We said in class that the key to effective annotation is to think of it like conversing with the author. Hence, you are responding to the text the way you would in a face-to-face discussion. This is especially helpful in research situations, as the author's ideas can help you answer your research question.
A way to visualize this is to think of your sources as people discussing your topic over dinner. You ask each the same question (your research question), and they then respond with answers (the sources). Not all of the answers will be the same. Often, you will have to decide which answers make sense to you and which you find problematic. In doing so, you should be able to develop what you see as YOUR answer.
Your paper then becomes your response to these people. Annotation is the first step; it allows you to start forming your response to each source and, hence, how each source can be used in your paper.
With this in mind, please answer the following in your comment:
- What reading method(s) have you used to comprehend and use complex texts (books, articles, essays, websites, etc.) in the past? Have they been effective? Why or why not?
- In your past experiences, what have you found challenging about incorporating research into your writing?
- How did using annotation in class make reading complex material easier for you? What did you difficult about using this method?
In the past, the reading method I have employed is usually just re-reading. If I find a text to be hard to comprehend I read it once to get a general idea of what the text is about. After the first read, I go back and focus in on what exactly the writer is trying to portray in the text. This method has been effective for the most part because I'm not overwhelming myself. If I don't comprehend the text the first time I don't worry about it and just go back and try it again.
ReplyDeleteIn past experiences, I have found it hard to incorporate research into my writing because I might know what I want in my paper but not know how to write it other than how I read it. For example, if there was a part in a source that I wanted to use in my paper it's hard to reword what I want to use, and sometimes it just isn't the right place to put in a quote, especially when I want to re-write certain parts of the quote.
Using annotation made reading complex material easier for me because I would annotate on the entire work but make emphasis on the key events and details. The difficulty I found in using this method is determining what is most important and when to leave the unecessary junk out of it.
I haven’t been using any special reading methods as of late. I read from beginning to end in most cases. If I need to find out a word or phases means in a document, I go find out what it means. If I can’t, I look at how it is used in the document, and try to figure it out from what is there. In most cases, this method has worked for me. I hope to learn more reading methods, so I can better enjoy reading.
ReplyDeleteIn past experiences, incorporating research into my writing has been a bit challenging. I have a habit accidentally making a story into a report if I decide to put research into it. I feel a little railroaded when I try to put in some real world facts into a story. I try to stick with fantasy when I write a story to prevent that habit.
When ever I red things I do a number of things. First I read through a section or chapter once. Then I go back and reread any part that I don’t get. If something really confuses me I’ll go back right after I read it and try to slowly tare it apart to comprehend it. Sometimes ill even have to go back further in the chapter and read from further back. I also use this method when I zone out when I read something boring.
ReplyDeleteThe only problem I have ever had incorporating research into a paper is to find facts that flow. Sometimes it is hard to use more than one source and find facts that will fit together in one paper. Also trying to make sure that one source doesn’t dominate the paper. The other issue that arises sometimes is trying to balance out facts looked up and personal knowledge. Sometimes research papers can turn out to be a regurgitation of accumulated facts and less of a paper.
The methods for annotation in class make reading complex materials easier for a few reasons. It made it easier to break down the complex materials by looking at the obvious facts. It also trained my mind not to try and look for hidden things that don’t exist.
When I read I usually go through the text, then when I'm done, I will reread the parts that I did not fully comprehend the first time around. Another thing I do is when I read I always visualize the story in my head. This helps me understand the story better. I think that almost everyone does this, because I believe that these methods of reading complex texts are very effective.
ReplyDeleteI find that when incorporating research into my writing, the hardest thing is putting it in the right spots in the paper, so it will flow correctly.
Annotation made reading easier for me because it helped me understand the story better. This is because I was able to sort of "break down" the text into what was most important in the story. This will make it easier to develop a well written paper based on what is important the story.
I don't tend to use any other method of reading other than reading. Sometimes i reread things but thats about it. Some people take notes but i don't cause i feel that it mixes me up and i usually forget everything. Rereading though can be a very useful tool it helps in many way. Rereading can help to get rid of long sentences, run on sentences, clarity and much more.
ReplyDeleteWhen i usually incorporate research into my paper it tends to lack useful information. Mostly because i don't take my time to do it i do it to get it done. Also i feel that if i take to much information that i will end up plagiarizing on accident.
Annotation makes it much easier when reading complex material because it lets you look at the passage as a whole. Plus you find key events instead of non-sense which i don't need. Annotation makes my notes a lot neater also because I'm only writing down important events not the non-sense that gets scribbled.
In the past I havent used any special method of reading I would just read and understand what I could but if somthing really doesnt make sense ill go back and re read it just so I can get the point. If I really dont understand somthing i could have to read it several times slowly but if I really dont get it at all I will just not read it or ask someone what it means and try to get help understanding what I was reading.
ReplyDeleteThe only problem i would have with incorperating research into my paper was using transitions to move smoothly through my paper with good information to. It is also hard sometimes to find good facts to put into a paragraph to get the correct length and support your thesis.
Annotating while reading is very helpful because it really helps you focus on the things you need to focus on in the paper and see how good it is rather than focusing on the negative. This also helps the writer develop the strong points of the paper and try to eliminate the unnecessary.
1)I have only really just read a book or what ever and If I didn’t understand something then I would re-read or look up any thing that I didn’t understand. Its been effective to where I understand what that word or what that statement meant. 2) I really haven’t had problems incorporating research into my papers if any thing it the easy part of writing a paper. 3.) Annotation makes it easier by simplifying the passage or article and focusing on the key information and not the list of non details
ReplyDeletewhen ever i read a complex book essay i usually reread or take side notes. It is a lot easier that way with the side notes making it easier to find and understand. the only hard part i find with including research is building the idea of the paper into it. Making the ideas flow through the paper properly. With using annotation was hard for me only because finding what was the most important and what was least important.
ReplyDeleteWhenever i am reading something to get information out of it i usually take notes and highlight important facts or ideas.
ReplyDeleteHowever in the past it has been difficult to incorperate what i read into my wirting because i usually skim through text book and often time miss an improtand idea.I somtimes dont have a full understanding of what it was the author was tryin to say. This causes me more work inthe end because i usually have to o back and reread it several more times before i undertstand everything.
I found that annotation is helpfull because it makes you stay with the authors thoughts. It allows u to keep track of important ideas in the topic sentences. finally and most helpful to me, it allows you to write any questions of thoughts about what is being said at any point of the text.
When reading I usually read the item several times. This way I can get the points of the item and maybe pick up on something I may have missed. It has been very effective for me. I am able to pick up on the details and understand them more the second or third time around. By understanding the end point the author is trying to make helps me understand earlier details in the item.
ReplyDeleteThe challenges I have found with putting research in my paper is citing them properly. Knowing that fine line between citing and plagerizing.
I have not used annotation much. Therefore until I give the process more practice I cannot give an educated opinion on it. That would be like trying a new sport or activity once and not knowing all of the aspects of it and saying you do not like it. Everything deserves a few attempts before you could give your thoughts on wether you like it or not.
Depending on what I am reading determines my style of reading. If I am reading a story or a novel I tend to read quicker and not take time to understand somethings I dont understand. When reading a news artcle, or something I am a little more interested in learning about, I will pay more attention to details and try to comprehend things more thouroughly.
ReplyDeleteIn the past I have found challenges in incorporationg research into my writing. First off, I always have trouble citing correctly. Also I dont always know where to put research information in my writing when trying to support an idea.
I liked how in class you said annotating is like talking to the writing. I feel that annotating allows you to take in information alot better. Also it keeps from getting side tracked while reading and I know i often have problems with getting side tracked while reading something that doesn't interest me.
In the past I suppose I use the same methods most do, or I'd imagine anyway. I read, sometimes re-read, and other times re-read again. I take some notes on what I feel are key points, but moreover, truly try to retain what the author is trying to say. I do this for each consecutive read, and compare each of the perspectives in my own head, consequently filtering out what I feel is legit and what is bullshit. Have they been effective? Absolutely. Of course, I had little choice but to make my methods effective, or I wouldn't have been successful. I'm not entirely sure it's the most efficient manor, as I frequently have to re-read things multiple times. Especially when fatigued, and being the type of person that tends to burn the candle at both ends, am no stranger to fatigue!
ReplyDeleteIn the past I think the most difficult, or rather the most annoying, part of incorporating my research into my writing is doing the citing properly. For some reason that I find that to be a pain in the ass; probably just because I feel I'm being forced to do it in a manor of someone else’s choosing. I guess I don't do conform. lol.
Doing the annotation method in the reading in class really did seem to help trim the fat away. I wasn't trying to read every word, and instead was more able to just see the facts and points that mattered. So I guess it works! I didn't really find anything difficult about using the method, ... maybe that means I'm not doing it right? Haha I dunno, it seems pretty straight forward.
In the past I have used part of the annotation method when reading books. I try to take the time to figure out words i dont understand. I also write notes on the side of the margin or on a piece of paper.
ReplyDeleteThe thing I've found most challenging when researching is to cut the material down that i have used from sources. I usually tend to take to much information from the sources which takes away from my paper.
Annotation makes understanding words you don't know easier and also helps with the content. By writing notes in the margin your brainstorming ideas. which can help later when you start your paper. By circling or marking where the author's opinion's are you have a good idea why the other is writing that book , article etc. I find nothing about this method difficult.
I would underline text and key phrases in the past to help me understand text. this has worked but not to the fullest, some times i dont understand what im underlining but i know its important.
ReplyDeletefinding the proper area to research can be hard to do. there are many catigorys and sub catigorys that i would get tied up in.
The annotation made it easyer to understand what each artical was talking about. annotation also helped me to ask more questions based on information that require more reasearch.
When i researched topics i usually wrote some notes down about anything i thought i would want to use in my paper. If it was an article i had printed, i would underline, highlight, and circle anything i wanted to stick out. They were effective, they helped me make the points i wanted to in papers. However, sometimes since i just pointed out things, i would have to reread.
ReplyDeleteIn my past writings the only problems i usually found about incorporating the info was where to, and how to incorporate it. Depending on the topic, sometimes i felt like i was writing too much on a certain subject, or too little.
The method we used in class was fairly similar to the things i had already done. It involved a little more work, such as the outline. But in the end i suppose that will make finding my info easier.
Usually when I read a text, I have to do it a certain way, or else I cannot retain all of the information that I read. First, I skim the piece, then go back through and take notes at the parts that I did not fully understand. Lastly, I go through and do my best to comprehend all of the things that did not make sense the first time around. If this means doing further research to get my puzzle pieces to fit, so be it. I think that it is so important to fully understand what you are reading, and of course this will lead to better long term knowledge.
ReplyDeleteIncorporating research into my writing has always been difficult for me because I am in the habit of doing this last. Then, I usually find that I have too long a paragraph, which leads to a lot of frustration.
Annotation method makes the reading process so much easier because you can break down each part of the paper, step by step, and fully understand it. It allows you a checklist, so that you will not miss any of the important details. I think that this method has always been very useful in the past.
I find that the easiest way is just to read the article a few times and take notes on specific details that make up that article.this is the most effective way for me to comprehend because when I see the information over and over it becomes clearer as the paper goes on.
ReplyDeleteI would say that the bigest challenge is finding credible information on the subject. If I do not find any details I usually try to bullshit my way through it until it sounds good.
Annotation is what I usually use I just did not know what it was called I thought I was just being an overachiever.This process was no struggle to me because I was used to it.
In the past the only reading method I basically used was would have to be rereading the essay, article, book, ect. It actually has been affective for me. Well when I don’t understand what I have read the first time I just reread and then most of the time I can comprehend what it is saying. Incorporating research into my writing has been hard for me because sometimes I just don’t know where to begin. Research for me is harder than any other essay paper. Research sometimes you just don’t know exactly where you want the quote or information either. For one annotation made me understand what I was reading so I understand it better. It also made it so I simplified the passage instead of making it difficult. Making notes in the margin I believe will really help me because I will understand the passage better and remember what I read. No, I really don’t think anything in this annotation is difficult.
ReplyDeleteThe method i choose to use was normally rereading or reading the words around what i couldn't comprehend to make sense of it. But normally i just use the words around the complexity i am faced with to explain the what i am confused with to me. I personally would say it has been quite effective due to the fact I haven't really had a problem comprehending reading complex reading material.
ReplyDeleteIn the past i have had a hard time adding information that i have researched into my paper because I sometimes struggle finding valid information that supports my idea. I sometimes add information that is unrelated to what I am talking about and can sometimes get off topic on the useless information.
I enjoyed annotation because when reading the information we could just jot down notes and could just go back to it during later work when details are needed. I could also go back and see where i was confused and use a dictionary to find a word i may have been confused on to tie a sentence together or go back to a phrase and reread it to further understand it
I guess one method that I use would be just reading and re-reading. I would do this until I understand what I am reading. The method is usually effective for me. If I slow down my reading during my re-read process, that's when it works best. If the text is just too difficult to understand to begin with, then I am most likely stuck.
ReplyDeleteIt depends on what it is I'm writing about. If I'm writing about something that I don't enjoy or know nothing about, then it is more difficult to incorporate information from my research. If it is something that I want to do or know something about, then it is much easier and enjoyable.
Using annotation made reading a bit easier. I think trying to understand the message the author is trying to send in each paragragh can be kind of difficult, but overall, much easier.
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ReplyDeleteI have used several reading techniques for complex texts. I have used several forms of active reading, where I highlight the important terms and ideas. This is somewhat effective but there are times when you forget the reason why you highlighted the sentence as to if it was for an idea or for an important term. It became somewhat confusing. Another form of active reading that I have used in the past is writing in the margins. I found this to be very effective. The reason that I found it so effective is because you could put your thoughts down on the paper and when you go back to look at it, you can remember exactly what you were thinking.
ReplyDeleteThe most challenging part about incorporating your research into your writing is the way you word it and explain what you are trying to show by using your research.
Using annotation helped with complex reading because you look at each thing seperately. This may require reading the text more than once but in the long run will help you out alot with understanding the text and the points that your research is proving for you.
In past experiences when reading a piece it's alot easier for me to read then to actually comprehend and understanding what the writer was trying to present. I'll usually have to reread a paragraph or two after reading the whole piece through. This makes it alot easier so i can understand exactly what the writer is trying to express. This especially goes for complex writing such as when I'm reading for my electronics or digital classes because there are many complex objects and phrases that are referred to that don't make sense to me the first time i read through the text. This process is just sometimes time consuming, so it's not as effective as other methods i have learned this year.
ReplyDeleteWhen writing a research paper i think it is much easier then writing anything else because all the information is right the for you to find. The only trouble that comes out of the process is trying to fit all the information together with a flowing manner. I think research papers are one of the easiest things to write.
With the annotation metthod it makes everything easier from collecting information to piece the information together. The method even helps out the reader to understand to piece or pieces they are reading. By going through the text first and finding words or phrases you don't understand and finding their meaning it helps you understand the whole piece hell of alot better. This is definately a method I'll be using more often for alot of other classes other then english.
I've always used a type of annotation when utilizing research for papers. In highschool, we called it "active reading," and had to use it for pieces of literature such as "Hamlet" and "Romeo and Juliet" in order to comprehend the complex language that was used.
ReplyDeleteI find annotation to be a very helpful tool when writing a research paper. It helps you to identify important points in each article and it also makes prewriting a lot easier.
In the past when I've read I usually had a dictionary on me, in case I came across some unknown vocabulary, because I hate reading something I don't fully comprehend. Also, if I don't understand something I would go back and read it again or ask someone who had already read for information. I believe my method is effective for me because it helps me to be 100 percent sure I am getting all of my facts straight.
ReplyDeleteIncorporating research into my writing has been difficult in the past because I used to be a bit more unorganized with my information and didn't really know where to place certain information in my writing.
Annotation made reading complex material easier because it helps to break down the most important information and decipher which details were less important.