Tuesday, November 3, 2009

B&S Week 8: Locating Sources

This week, we focused on strategies for effective research. We discussed the importance of research questions in guiding our work. We also laid out the five steps for writing a research paper: prewriting, locating sources, evaluating sources, inside-out drafting, and revising.

A key factor in locating sources is using time efficiently. Once again, utilizing a method becomes vital to succeeding at this goal. Having a method to use each time we write provides a roadmap for more efficient and effective experiences. As we use the method, we can revise our steps and tinker as needed without having to "reinvent the wheel" for each new writing assignment. This method should cut down the time we need to spend researching because we won't waste time closely reading materials that won't help us directly answer our research question.

With this in mind, answer the following in your comment this blog:
  1. What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
  2. Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
  3. Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.


  1. 1)The research topic I have chosen is about if tax payers should be expected to pay for new stadiums for professional teams. Why or why not?
    2)I have researched so far a site that’s called Stadium discussion points, and a site called Public Funding of Professional Sports Stadiums. The key words I chose to do my search was tax payers pay, pro sports teams, stadiums, and laws on paying. I had to modify my chose once or twice because I started to just ask the database a question, but it ended up revising and taking key words to put a series of links to chose from.
    3)Yes I was able to use some techniques. Titles were a big time-saving technique. Instead of just looking for the hole detail the title helps out by giving you a main point that the article, journal, or database is on. Another time-saving technique I used was to look in the table of contents of the site I was looking at. Table of contents gives you basically a brake down on the order of the site. Also helps you find out how far into the site that the topic you need is on.

  2. 1.) My research question is If tax payers should pay for new professional sports team stadiums.
    2.) I looked on a couple of sports teams that just had recently built a new stadium like the Yankees and Cowboys. Then I typed the research question into Google and found a couple of sources which are the Ntu.org which is National Taxpayer Union and Outsidethebeltway.com. I typed the whole research question in and got some good sources also I typed in sports stadiums and I also look up a couple of my favorite teams new stadiums and they have stadium info and stuff.
    3. No I haven’t used any time saving techniques but I plan on using a couple to find a couple more sources my paper.

  3. The research question I chose is, “Is censorship in the united states overstepping its rightful bounds?” I started out looking on the internet. I found that even academic sources are based mostly on opinion. I prefer to start out with the facts and then examine various opinions. I then decided to use books. Obviously the word “censorship” would catch my eye. However, I found as I was looking at books specially about the media words like “freedom” and “The FCC” were useful as well. I did find indexes and tables of contents to be vital for time efficiency. Many of sections that pertained to what I was looking for were very extensive. This is why reading the topic sentence of every paragraph also saved me time.

  4. 1)The research question I chose is should pop culture texts and/or technology be used in education.
    2)I searched Google a little bit and found many articles pertaining to the subject, I also use EBSCO host and came up with a little less. Some key words used were technology in the classroom, pop culture in the classroom, technology education, and pop culture in education. I did not have to modify my search terms.
    3)I was able to use a few of the techniques when I was looking for information. Two of them were skimming and reading through topic sentences. When I was skimming I was looking for key words to jump out at me and when I was reading topic sentences I was looking for the same.

  5. WEEK 8

    1) The research question i did for the response paper was, Is the main character in "A Tell Tale Heart" emotionally stable?

    2) My main source was the text. By reading the story over and over I gained a better understanding for what Edgar Allen Poe was trying to say. For this paper I did not really use any sources other than the text itself and the opinions of my peers. By getting others opinions on the short story i was able to be more open minded towards Poe's writing techniques. When I better understood what the author was trying to say I could then elaborate more on the research question that i created.

    3) One time saving technique I used that we learned in class was annotation. By breaking up the story into several parts and writing the key parts in the margins it helped me better understand the writing itself. I tried the highlighting method but it wasn't as effective as annotation. Highlighting to me is just basically coloring and does not help me better understand the story at all. Highlighting could have possibly been more effective if the story was significantly longer and i needed to remember where certain sentences were in the text. Since the "short story" was approximately 4 pages long highlighting would be ineffective.

  6. the research question I chose was Should technology be used in education? I used Ebscohost for one search. I also googled keywords like technology in education and media in education. I looked for things that would assist me in the table of contents of the book and I also looked for higlighted words or bold words that would help me find the key points i was looking for.

  7. 1.) I chose what can america do about global warming.
    2.) I looked up some organizations that work with scientist to help promote the country using better ways to stop global warming like Al gore and the movie he made about it, I also looked up some scientist that I know work with global warming and researched there opinions and what they have proven that causes global warming, I also searched local and national newspapers to see what people are doing to to help with the fight in global warming.
    3.) I took all the information that I was going to use and I highlighted everything that I wanted to put in the paper and i wrote right next to it the cite information and then I organized it as to how I was going to put it in the paper and had my out line, then I took all the prewriting things and I cut out and taped together what I wanted to put in each paragraph to make a draft which also helped me edit because then i just cut out the stuff I didnt end up using and I touched it up and there was my paper.
