Tuesday, November 10, 2009

CCC Week 9: Examining the Answers

Now that you have sources that should help you answer your research question, it's time to figure out how your different answers will work together to form a single, unified paper.

To accomplish this, you can compare or contrast the answers. To do so, look for points of focus--in other words, points where the sources are either similar or different--and use these points to evaluate the logic of the answers to determine which answer or answers make the most sense to you.

For example, if you were searching for a new car, you would look at various cars in the price range you can afford. Then, once you have made a list of possible vehicles, you would look at points of focus to determine what vehicle is best for you. These points of focus may include gas mileage, features, warranties, and customer ratings.

Re-read chapter 10 if you have any questions about how to develop and organize a compare/contrast analysis. Pay close attention to the section on how to organize using block or alternating formats.

With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:
  1. Looking at your sources, what might you use as points of focus to compare/contrast their ideas?
  2. Based on these points of focus, do your sources answer your question in similar ways or are there major differences in the answers? What are these similarities or differences?
  3. Might you organize the body paragraphs of your draft using the block format or the alternating? Why?


  1. i could compare and contrast their ideas of how video games are violent and why. All of the sources provide a wide range of how video games are violent. Whether it is because of weapons or the blood. These sources combine a list of material to compare

    They all have very similar answers to my question. They all talk about violence and weapons. They also discuss these answers in a variety of different ways. A couple of the sources say that kids like violence so that is what they are provided with; while others say it is because of how the video games are portrayed.

    I think I will use the block format when organizing my paper. I think this method makes more sense with my issue. It will be easier to take out one reason at a time.

  2. When I look at my sources I find that the points of focus that i can use are varied but I will focus on comparing my ideas and showing that although there are ideas that are on the risky side and what society deems as "bad words" you don't have to buy the album or even listen to that genre of music.

    In the sources that I have, I found that they correspond with my ideas on music censorship. the book that i got from the library talks about the struggle in the 1980's with metal and Tipper Gore, and goes all the way up till the 90's.

    I used the block format because that is what i have been used to since I have been in highschool and I think that this is the most effective way to do it.

  3. *psst, i changed my topic. (:

    By looking at my sources, the points I would use to compare/contrast would be whether or not the source is for or against my topic. After I make that conclusion, I'll look at the specific details the source has about the topic.

    The three sources I have chose to use pretty much answer my question in the same way. They're all basically down to the point and show the same view: 'more guns, less crime.'

    For my paper, I used the block method of drafting my paper. This method allows me to put everything about one source into a paragraph which seems more organized to me. In addition, if I used the alternating method I would most likely leave out certain points about a source, and with my luck they'd be important ones.

  4. While I am in the process of looking for my sources, I have been trying to find ones that contrast my own feelings on the persuasive arguments. This way, I can see why some people do not want censorship on their games and movies. This helps me to get a better ground so that I know what I am up against with my arguments. I am mostly focusing on the ways that our society has changed over the years.
    Most of my sources have been answering my questions in virtually the same way.
    I prefer the block method because it is more organized, and I have better luck with getting accurate answers if I can see the details lined up in an organized format.

  5. Looking at all of my sources I might look at several important ideas to compare them. The first of which would be to compare what they say the United States has done in the past to help stop global warming. Next I would look at the ideas and facts they provide to solve, slow down, or reverse global climate change as a whole world. I would then compare what they suggest individuals do to help save the planet.
    There are a lot of similarities these sources provide. They only vary in that some might add several more ideas that the others. For example most of the sources hint that in order to save our planet we need to regulate our driving an energy usage in our homes. They differ in that some suggest that the government take a more proactive approach and others believe the government should just have voluntary solutions.
    I would most likely organize my paper in a block format. I would discuses one idea followed by the next and so on. I would use all relevant details from all of my sources. I would do this mostly because some of the data is chronological and the other ideas are better off fully discussed together.

  6. The points of focus to compare and contrast my paper would be trying to find out which video games and movies for kids are violent and non-violent. I found the reason of violent activity was mainly, blood, gore, and weapons and even sometimes swearing. So I just compared them to each other.

    They all focus on my question, they all talk about different types of violence and the ones which can effect children the worst. A couple of sources don’t give to much information ,and then some do. But a few talk about video games, and then some movies, so yes there was a few differences.

    I believe im going to use the block format , i think it makes more sense to me. I think it’s the easiest more effective way for me. Seeing how ive been doing that for a while , so in a way , im used to it.

  7. My sources are real easy to pick out the important ideas. I am doing the legalization of marijuana for the economic value of the United States. Most of my facts are just cold facts. The paper is pretty easy. I wouldn't want to try and argue the opposite side for the fact that the evidence is overwhelmingly on my side. My main points to focus on are the numbers. The billions of dollars we spend versus the billions we could make. For example, if we spend 10 billion when we could make 10 billion, we really lose 20 billion. Every source I find on just the economics of the debate answer my question the same way. Like I said, the evidence is overwhelming and shocking. My paper is a little different from others. The main reason is becuase the opposing policy is the acting policy and has been for many of years. I was going to do the legalization of marijuana altogether, but i would need at least ten pages and that might not do it justice. I will probably use the alternating method because I think it makes more sense with my paper. I would be able to compare the amounts of money spent against possible earnings. Plus my comparisons go hand in hand. If I tell you how much we are spending on something then im not gonna write another paragraph stating that you would save that amount. They go hand in hand. Most of my facts are money based and there are plenty of them

  8. I could compare and contrast my online sources, but most of the articles about iPods are positive and most of the articles about cell phones are negative. I’m a bit surprised at that. I guess it is easier to cheat with a cell phone than a iPod. I’m not discounting that such a thing can’t happen.

    More than a few pro-iPod sites use podcasting as a major benefit to learning. The Anti–cell phones use the fact of two-way communication being used to cheat as an argument. Only about one or two of my sources dealing with cellphones in the classroom point out the positive uses of the cell phones.

    I plan on using the alternating format for my paper. It seems more comfortable to me. But I’m might use the block format if I get stuck at any point of the paper. I hope it doesn’t happen, though.

  9. I chose the topic of technology in education. In order to compare and contrast these ideas, I will have to show the view points of how technology can help education and how it also might hinder it. There is a valid view point to both sides offering many avenues to compare and contrast.

    My sources either agree with having technology in education or completely disagree. One says it is important to have technology in education so we can learn faster and learn more, while the other states we shouldnt due to the quality of learning not being as high.

    From my view point it will be easier to use the block format to organize my essay, this way I can show the pros and cons of technology in education.

  10. For my research paper I chose to write about gun control laws. I have to decide whether or not I believe gun control laws should be more or less strict. From my sources I am going to compare and contrast the views and opinions expressed by the more liberal side, who support stricter laws, to the more "pro-choice" groups such as economists who believe more strict laws would not help our situation.

    Many of my sources' main ideas are that gun control laws should be more strict. There are a variety of reasons for this. One of which is they believe that because there are so many guns in our nation it is more difficult for the federal government to regulate laws. But some believe that our gun laws are strict enough and it is not the quantity of guns in our nation but the quality of the person behind the gun, which is my belief and main focus of my paper. Overall my sources support more strict gun control laws, unlike myself.

    I am using the a mix of the block pattern and and alternating pattern to organize my draft paper. I am writing about my resources individually and then comparing and contrasting them with one another as well as with my developed opinions from my research.

  11. I can compare my sources by how they all agree that parents need to take responsibility in what their children watch. They all pretty much say that there are ways that parents can prevent their children from exposing themselves to inappropriate media content.

    They all share the same answer to my question. They all don't say that media content needs to be more regulated. My sources also show the ratings of media and how they are already regulated.

    I would probably use the block format. It seems to work with my ideas better.

  12. Based on my sources I would use a combination of statistical data and actual real life success stories of citizens carrying concealed.
    My sources all have very similar information based on this premise. They all reflect that statistical studies on various different aspects of gun control contradict what gun control lobbyists promote as fact. They also share in just how successful people have been by using their second amendment right in self defense. I think for this paper I'll be using the alternating format because there are so many different aspects of this topic. If I were to try to use list all of one sides points in one chunk, then all of the argument in another, it would become confusing.

  13. Looking at my sources the major point of reform would be wether to privatize social security or not.
    The two sides of this debate contrast each other greatly. Althought they do agree there needs to be reform, they do not agree on the way the reform needs to be done.
    I plan on using block formating for my paper. It will be easier for the reader to understand one sides idea at a time and then have me sum it up at the end.

  14. In my research paper, my points of focus are mainly about the amounts of money that's being spent on stadiums from the taxpayer's pocket. Another focus is other ways that this money could be used to better our issues.
    There is not that many differences on the matter. Almost everything i read about stadium tax is negative. These sources all were about how much these stadiums costed and about all the other problems that would be much more beneficial. I came acros one source that was all for stadium tax but the person who wrote it was also paid by the sports organizations. The source was obviously not used in the paper.
    I perferred the block method for my draft because it's easier and more organized. It's much better to think about one issue or subject at once.

  15. 1.) Some ideas used are the benefits and disadvantages of a new professional sports stadium another can be that y do they taxpayers have to pay for it or not.

    2.) Each was different in the answers and it was hard to pick a side. It was hard to agree or disagree with taxpayers about paying taxes on these new stadiums.

    3.) I will stick with the block format because it’s the one I know the best.

  16. Focus points of my research paper would be:

    1.) Reasons for legalizing medicinal marijuana.

    2.) Reasons for keeping medical marijuana illegal.

    3.)Diseases that are treated by this drug.

    Each one of my sources kept a similar focus point, all of them containing the same pros and cons. This was a pretty scientific paper, one that could only be debated by facts.
    I chose to block format because it went with the natural flow of the paper.

  17. I might use the main focuses of the effects of soda on the body, why it is unhealthy for you, main facts about soda, and the ingredients that are in diet soda and regular soda. The sources I have chose are perfect for the points of focuses I picked.

    All of the sources I used were very similar in that they all talked about what makes soda bad for the human body to consume. They had some differences because they all had different facts on them about ingredients or different things that people believe are true.

    I might use block formating to write the draft of my essay just because it is easier for me to do that. I really like the inside out format because it allows me to organize my ideas and I always seem to have a better introduction and conclusion if I write the body paragraphs first.

  18. after looking at my sources i came up with the ideas of, how to keep gun control under control, how to keep illegal guns off the streets, and how to protect our amendment rights. my sources are similar in the way that they show how things can be done to make people safer, but also are very different because they offer you the idea that you can either be in favor or not. i think that block formating would be best because i can focus on one specific idea at a time.

  19. I could compare and contrast the sources i found by using different reasons for why the state should be in control. Those specific example could lay out several different reasons to make my case.

    My sources all stay on track to prove my point and all provide logical examples of why the gun control issues should be settled by the local government.

    I am going to use the block format to organize my body paragraphs because i helps me easly deter,mine how developed my ideas are. It also allowes me to keep seperate ideas seperate to stay organized.
