We said in class that the key to effective annotation is to think of it like conversing with the author. Hence, you are responding to the text the way you would in a face-to-face discussion. This is especially helpful in research situations, as the author's ideas can help you answer your research question.
A way to visualize this is to think of your sources as people discussing your topic over dinner. You ask each the same question (your research question), and they then respond with answers (the sources). Not all of the answers will be the same. Often, you will have to decide which answers make sense to you and which you find problematic. In doing so, you should be able to develop what you see as YOUR answer.
Your paper then becomes your response to these people. Annotation is the first step; it allows you to start forming your response to each source and, hence, how each source can be used in your paper.
With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:
- What reading method(s) have you used to comprehend and use complex texts (books, articles, essays, websites, etc.) in the past? Have they been effective? Why or why not?
- In your past experiences, what have you found challenging about incorporating research into your writing?
- How did using annotation in class make reading complex material easier for you? What did you difficult about using this method?
When reading in the past, the only thing I would really do to help myself was to look up difficult words. I didn't have too much of a reading strategy. This hasn't been very effective, and I was ever really stuck I would just ask one of my classmates about it or try to have someone help me understand it. I usually would just read over the material once. This wasn't usually too effective, since I didn't always understand what I was reading.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, writing from research I had done was difficult for me. I think the hardest part was being able to organize all of the material I had gathered. When I was in high school, I didn't do much prewriting, which was also part of my problem. Incorporating research into my writing was more of an organization problem in the past, mostly because I had so much information.
The annotation method made me think more about reading in general. I think it will help me understand any complex reading more. I think that the amount of time you need to go through stuff for this method is more than I was used to, which is kind of challenging. In the long run, it really helps to understand the reading better. It would also make for better research and a better paper.
In the past I have struggled with reading comprehension. I have used annotation to some extent before. I have found that taking notes on what I read helps immensely with my comprehension. Other than note-taking I haven’t used other methods. Note taking helped me because I was able to take from the text what I thought needed to be remembered. Also, it helped me when having to write on text afterward because I could eliminate the things that weren’t necessary.
ReplyDeleteIn high school I had to write two very large research papers. I did not have very much or good guidance on the first as I did the second. However, the most difficult thing I struggles with was how much to add or not to. I ended up using too much, and in result didn’t get my own thoughts into the paper.
I really like the annotation method. It is very similar to my note-taking method, but it adds a few more detailed components, such as defining unknown words, and writing directly in the text rather than on a separate paper. Being able to identify the authors claim would probably be the hardest thing for me. However, practicing this method will help me to become a better reader, and therefore a better writer.
In the past I use to believe that I was very good reader but I was wrong. I found this out when I had to take an entrance test to get into nursing school. I passed the math and failed the reading. This was because I had a hard time comprehending the material especially under timed circumstances. I also found out that I had a hard time coprehending the material because I had no method for reading. I would start at the beginning of the reading and work down to the end often skipping words I didn't know. Because I skipped over the words I didn't know I missed out on a lot of the articles meaning.It was then that I realized I needed a better reading strategy.
ReplyDeleteIn the past writing research papers had been fairly easy for me. I would say the hardest thing about writing a research paper is gathering all your information and making sure there is enough information to support your claim. Once I collected all my information it was then easy for me to sit down and start writing. So basically the hardest thing for me is gathering enough sufficient information for my paper.
I liked the annotation method. It really helped me understand the article better. For instance,using the annotation method forced me to put the reading into my own words, therefore I understood it better. It also helped me to remember what I read. The only thing I found difficult about using the annotation method was identifying the authors claims, but overall I found the annotation method very helpful. I definitely think using this method will really improve my reading skills.
I have never really had an actual “reading method,” but rather just gone through a text and did my best to comprehend it. Whenever I came across words I didn’t understand, I would stop and try to use the context that it was used in to better understand it. If that strategy didn’t work, then I would move on; I never wanted to waste time looking up the meaning of a word. Though I didn’t consider what I did a “reading strategy,” I found what I did highly effective. Reading comprehension has always been a strong point of mine; the way I read worked for me.
ReplyDeleteIn past experiences, the most difficult part of incorporating research into a paper has been actually using the research. I tended to stick to topics that I was highly opinionated on for research papers. Because I had so many personal beliefs on these topics, I oftentimes found it hard to insert research into my papers when I had so much to say myself.
Using annotation in class helped me to pinpoint the most important parts of a complex paper. This helped me to constantly consider the main idea of the paper while reading over supporting details, which helped me to better understand the overall reading.
In the past I haven't had a set reading method, but I would usually jot down notes and highlight the important parts. It has been fairly effective, especially the highlighting becauseI could just reread those portions instead of scanning the whole paper again.
ReplyDeleteIn my past research papers, I always felt really overwhelmed. I never used the method where you set dates to complete each step by, but I think I would benifit from doing so. I also wasn't the best at recording my sources when I found them so I would have to go back and find the exact book again for my bibliography.
When we used the annotation method in class, I found it very easy to come up with a one sentence summary for each paragraph, and when I did this it was a lot easier to rememeber all the parts of the article. Asking questions also made me think outside of the box and come up with questions that I woudn't have thought of otherwise. I didn't have trouble using the method at all, and I think I will use it in the future.
I when I read books, to analys them, I usually use sticky-tabs and to comment or locate parts of the text which may later pove valuable in my report or analysis. I have found this method has been pretty succesful for me since it saves allot of time later on, instead of vaguely remembering a quote of phrase and trying to find it I use my sticky-tabs and locate it right away.
ReplyDeleteWhen writing research papers in past I have found that finding information is not as difficult as figuring out how to make the information fit into the paper in a logical and smooth manor.
While annotating I wrote a sentence long summary of each sentence, spotted words I did not understand, cited phrases used as examples to prove the authors opinion, and made comments on the authors opinion. The most difficult part was probably finding the appropriate places to make comments on the text.
1.)Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to learn any type of reading method. I read voraciously, but it has always been for pleasure. I'm learning to take notes as I read and I do like the annotation method.
ReplyDelete2.)I know it must seem strange to others, but again I have absolutely no expereince in either researching or writing.
3.)Annotation helps to break down the text into more easily readable pieces and also seperates the authors ideas from the facts. This was one of the more difficult parts for me.
1) In the past, I have had a hard time fully comprehending what I read. I could read something 30 times and still not understand. The only thing that would help me is to look up unknown words and using context clues. Reading has never really been my thing, so I never took that much time to have a “reading method.” I wish I could be more successful while reading complex texts.
ReplyDelete2) When researching, it’s difficult for me to know what is credible and what is not. I never want to write anything that isn’t true. Also, citing my sources in the text was always hard for me. I don’t know if it was because I wasn’t careful with keeping my sources organized, or what it is but I’m not fond of it.
3) Using annotation in class definitely helped my reading comprehension. It seems to slow things down in order for me to understand what I’m reading. Writing things in the margins and summarizing keeps you actively involved in the reading. It makes you analyze and ask questions which always leads to better thinking and learning.
I usually jus highlight the important things in whatever I am reading. I also circle important things, put questions marks next to things that confuse me, and make notes in the margin.
ReplyDeleteFor the most part, yes, they have been very effective, it makes it easier later if I need to use the reading to write a paper or something of the sort. However sometimes it gets a little messy, and I highlight things that don’t need to be highlighted, which leads to confusion.
If I change words up in a sentence that someone else said I don’t know if I should still quote it or not, cause if I change words its technically not what they had written. I also hate having to do the works cited page, that’s never any fun, and it can be quite confusing.
It got all the main ideas out in the open so when looking for information for our paper we don’t have to search, its just there.
Nothing was all to difficult about using this method aside from having to pretend we were having a conversation with the author. That was confusing. I don’t really understand the concept of that.
-katy p
In the past I have used annotation as a reading strategy to understand complex texts. I have not used it to the extent we did in class though. I would only define unknown words and underline or write important ideas in the margin. These techniques have helped me to better understand the text the first time I read it, rather then keep on reading it over and over and not getting anything out of it.
ReplyDeleteIn my past experiences of writing research papers I have found that it is not a problem for me to get the research, as much as it is a problem for me to organize it into my paper once I have it.
I think annotation makes reading complex texts much easier for me. It helps me understand the main ideas of the text and I may have to read it a couple times, but the more times I read it, the more information I am getting out of it. The only thing that I found difficult about this is that it might take some time to really get all of the information you may want.
In the past, I have stuggled with comprehension. I felt that the reason to that was because I never really has a reading method. Sometimes I had a hard time understanding the reading, which then i would try to go back and re-read, but it still didn't work. I had then realized that i needed a reading method.
ReplyDeleteIn the past experiences with writing research papers, I have found that organizing my thoughts on paper is one of the hardest parts for me. Also finding out what details need to be put in, and what to leave out. I tend to put in other details that arn't needed.
Annotation made complex material easier for me because we were told to put each of the paragraphs in our own words. This made me understand the article better. Also being able to write on the side of the pages was helpful because I was able to go back and remember what I have read. The only difficult part was fining the authors claim.
In all honesty, I do not know what reading method I have used in the past to comprehend difficult, or complex texts. If I came across a word I didn't know, of course I would look it up. Also, if I had a portion of text I didn't understand I would either have my parents read it, or look online for information to help me make sense of it (the time period it was written in, what the author thought to be important during the time it was written, political influence, etc.) I really love the fact that I can ask my parents about different authors, because nine out of ten times they have either read what I am reading, or they are familiar with the author's work and can offer me direction. And in the case where they haven't read what I am reading, they certainly want to, and then we can discuss it after.
ReplyDeleteWhen using research in the past, I would sometimes bite off way more than I could chew. I would find a LOT of resources that were great, and try to incorporate them all into a 4 page paper. While the notion was good, I would very easily get distracted and you could see it in my writing - "Fuzzy thoughts equal fuzzy writing" as my high school English teacher would preach. Now however, I have stuck to an outline formula when it comes to research or persuasive papers. This helps me to organize my ideas and see what format I would like my paper to take. It also helps me to use only the information that is necessary and shows me where to put it. I learned this method in a public speaking class taught by Shirley Myrus (who is fantastic.) It really helps me to simplify not only the research I have collected, but the entire writing process.
I liked using the annotation method you showed us in class. While I will admit that with larger texts it may be time consuming, it is very helpful when you have areas you want to come back to in the reading. I also like the idea of using it with my everyday reading. I tend to read books that take some time to digest, and if I find an area in my book that I want to come back to later, or that is important, I can easily find it again by my notes. I also realized today that I use annotation all the time, particularly on Sunday's when I go to church. Writing myself notes in the margins of my bible is a good example of how annotation can be useful.
When reading complex texts, I have honestly never used a specific reading method. I would read the short story, article, or whatever it was several times until I fully understood what it meant. Depending on if i was writing a paper on it, I would read it, take notes, and read it again. This method I guess helped me out a little but was not very useful.
ReplyDeleteI find incorporating my research into my writing difficult. I never know where to put it so it makes sense. I just have a hard time organizing it. I realized I need to do more prewriting so it will be easier to put it into my writing.
Using the annotation method in class made the reading much easier. It is a little time consuming but it is worth it later on when you wanna remember what you read and what it was truly about. Taking notes throughout it makes me find the key points. I enjoy using this method.
The reading techniques I have used in the past are using textbooks and online sources to understand the text more. Yes they have been effective because that is the way that helps me learn the best.
ReplyDeleteIn my writing I haven't had a lot of trouble with incorporating research because it comes easy to me when I find all the information. The information is then put into my essay in an orderly manner.
It helped a lot to use annotation because it puts all the information i need to know right where the text is. Putting the information on the side of the text gives me an easier way to put my ideas down quicker.
In my past researching experiences I have never used a specific annotation method. While reading my sources I will underline important information that I want to remember to use in my paper. I will alway make notes in the margins in order to remember what my thoughts were while reading the text. I guess I could say that these methods are effective because they help me to find and remember relevent information.
ReplyDeleteI have found that incorporating my research can be difficult at times, and others not. Times when I have found it to be difficult is when I have information that I want to include but I don't know where to add it. I think that I could use the post-draft outline to help me find where my research would best fit.
I thought that underlining words that I don't understand is very helpful because that makes me want to find out what they mean, when usually I will just skip them. I also think that responding in the margins help because it allows you to remember your thoughts after you are done reading. I didn't think that anything about the annotation method is difficult because everything about it will benefit your research.
In the past I never used a reading method. Sometimes I’ll look up words if I’m not sure what they mean. Usually I just find myself re-reading the same sentences over and over again until I understand it.
ReplyDeleteI like writing researching papers. I think I do a pretty good job incorporating the research I find into my paper. Sometimes citing the sources is confusing for me but that’s about it.
I didn’t find anything difficult about using this method. I think I’m going to use annotation a lot more now that I actually know what it is. It helped me to remember what my thoughts were on the reading when I was done. Usually by the time I’m done reading a chapter or an article I can’t remember what questions I had about the beginning of the reading. Learning annotation in class will definitely make reading complex material easier.
I really don't use many different reading methods. When i do read it is often magazine articles, notes, texts, or something on the computer screen. However I do read books sometimes, usually they are books about people that I am interested in. When I read a more difficult texts I find that my reading comprehension holds me back from fluid reading and understanding. Many times I have to stop my reading to look up a word and then continue on. I think that if i had better reading strategies that it would allow me to become a stronger reader.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problem I face when applying research to my writing, it not researching the right information. I often end up doing more research than necessary and then have to try and apply all this information into my essay. This leads to my final draft being more excessive in areas that could be concise, and lacking details where i could have used more.
I was not in class for the annotation method, but from reading the other students comment. I have an idea that it will be a lot of little jots about what your side thoughts may have been while reading something difficult. If you can express what you are thinking at the time and write it down, then when you go back and re read it will help you understand better because you simplified what you understood. I look forward to learning this new method. I don't think Mr. Snow would give are class anything we couldn't handle, so no I don't think this will be a hard method to grasp.
In the past I have used annotation quite often while reading complex texts. I also have used note taking and a dictionary if I get really stuck, although I usually don't apply any strategies to my reading. While such techniques are without a doubt helpful, I've found that I retain and understand readings just fine without having to read them again.
ReplyDeleteIncorporating research into my writing is especially hard for me. Not actually doing the research, or finding the right sources, but actually using the sources rather than letting myself write from my own opinions and experiences. I tend to write quickly once I get going on a topic, and it is very hard for me to stop and shoehorn in a quote from a source or find a way to reference things I have learned about a topic in the past.
As I previously stated, I use annotation quite often when reading a complex text and I am having trouble understanding it. I find this method focuses my reactions into statements or questions, which lead to further development of my ideas. The only thing difficult about annotation for me is attempting to annotate a reading that is bland, boring, or otherwise uninteresting to me. As for the reading in class, I found it easy to annotate because it is a topic that brings out strong gut-reactions in me. Of course most of my annotations were about Quest to Learn ruining the fun of video games for a generation taught using them.
In the past I have basically just read the material and if I didn’t understand it I would reread it or ask a peer for their interpretation. I also would look up words I didn’t know in order to try and better understand the text. I don’t think my reading method was very effective because there were many times that I would walk away still feeling uncertain about the material. However, sometimes I did highlight or underline key points which helped me when I went back to the text. It helped to trigger my original ideas and help me continue with my thinking process.
ReplyDeleteI think incorporating research into writing is difficult because it’s just facts. It’s hard to put your own twist on things for express opinions when you just have to state the facts at times. Also sometimes the research material I had available didn’t work well with my thesis which would cause me to change my entire paper. Finding the material is hard enough but then using it in an effective way is terribly difficult. Also there were times the facts did not help to support my ideas so I either eliminated them or was forced to change my opinion.
Using annotation made the reading process easier because it broke it down into smaller steps. By first finding unknown words we were able to better understand the piece. Then we went in search of key ideas we were able to pull the effective pieces of information out. By doing this we were able to record our ideas so when we came back at a later time we would remember our original intentions and thoughts. I think the only thing that made this harder was the fact that it was broken into steps. Sometimes when I’m working I just want to get things done as quickly and effectively as possible and by using this method it will be a challenge to force myself to slow down.
Methods I've used in the past are to read at my own pace..It is effective so
ReplyDeleteI can understand and remember what I'm reading.Also writing down major ideas which are effective by having the most important information if needed. Another method that I use it to look up unfamiliar words you should wat to know what your reading makes sense.
Challenges I've had were possibly getting enough information,correct information or even staying on the correct topic.
Using annotation in class expressed what the meaning of it is. It was a more verbal way of explaining what annotation is.
In the past I haven't used many reading methods. At most, I occasionally took notes on a piece of scrap paper. Once in a while, it would help, however, most of the time I just used what I remembered. When it came to reading articles I highlighted and took notes. For the most part this was very ineffective when it came to writing about a certain topic. This is due to the fact that I only remembered and took notes on certain parts.
ReplyDeleteAt certain points it was difficult to find the correct places to put in the information that I had obtained through my research. This in turn made it difficult to make my paper flow in a matter that I liked.
Annotation made it easier to remember certain facts because they were put into my own words. this meant less time re-reading what I had previously read and understood. Annotation was not difficult to use at all; it was simple yet in-effective.
This is Brian Kim. I have been using taking notes technique for my past reading comprehensions. They have been effective so far. I used to take notes on a separate paper similar to taking notes during the class, but I thought that didn’t do much good. So I decided to take notes just on the books I am doing on. In my past experiences the hardest part of writing a paper is finding related topic evidences in the book. I had to understand fully what I am writing about then finding the evidences and helpful quotes in the book to support my thesis. It sounds easy, but in the thick and complex books, it was difficult. The annotation method is an effective way. Similar to my original method, it provides more understanding while reading the book. It also recalls my memory when I am returning to the book again. I personally think this is the most original and effective way to take notes in the book, but it takes time. For example, I used to find definitions of words while I was beginning to learn English. It was effective. However, when reading a thick book, there are a lot more complex words. Thus, it takes a lot more time to find definitions, resulting about 20 minutes to go to next page. It is effective, but it becomes harder and tiring to read the book.
ReplyDeleteI have used annotation in the past. It is helpful because it makes you think about the material you have just read and also write about it. Also in the past I have read the introduction and then the conclusion. Yet, I don’t like this method because I feel like the material becomes boring. Also I have just skimmed through a paper and then fully read it. Yet, this is also very repetitive. I don’t find incorporating research into my paper difficult. This is because I find information that will coincide with my paper. What I find difficult is finding creditable sources.
ReplyDeleteI haven't used too many special methods in the past, but one method I do use a lot it just to think of the situation that is being presented. Doing this will help me to better understand what is going on in the story. I also look up words that I do not know, and cannot figure out just by visualizing the situation. These methods have always worked for me very well.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, one thing that I have found to be difficult when incorporating my research into my writing, is trying to stretch the information out into a well developed essay. I think that this is hard for me, mostly because I don't want to repeat myself, and it's hard not to when you have too little information.
Using annotation made reading complex material a lot easier for me because I was able to visualize the situation better, and put myself in the place of a person talking to the author. The only thing that I found difficult about this method is that it kind of required a little more thinking and imagination.
The basic methods I have used when reading a difficult peice is almost all the same things we were taught in class. I circle words that I dont know and I write little notes to myself on the side of the paper that I think were important or things I would need to know later. The challenging part about wirting a research paper for me is writing about things that I am just not interested in. It is so hard to write a paper that I feel like I am proud of when I dont believe or care about what Im writing about in the first place. The hardest thing about the methods we used in class while reading is the amount of times you need to stop while reading. It makes me forget what i just read and ultimatly taking me a lot longer to read, and Im a slow reader as it is.
ReplyDeleteI have taken full advantages of the internet for everything from ebay to reading comprehension. For example, if I am reading a paper and I don't understand a word I will type it into dictionary.com and it's as simple as that. I also use web to find out more information about the topic of my paper so that I have more of a background on what the author is talking about. However, the internet doesn't just give you quick access to actual facts. You need to make sure your sources are reliable and not just someone's opinion. I also try to reread the passage because I always find that I missed some key details the first round.
ReplyDeleteWhat I have found difficult about incorporating research into my papers would be the actual placement of the research. I have trouble connecting it to my writing in the sense of smooth transitioning and making sense. Sometimes I feel like I am just trying to find a place to stick it after I have written my paragraph instead of building one around it. I think this can tend to give my writing a choppy appearance.
I found annotation to be an easy method to use for reading comprehension. It forces you to think about what you just read before moving on to the next idea. It also assures you that you are getting the main ideas out of the reading. It can be tricky, though, to get one main idea from a paragraph if you feel that there are so many. Sometimes this makes me nervous that I am going to miss the real point and get stuck on a smaller detail.
In the past I have neglected to use any reading method other than trying to just get it over with. This is why I have trouble reading and comprehending complex texts, not enough of it stays in my mind with this habit.
ReplyDeleteThis has made it specifically difficult to incorporate research into my own writing in several ways. Reading was simply a jumbled mess for me. And since organization and understanding are key to successful writing, this was quite challenging for me.
Annotation clears up a great deal of this mess. When using proper annotation skills main points, questions, and other sources of confusion are clearly pin-pointed.
I havn't really used any techniques when reading. Most of the time i read everything first, then i go back and skim through. As i skim through i write down details i remember that would help me towards my research paper, or whatever purpose im reading for. If i own the text im am reading, i will underline things i thimk i should know or remember. I deal with internet sites a little different. I usually search and skim through to see if i like what i see. If I like it i will save it to my favorites and keep searching. After i feel like i have enough i start looking at them to decide which ones i want and dont want. Then after i single them out, I read them in depth and take notes accordingly. To the best of my knowledge its been pretty effective.
ReplyDeleteI dont think i have much problems putting what i have read into my paper. With a research paper, what you read is your paper. I may have some difficulty in proper citing. knowing when you have too much or too little. When you already know a fact that is stated in the writing if I should cite it.
Using notation wasnt too different than what I do already. I didn't find anything difficult about it. It did make a few things easier for me. One thing was going back looking for my details. most of the details I wanted to use i already had written down in the margin.
In the past I've used a selective note summary system. I would pick the information I needed, and then jot it down, and summarize the main ideas that I would need for tests, or to do well in the course. I've always ran into dead ends in past research papers, I would finish writing all I had, but be below the min. amount of pages. So I would have to 'bs' my way through the rest. I like annotation, it does make the process easier, but I already have a workable system.
ReplyDeleteMethods I've used in the past are to read at my own pace.It is effective so I can understand and remember what I'm reading. Writing down major ideas that is effective by having the most important information needed. Another method that I use is to look up unfamiliar words you should want to know to make the readin much easier.
ReplyDeleteChallenges I've had were possibly getting enough information correct or even staying on the correct topic.
Using annotation in class expressed what the meaning of it is. It was a more verbal way of explaining what annotation is.
When reading a long complex book or piece of writing it’s hard to remember everything that you read. In a long piece of writing not all of the information can be useful for you. If there are specific quotes or passages that are useful to you, it helps to take note of these in order to use it later. I like to highlight passages so it is easier to see them when later. When you highlight things that are important, you can easily locate them later when flipping through the pages. This works well for me because I can go right to the information that I want and not have to waste time.
ReplyDeleteWhen writing a paper, incorporating research is a must. To properly write a paper you have to investigate what you’re writing about. You have to do the research and then state your findings or your opinions in your paper. If you know where to find your answers, it can be easy to write your paper. But if you don’t know where to find answers then it makes it difficult to write a decent paper. For me it has not been too big of a problem finding the right answers for my papers.
Annotation worked well for me in class. I was able to break down sections and phrases that were critical to the wring and comment about them right on the handout. It can be difficult to use later if you don’t fully express your thoughts on paper.
I have always just read the entire piece, or done the speed reading of the first two and last sentence of each paragraph, though I never used that way often. It always seemed to work okay with me, except that I would often get lost and completely forget what I just finished reading.
ReplyDeleteResearch papers have always driven me crazy. I never knew how much research to put in, how much was to be completely my own, and how to use it.
I liked the annotation, it made my life much simpler. I seemed to remember what I needed to know much better then when I did it my own way.
In the past i have found then when writng a research paper i have trouble adding it to my writtings. I can do the reasearch but when it comes time to add it in i have troublke with makin it flow smoothly and make sence.
ReplyDeleteDoing the annotations in class helped me realize that it is alot easier to remember and understand what you have just read if you use this method.
In the past to help comprehend hard reading I would read it out loud and then I would re-read it until I understood what it meant. This was normally very effective for me because I would understand what I was reading as well remember it.
ReplyDeleteIn my past expierences about including research into my papers.I have always found it difficult to incorporate quotes from the articles.
Using annotation in class didn't really make things easier for me.
Usually when I read books, articles or websites I just skim through them until I think I get the hang of what I am reading. This method is usually effective because it gives me a sense of what I am reading without me having to read the entire thing. When I don’t get the hang of it I usually have to read the passage for longer and then I start to understand
ReplyDeleteIn the past what I found challenging about incorporating research into my writing was that it is sometimes easy to read something and understand what it is about but its another thing to read something and then explain what it is actually about. This is why I don’t really like putting research in a paper unless I absolutely have to.
I found it difficult that we have to use this method because I am not really fond of it. The only reason for this is because I don’t know how to use it yet but when I get to understanding it then its going to be easy to get done.
1) When I am reading material in school I usually would just open the book and start reading. I learned the hard way that this reading strategy was not efficient in any way whatsoever. I was never really taught reading methods other than just tackling the book from cover to cover. This could work for someone who has a normal attention span but unfortunately i get very bored with just looking at words for more than 20 minutes at a time. If I am reading an article with captions separating different columns then I can read the captions and the first part of the article which can give me a vague understanding of what I am about to read. Once I have a vague idea I usually want to know more about the topic so I then read it from front to back. Just knowing what I am about to read helps more than someone would think.
ReplyDelete2) The main thing that is difficult about incorporating research into my writing is being able to properly cite the sources and accurately put information into the text without sounding like I am plagiarizing. Finding information can also be difficult. Using the internet may sound easy but many websites that aren't marked educational or government can have inaccurate information on the page. This can make research itself difficult and make you look like an idiot when the teacher is grading your paper.
3) I personally love using annotation and cannot find anything wrong with it unless I use it on a reading that is more that 5 pages long. Putting all the important information in the columns can get confusing if there is too much of it. I think that annotation is perfect for short stories or articles. Once you are done reading the article all you have to do is look in the side margin and you have all of the important information that you need to absorb from that article.