A key factor in locating sources is using time efficiently. Once again, utilizing a method becomes vital to succeeding at this goal. Having a method to use each time we write provides a roadmap for more efficient and effective experiences. As we use the method, we can revise our steps and tinker as needed without having to "reinvent the wheel" for each new writing assignment. This method should cut down the time we need to spend researching because we won't waste time closely reading materials that won't help us directly answer our research question.
With this in mind, answer the following in your comment this blog:
- What is the research question you have chosen for your response paper?
- Based on your research question, where did you search for possible sources? What keywords did you use to search? Did you have to modify your search terms?
- Were you able to use the time-saving techniques discussed in class (titles, table of contents, indexes, abstracts, graphic highlights, section titles, introductions, conclusions, topic sentences)? Specifically describe two time-saving techniques you used and how they helped or why they didn't work for you.
I have chosen the research question Should media content such as video games and tv be censored?
ReplyDeleteI searched on the internet and went to the library to find possible sources for my research. The key words that i used were censorship and video games. I haven't modified my search terms yet but i might need to down the road.
I used the table of contents. This helped a lot because it showed me what the book was about and what page to find the information on. I also used the introduction technique. This technique also helped me.Instead of wasting my time to read the whole article i only had to read the first couple of sentences to find out if it was right for me.
I decided on the topic how should the United States solve the engergy/global warming crisis?
ReplyDeleteI immediately attended the library where the staff directed me to Ebschost. I found that global warming actually was not to broad and I was sifting through information within seconds. For further research I may choose to reword my topic but for now it seems to be working out.
Using annotation and time savers worked well for me because I was able to find my direct topic, topics details, and then reword them so I could understand them fairly unstrenuous. Graphic Highlghting is basically what I have always done so it was recognizable and easy to use. Using topic sentences and summaries is basicaly a short description of what the article is going to mention this helps me determine whether or not to use my time on it.
I have choosen Social Security Reform as my topic for this reseach paper.
ReplyDeleteThe first source that I used was the United States Social Security Website (SSA.gov). I just typed in Social Seciruty and iit was one of the first websites that showed.
I was able to use section titles and the websites table of contents (or site map) to quickly navigate through the site to the exact sections I was interested in.
I have chosen the research question Should popular culture texts, and/or technology be used in Education? What are the advantages/disadvantages of using them?
ReplyDeleteThe sources for this research question are almost endless. You can find it in periodicals, essays, books, just about everything. I however started my search in the library, I started searching technology in education and found results to be well.
I was able to use table of contents and chapter titles to help narrow my search, but each of these lead me to a general overview of the subject. It never narrowed it down into one specific area of teaching.
The research question I have decided to answer is if media content should be more regulated.
ReplyDeleteI have searched on the internet for sources. Using searches, I have used words like game ratings, content, etc. I haven't really modified any words, but there is a website that I will visit soon. It is www.esrb.org, they rate content in games.
I used a much more efficient search engine. Instead of using google, I used Bing. I was able to use key words much easier with it.
The research question I have chosen for my research paper would be Should media content such as some video games and television shows and movies be censored or regulated.
ReplyDeleteFor this certain questions I first went on the internet for most of it. But then after that I searched the library to find other sources for the paper. I used the keywords censored/censorship and movies/videogames. I got some information on that search. But maybe I will have to modify the search later on.
I was able to use chapter titles and the table of contents to narrow my search topic. But I also used other techniques. But the one I used the most was the introduction technique, this way was the most productive I didn’t waste my time in any way. Instead of reading the whole article ,you really had to only read a couple sentences of the introduction. These techniques will help me out a lot.
The research question I have chosen for my persuasive research paper is "Should Social Security Be Reformed? If so, why and How? If not, why not?"
ReplyDeleteBased on my research question, I searched the library and the internet for possible sources. While searching I used the keywords "social security," "social security reform," and "SS Benefits." I did not have to modify my keywords because I used the most basic search term and then slightly elaborated on it.
Most of the time saving tips were almost useless to me when researching for this topic. The sources I found were pretty much straight information, not sources of opinion. First, I used titles as a possible time saving tip. Through using the titles of the sources I could figure out if the sources were legitimate or bogus. A second time saving tip I attempted to use was thesis or main idea, which worked better than the title. By looking at the thesis or topic sentence I could tell if the source was something I really wanted to spend time on looking into or if it would be a complete waste of time.
The research question that I have decided to write my paper on is the media censorship question.
ReplyDeleteSo far, I have only used the internet for research on this topic, though I plan to visit the library this week. In my research, I used the keywords censorship/media content. I have not had to modify my search yet, though I am sure that I will have to in the near future.
I found the graphic highlighting technique very helpful, because I saved so much time figuring if the article is worth spending my time on or not. This is so helpful to me because it saves me so much time.
The topic I chose is different than the others. I chose the legalization of marijauna. Not only is the topic very controversial, but it a very current event right now in our government and society. the other reason I chose this topic is the fact that I have written many reports on the subject in highschool. I have always wanted to write it on a college level.
ReplyDeleteI search for sources in the library and the internet. I noticed there is a lot of current articles about the legalization of marijuana. Most of the articles are about medical use and the states ability to enforce its own laws. The library didnt turn out to be as much as a hot spot as i inticipated. I tried looking in the index of books, but it seems like its easier to search books about my topic and either purchase them or actually read them online. The articles seem to be my best bet so far on credible sources. I think searching the topic name itself or searching some of my narrowed down ideas gives me a lot of results. When i get a list of book titles or article titles i search them. I got a lot of book summaries online before i even look at it
For my research question i have chosen, should media content be more regulated? why or why noy?
ReplyDeleteMy first attempt to look for sources for my topic, I used googles search engine. I searched using the key terms media and regulation. I didnt have to modify my search terms really just narrow down my search by using only (media and regulation).
Since I used a website, I was not able to use the time saving techniques we used in class. I do intend on going to the library to find a text source, and then I will use these techniques.
I chose the question “Should popular culture texts and technology be used in education?” for my response paper. I read a few news articles on Yahoo and a few other sites to help me decide. I can’t exactly recall the keywords for the search at the moment, but I think a few were “classroom, IPod, Facebook.” I had to modify my search a few times, but that was mainly due to incorrect spelling and few poorly chosen words.
ReplyDeleteThe two time-saving techniques that I can remember are the annotation method and research time-saving tips. The annotation method saved some time, but was more useful in helping me remember my opinion at the time when I was reading it. The research time saving tips was more work than Just reading though and hoping to remember, but it saved quite a bit of time. I think I’ll use a mix of the two methods in the future.
For my response paper I have chosen the question should popular culture texts and techonology be used in education? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using them?
ReplyDeleteI started at google researching with my original question. I found a few sources, then I went to OCC library online and used EBSOhost and found a lot of useful articles on my research question. Key Words I used in the library were media in education, and advantages and disadvantages.
I didnt use any of the time saving techniques yet. I think I will use the section titles and table of contents when I actually use books for my references. Im sure they will be very helpful. I know I will use the annotation method when I begin doing more research because it helps me really learn what I am reading about.
I've decided to use the research question of "should there be stricter gun control laws". I searched for sources via the internet as well as leafing through gun related magazines. Whilst searching on the internet, I used the keywords "gun control and crime statistics". These keywords actually brought me quite a few very good links that I've since bookmarked so I can return to them. I did use a bit of the time saving techniques for getting through the magazines. The primary one I used was asking the question as I read. It enabled me to breeze through the material with my pointed question at the for front of my mind. Whether is saved me time or not, I'm not sure, as I'm usually pretty good at skimming. It did help keep my thoughts straight though, I can sometimes get sucked into an article and side tracked. So far that's the only "new" method I've tried to use. Once I get heavier into the research I'll experiment with more of them.
ReplyDeleteThe research question I have chosen for my research paper would be Should media content such as some video games and television shows and movies be censored or regulated. I find censorship quite an interesting topic because i have mixed emotions on the topic.
ReplyDeleteI have found information on several internet sites, multiple books that i have found in the library and i even used several books from my house.Some terms i searched were censorship, rap music, video game violence and many many more.I did not have to alter my search words because i found adequate information with what i was looking for.I used highlighting and section titles as the main way of finding my information because i found them as the most helpful.
I have chosen to write about whether popular culture should be used in education. I used popular search engines such as google and yahoo, but like you said, so many links pop up that its hard to find the most reliable sources. I used keywords such as "pop culture and education," and came up with some pretty reliable sources.
ReplyDeleteI found a source when searching on bing.com out of Harvard.edu called "Growing up With Television: Everyday Learning Among Adolecents," written in 2002 by JoEllen Fisherkeller.
For my research paper I used the question, should taxpayers pay for new professional stadiums? When looking for my sources to help answer this question I came across lots of articles that were written by people that really didn't matter, or werent "experts". This became very irritating but with using the time-saving methods we learned this week it wasn't half as bad as it would have been. A month ago I would have probably used some of these sources I came across. Some methods I used were reading the topic sentences and conclusion or sometimes just skimming through to see if anything caught my eye. If I felt it fit the criteria then i would sometimes check the source of that source. But after I got done weeding out all the garbage I found some pretty good sources. One source is strictly about the new Yankee's stadium. This could come in very handy since the stadium cost around 1.5 billion dollars.
ReplyDeleteThe research question that I have chosen for my paper is Why cant we as American's decide what we want to listen to.
ReplyDeleteParental Advisory: Music Censorship In America is where i got most of the information for my paper it is a book that Eric Nuzum wrote. Some of the keywords I used were: Censorship in: America, congress, laws, and the 1950's up till today. No I did not have to modify any of my search terms.
When I was skimming through the book I used almost all of those techniques and they all helped me. The two of the time saving techniques that I used the most were Topic Sentences and the Index