To accomplish this, you can compare or contrast the answers. To do so, look for points of focus--in other words, points where the sources are either similar or different--and use these points to evaluate the logic of the answers to determine which answer or answers make the most sense to you.
For example, if you were searching for a new car, you would look at various cars in the price range you can afford. Then, once you have made a list of possible vehicles, you would look at points of focus to determine what vehicle is best for you. These points of focus may include gas mileage, features, warranties, and customer ratings.
Re-read chapter 10 if you have any questions about how to develop and organize a compare/contrast analysis. Pay close attention to the section on how to organize using block or alternating formats.
With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:
- Looking at your sources, what might you use as points of focus to compare/contrast their ideas?
- Based on these points of focus, do your sources answer your question in similar ways or are there major differences in the answers? What are these similarities or differences?
- Might you organize the body paragraphs of your draft using the block format or the alternating? Why?
My topic is about how board and card games should be used in an educational setting, and what the advantages are. When looking at my sources, Im looking for what makes a certain game educational, and what skills they develop when playing them. I have also looked to see if the games have been used in education.
ReplyDeleteAfter looking at all of the sources I have so far, there were some similarities and differences. All of what I found had a game(s) and each one listed or showed how they are educational. Some of them had a similar purpose, including social skills. They all implied or mentioned that the children playing them were learning while playing, which is good. Many of them were also different based on how they were played and what they helped the players learn.
I will probably use the block format when writing my paper, since it would flow better for what I am writing about, and it would make it easier for me personally for what I am writing about.
My topic is should popular texts/ and technology be used in education and what are the advantages and disadvantags of using them. But i'm mostly focusing on technology being used in education. Looking at my sources, i'm looking at the different types of technology being used in education and the advantages/disadvantages of using them.
ReplyDeleteMy sources have answered my questions, I have the advantages and disadvantages of technology used in education. Also what types of technology are most helpful. My research had more advantages to why technology should be used in education.
I will most likely use the block format because I feel that it is easier and would help my paper flow better.
As i look over the topic of gun control i see many viable facts for both sides. However, some of the main points i plan to use are the reason guns are used both for violence and recreational purposes. Also, there is the point that the people who follow the laws will be the only people following gun control laws versus the people who do not follow the laws and will find a way to acquire the guns regardless.
ReplyDeleteAs i look at my sources i find similarities in that most of the reasons that people are for gun control laws is to protect others from violence. As these articles show, gun control laws will not work because you only penalize the law abiding citizen versus the criminals. These sources are very similar.
I will use the alternating method becasue it will be easier to show why I believe the arguements against gun control are wrong. i can start with the people who back moree regulated gun control laws and then put my opinion along with facts from other sources.
For my paper I am going to use points such as history, abilities and experiments with lets say: facebook to show how it can be successfully used as an educational tool.
ReplyDeleteAll the sources I have found seem to agree that facebook and other online tools like instant messaging or webcam chat can be beneficially used in education so there’s not much to contrast.
I will probably organize my paragraphs in block form as they compare with one another because I’m not really contrasting ideas but more like gathering examples of how the answer to my RQ answer is logical.
My research paper is on whether or not technology should be integrated into education. Some points I compared in my articles were the uses of the internet in core subjects, the availibity of technology, and the how effective technology is in learning.
ReplyDeleteContrasting ideas were the applications of technology, how much technology should be used in education, and the different ways it could be used such as video games, online reading comprehension, and accessing information.
The articles I used all described the positive effects it could have in leanring. The negative comments were few and far between. The over all feeling that technology should be used in education agreed with my thesis statement.
I prefer to use the alternating style in papers because it shows the two or more contrasting ideas close together, and i think it's easier for the reader to see the differences. However for this specific paper, I am not including many of the negative issues because it is a "persuasive" paper.
My topic is how the U.S. should solve the global warming crisis. The points of focus I have in my paper is the comparing and contrasting of automobiles, the use of new technology, and how the use of our technology is good or bad for the earth.
ReplyDeleteIn all my sources I have found that the technology and the automobiles are all being used in an in-efficient manner. There are only a few differences in the sources because of the negative impact we have on the earth and between the good uses of the new technology.
The way I will use to organize my paragraphs is block form because they compare more than contrasting in each paragraph. The reason is that the way my paper flows is more towards the negative impact on the U.S. The technology used towards the resolving of global warming did not agree with my thesis.
My research paper is on whether or not media content should be more regulated. I focus one three main points when I compared my sources. The influence violence has on children, how the content is being displayed, why this type of media needs regulation.
ReplyDeleteThe sources that I chose all pointed in the direction that the media shown in our society is to graphic. The sources showed that the content of both video games, and television programs display violence in a way that appeals to the audience. For example, cartoons and video games will show the majority of the violence being done by the hero. All my sources talked about how these images can be harmful to the youth. In all cases, the content instilled violence is justified by the criteria of how it was displayed. Young children began to think less and less of violence in life. The main difference brought up by my articles, is the interaction a viewer has. In video games the player is not only seeing violence, they are creating the violence. This allows for violent thoughts and provides a negative solutions to altercations in the real world.
I believe that the block method will work best for this paper. As a "persuasive essay" I will not be contrasting ideas as much as giving examples supporting my topic sentence. It provides an easier way to organize my ideas and develop my R.Q answer.
My topic is the use of popular culture texts and technology in education. As I compare my sources I am gathering all the information that relates and will help in proving the same point. I am looking for the advantages of these uses and how they are being used today and the effectivness.
ReplyDeleteThe major similarity is that technology is being used and is an advantage in the classroom. Children are learning to use the technology that society uses and will grow up able to use it.
I will use the block pattern format for this paper. I find it more useful because it will provide supporting evidence for one point each paragraph at a time.
I am writing my paper on regulating the media. Looking at my sources, I have been comparing whether or not television violence leads to aggression and violence in children and teens. I am also comparing the opposing view points on whether or not the media should take action and censor its programing.
ReplyDeleteAfter looking at my sources I have noticed many similarities and a few differences. For instance, I notice many of my sources are firm on the idea that violence on television can cause children to become aggressive and violent. There was only a few references that indicated that televison violence does not cause aggression and lists its reasons why.
I will use the alternating method because it is easier to answer my research question this way. Using the alternating method allows me to show both sides and explain my answer to the fullest. This method is the best method that has worked for me so far.
My research question is on how should the U.S solve the energy/global warming crisis?.My main points are directly connected and show how each alternative is a result of the others.
ReplyDeletemy main points are linked in the fact such as alternative fuels and greener vehicles. The growing developement of hydrogen power has led to creation of cars that run specifically on water.
I will probably use block formatting based on the fact that it will help organize my main points from contrasting ideas.
In my paper I am focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of using different types of technology in education. Comparing and contrasting my sources was not difficult because advantages and disadvantages can be easy to contrast. Some of the main points were how certain types of technology (such as computers, power points, etc.) can be useful; but others (such as internet, cell phones, etc.) can be distracting and disadvantages.
ReplyDeleteThe sources I used agreed in some areas, and disagreed in others. Some were almost complete opposites of each other, yet other were very similar. One of the similarities was how technology can help students become knowledgeable and accepted in society. A difference was that the internet can be distracting, yet others say that the internet allows the students to gain more knowledge from resources outside of just the classroom.
I would be more apt to use the block pattern when putting my paper all together. I would use this form because it would allow my reader to stay focused on the idea I am trying to persuade them to believe. If I was to alternate my paragraphs my reader may have a harder time recalling what I am referring to. By putting it together without breaking it up, I believe my paper will have more coherence.
My topic is technology in education. The main points are the positive effects, the negative effects, and when/how to use it.
ReplyDeleteMy different sources answer my RQ much differently. Some make reference to psychological effectsof technology, some to practical uses of technology in education, and some to who really benefits from technology in education.
I prefer the block pattern for organization. This style is simpler, and to me, seems like the paper would be more whole.The other style seems more like two papers meshed together with a unified conclusion.
The research question I used for my paper is, should taxpayers be responsible for building new sports stadiums? When evaluating my sources, my main focus was on the outstanding costs of these facilities and why taxpayers should not subsadize them.
ReplyDeleteAll of my sources on the topoic seem to respond in the same way. They all support the idea of how it shouldnt be taxpayers burdon to fund these stadiums for multi million if not billion doallar teams.
When writing my paper I used the block format. This is because my ideas i used to support my research question do not differ much. Therefore I felt this was teh best way to organize my main ideas.
My research question is how technology benefits special education. One of my sources is based on accessing technology easier for students with special needs, and another source is on enhancing the lives of children with disabilities using technology.
ReplyDeleteMy sources are similar in that there both using technology to help people with disabilites. They are a little different in how one talks about how it enhances ones life, and the other focuses on making it easier.
I will use the block format to make my paper easier to read and understand.
My topic is on whether or not technology should be used in todays educational system. My research shows that there are many arguments supporting the fact of technology being used and also it not being used. My research has allowed me to answer my questions and creat many sides of an argument.
ReplyDeleteMy research has allowed me to argue that technology would be a positive influence on education. Things such as online games, chat, and possibly even social sites such as facebook and webcam sites would encourage the children/teens to use their sources available.
I would most probably use the block format for my paper because i feel it helps the paper to flow better. Also it is easier for me to organize and produce a well written, easy to read paper.
My research topic is the crisis in energy and global warming that is facing the United States. When I look at my sources I try to find what the United States can do to fix these problems that we are facing, I look at the reasonable solutions and the solutions that also seem to be unreasonable. Using both sides of the sources that I find allow me to pick the best points to use.
ReplyDeleteLooking at my sources there is a similarity to all of the answers that they give. They seem to follow the common theme with the answers which is that it can start with individuals but in the end it comes to the government making the major changes.
Using the blocking will allow me to organize it better and place things in the right spot and create better flow between my paragraphs.
My topic is whether the virtual world will be the next industry in the future. Based on my sources, my focus is on whether the gaming helps on productive development, and whether if Second Life can also be a life for a person. My sources answer to my question that virtual world can be a part of person’s life. Social networking sites are already used more than emails. Second Life is already working on real time voice chat with consumers, and job opportunities in the virtual world. When I am organizing a paragraph I think I would go with block format. I think I am better with it, and reader can easily see where I am going with it.
ReplyDeleteMany of my sources state that the fat tax is too small. Yet, one article talks about different kinds of fax taxes and correlated them to actual weight lose. Also, they all focus on America’s growing problem with obesity. Obviously, a change needs to be made. In the article that talks of the different types of fat taxes, it compares and contrasts each one. I also discuss this in my paper. However, I also speak of the flaws within these taxes. Personally, I prefer the alternating pattern better than the block format. This is because after presenting an idea, you immediately show another perspective on that corresponding view. This pattern makes the most sense to me.
ReplyDeleteWhen I look at my sources, I find a variety of different opinions and ideas. One article has yes and no columns for supporting universal healthcare or not. Another article has two doctor's points on the matter. Also, I have a newspaper article that expresses a man's frustration with the current healthcare situation. Due to there being many different answers in all of my sources, it helps me gather ideas to for my own opinion. If I were to use either format, I would choose the block format. my ideas seem to flow better when I can prove one point at a time.
ReplyDeleteWhile reading my sources I found that there was mainly the same oppinion for all of them. Most of the time there was a chance for a variety of different oppinions and ideas because there was a lot of polls. In one of my articles there is a huge poll with every social group you can think of and their oppinion. In my CNN paper there is a Gallup poll reference that says that people feel very indifferent about whether or not there should be stricter gun control laws or not. Going into this project I already had an idea of what i was going to favor. Reading different articles and writings really made my research second my notion. If i had to choose between the two formats I would have to stand behind the block format. I find it easier to get what im trying to say across without confusion. It is simply easier for me.
ReplyDeleteMy research question is, "How can the U.S. solve the global warming crisis?" When looking at my sources, I focused on articles which discussed what the causes and effects of global warming may be, and their possible solutions. I began to compare and contrast personal solutions (what the everyday American can to do reduce their "carbon footprint") to large scale solutions (like alternative fuel sources).
ReplyDeleteBased on my sources, many of the answers are the same, but they differ in delivery. Most agree that there are large scale solutions to global warming, and they agree, for example, that we need an alternative fuel source. However they differ in what that source may be, or how to implement it in a cost effective manner. Some others differ in how personal solutions may or may not be effective in reducing our carbon emissions.
I doubt I will personally use the block format for this essay. I started writing my first draft using the inside-out method and I thought it worked rather well. I was able to start with the information I knew and work around my strong points.
Looking at my research I will compare my source by determining the information that I think will be most useful and which sources will coincide in order to create and unified paper. I am going to look at what my sources say about technology being useful in learning. However, those sources that state that technology is not useful will be good points of contrast to my thesis statement.
ReplyDeleteMost of my sources do state that technology is a good aid to education. However, there are a few that do contrast this idea. I will probably chose to use the sources that do in fact support my thesis which states that technology does help in education. The major differences that I saw were the point argued that sometimes kids need time away from the technology that always surrounds their lives. However, my point is not to completely eliminate books and classic techniques of learning. I think that technology should just be used in aid to these sources.
I think I may organize my draft in block format because I think that that would be the most effective way to organize my ideas. I think using this method would allow for my ideas to be clear. I am not positive if this is the method that I will in fact use for my paper but I think it is the best place to start. I think that as I begin to write my paper my ideas will because more unified and clear.
1.)I don't really have a compare/contrast paper going here. All of my sources agree except one. The one that doesn't agree will most likely receive there own paragraph.
ReplyDelete2.)All sources agree except the one I used in my rebuttal essay. The difference being that there is a small group of scientists that beleive it is to early to tell what role humans play in global warming. I say bull!
3.)I am definitely using the block format as I did in the outline for this essay. I myself cannot use alternating this project and probably never will unless forced to. I feel alternating is fine for a short paper but is too confusing for the average reader in a longer format.
I will read the titels and topic sentences for each source to organize them into the paragraphs I plan to write.
ReplyDeleteMy sources refect each different point I plan to reveal in my paper. Each side to the debate on which my topic discusses.
I plan to organize my paper's body paragraphs by stating and proving one side to my topic then the next paragraphs will show the opposing sides.
1. When comparing sources you want to look at main arguments that are brought up involving your topic. For example, my paper is on gun control, one argument that is brought up is the issue on self-defense. So I would figure out why people think that its so important to have handguns for protection then I would give them the statistics and facts about how little they are really protecting us. sources do answer the questions. People who have handguns for self-defense/protection are actually more likely to get injured by a gun.
3. When organizing my paragraphs I have one paragraph stating the argument then the next with all the statistical facts to prove my point.
Based on my topic of media regulation, the points of focus I’m going to look for in my sources are those pertaining to the media’s effect on youth violence, because that’s my concentration when it comes to “why” the media should be regulated. Based on my point of focus, my sources answered my question in similar ways, all agreeing in saying that the media has an overall negative effect on youth and can lead to violence. When organizing my paragraphs, I’m going to choose one aspect of the media (TV, video games, etc) and explain their effects on youth, and then discuss possible regulations to solve the problem in the next paragraph.
ReplyDeleteI choose to write my paper on weather technology should be used in schools. For resources I felt it would be convincing to use different surveys on the success rate of this program. I did this to have the reader understand where my opinions were coming from.
ReplyDeleteMy resources show how beneficial the "old school" style of teaching has had on students. IT also shows the pros and cons of technology in the learning atmosphere.
Yes I will most likely use the block formatting to make sure that my ideas are organized and together. It is important that the reading understands what i am saying and follows the main idea of the paper.
The topic I have chosen for my research paper is gun control. In this subject you have to establish a foundation for gun ownership in America. The first important issue concerning gun control is the second amendment. This is the entire basis for the gun control debate in America. The next important issue is the Brady law. This is one of the more effective gun control laws in America. There are also lots of stats and facts that can be used in argument for this topic.
ReplyDeleteThere are many major differences in the sources that I have gathered. Some of the sources tend to be neutral and just state the facts and not opinions. The differences in my sources are only because of opinion. All of my sources use stats and facts to support their opinions.
When I organize my body paragraphs I will do so by chronological order and logical importance. With this topic it is good to establish the history before any opinions are presented. The gun control movement has a lot of history and legislation that must be understood. Once the history has been established I will organize my opinions by logical order. I will state my opinion clearly and then use statistics and fact to support my claim.
The main points that I am arguing in my paper are along the lines of what kind of technology can be used in a classroom. It has given me a lot from both sides, and it was honestly hard to decide which side I agreed with more.
ReplyDeleteThere are similarities and differences in most of my sources. Most arguing different points, while still managing to share points, though I do have a few polar opposites.
The block format seemed to work best with my paper. It helped it flow more then the alternating one did. And I did try both, mostly because I had it alternating, and then went to class.
My research paper was on Strictor Gun Control Laws. My points of focus were the debate on who may be able to own a gun. The laws and Second Amendment are issues that can be compared but can also become seperated when your discussing the rights of the people.
ReplyDeleteTher are major differences in my answers because gun control laws can be a debate for a diagreement or many opinions.
The format I would use is the block pattern. It breaks down each topic you would like to discuss and you can make sure your details are included as well.
My sources, luckily enough, all had very similar ideas to my own on the topic of media censorship. The differences in their answers vary only over statistics, giving me very little room for contrasting, but excellent back up for each source I have.
ReplyDeleteUsing a block pattern with hints of alternation is the way to go for me. Given sources that do not contradict each other, or even provide different answers, The best I can do is make an argument for my case using the evidence they provide in a manner that appears to be organized slightly.
Since I picked the gun control topic I was going to use the columbine case and the Virginia tech case as well. I was going to argue that if we had stricter gun laws both of these massacres wouldn’t have happened. I separated many massacres that happened and I explained how they happen and how they all could have been prevented due to one thing, gun control laws. My sources answer my question in major ways because they are examples of what guns in the wrong hands can do to people. I looked up books on these massacres and I also looked up newspaper articles on the murders and how they had an affect on the families of the victims. Massacres can happen in the matter of seconds under the hands of anyone. I would use the block format because for some reason it helps me write my paper better. I just keep flowing and get it done quicker.
ReplyDeleteMy topic is on the abuse of censorship. I wanted to focus on the thought that people who are in the position to decide censorship often abuse it to make their image better by deciding what the public can and cannot hear about them and it is a way they can max profit by censoring things in a way so that their set audience will buy it.
ReplyDeleteI used a few magazine articles and also got a lot from No Logo, written by Naomi Klein. From some sources I looked for specific incidents that could show how hypocritical censorship was. With the book, I was able to get specific information on how corporate has been using censorship to keep the branding process smoother. Many of my subjects were journalists known for their liberal views, so there tended to be a bias feeling. I tried to keep the ones that mainly kept to the fact rather than opinions around.
I used the block format because it really helped me wee out whatever was unnecessary and kept it flowing. I think it will prevent me from my usual ramblings.