One key point for inside-out drafting: don't try to write the first draft as if it will be a perfect paper. It won't. The sooner you accept that we are using a process for developing a strong paper that can't be perfected at this stage, the more free and effective your drafting stage will be, not to mention your stress and frustration levels will be minimal.
Now that you are in the process of drafting the paper (or, perhaps, finished with the first draft), please address the following in your response with specific examples/ideas:
- How did this method make your drafting of the paper easier or more effective?
- Did you struggle in any way using this method? How so?
- Now that you have used the method, what will you modify or change next time you use it?
I have experimented with a lot of methods, but this method does seem to provide me with the most help. I could look at the ideas I had for the paper, and pick and choose what i wanted in it, and what i wanted to cut out. This process makes it easier for me to write a stronger paper. This method also didnt provide many struggles for me, the only one was organization, which is more of a personal problem then it is with the inside out method. In contrast, I would work to make the process an organized one, I had to many papers out, and I kept getting lost in my own work, but with time this will be come less of a problem, just takes practice.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bolduc
For this analysis paper we have worked allot in groups in class to brain storm ideas for analyzing one of the two stories. With four or five people in a group we generated a lot of ideas, some good and some not so good. Each person had their own idea of what their paper should turn out to be and it doesn't always match the rest of the group.
ReplyDeleteMy group came up with plenty of ideas for symbolism in "The Tell Tale Heart" but not all ones that I though were as important as the next. At first, my group was just shouting out things that they thought worked well for symbolism. After a while we started to see what worked and what didn't work with the theme of the story. Now that I have all these possible topics for symbolism I have to sort through the ones that I think are important to my view of the story.
Working this way with other people that all have the same goal was a good way of drafting this paper. Even though our ideas were not all the same, it made it easier to see what matered in the story and what didn't.
1) The inside-out method made drafting a lot easier and more effective by helping me sort out the main ideas and details of the paper first before I tried to write about them without knowing what I'm even going to write. It also took a lot of time and stress away when writing a paper because I knew exactly what I was going to write ahead of time.
ReplyDelete2) I had no struggles while using this method. It's simple, easy and a lot less time consuming. It helps me to write a lot better of a paper in general.
3) The next time I use this method the only thing I would change would be trying to make everything perfect as if it were the final draft, when in reality it's only a rough draft. I should relax a little more and write more freely so I can learn from my mistakes, fix them and make them better.
The Inside out method was not the normal way of drafting a paper for me so being able to try something new every once and a while allows me to develope new learning paths.
ReplyDeleteI have to honestly say that I did struggle because I am so use to just litterally spewing information out on to the page.
The next time I use this method I should have a better understanding and comprehension of what I am doing. Details and specific examples helped me greatly in developing this method.
3. Now that you have used the method, what will you modify or change next time you use it?
ReplyDeleteInside-out writing was very different for me but I think it helped me focus on one topic or idea at a time, instead of jumping from one idea to the next without fully explaining it.
I can't say that I struggled at all, I actually think I enjoyed this assignment.
The next time I inside-out write I am going to try and spend more time free-writing before drafting because each time a sat down to free-write P rety much just started drafting.
This drafting concept made the writing process much easier. It allowed me to better establish my ideas in a more unified fashion. It also allowed me to notice details that may have otherwise been overlooked. I began to see my ideas come together in an easier way instead of struggling through writing top to bottom. Compared to writing top to bottom, writing inside out allowed me to develop each idea entirely and then work on making the paper a whole. It was easier to not lose my train of thought and keep my focus.
ReplyDeleteThe only struggles I found in this method were choosing which details to focus on. Since this method allows for all of your ideas to develop it is difficult to choose which has the most importance. Also I sometimes found myself contemplating which ideas to put together. Although I did find myself struggling some I think that the benefits greatly outweigh the costs in this situation.
Next time I think I will try to narrow my details down more. This time I used all the details I could think of so next time I will make my subject much more focused in order to get my point across. Also I think next time I may try to get my ideas down on paper before drafting on the computer so I can have less distractions. I think the process will gradually improve itself as I work with it more and more.
The inside-out meathod really made drafting alot easier for me. At first I thought I would struggle with this method because I was not use to it at all, but it turned out better than I thought.
ReplyDeleteI was able to focus on one topic at a time, and that's what I usually struggled on when I use to write papers,but this method made it easier. My ideas also started coming along faster, and everything seemed organized. We also got to work in groups, and that helped me out alot because as soon as we started putting different ideas together, I knew that starting my paper wasn't going to be as difficult.
The next time I use this method, I need to focus on getting my point accross with less details. I tend to put in other details that arn't as important.
Inside out drafting made writing my first draft easier by taking away the frustration I've often felt trying to write an introduction to an essay I haven't written yet. It allowed me to focus on the topic at hand. Really this is the easiest way I've ever tried to write anything, no struggles to be found. I flowed easily from one idea to the next quickly and without major effort. Really the only thing I would change or do differently is make sure I always write like this. That and be a little more extensive in my pre-writing.
ReplyDeleteI found this method of inside out drafting to be one of the more effective methods of drafting that I have used. It made it much easier to write the paper and get all the ideas down on the page that I wanted to include. Also it took away the difficulty of trying to piece parts together individually and making them have to fit, instead I was able to look at it as one piece and put parts where they belonged.
ReplyDeleteThe only struggle I had with this is that with point of view it was more difficult to list down all the key components and then work them in, but once I found the right way to piece everything together then this method made the rest of the work that much easier.
Next time that I turn to this method for drafting I will make sure that I have all my ideas that I want to put into the paper in the correct system so it flows seamlessly.
The Inside out method was not the normal way of drafting a paper for me.
ReplyDeleteI have to honestly say that I did struggle because I am so use to just dumping information out on to the page.
The next time I use this method I should have a better understanding of what I am doing. Details and specific examples helped me greatly in developing this method.
I personally really like this method. I seem to be able to keep my mind on what I am writing about at that moment, rather then what I am going to be writing about in the next paragraph, or even what I wrote in the last one. The one point of this that doesn't seem to really work for me, is that it makes it somewhat harder from me to transition. I am having a hard time putting it all together once I am have done them all separately. I don't think I would would really change anything about this method, so much as just keep using it, to completely figure it out. And to make transitions better.
ReplyDeleteI believe using this method helped me out a lot on my drafting. Usually when I am writing a paper I think of something I want to say later on, and by using this method it allows me to start writing anywhere I want. The only problem I have with this method is I get some what confused on where I should put certain points or ideas. I believe that by working with this method and practicing it on more of my writing will help me get used to it and write better papers.
ReplyDeleteThe inside-out drafting method made writing my paper much easier because it helps you to stay focused on one idea at a time. It is also more efficient than top-down drafting because I am able to stay on topic, and not throw random, pointless ideas into my paper.
ReplyDeleteI struggled at some points with this method, however they were just small issues. I would sometimes get writers block, but by reading my R.Q. at the top of the page I was able to keep my paragraph flowing. I also caught myself adding unnecessary details, but again it was much easier to get back on track with this method.
As of right now, I don't know what I will change with this method. It seems to work very well for me, and I like having a strict structure to work with. However, the more I practice with this method, I am sure I will modify it to make it my own.
This method was actually very easy to use. It allowed me to start wherever I felt the most comfortable in the paper. For instance, starting with any body paragraph instead of right at the thesis statement really allowed me to develop what I had to say. I also think that taking the time to work where I felt the strongest helped me to define and understand my thesis statement better.
ReplyDeleteThe areas I struggled with were more internal. At this stage of my life I kind of have my own prewriting strategies, and to do something completely different put me out of my comfort zone at first. It took me some time to switch my train of thought, and that was a bit frustrating.
Next time I use this method, I don’t think there will be much for me to change. I think that I may have adapted it to my own needs already, and I think I will simply mold it again. I did enjoy the fact that this method encouraged you to think outside of the box regarding prewriting.
-The inside-out method for drafting papers is more effective in that one's focus is brought to one category at a time. This style of writing makes it easier to be sure that each category/paragraph has all of the necessary parts/sub-categories. This style of drafting is efficient in that it enures that the paper as a whole is clearly organized, which makes the whole process more organized.
ReplyDelete-This method was much more efficient and simple than the methods i have previously used. Putting the pieces/paragraphs together was the only sticky part. Incorporating transitions between paragraphs was a bit more difficult.
-I do not intend on modifying this method the next time I use it, although I may pre-plan the order of my 'categories' in order to accomodate transitions.
-This method was very easy and efficient for me to use. Putting the pieces together was the only sticky part, incorporating transitions between paragraphs, that is.
-Using this method in the future will likely remain much the same for me, although I may pre-plan the order of my 'categories' in order to accomodate transitions better.
The inside-out method helped me in the drafting process a lot. It allowed me to establish the ideas I really wanted to incorporate in my paper. It also helped me maintain relevance throughout the paper and develop my ideas clearly.
ReplyDeleteFor the most part I did not struggle at all using this method. The only problem I had was getting used to using this method rather than using the top-down method. At times, this was somewhat frustrating but it wasn't too hard to overcome.
The next time I use this method I don't think I will change anything. It worked rather smoothly for me this time. The only issues I had will be solved as I continue to use this method and get more comfortable with it.
The inside-out method seems to work very well for me. It really helps get my ideas down, organized and ready to analyze. I was always so concerned with starting my essay and the introduction that I could never get anywhere. Now, I can see my ideas and where I want to go with them. I didn't struggle using this method because it is simply more helpful than not. It breaks down what I really need from what I don't. Next time depending on the piece, I might have to modify the techniques in order to express more details and show better clarity. Other than that, this method is the key to any successful paper.
ReplyDeleteThe inside- out method of writing is very effective. During class when we were learning about this technique i knew it would make my writing easier. Inside- out drafting in theory is a way of prioritizing your ideas. When you use this form or drafting you are focused on your ideas, and how they directly relate to your R.Q. While drafting you shouldn't be thinking about writing a perfect paper. The main purpose is to develop good body paragraphs with supporting details regardless of the order they fall in. This process made my writing easier because i wasn't stressing about how everything would fit together. I struggled with this method when I first began. I feel that the wide range of choices to start my drafting on can become problematic. I do my best work when I am given a topic, in harder writing pieces where i have to develop my own R.Q. I see myself getting confused. Next time I use this method I will open my mind up to different ideas and suspend my judgment. I think that if i can suspend my judgment from thinking the way I normally do it will allow me to set my mind in a more professional outlook. I think that mastering this format of drafting will be more successful than trying to modify it so soon.
ReplyDeleteBy using the inside out method of drafting made writing the first draft to this essay much simpler. I was able to start with the basic symbols from the Tall Tale Heart that I began with in my prewriting. By starting with these different parts the structure of the essay fell into place almost immediately. This made writing the intro and conclusion much faster because I already knew exactly what the body paragraphs consisted of.
ReplyDeleteThroughout high school we always wrote essays in the order in which they were read. So naturally it would be difficult to break away from this habit by writing with a method that differs from ones norm. Yet by using the inside out method, the essay was easier to write over all in my opinion. And once it becomes a matter of habit than I am sure that it will be my preferred method of writing.
I can’t say that I would want to change much about the way I went about writing this draft. I think the only difference in the future would be moving through it faster. This would be the result of being used to what was a foreign way of writing.
Using the inside out method for the first time was okay for me. It made my drafting a little bit easier since I wasnt stuck trying to look back at my introduction a million times making sure things are in order. It proved to be very effective. I The only time i found myself stuggling was when I found myself thinking i had to mention things from the intro, the difference was i didnt have one yet. All I had to was focus on the facts and just write. If I had to change anything about this method, I wouldnt. I dont know what it would be that I would change. The methos worked well for me and I would gladly us it agian.
ReplyDeleteThis method of drafting has helped me a lot because I have never seen it done another way. It made my paper more effective by having my ideas flow. This method helped me learn more about what I was writing and taught me how to plan out my ideas.
ReplyDeleteI did not have any troubles using this method because it was more effective and easier. When I used it the time it took me to do it this way was a lot faster.
I would not modify this method in any way because it worked for me. It worked for me by showing how to plan out my ideas and use them in an efficient manner.
Using the inside out method for my first time was a semi difficult expierience but one in which is a stepping stone to the furthering of my writing knowledge. I plan to continue using this technique until I can preform it without a stumble. Yet i did find it easier to write my paper because i worried less about making my paper perfect and just didn't worry about anything. The ideas just seemed to flow onto the paper and semi-enjoyed writing my paper. The only reason i believe i struggled was because in high school all my papers were written top to bottom so it was kind of hard to switch things up. Now that I have used the inside out method I believe I will continue to use it based mainly on the fact that things after a little while seemed to flow so easily that the paper was almost enjoyable
ReplyDeleteafter using the inside-out method for writing my paper i rather like it. evrything i (and almost everyone i talked to) have ever been taught was to start with the intro and end with the conclusion. but after using this method it makes more sense. "why would u introduce a paper u havnt wrote". i remember hearing that in class. it just makes sense. in every paper i ever wrote, which i did get a good grade, was monotonous and robotic. i always followed the pattern to get the grade but i felt like it just didnt sound right. using the pattern they gave me worked for the grade but not in litereature.
ReplyDeletestruggles. did i struggle is the question. one thing i had a problem with was picking the right topics. i didnt want to write ten paragraphs and then later try to put them in place. plus i didnt want to spend the time to write ten paragraphs anyway. but overall i didnt struggle. its easier to just write about one topic than to think about your whole paper while you are writing that one paper.
would i modifiy the inside-out method? im not sure if what i would modify would actually be a modification. i would just think about my ideas before i start to write paragraphs. but im not sure if im already supposed to. so my answer is: If you are not supposed to single out your ideas first then single some out.
When I have done writing in the past, I have used the Top - Down strategy. This does not work as well as the Inside Out method. The Inside Out method of writing makes organization a lot easier. It makes more a more effective and more organized paper. I have been struggling so far using this method for the short story analysis paper because I hadn't used it before. I'm not used to spending a shorter amount of time for the first draft. I haven't used it enough to make changes for next time, but I know this method is better for me for my writing.
ReplyDeleteUsing this method is very helpful to me because I tend to have alot of ideas and feel overwhelmed but do not know how or where to start with the paper or essay,even possibily my draft. Using this method can atleast get me organized. Many times when I start writing ideas come to my mind so I'm continuiously writing without thinking. This is more effective especially if you start on your draft early,your paper will most likely show how organized you are and very well detailed.
ReplyDeleteI feel this method can be very helpful and should be requested to use in doing a paper or essay. I do not struggle with this method,I feel it is needed to look at information you need for a paper ad something to dwell on. I feel it prepares you more because your ideas are in front of you for your draft. I tend to struggle with starting on a paragraph whether it be from the beginning or end.
The next time I use this method I may have to limit my categories,or evensub categories. I tend to have to much information for my paragraphs. It makes me feel more organized.
I have never really run into a problem when writing a paper. Ideas for my paper always come right away to me as soon as I get the assignment. I have always used this method to write a paper it just comes fast to me in my head once I know the question I need to answer.
ReplyDeleteI did not struggle with this method at all.
I am going to try next time actually writing my ideas out more clearly onto paper so that i can have it organized the way I see it in my head incase I forget how I wanted it in my head.
Personally I find this method it much easier to draft a paper. This is because my mind is all over the place when it comes to certain topics. In using this method I can start in the middle if I want to and work backwards. Also one of the hardest things to do write is your thesis. This always causes me to have mental blocks. In using the inside out method you can find your thesis after a couple of paragraphs. You can see what direction your paper is heading in. No, I didn’t struggle because my mind starts the paper in the middle. Next time I use it I will use separate pieces a part for each paragraph so I won’t get stuck on a previous paragraph.
ReplyDeleteThis is Brian Kim. The inside out method helped me to start a paper easily. Usually, I try to write the thesis first then divide into categories, but this process takes a long time. Inside out method simply start with categories first, then by combining those, the thesis comes out. Although I didn’t struggle much using this method, it takes some thoughts and time to list them first. The next time I use this method, I would know what I am doing. I need to practice how to divide them into categories, pick the main points, and be aware of what I am trying to write about.
ReplyDeleteI think that the listing method made oraganizing me ideas a lot easier, and it was easier for me to just jot down ideas about the topic as they came. I usually just write my papers from beginning to end, and end up having to change my paper to fit my introduction and conclusion. This time I could change my introduction and conclusion to fit my paper. It was a lot less work.
ReplyDeleteThe only issue I had was that I felt like I left somethintg out, or that the first draft of the paper was incomplete. Maybe this was because I listed the ideas efficiently and it was easier to organize them instead of going back into my paper to change things oned it was written. I'm not sure but when rereading my draft it seemed complete.
In the future, I think im going to use the post-draft outline revision strategy and tailor it for prewriting. It just seemes logical to have a sentence by sentence outline of which paragraph is going to explain what and where it will go. Then re-organizing as necessary should be easier too.
The inside out drafting method allowed me to start wherever I wanted. This was helpful because I tend to struggle when it comes time to write the introduction without first putting some ideas down. Writing top-down method is harder because you know the information you have, but you don’t know where you want to place it.
ReplyDeleteI did struggle to use the inside-out method at first because it was new to me. I’ve never been taught anything like that before. It took some getting used to, but it was worth the little extra time it took.
I will pre-write a little more. This way I can just turn the ideas I have during pre-writing into paragraphs during my drafting. It will take less time while being more effective and efficient.
I have not used this method in writing my analysis paper yet as I am having a hard time pre-writing, however I have used the inside out method in other papers that I have written for psychology. The inside out method definitely made writing my paper a lot easier and a lot less stressful. I also noticed by using this method I accomplished my first draft in less time than I would have if I wrote the paper from top-down.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, this method was quite helpful I still struggled writing the first draft because I keep thinking my first draft has to be perfect. Instead of just writing my thoughts down and then leaving that paragraph I re-read it over and over again and stress how I can make it sound better.
The next time I use this method I will try not to concentrate on being perfect the first time around. I will try to spend less time writing my ideas down and spend more time revising them at the end.
This method of drafting allows me to focus my writing as well as it allows me to write freely.
ReplyDeleteI can focus my writing into a managable and organizable topic. I know what to write about and how much detail to go into. This means that I wont have to inflate or deflate ideas to fit into the paper. Each topic gets the correct ammount of attention.
In the sense that I can write freely I am only writing the first draft. This allows me to just write without fear of inperfection or complete clarity. I can just get my ideas out there. After I do that I can shuffle an re-shape them. That way good ideas aren't disregarded or limited n their potential.
These prewriting methods really opened up my eyes as to how easy and effective good prewriting is. I will be applying these techniques to my writing from here foreward.
The “Inside-Out” method of drafting allowed me to concentrate on one specific aspect of answering my research question at a time. In doing so, I was able to give more relevant details that supported my claims because only one topic was being touched upon at a time. I didn’t struggle with this method of writing, mostly because I have used it before. I never looked at it as an actual method of writing a paper, but when writing lengthy essays in high school, I essentially wrote them “inside-out.” I wouldn’t change anything about this method of writing, I think it’s effective and not only makes the paper easier to write, but also makes it a better paper.
ReplyDeleteThis method was a little weird for me to get use to at first. It made it easier for me to focus on one topic at a time. Therefore I think my body paragraphs are definitely stronger and have better detail.
ReplyDeleteI struggled at first but that was just because I wasn’t use to writing a draft this way. It took me a little bit of time to decide what details I wanted to focus on in each paragraph. I’m so used to writing an introduction first, but once I started I was fine.
I don’t think I will change anything about this method. It makes it very easy to write a good paper. I think I’ll be more comfortable next time I use it so it will be even easier for me.
One of my biggest flaws as a human being would be my inability to adjust easily to change. Therefore, I struggled with keeping on track with drafting my paper using this method. I think that my paper is a combination of starting off in the right path, but then resorting to old methods in the end. My paper may look a tad ADD due to this. I think I need to stick with the method and hopefully it will become a habit that I fall on every time I go to draft my papers. The ideas that I organized using this method did prove to make things smoother because I wasn't just staring blankly at a computer screen for ten hours waiting for a valid thought to pop into my head. It actually lessened my anxiety due to the fact that the skeleton of my paper had already been completed.
ReplyDeleteUsing this method of drafting I was able to make my papers easy to fallow. This method organizes your ideas without even realizing it. When you write your paper the wrong way you just write down whatever comes to mind. When you write like this your ideas tend to wonder away from the main idea. When this happens the reader gets lost and loses interest.
ReplyDeleteFor me the struggle was patience. Having the patience to take my time and do it right. When you do this you will see the difference in quality writing.
I don’t think I will modify the way I used it because it worked so well the first time but I believe if I continue to use it my writing will improve greatly.
I think inside-out writing was very effective for me. I wasn't as stressed out trying to make everything I wrote match my introduction. It was so much easier, not having to try and BS my way threw a paper when i got lost and confused.
ReplyDeleteIn the beggining I struggled with this method of writing. I struggled because my entire life I was taught a different way to write papers. I was always taught to write up down not inside out. So it was a difficult change at first because I felt like i was going out of order.
Next time I use this method I don't think I will modify or change it. I like the way I use it now and I find it very effective.
This method helped me write my paper faster but the only problem was is that it didn’t make any sense. Most of the times when I write papers I have to start with the introduction first if not it would be extremely hard for me to continue with the paper. I am used to writing out all of my topic sentences and feeding on the introduction to write out proper body paragraphs when I wrote this paper I finished it really quickly but the problem was it was well put together, it was what I call sloppy work. I struggled using this method because I am so used to using other methods for so long that when I tried this one I fail and my paper went no where. Now that I used the method I know that it does not work with me and that for me to write a successful paper I have to start with a prober introduction and have to end with a clean conclusion. I am glad I got to learn different methods of prewriting but unfortunately not all methods work for everyone and this one didn’t really have an impact on me.
ReplyDelete1) Inside out drafting is hard for me to grasp. I was never taught this method in high school, my teachers in fact, never even brought it up ever. This is the first class where I ever even realized that inside out drafting was an option. Inside out drafting helped me make my paper make more sense. I was actually proud of my work and i felt that it was more complete after I did the process myself that we went over in class. Doing the paragraphs separately helped me focus on one section of the paper instead of trying to remember what I wrote on the above pages. When the paragraphs are done separately there is no way that someone can mix up information or repeat it, which helps your paper in the end because it has a flow that makes sense and also makes it easier to read.
ReplyDelete2) I only struggled in the beginning because it was a whole new method of writing. Since I first started writing serious essays (more than 2 pages) back in the seventh grade I have been taught to pre write. But even after prewriting I would just take the information that I had and just put it into the essay wherever I felt it would fit. So basically I need to work on breaking old habits because I have gotten so acclimated to the top down method that I don't even realize I am doing it anymore.
3) Now that I am getting more comfortable with the inside out method I will become better and better at it. With papers that I have been writing recently for other classes I have been just experimenting and fiddling around with the inside out method. Since my other teachers aren't looking for it I would do half of the paper my way and maybe a couple of paragraphs with the inside out method. As you may guess that came back to bite me real fast. So as I progress through my college career and I keep on writing more and more essays I can see myself being very efficient at writing essays and or anything else I need to complete. Hopefully eventually I wont even realize I am using the inside out method and it will become a habit like the top down method has become. I plan to eventually just drop the top down method and eventually replace it with the inside out method.