched for gun control and I didn't need to enter other words in the key term boxes. I found a lot of books with those terms and I'm pretty sure I found answers for my question.
3. I was able to use the time-saving techniques really good. I have always been good at spotting good source in a book and not read all the chapter or book. I looked in the table of contents and made sure the title fit the type of book I want my research question to answer. I also looked at the title of the chapters and made sure that's what I wanted to be reading and the right topic for my question.
The research question I have chosen for my paper why are more accidents caused while talking on cell phones while driving. I have been looking online for sources, and have come across some reliable articles. I used keywords such as talking while driving, cell phone danger ect. I have not done much research besides searching online for articles, so I cannot say that I have used the time-saving techniques discussed in class. I imagine I will use graphic highlighting while doing research as well as section titles.
ReplyDelete1. The research question i have chosen for my paper is, should cell phones usage be banned while driving?
ReplyDelete2. As of right now most of the information i have obtained has come for the internet, specifically Google. Key words i have used were cell phones while driving, cell phone controversy, and cell phones. Each is filled with tons of information.
3. The time saving technique i have used up till this point is breaking down my topic into subtopics and finding one research topic. This has allowed me to know exactly what i need to look up to develop my paper more.
1. The research question I have chosen for my research paper is "Should the United States Government fund efforts to fight global warning?"
ReplyDelete2. Based on my research question I have searched the internet and library database for sources. I used key words such as "global warming united states" "global warming government efforts" "effects of global warming" etc.
3. I did use the time saving techniques learned in class. Techniques that I have used were reading the title, reading the introduction, and reading topic sentences. If the information seemed to fit my question I then went back an read the article more carefully. The time saving techniques help by giving you a quick understanding of what the article is about. I can usually tell if the article will relate to my research question by evaluating the title and reading the introduction.
1.Should the right to bear arms be a federal right or must the states grant the right to bear arms?
ReplyDelete2.I used Google and found many news article and other accounts.Keywords: gun control, gun control federal or state. I did not really have a hard time with keywords.
3.I skimmed titles to sort out possible related topic. Also the first paragraph helped me figure out its usefulness. These helped me sort through the many articles online.
1. Taxpayers and sports stadium construction
ReplyDelete2. I used various websites and data bases. I did modify my searches to find proper examples.
3. I have not used those techniques yet I will use them soon.
1. The research question that I have chosen for my response paper is: Is it safe to be on your phone while driving?
ReplyDelete2. I first searched for possible sources at google and bing. And then I went ahead and used the school’s online library reference sources. I used the keywords “phones” and “driving”. I did have to modify my search terms to get the results that I wanted.
3. I was able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class. I used the titles, table of contents and indexes. They helped narrow down the search results and helped save a lot of time.
1. the research question i chose was, are athletes good role models
ReplyDelete2. i searched through google and various sports magazines to look for new things that might have happened and old ones.
3. i have used both the sections titles and graphic highlighting, both have helped save time and pick out the important parts that i can use
1. my research question for the paper is, how syracuse will benefit from tearing down the most.
ReplyDelete2. i plan on interviewing someone from "the most", and citing specific examples from where its been done before.
3. I haven't really used any techniques for my paper yet, and for my paper there isnt really any need for time saving technique.
1. The research question I have chosen for my response paper is what are the current gun control policies and are they enough (adequate).
ReplyDelete2. When looking for research I went to the library and used the search engine. I typed in gun control and I was given a number of different books a could use. When using the reference books I looked at school shootings to serve as an outcome of poor gun control. I also looked at possible solutions to the problem and the two different views on gun control. For example the RNA’s views as a pose to students parents or more liberal views. I also looked at both the democratic and republican views and found some similarities. I used some terms I found in the text to further my research. I was not aware of the term Saturday night special, but now that I have looked it up I have changed a few of my own views on gun control.
3. I used titles such as gun control and Saturday night specials and I also used the table of contents to find information on the political parties views and suggested solutions. The titles helped me look up Saturday night special and further my understanding of the term. In doing so it opened up some new ideas and a better understand of the purposed solutions to the problem. These methods saved me time; the books I had used were large and full of a lot of information. When using titles it helped me narrow, my search and using an index also helped narrow the amount of pages I was given to read.
Jdayne Noel
ReplyDeleteI don't really have a research question because nothing we had to pick out really interested me i would like to do something on like modeling or like the fashion industry .But the one I chose Media Censorship well with finding information on the research topic .I need a little help with the topic like understanding what I should be looking up .The keywords I would look up when looking for information on this topic would be media censorship
cell phone and driving
ReplyDeleteGoogle. the keywords i use was cell phone and driving. no
i use the highlights. i use the main points like the thesis and it help me so much.
1. My research question is Should abortion be illegal?
ReplyDelete2. i search for possible answers on the colleges website under search for articles.
3. i used some time saving techniques like ready the titles and the abstracts before ready the whole thing.
-The research question I have chosen is should the government help fund pregnant teen? And do sex education help prevent teen pregnancies?
ReplyDelete_Most of my research came from the internet. Google was my main source. I used key words like teen pregnancies, government funding teen pregnancies, sex education, and etc Yes I did have to modify my search because a lot of times the information didn’t have to do with my research question.
_The topic sentence gave me more ideas and more to research. Section titles helped me find the information I need.
1. Do we have a century left here on earth?
ReplyDelete2.I went to the library and looked up globalwarming, climate control and energy crisis. Fairly easy to find in the reference area in the library with the data base.
3. I used the Titles of the books and the table of contents to find what i was looking for. Then i read the information, and highlighted what i could use in my paper.
my thesis is healthcare reform is a must because of the amount of americans who need it and also because of the burden that tax payers will face without it in the future.
ReplyDeletemy research queation was why health care reform is so important to all tax payers?
based on my research queation i searched the internet on the healthcare reform and watching t.v the cnn news with the updates.the topic was so universal that it many sources and key words i used wastyhe efeect it would have,the burden with out it and the cause.
highlighting and useing topic sentences helped me to organize and choose information that was important from my sources.
my research question is can underage drinking be slowed down?
ReplyDeleteI used google to find cites with good info to use for my paper.
i looked for major points in an article and either used the quote or used small facts out of the article to enhance my own paper.
1. my research question was, should the use of athletes as role models be frowned upon?
ReplyDelete2. i used the internet and articles in magazines. online i search for athletes as role models and was given articles discussing exactly what i was looking for.
3.i looked through for the titles about what trouble athletes were getting into. i used table of contents also to help things go by quicker finding info about the topic.