Tuesday, October 6, 2009

B&S Week 4: Illustration and Classification

Last week we focused on prewriting as a tool for narrowing topics, generating possible paper content, and finding a good research question. We connected this to analysis, a method of thinking that asks what something means, how it works, or why it does what it does.

This week in class, we discussed illustration and classification, two modes of thinking that can help us write our ideas in an organized, coherent manner. We suggested that illustration uses examples in order to show an idea or prove a point and that classification groups items together in meaningful ways. It should be clear that analysis can help us develop either an illustration paper, helping us identify and organize specific examples that support ideas, or a classification paper by identifying specific items that should be grouped together based on specific, concrete traits.

That said, you were assigned to write either an illustration or a classification paper. Using the topics found in the assignment sheet for the paper, complete the following:

  1. Provide some prewriting for the topic you believe you will write your paper on for this assignment. You may choose any method you wish--freewriting, listing, mapping, etc.
  2. Develop a research question that your paper will answer.
  3. Inside-out draft one possible paragraph based on your research question and your prewriting.


  1. 1.) I have decided to write about comedys, I have completed a list of comedy movies, which I then grouped together into diffrent catagories, and then I started free writing about what I wanted to say about each of the catagories and now I am beginning to edit that and fit it where I want it to go, I dont like the uncordinated approch, I usually just start writing in the intro all the way to the conclusion but that isent the right way so im trying this method and it is driving me nutso!

    2.)I think that my research question for my paper will be..."What is the most popular and most viewd type of comedy films? Im not sure if I will end up using that or not, I have a few ideas but for now that one is sticking out.

    3.)ahhh man...okay....Romantic comedys are the most common style of comedy movies because not only is it based on a funny approch to love, but it also can be viewed by both, males and females, or often together as couples. It creates a drama between two lovers, where usually a lot of unrealistic and funny events occur and the main character has to fight to win back the love lost, or to be noticed by the one they desire. Although the endings can be really dramantic or sad, it is the funny approch that people like because it takes this big complex idea of love and it makes it realatable in a non-threatening way. Love is suppoesd to be taken seriously but as a romantic comedy you dont have to be so strict and dry. You are able to take a realistic situation and stretch it and morph it into a funny experience and just like a serious love story, it still gets the message of love across to the viewer. Just because they are often funny and over the top they still deliver heartfelt moments and messages.

  2. 1) ok so i wasnt here for this assignment but just readying this blog it sounds kind of easy. Classification essay's sometime mean you will specify your answers for the topic you chose in the paragraphs; but the information can be scrambled all over. when it comes to illustration essays they seems more prasice. but if you think about them all together. i think illustration essays are more effective.
    2)for right now im still kind of in the dark a little bit so i cant really say what my essay will be on. I deff. think what ever topic I chose it will reflect on the information writen in the classes that I need to know.
    3) How girls fall in love, a lot faster than guys. Guys see the hole controlling factor like that there married to the girl and that the girl cant talk to no one. Girls see that a guy is trying to be dominate and incontrol of every move they make, but girl's dont always like that. If you dont always agree its a fight or argument. There's times you cant get out of the argument either. This is some points for an essay.

  3. 1. okay so some prewriting on my topic.......(freewriting) I have decided to write my paper on......types of comedy movies ummmm lets see what movies are there???????? romantic dark slapstick ummmmmmmmmwhere do I want to go with this paper??????? gross out.....okay so I need to list some sexamples of movies out.....dumb n dumber one and two ummm fried green tomatoes waynes world scary movie 27 dresses....bubble boy..Little nicky.and many more.. is just some of the prewriting I have done so far. 2. I think my research question might be..........What are some popular types of comedy movies?.....I'm not entirely sure if thats the final question yet. 3. a Possible paragraph I am working on is...........Romantic comedies are a type of comedy movies comonly viewed by many people. They are also known as "chick flicks". Many couples enjoy watching romantic comedies together because this type of comedy has the comedic subject for the male and the romantic subject for the female.....I think I have answered the blog correctly perhaps not but I am only in the beginning stages of my prewriting and am not completely sure I am going to keep this subject I am kind of in limbo.
