Monday, October 19, 2009

B&S Week 7: Reading Strategies

This week, you read about a number of strategies for more effective reading. In class, we focused on and practiced one such method--annotation.

We said in class that the key to effective annotation is to think of it like conversing with the author. Hence, you are responding to the text the way you would in a face-to-face discussion. This is especially helpful in research situations, as the author's ideas can help you answer your research question.

A way to visualize this is to think of your sources as people discussing your topic over dinner. You ask each the same question (your research question), and they then respond with answers (the sources). Not all of the answers will be the same. Often, you will have to decide which answers make sense to you and which you find problematic. In doing so, you should be able to develop what you see as YOUR answer.

Your paper then becomes your response to these people. Annotation is the first step; it allows you to start forming your response to each source and, hence, how each source can be used in your paper.

With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:

  1. What reading method(s) have you used to comprehend and use complex texts (books, articles, essays, websites, etc.) in the past? Have they been effective? Why or why not?
  2. In your past experiences, what have you found challenging about incorporating research into your writing?
  3. How did using annotation in class make reading complex material easier for you? What did you difficult about using this method?


  1. 1) The method I use to use was highlighting everything I thought was important. The only problem with that is I would almost completely highlight everything. So with this they haven't been to effective. The method i did made me have to read whatever it was that I was getting my information from at least 3 times to fully analyze and contrast a good paragraph. 2) I found that realizing what others wrote and what you want to write kind of comes out the same. So my biggest challenge is taking my information and put it with the authors information. Trying not to quote or basically say the same thing the writer has just said. 3) My biggest difficulty with this method is that i have to realize that I cant just highlight everything i see. I have to actually think of questions to ask myself about what the author is trying to say and write my own comment's on the writing. Annotation made me realize that with using this method makes you have more information for your paper opposed to just reading and writing your paper.

  2. In the past as Mr. Snow pointed out in class, I have always highlighted things. I have always liked this method and it has worked fine for me. I always have a hard time reading things that are not very interesting to me highlighting or not. If I am researching something "boring" then I really struggle with remembering what research I have done and what to put in the actual paper. The annotation method is also difficult for me bec first of all I do not like to write things in books its easier to highlight and second Its hard regardless to write on something you do not find at all interesting.
