Tuesday, November 17, 2009

B&S Week 10: Reflecting on the Research Paper

By now, you have probably figured out that a vital part of learning is reflecting on what you have done and where you have been. This "thinking about your thinking" creates opportunities to test out your thinking and your methods to see what worked and what needs improving.

As you wrap up writing the research paper, it's a perfect time to reflect on the process and consider what worked well for you and what you would like to improve or revise in your writing process next time you write a research project.

In your comment, please respond to the following:
  1. What skills or techniques (annotation, time-saving researching techniques, using researching tools such as databases or the Internet) helped you research your topic and/or write your paper? How do you know these skills or techniques helped your project be more successful?
  2. What would you like to improve about your process for writing a research paper? Would you revise anything about the process?
  3. What did you learn about your topic as a result of this process? What did you learn about researching/writing as a part of completing this project?


  1. I typed in my research topic and a bunch of sources came up that were very informing. After doing this i was able to look and pick a reliable source that had lots of information in it. I would have liked to had found more recent sources than what i did. I learned that there has been many different court cases that relate to my topic and the issues its created.

  2. I used many techniques to write my paper. I looked for the key words in articles. I made sure that I had credible sources by looking into my sources furture. I learned about the new ways teachers are teaching as a result of this paper. It also made me think back to the way I learned in school when I was younger and about the way my children are tought now. I think I still have much to learn regarding research and writing a research paper. It was very difficult for me to write this paper. It was some what easier when I had the information in front of me. Another thing that I found difficult was actually finding wht I need for the actual research.

  3. when i started to think about the papaer i thought it would be a breeze. Then I got into finding the information on the internet which is a really great source of information, but also didn't do all the research i should have on the topic I chose. Yes i think the paper came out good but also feel that if i put more time in research and more time in organizing the paper, the final project would have came out a lot better than it did. on completing this project i found more and more research was needed for the topic question. the question was should taxpayers be expected to pay for new stadiums. If i did the research in the beginning i feel i could of save me some time and lots of headaches.

  4. 1.)I use the time saving stuff a lot because it cuts so much stress out of the project and it really keeps me on point so I dont go off topic or run on about things that can cost me some points in the paper.
    2.)I would like to improve the whole drafting project because I dont just do two drafts, I end up with like four in the end because I really have to cut down what I write a few times because I have a tendancy to over speak about things or throw too much at the reader, I want to be able to do it in two drafts but it is not easy for me, running on about things is a big problem for me, I dont want to overwelm the reader but enlighten them and keep them interested.
    3.)I learned that the best thing to do before you start researching is make a list of things that you want to know more about so you dont waste time looking at things that wont help you in the end, it keeps you focuesed and saves you time...and im all about saving time!
