By now, you have probably figured out that a vital part of learning is reflecting on what you have done and where you have been. This "thinking about your thinking" creates opportunities to test out your thinking and your methods to see what worked and what needs improving.
In your comment, please respond to the following:
- What skills or techniques (annotation, time-saving researching techniques, using researching tools such as databases or the Internet) helped you research your topic and/or write your paper? How do you know these skills or techniques helped your project be more successful?
- What would you like to improve about your process for writing a research paper? Would you revise anything about the process?
- What did you learn about your topic as a result of this process? What did you learn about researching/writing as a part of completing this project?
I used many different methods in my paper that we have talked about in class. Data bases help out alot when it comes to research papers. They help you find exactly what you need fast. The internet is also a good tool that helped me out with my research paper. I found many good articles on the internet.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve the fact of finding books as resources. Instead of waiting till the last minute to find a book or print source i should find it in the beginning before starting my paper.
I learned that video games aren't just violent but they have many other aspects they should make them censored. They contain explicit material on drunk driving. Drunk driving should not be shown as "cool" to children. I learned that researching is a process that takes a whule and you shouldn't procrostinate.
The skill that I used for researching my topic was a lot of websurfing using the keyword tecnique typing in keywords such as " Music Censorship Tipper Gore". I know that this technique made my paper more successful because I found exactly what I wanted to talk about in my paper.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that I would have like to improve on would have been my time management and using my time wisley and not waiting and putting it off. the only thing that I would have revised would have been starting over at the begining. Doing a different topic, maybe gun control.
What I learned about my topic is that their are a lot "Fan sites" that deal with music censorship. Also that there are a lot of laws and regulations from the FCC.
The skill that I used for doing my research was mainly annotation but also some other time saving techniques that I found to be effective. I can tell that they helped make my paper more effective because I only found the points that I wanted to use and thought would make my paper stronger and give my opinion more strength.
ReplyDeleteI would not revise anything about the process but I would like to improve finding more credible sources and also the credibility of the sources that I found.
I had already had a solid background and knew the big details of my topic, but I learned more of the science part and more in depth of all the problems that it too is causing along with it. As for learning about researching and writing I learned new ways to establish an argument and to back it up with credible information.
I primarily used the keyword technique. I was already pretty savvy with finding information on the internet, but between the two research papers I had to write simultaneously, I've certainly improved my date finding abilities. One manor I've adopted is searching keywords, then using keywords from the results to pinpoint more pertinent information.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve my short attention span. I struggle with staying focused on long papers. It's even worse if it's something I'm not interested in! This isn't really pertaining to what we're discussing here, but it annoys me. If I would focus more on it I don't think I'd have as much trouble. ADD much?
As far as my topic is concerned, I learned that the statistics are even greater than I thought they were. It makes me even more hateful toward our media, as well as our pacifistic society that buys everything the media spoon feeds them. People need to wake up! I learned that researching a topic isn't always a matter of a quick google, to get good information you really need to dig.
iv ebeen using the internet for a very long time so i know how to find all the things i needed to make a good paper.
ReplyDeletei'd like to work my time in to have the paper done before it due not get to it 3 dasy before and rush it sucks.
I learned that gun control is not really up to standards with beings a criminal jsutice major I felt that things should be higher so i dont get killed in line of duty
In order to cut down my research time I found the sources I knew would most likely take me the longest to find, this would include the book sources. There maybe millions of books out there, but not many are geared towards my subject of choice. I used to key words paired with my general knowledge of the internet to cut down the time here. I know these skills helped my project be more successful due to the fact that the research time was very low.
ReplyDeleteI would still like to be able to get my paper started easier, I still have a problem with getting it going and getting started. I would revise the way I order my information maybe to give me an easier flow into the paper.
I learned that many people are interested in my topic of choice, it is a very controversial yet very discussed area. Researching was by far the biggest challenge for my topic.
The internet and databases helped me write my paper. At first i struggled with finding good sources. I used key words and that made it much easier to find successful articles.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve on my motivation to writing a paper. I struggle a lot when I first start it, thats where I spend most of my time.
I actually learned a lot more then I planned. My topic was very interesting to me so that helped the writing process. I learned that researching helps to make a good paper! I would prefer to write a research paper over any other paper. You learn new information, and it is an easier process.
To write my paper, the first thing I did was went on our college website and looked through all of the information databases. I found Gale Opposing Viewpoints, which I previously used in high school, and I found it to be the easiest way of finding sources. Using the database, I saved time because I could narrow everything down to the basic wording of my research question. I know it helped me because I would have spent hours online trying to find an article that I actually agreed with and wanted to use, but it only took me about five minutes to find.
ReplyDeleteTo improve my process for writing a research paper, I should probably take notes along the way of reading my sources. I pretty much skipped right over post-draft outlining them, even though I think it would have helped. If I was looking for one particular piece of an article I would be able to find it quicker if I went through and did sort of a post-draft outline because all of the topics would be right in front of me.
As a result of this process, I learned that guns can either make a crime happen, or can prevent a crime from happening. It is also more likely for a gun to stop a crime than it is to cause one. Now about researching, I found out that I still hate it with as much of a passion as I did in high school and that I’ll probably never like it. But, it’s definitely got easier to do.
I mainly used the keyword technique to help research my topic. I know it helped me because I knew what it was that I was looking for. With the use of keywords, it was much easier to pin point the better sources.
ReplyDeleteI would like to improve in finding written sources from books. It wasn't easy but I was able to get at least one thing. I think one way to improve this process is by looking for sources a couple of different reasearch questions, and determining which one is better to do. Then, continue to find sourses for that question.
I learned that a lot more people agree with what I think about the topic I did. I also learned that researching is still a pain in the rear.
I used the block method instead of the alternating method. Mainly because it was easier to make it more readable using the block method. I used more websites than I used books than I wanted to. Again, it was just easier to do so.
ReplyDeleteIn my next paper, I’d like to use more books if I can. Using websites feels a little wrong for some reason. I’d also like to be better at taking down notes when researching. Practice makes perfect, next time will be better.
I learned more about iPods, cell phones, and Facebook being used in the class room. I thought all were under a ban list. As for movies, I had an vague awareness of how they were used in the class room. I now have a far better understanding of using technology and movies in the class room than I did at the beginning of the project.
One skill that helped out alot on my research is the Internet. All of my sources that I used in my paper were off the web. A technique that came in very handy was being able to skim through a piece and find out if it fits my requirements before spending time to read the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteI feel pretty good about my research. As of writing this paper I belive that I've imporved very much throughout this semester. It also helped that I was interesting in this topic.
As a result of this paper I learned that not all taxpayer's money goes to issues that benefit. I never had any idea on how much money was given to sports organizations.
Databases helped me greatly in finding sources on my topic in a quick manner. Then I was able to skim the topic sentences and rule out sources quickly. Next time I would try for more sources and organize them alittle better into groups. I found it hard with a ton of sources to decide which ones went together to prove my points. I learned alot about Social Secuirty and that I should concern myself with it because it may not be there for me if changes are not made. As far as writing a research paper I learned that there is alot to it. It was not as easy as I thought it might be.
ReplyDeleteThe most helpful (and the most time efficient) technique that I used was probably just quickly skimming the articles on the internet. If I had read through every article or website that I visited, I think that I would still be looking for my sources!
ReplyDeleteAfter I turn a paper in, I always think back on how I should have done things differently. I think that it would have been beneficial for my grade if I had organized my paragraghs in a different way.
My paper made me realize why our society has changed over the years due to movies and games. Writing this research essay also taught me a lot about finding reliable sources, and making them work for my paper.
I think that the internet was the most efficient, and time saving, resource for me to use to research about my paper. This is because the internet has everything. It is the largest source of information available these days.
ReplyDeleteWhat I would like to improve about the process that I use when writing my research paper is: I would like to learn more revision techniques. I would like to be able to revise better. I believe if I learn how to do this more efficiently, it will help me write a better paper.
I learned a lot of things that I didn't know about my topic, just through searching the internet for information. I also learned that by doing more research, especially on the internet, you are able to write a lot longer papers, with more good information.
1.) I would say that time saving researching techniques and the internet helped me research information I needed because it was a quicker way to find the information for the paper. These techniques worked by saving time on the research and that gave me extra time to edit and review the paper.
ReplyDelete2.) I would like to improve that I have more ideas because I only had a hand full that I found and new and I kind of had to stretch the information out more. I could spend more time on pre drafting and stuff. I wouldn’t revise anything but the few thing I stated earlier.
3.) I learned that taxpayers don’t pay a lot to the new stadiums and that a lot more money than taxpayers money goes into a project of building a new stadium.
The time saving techniques helped me most in researching for my paper. I went to the library and found many books and a few articles which were all good and up-to-date resources. I also went on the internet and found a lot of useful information about my research topic. Without the time saving method I may have spent days looking at material that I could not use in my paper so the method helped me a lot.
ReplyDeleteI need to spend a little more time on my rough draft. I usually speed through it and work on my final paper with more focus. I think everyone can and probably will put their own little twist on the methods but overall they do not need to be changed.
I learned that there are two sides to every story no matter how big or small and even a written document can have two completely different translations. I learned that a lot of research goes into a good research paper.
For this paper, I used the internet as my primary source for research. Typing keywords into search engines such as and got me the majority of the answers that I needed.
ReplyDeleteI would like to utilize the library alot more for future papers, mostly because books give you good, solid information that is more often legit, compared to much of the information that is found on the internet. There are so many opinions on the internet that contradict other articles, whereas a book ususally contains opinions that support eachother.
My topic being the Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana, really gave me a deeper insight into the controversy. I found that I am definitely in favor of legalizing this drug for medical purposes, whereas before, I was on the fence. Most of my sources were doctor's opinions taken from medical journals.
In writing my research paper, most of my information came from the internet. The internet is something really useful when writing a research paper. Without the use of the internet i would not have been able to write a good research paper, or one at all.
ReplyDeleteI would like to have been more organized in planning my paper and wish i took more time to try other sources to include in my paper. I would revise my planning by making sure i have more than one source, and having people edit my paper so that i can get more ideas from others.
I learned after doing my research that no matter what soda you drink, they are both unhealthy. If you had to choose one over the other, regular soda would be healthier than diet soda. After researching for this paper, i learned that finding some information can be harder than other. Also that writing inside out helps make a paper become longer and more organized than if you were to just write a paper from start to finish.
I feel that inside-out drafting is the most helpful to me. Doin this i can establish all the information i will need to mind. Drafting like this also helps me to make sure i have found enough supporting details.
ReplyDeleteI would lke to improve my research skills. I find that online it is easy to get off track and using some sources we talked about in class could really speed up tyhe process.
I learned that gun control is a very difficult issue to pick a side on. There are many conflicting ideas about what should be done and its hard to decide what might be best, and what would make the most sence.
I learned about research/writing papers souch as this that it is important to keep the ideas for the paper well organized because it helps the development of the paper and makes it alot easier to research.
the skill that I found most helpful was the internet research tools. With this skill I was able to get more information from multipla sources and compair them to each other.
ReplyDeleteI guess I would improve how I kept cramped on my topics and expand more into them. This process I dont think needs to much revisment to it. All you really need to do if follow the steps and you will be ok.
I learned that magma is a very useful resource if you are in the proper area for it. It can make you millions if you use it properly. I also learned where we stand in current technology for this particular reseach and what people have don in the past. I do feel that this topic helped me become a better researcer and writer by haveing me look up more information and get work find crediable sources.
The research paper to me was the easiest assignment you gave. Not because of the paper but because of the topic I wrote it on. My topic was so easy to research I could have gotten all my information from one source. The technique I used most, and will never go wothout again, is brainstorming. I know I talk about it a lot but brainstorming is one of the first techniques I was ever taught in grade school, but its the one technique I always thought I didnt need. Another technique I used was annotation. I thought it was much easier to take notes on my source as I read them. This saved me so much time because all the facts i wanted to use when it came time to draft I had written down already. I know these skills helped me because i wrote a few papers on this topic but i never felt like i got my point acrossed like I did with this one. It allowed me to clearly and adequately give my details. I felt like I would make you feel stupid if you didnt agree. The only thing I would change in my process was my time management. I had so much stress going on in my life I feel like I didnt get the time I really wanted. I know if the personal issues I was going through didnt take up my time I could have wrote the best paper I ever wrote (which I still think it is). I learned a lot about my topic which was surprising to me because I have done many papers on this topic. I learned that up to date information is important especially when talking about money. Money values change as time and inflation rises. If i were to use facts from even ten years ago they would be far different than the facts of today. In some cases 2000 would not be considered a long time ago. But when talking about money we could make or are spending ten years can really change your figures. I learned that the amount of money we waste on marijuana prohibition and the amount we could make is astonishing. I also learned that with the internet you can almost find facts to agree with whatever you want. You can find valid points on pretty much any side of any story. With that in mind you must look at all possibilities so that you dont have a wishy-washy paper